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40% Assassin's Creed Valhalla / Chapter 2: Kjotve's attack

Capítulo 2: Kjotve's attack

I was young when it happened, not even a teen yet, not old enough to drink the ale my fellow friends and family had the pleasures of. I mean, to be honest, my age was probably shown as I rummaged through the wooden box at the foot of the bed, the fur of my cloak tickling my neck and cheek as I tilted my head as I observed the belongings in the box.

I was enjoying the peace to myself when i broke into a smile, the glint of the metal caught my eye, the gift in which my father had told me to bring to the feast. I outstretched my small hand, being a girl, it wasn't that big anyways, not in comparison to the male inhabitants. I held it up in the light "There you are" I exclaimed, I thought I'd never find it, thank Odin I did.

I stood up, bracelet clasped in my small gentle fist and surveyed the surroundings, I could hear the bustle of talk beyond the wooden doors and I was nervous yet excited all the same, it seemed, from what I could hear, the drinks had already been served. But that's what I loved, the environment, the people, this room. For those were the few components making this my home. The place I belonged. I knew that, deep in my bones I could feel it as I looked around the spacious room, I'd never seen so many shields in one place, lest it was that of a battlefield. The fur rugs on the floor of dead animals, expertly hunted by my people, I walked over to one and ran my hand across it gently, they were majestic animals, a shame they had to be hunted, most of them were mostly wolves, or bears, but the one slung around my shoulder, the one that tickled my cheek ever so slightly earlier, was that of a fox. I loved the way it looked, the white bristles of its fur slowly fading into the deep red that the animal was known for, it fastened around my collarbones with a leather buckle, the white fox's tail hanging down to my stomach.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, the candles in the room gave it a lovely scent, better to mask the smell of dead animals and dried blood on swords and the sweat gathered in the bedsheets from restless nights, better to please the guests with the soft glow the flickering flame have off, I could still smell if of course, I was accustomed to it by now, though it didn't bother me, for it was home.

I could hear the voices behind the closed wooden door quieten down, perhaps something was happening. With a straight face I walked to the door and swung it open as far as I could.

Of course, naturally with it being a feast the first thing I saw was the clumsiness that only belonged to the men, the drinkers, one stumbled over the thick red rug laid down the centre of the room, narrowly missing the wooden table assembled for the serving of drinks. I could hear my name being called out, so I looked away from the distraction. "Eivor, here's a tune for you! One to liven your step..." He said, he turned on his heel and began playing the lyre in his arms, I recognized the man as Skald, he was friendly enough at times, a friend I might say, though I could barely recognise if he was drunk or not.

The tune was most joyful, though I didn't mind it any attention as I made my way forward to the man who was holding someone up in his arms, it seemed he was drunk to the point of collapsing, I could barely retain my laugh, men really should know how to hold their ale, if it were me, I'd win everyone in a contest. My eyes snapped up as the blonde haired man with the matching beard turned around. My father. "Ah, there you are, my little drengr." Varin turned to face me more and pushed the man away from him with a simple "Go" as the drunken tripped over his own feet. Varin sighed heavily, holding the wooden mug in his hands, he walked to my side, lowering himself a bit to my level. "So, did you see our king?" Varin questioned. I didn't speak, simply lifted my hand to point in front of me to the long table in front of me, I didn't see why words were necessary since that action alone granted me praise. "Yes, good. Come Eivor." The man grunted and sat down on one of the seats available, placing his hand on my shoulder, I grimaced as he asked me about the ring, if I had managed to acquire it. I held it up for Varin to see, never breaking my gaze from his, not even as I felt his large calloused and rough hand cover mine as his sight was transfixed on the metal I held. "Yes. for our little plan. When you see us talking, be quiet as a wood mouse and then surprise him with our gift." Varin whispered in a soft tone, talking slowly as to make sure I follow his instructions to the letter.

This time, my gaze did divert, to the ring holding my hand as my father cupped my hand to move the shiny ring. "And you hold it out like this and look him in the eyes and you say, "Styrbjorn King, may our clans be forever bonded in friendship and in love" he placed his hand on my shoulder once more. "You think you can do that for me?" He asked me. "Mm-hm" I hummed, in a rather optimistic tone, at least a hopeful one at that, for I hoped that I could do such a task, yet I never wavered as I nodded to my father. Varin squeezed my shoulder and continued on. "Good. Tonight, you will be the cord that unites out people. And I'm so proud of you, Eivor." He stood up, towering above me, holding both my shoulders, shaking me a little before pressing his fingertips to my chin to lift it, so I was smiling at him. He pressed a kiss to my head, the calm but happy tone of the lute once more becoming aware to me as Varin left me alone. I could hear him in the distance, telling his friend to stay up, no doubt referring to how much he'd drunk. With Olaf I didn't expect much different, especially not the excuse that came from his lips.

Young as I may be, perhaps not a true viking yet, not like my parents, I decided to join the festivities before my task at hand came, I walked a few steps, the red rug beneath my feet providing some comfort as I made my way to dance with two other people.

I could almost say I was enjoying the festival, as confused as I was by some of the rants by the drunken norse men, ones person was clear as ever, Sigurd, and he approached me at a run. Not something I was looking forward to. "O!" He said. "No drink in your fist?" He asked, knowing full well I probably wasn't allowed any. "Come on, I'll find you something" he cocked his head to the side as he began walking. I stood my ground, eyes following Sigurd as I spoke. "I can't. I have a tribute for your father." I held up the ring once again, Sigurd turning around to admire it. "O, what a piece! That must be worth two sturdy longships! Give it here, I'll pass it on" Sigurd reached out for the ring but I tilted my body, snatching the ring before he could grasp it. "My father asked me, Sigurd" I defended, holding the ring up and behind my head, avoiding the expectant hand. It wasn't long after I said that his hand dropped to his side in exasperation. "Suit yourself...But you're not getting any mead" I grimaced at him, he could be a bully at times, I wasn't sure if I like him yet.

Now, here's what I was talking about, an arm wrestle, I walked towards it, encouraged by the strength shown, the physical willpower, a bit of boasting never hurt anyone, I went over to them, as curious as I was. "When you speak with the king, hold it up to the light, show him the fine details" the dark haired man told me as he looked at me, clearly confident enough to not have to focus on the other man hunched over desperately trying to bring his opponents arm down to the table. Gunnar was strong though, his muscles burst through the plain cloth of his light armor. "See there? I etched his name in runes, on the outer bend. You'll show him?" Gunnar inquired hopefully. Another hum left my mouth, causing Gunnar to comment. "You are just like your father, little berserker! Skal to you" with that, Gunnar pushed the man's arm down to the table, it looked effortless, with his earlier wording of Skal, a norse woman in the crowd chanted Skal in return. "You see? She agrees" he exclaimed, the man behind him holding his bicep, no doubt it ached from that.

I smiled at that slightly, I wasn't overly amused, I followed the red rug to the right where Varin stood with my mother, his mug still in hand. Varin tapped on her back and her attention turned from her task to me. Varin walked towards me and ruffled my shortly cropped hair and nudged me to the side making me giggle before he walked off, leaving me to walk to my mother's side. "So, you have the ring? Good." Rosta said as I held it up for her to see. "This was worn by your grandfather in a battle of the northern way." She told me in her deep voice as she focused on the table. I glanced at the ring in both my hands. "Mother?" She walked past me hurriedly. "Yes?" She asked. "Can we show Sigurd the cairn stones we stacked yesterday?" Rosta looked at me momentarily. "That's a good idea. We'll do that in the morning, at first light." She said. My mother turned towards me, drawn by the drunken acts of men falling off the higher beams into a stack of pillows making fluff fly everywhere, getting a roar of approval from the crowd, my mother giggled, she had a beautiful soft laugh, one I wished to hear all the time. She cupped my hands gently "Now go. You have a gift to deliver" she said.

I looked up, I was glad my mother had turned me to the direction of the kind where my father waited with Sigurd's father, I fear I would have gotten lost with how many turns I had taken, but I could see my father's face, he stood out with the light blue tunic my father wore lit by the glow of candles. I looked carefully, I could see them talking. Now, was my time to deliver the gift, just as mother and father had told me so. I walked slowly to the table, hoping not to interrupt anything important. It seemed I did not walk slow enough for my father immediately saw me and held up his hand, instructing me to wait. "Skal to Styrbjorn, the true king of Rygjafylke! Tonight we are all made anew! Skal!" My father shouted loudly. The cheers before then hadn't been loud, they'd been a moderate cheer or tell from the odd drunk, but now in unison, cheering and chants, I only just heard Varins voice over the excited clans, beckoning me to him. "Eivor. Eivor, come"

My head hung low as I looked at the ring, but as I approached the kind, I looked up at him, confident, with the ring held in my palms, lifting it up into the light, just like Gunnar had suggested. "King..." He stepped closer to me. "May our clans be forever bonded in friendship and love." He crouched down with a happy sigh, kneeling onto one knee as he addressed me. "Thank you, Eivor. Now and forever, I am pledged to you" Styrbjorn chuckled, he took the gift with a happy glint in his eyes, he turned to my father, who looked as proud as he said he was. Styrbjorn stood as my father began beating his fist to his chest in a slow and steady rhythm. "Harken well in hall of kings..." He sang in a deep chant. I turned around and watched the exchange, norse soldiers in the crowd chanting slowly beside one another as Varin sang. "Hoo! Haa! Hoo! Ha!" I smiled to myself seeing Varin approach my mother, cupping her shoulders gently. "On ocean-steed, my words gain wings. Odin's mead, I forth will bring. For noble deeds, thine honor sing!" On the last part, the banging fists on tables sped up and the chant became quicker, norse folk attending the clam treaty now singing along with my father, their spirits raising. "The brave men slain, Valkyrjur wakes..." I gasped a bit as Varin made his way back to me and picked me up in his arms, grunting as the song went on. "Reward for strain to Valholl takes!" He raised his fist in the air, me being light enough for him to support me on his waist with one meaty arm. "Then horns resounds the might hall!" He placed me down on the table, feet resting in the fur of an animal, much softer and warmer than the rug I had walked upon earlier. "For those who fight, for those who fall..." My attention was immediately turned to the door which burst open, allowing a long gust of wind and snow to enter the building, my attention was not the only one drawn.

The horn sounded and a norse warrior shouted "we're under attack!" Varin instantly became tense and on guard, my heart quickened and I didn't know what to do. "Kjotve's clan!" The same norse warrior yelled. Varin immediately began calling orders. "Ready yourselves, men! Ah!" Rosta was at Varins side in an instant, he put his hand on her arm, speaking in a low voice. "Good Rosta, go. Not you, Eivor. Not just yet." Varin spoke to me, I stood on the table, the noise now filled with men ready to battle. I watched as my father pointed his finger at me, telling me to stay, I lifted my gaze to see the back of my mother's head. I jumped down off the table quickly, my feet making a dull thud against the floor, numerous men running out of the door in front of me. The chill breeze beginning to set in.

I approached the door slowly, I could feel my heartbeat in my mouth. Two men, that of different clans were grappling outside, fighting for their lives, for the honor of their clan, their name. I could hear the struggled grunts from the previously drunken men, perhaps that was part of the plan set in motion, the plan now unfolding before my eyes. An axe was lodged deep into the wooden door, the same which had been blown open, I reached up quickly for it and didn't see the threat that came my way, a fully armed soldier with a long sword coming towards me, screaming a cry of war, one longing for lust and blood. The man was cut down by my mother before he could scathe me. "Down!" She yelled, pulling me quickly to her side. She pulled me to a wooden carriage, lifting me up to place me inside, she had no time to stop as I watched in horror as another one of the men belonging to Kjotve's clan slammed a spear at my mother, she narrowly missed it, the metal arrowhead connecting with the floor by her foot as she side stepped. She thrust her weapon into the man's stomach, not much use having a helmet on with that fight if other areas weren't guarded. I closed my eyes, not watching to watch, but soon they opened, I was concerned for my mother's life, should be be injured, I'd need to know where she was, though, she was a successful Norse warrior, and fierce, especially with my father as her partner, I knew they wouldn't give up.

The man fought back, as I watched, hanging onto the edge of the wooden rail, wishing I could help. He pressed the length of his lower arm across Rosta's chest and pushed her back into the wall of the building, she grunted, reaching up to the torch that was held by a metal hook, she hit the bottom of the torch onto the solifers head, he fell sideways to the floor, spear still in hand as he groaned in pain. Another soldier saw the encounter, and a chance to strike, he lunged at her but she ducked his efforts, swinging her small handheld axe into his left calf, his torso flipping over her shoulder, the axe swiftly came up and stopped an advancing blade, the recoil sent her arm backwards so she brought her other one forwards, the flame of the torch colliding with the men's head, the metal bracket around the flame colliding with the man's helmet, that was bound to give him a headache if not killed later, or from the heavy blow itself. "Come, Eivor" my mother beckoned me, running to the place she hid me, I flipped my body over the side of the carriage and she hurled my over her shoulder, a scared cry leaving my lips. She ran past as much as the battle as she could, swinging her axe into one man who blocked her bath, he went limp immediately and she dropped me off over the wooden gate.

I jumped down and fell to my hands and knees, making a short attempt to crawl, my fingertips burning in the cold snow and ice, I stood up to see a horse rearing above me, I stumbled back as I stood, hearing it neigh and raised my hands above my head hoping for some protection. Without anymore time wasted, I felt hands on my hips, lifting me up onto the horses saddle, my feet quickly finding the stirrups. "Go. Now!" My mother's voice came urgently. "Ride, go." She could see I was panicking, not engaged with anything before me, the screech of a woman behind my mother drew her attention, and I knew she had to help. My mother jumped through the window of the house beside me, searching for the woman needing help, a soldier followed her in, an evil laugh leaving his throat as he rested his axe on the ledge to pull himself inside. I couldn't go, I couldn't ride, not knowing that my mother could be in danger. I looked down at the ground to see a sword on the ground, silver, with a handle pointed towards me, like it wanted me to pick it up, with a grunt I dropped from the horse and walked towards the sword. I reached the pommel with both my hands, attempting to pick it up, it dragged along the floor, making a deafening sound as the sharp blade dragged across the rocks. I couldn't pick it up, I had not trained for this, and my body could not find the will power, sidestepping and jumping lightly, I continued to drag the sword beside me, grunts leaving my mouth as I felt the force, the restraint of the heavy blade against my weak arms. I momentarily was distracted to my father, he took down an enemy clansmen with one swing as he crashed through the handmade gate I had just previously jumped off, shattering it to pieces. "Kjotve! Show yourself!" Varin yelled.

With a grunt, and my attention now focused on the window, I used the strength I could gather and brought the sword up, swinging it so that the blade now rest on the ledge of the window, the sharp blade pointed through it. The soldier, who'd spotted my mother and followed, fell back towards me, with a grunt he was impaled on the blade, barely by the time I had put it there, in shock, I let go of the blade and stepped back, the blade staying in place as it was now pierced through the man's body. The other soldier fought, he wielded two small axes, providing a challenge for Rosta, when he pushed her to the floor, I jumped through the window, ignoring the fact that the man I had killed was there. "Momma!" I screamed as I fell to my knees once I was inside. That was enough to draw the soldiers attention, and enough for my mother's hand to hold the pommel of the axe she had been desperately reaching for, and bringing it crashing into the man's helmet, a spray of blood leaving him as he grunted and fell.

Being in front of the door, I failed to notice the danger that could enter at any moment, I struggled as an arm grabbed me from behind, beginning to pull me outside, I gasped and fought back, I raised my first and quickly punched the man in the chin, my knuckles cracked as blood sprayed from the soldiers mouth as his head whipped back, I wasn't sure if I'd heard the air between my knuckles popping, or the breaking of bones, and now, I didn't care to find out. Out of nowhere, as thankful as I was, Sigurd came jumping through the door, swinging his long blade across the soldiers back, making him swing around, his grip released on my arm and I stepped back as Sigurd finished the job. I hugged Sigurd quickly after the man fell, his arms wrapped tightly around me in return.

As violently as we had killed them attackers, we still had honor. I turned to see my mother placing the falling man's axe onto his chest, crossing his arms over it. "Speak to Valhalla" she prayed, she looked up, startled at the shouts of fire when an arrow cane through, and I stopped, the little spark of fire was now inside the house where me, Sigurd and Rosta stood, and it began to grew. "Sigurd, take the horse" Rosta ordered and ran off immediately. Sigurd turned to me. "Alright, wait here." I of course didn't listen, I ran outside of the house, to the barrels just in front of it and crouched behind them, I looked to the side and my blood ran cold, my mother had just run onto the scene, looking at the battle before her, yet, the soldier behind her was fast, he ran behind her and placed the axe to her throat, with her aware of the danger, and the small dagger in his other hand, she could not fight, he dropped the dagger hand to the one where she held hers and pinned her arm back, so she was completely defenseless.

There was a ringing of the horn through the settlement again. And this time, late to Varins call, Kjotve was finally here. "Now it's my turn to offer you a deal, slave-whore." He grunted. "Accept your fate and die a coward, here before your people...and I will spare the rest." He spoke to varin. I could only watch and listen as I heard my mother reply. "Fight, my love! Do not listen!" Her voice filled with terror, scared for that of her husband's life. Varin looked around, there were tears in his eyes, his home was burning, and most of his people dead, I could see him considering it. "if I give my life. Will you spare my clan?" Varin asked. Kjotve stood behind him. "You have my word" he said to him, ignoring the screams still surrounding him. I looked to Rosta. "No. No, varin! No varin!" She pleaded, watching as her love dropped to one knee in front of Kjotve, offering himself. Her desperate pleas turned to even more as she struggled against the man holding her, I could see my father lay down his axe, with my mother pleading for him to pick it up. With one quick and swift movement, Kjotve swung his axe, it went straight through, and my first reaction was to run towards them, as my father's head fell to the floor detached from his body. "No!" I screamed. Rosta broke free from the man holding her, and ran towards her husband. The man grunted and drew back his arm, before I could comprehend what was happening, the rushing of metal through wind drew my attention.

The next thing I saw was my mother on her knees, an axe lodged deep into her back. She fell instantly onto her front, motionless next to her husband. "Kill them all!" Kjotve yelled to his remaining clan. I turned and ran, panting, scared, I heard the horse again and looked up, hearing hooves next to me, Sigurd. He held his hand down to me, and after a moment I grabbed it, being hauled on behind him, away from the dangers of the soldiers that tried to follow us, and the never ending rain of fire arrows. I could see Sigurd look behind us, to make sure that we weren't being chased, we weren't, and I wasn't sure if he had seen my parents dead bodies either, my hand was outstretched behind me, to my home, to my dead parents, to everything I was about to lose, yet I wished I could go back, but I knew we couldn't.

The arrows cane after us, the wind whistling as arrows struck the trees next to us. Sigurd looked back, and before he could focus on what lay in front of him, the horse collided into a soldier who stood in the snow, screaming, the horse fell sideways, knocked off balance, me and Sigurd unfortunately meeting a cliff, we both dropped into the rocks below, both going different directions, I was on my own, my shoulder, hip and leg and now back all immensely hurting from the bashing I took from the rocks. I winced in pain, bearing my teeth as my body collided with the frozen water below, the ice cracking from the height of my fall. I couldn't see clearly, my head hurt, and all I could see above me was the black if night merged with the soft glow of the northern lights, yet something moving disrupted it, I blinked, ignoring the searing pain in my head and focused on a raven, it's wings outstretched so beautifully as it flew above the danger. With that, I looked down, lifting my head slightly to see that the horse had also fallen down with me, and with a quick move of its head, stood up, with the crack I had caused and the weight of the horse, the ice broke, the horse beginning to sink as it neighed and no doubt kicked it's legs as it tried to fight the freezing cold water.

I watched as it quickly went under, and I was startled, I couldn't think straight, I shuffled backwards, my feet kicking at nothing to try and speed up the progress. I turned on my front, crawling towards an axe that lay on the ice, my body hurt like hell, in placed I did not know it could hurt, I only hoped that I could have been as strong as my father or as brave as my mother. As if not to make matters worse, before I could reach the axe, I felt something collide into my ribs, something moving, I grunted as the force made me roll over, I raised my head to see a wolf standing there. The wolf bit my leg and pulled me towards it, seeing I had tried to reach up and grab the axe once again. A strangled cry left my mouth as my hand still reached out above me. I struggled with the beast, it's teeth and jaw now latched onto my arm as it began to rag me about. It slammed me down against the ice, my small hands slapping and hitting at it with everything I could give, and then, the wolf's teeth were around my throat, my head colliding with the ice once more. I struggled away from the wolf, a cry came from above, the raven I had seen earlier, two of them flying at the wolf, allowing me to crawl to the axe, the ice broke beneath but I clung on, leaning forward I clasped the axe in my hand, grateful to feel the metal and swung my body around, arching the axe in the air, hitting the wolf mid jump, a whimper left it's form and it fell limp beside me.

I was safe. For now.

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