Rubbing his eyes to be sure he was seeing what he was seeing thing clearly Zeph staired at the metal trash can lids in the Xo's and senior instructor's hands while wondering where the other cadet recruits were at.
"Good morning Cadet Demonbane. If you and recruit Carota would please take these trashcan lids, and follow us to the male, and female barracks respectively, we need to give your fellow recruits their wakeup call."
"Good morning, Sir. I take it you want us to bang them together while yelling something about getting their lazy butts out of bed until everyone wakes up. If I might suggest something, I could use the fact that as a Level One Administrator I can ask the main AI of the building to assist us in this task."
"Cadet Demonbane, back in my day they just pulled the fire alarm, but with how everything is all connected these days doing so would get us in hot water with the fire department, and cause problems in the operations of the HQ as a whole. But if you can so something that will get them all up, and out of bed, and into the gym faster than banging two trashcan lids while running down the hallway, I will get you three an iced coffee to help you wake up on our way to the gym."
"I will take a caramel one Commissioner Vaughn, and you might just want to take your time making the stairs to the Academy's floor. I am probably going to need to apologize to any of the instructors that were already on the floor, as I was only able to limit the scope to the entire floor. I guess it will make it a more realistic event it they are not in on it or spared the noise just because they are in the instructor's lounge."
"Do I dare ask what method you are using cadet?"
"Just making use of the building's emergency alarm system's ability to conduct drills. I am essentially running an evacuation drill that is only being conducted on the academy floor of this building. It was super easy to do. The building's main AI is quite good, all I really had to do was ask it in the right way and tell it that I wanted it to set the gym as the rally point for the evac drill. It did offer to pop the fire suppression sprinklers in just the barracks, but I thought while that would defiantly get them out of bed rather fast, it would case a few problems. The building's AI will send a program that will allow you to conduct the same drill again at any time with the ability to set what floor, or floors will be a part of the drill to include even the ES floors, to your work station terminal Commissioner. I would have had to abuse my authority to be able to give the building's AI the authorization necessary to send it directly to your VGPIINNC."
**Meanwhile on the Academy Floor**
*Errrnt, Errnt, Errnt*
"Evacuation! Evacuation! All personal Need to evacuate to the academy gymnasium at this time. "
*Errrnt, Errnt, Errnt*
"This is an Evacuation Drill. Please proceed the the designated rally point in the academy gymnasium at this time. You have five minuets to reach the rally point before the lockdown procedure for escaped Nephilim inmate is tested as part of this drill."
*Errrnt, Errnt, Errnt*
The harsh loud alarm blared out of every speaker located on the Academy's floor at a ear piercing volume. By the second errnt even the heaviest sleepers were wide awake, and scrambling to get their shoes on as it was standard practice for those in the barracks to sleep in their exercise uniform as there was eventually no privacy to be had in those large mostly open rooms. Many of them had emergency drills as children while attending public schools, so they were all to familiar with the sound of the alarm. Most of them calmed down some once the alert system announced it was only a drill until it added the line about the lockdown procedure. Even the handful of instructors that had been relaxing in their lounge awaiting the chaos that would ensue once the Xo had his fun waking up all the recruits, made sure to go to the gym as instructed. Though one of them had to take time to grab a spare uniform top out of their locker. Instructor Mc Leon was just glad he had chosen to drink iced coffee instead of hot, when he ended up spilling it all over Rana Babblefish who was one of the female instructors assigned to this cycle.
When the doors automatically closed, and locked Zeph, Sonya, and Laxana could all be seen sipping bottles of iced coffee next to the Xo, and Senior Instructor Westnight. Even the instructors were glaring at them as they just stood there sipping on iced coffee like the evacuation drill had nothing to do with them.
"Cadet Demonbane how many are we missing?"
"Three sir. Two recruits, and one instructor. The lockdown will end after one minute. It was only to test that system, and give you a chance to identify those that failed the drill."
"Not bad, there is always one or two that happen to be in the restroom, or somehow manage to sleep through my trashcan lid banging. Where are those three located at the moment?"
"The two recruits are in the hallway between two of the barrier doors that closed. Both of them are females that are assigned to the barracks that is the furthest from this gym. if I had to guess they would have made it had they been given a few more seconds. As for the instructor, she is in a washroom, or not on the floor currently as she is not showing up on any camera feeds that I can access through the building's main AI for this floor."
"Okay everyone good morning go ahead an find yourself a spot on the floor with enough space around you to move about without striking someone accidentally. If you have not guessed already we will be starting your training now. Well once the two recruits that did not quite make it in time get here. The drill was part of your training, you could say as it is always a good idea to have surprise drills, and we honestly were overdue to test the system, so I do have to thank Cadet Demonbane for the idea to use it instead of the normal trash can lid banging to wake you all up. The good thing is you will have a slightly shorter training day today. Well most of you Cadet Demonbane will have to still go through a full twelve hours of training. Did you read over the documents is sent you Cadet?"
"Sir, I have a basic understanding of the Standards for Patrol and Interrogation of Suspects of this division, but I may not be a complete expert on the subject yet."
"As long as you understand most of what was in that guidebook you should be fine for now. It was mostly me making sure that you had some knowledge of it, as you may be pulled away from the others at any point during training today, and the class room portion of today has to do with contact with civilians during a patrol assignment."
"Now that everyone is here we will begin with a few light stretches, before doing a little sprinting to get the blood flowing, and to help our slower recruits run a little faster. Thankfully that was only a drill, had there been a real fire, or suspect escape you might not have been so lucky. As for our late Instructor her pay will be docked one hundred credits."
"Let's start by raising our arms slowly towards the celling. and arching our backs as we raise up onto our tip toes. Now hold that position for the count of ten."
"Next reach down, and try to touch your toes while only bending at the waist. Hold, two, three. Again. Hold, two, three. Now reach behind you an grasp your right foot with your left hand while standing on your left foot. Pull it up towards you back until you fell the slightest amount of pressure in your knee, and hold for a ten count before repeating with the opposite leg, and hand."
The stretches and warm up exercises continued for another ten minuets before senior instructor Westnight had all of the recruits line up on one side of the gym. One at a time he had them sprint across the full length of the gymnasium, back to the end of the line, until all fifty-one of them had made four laps. After they were done it was onto three sets of twenty-five pushups, and three sets of fifty sit-ups. with the following half hour being filled with instruction on how to properly use the exercise and weightlifting equipment that could be found along the back wall in between the to locker room doors. The last thing they were told before leaving the gym was that each of them had a locker that had already been assigned to them in the appropriate locker room, and that it would be good to keep a spare exercise, and standard uniform in there at all times. Using the fact that Cadet Demonbane and recruit Kaineko were in their standard duty uniform as a prime example of why it was a good idea to do so. Once they were all given a moment to get a bottle of water from the prepared ice chest on the way out it was onto the main classroom.
Twenty minutes into the lesson on how to talk to and approach civilians while out on patrol an announcement came out of the speaker system used for alarms, and internal communication in the building.
"Please excuse the interruption, but there has been a minor incident that requires one of the recruits in this cycle immediate attention due to the nature of the incident. Cadet Zeph Demonbane, please report to interrogation room N one at once. This is an urgent matter so please use the in HQ telapod system to respond as soon as possible."
"Get going Cadet if they are calling you it is a Black Badge level problem. Otherwise they would not drag you out of class."