Shang thought that assumption to be stupid, but he could see where they were coming from.
Yes, the barbarians were very simple-minded, almost like beasts. They even lived in tribes and just followed the strongest one blindly.
"So, you think that the barbarians' minds become more similar to beasts," Shang said.
"Correct," George said. "We don't know it yet, which is why we are running the tests. Some deaths or some heightened aggression would be acceptable, in my opinion, but decreasing the warrior's intelligence would not make them stronger but weaker."
"They wouldn't even be able to create any sort of True Path, which would force them to follow the barbarian path to the end, which means they will just become beasts. That's not our goal. We want warriors."
"I see where you're coming from," Shang said, "but I really doubt that side effect actually exists. I've been using that technique for ten years, and I haven't changed."
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