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One Week Left

"God Hand!!!"


"Ahhhhh!!!" Endou flew back and crashed into the tree. Isagi rushed to his side.

"You okay bro?" He asked fearing for the worst. Endou looked at him for a while. All of a sudden, he grinned the widest he ever grinned.

"I did it!!!!" Endou jumped up and shouted in excitement. Isagi chuckled and watched as Endou handed him his football.

"Again. I wanna see if I can do it again." Endou told him. Isagi nodded. Endou clapped his hands and looked at Isagi with a serious aura around him.

Isagi smirked. He set the football down and looked at Endou for confirmation. "I'm ready!" Endou shouted. Isagi nodded.

"Ego Shot!!! 10%!"


The ball shot towards Endou. Endou pulled back his right hand. He widened his eyes and gritted his teeth.

"God Hand!!!!" He shouted. He shot his hand out. A giant golden palm appeared in front of Endou's right hand. It had lightning crackling around it and it was half as tall as Endou was. The football hit the giant hand creating a shockwave around Endou.


"Ahhhhh!!!" Endou screamed and flew back. The golden hand disappeared. His back crashed into the tree. He grunted.

"You okay?" Isagi stood over him with his hand stretched out for Endou to grab. Endou grabbed it and Isagi pulled him up.

"I'm fine. So it's not a fluke! That's great!" Endou smiled and grabbed Isagi's ball. He gave it back to him.

"Now you have one of your grandpa's Hissatsu Techniques. I suggest that you practice with me so that we can improve the power of the God Hand. The stronger your Hissatsu is, the more powerful shots you can block." Isagi gave Endou advice. Endou nodded.

" What time do you train at the riverbank? " Endou asked.

" Right after I finished my homework. I Don't want to be lacking in class after all. " Isagi answered.

" I hate homework. " Endou grumbled.

" Who doesn't. Oh and by the way, if there is any chance that a nerd asks to join the Raimon Soccer Club, reject them and send their nerdy ass back to the Rocket science club. I don't care if the club is missing members or not, just reject them. Okay? You got it? Bye! " Isagi ran away before Endou could argue with him.

" Wait— Haaa... I'll ask him the reason next time we meet. But now I need to go home before Mom yells at me for coming home late again. " Endou then gathered his things and ran home.




One week later. Isagi was doubling his training intensity. He wanted to see how far he could go.

[Ego Shot (Adept) Lvl 20]

[Shooting (Intermediate) Lvl 1]

[Elastic Dribbling (Intermediate) Lvl 1]

[Sprinting (Intermediate) Lvl 1]

Isagi was proud about his progress. He looked at the Focus State perk. (Rewrote it into a perk)]

'When this skill combines with the Genius Perk. It boosts my skill improvement by 100%. This feels like cheating but I don't care, having the system is already a cheat.' Isagi thought and looked behind him.

"The kids and Endou aren't here yet. " Isagi muttered.


He kicked the football into the net. The ball spun on the net as if it was trying to escape but it failed. It dropped onto the ground and rolled out of the goal.

"Well. I can see the difference between adept and intermediate. When I shoot the ball normally it sounds like a gunshot not. Which means...." Isagi picked up the football and set it on the ground again.

"Ego Shot!!!" Isagi used his Hissatsu Technique.


When the football was fired, it felt like there was an explosion just occurred. The football crashed into the net and dropped onto the ground.

"My Hissatsu has gotten more potent." Isagi grinned maniacally.

"We're here!!" Isagi heard a childlike voice. He smiled. He picked up his football again and ran to the source of the noises.

"Yo, Isagi!" Endou grinned at him. Isagi smiled and they high fived each other.

"Hey Endou. Hello kids." Isagi greeted them joyfully.

"Hi, Isagi-nii!!" The group of kids greeted back enthusiastically. Isagi chuckled.

"Alright guys, let's warm up first! Then we can start practicing. Go go go!!" Endou ordered dramatically. The kids formed a wide circle and started counting from 1 to 8 while stretching.

"Endou. Do they not want to practice again?" Isagi asked while looking at the kids warming up. Endou sighed in disappointment.

"Yes. Why can't you just join? When are you going to join?" Endou asked him.

"When there's 10 people in the club and there's a match booked for the Raimon Soccer Club. If I join without nothing going on it would just be a waste of time." Isagi reasoned with Endou.

"Endou!! I'm here!!" Isagi and Endou looked at the newcomer. The person was a girl.

She has short dark green hair, wears a pink clip at the left side of her head, and has brownish-green eyes. That girl is Kino Aki, the first manager of The Raimon Soccer Club.

Kino is wearing an orange track suit with white stripes at each sleeve and a pair of white shoes.

"Ah! Kino! You're here!" Endou smiled and waved at her. Kino went down the stone steps that led to the soccer field. She looked at Isagi in confusion.

"Who are you?" She asked Isagi. Isagi looked at Endou and smirked. Endou grinned.

"This guy here is Isagi Yoichi! He says he wants to join the Raimon Soccer Club." Endou introduced and patted Isagi on the shoulder. Kino widened her eyes and looked at Isagi. She narrowed her eyes.

"Wait! Are you the guy from Team J10?! You're that Isagi?!" Kino pointed at Isagi in shock. Isagi chuckled.

"See Endou, i told you she'll recognize me immediately. Now pay up." Isagi held out his palm. Endou shrugged and gave Isagi 100 ¥.

Isagi put it in his pocket.

[Would you like to convert money to credits?]

'Yes. ' Isagi thought to himself.

[10 credits added. You have 310 credits]

"He's also in the same class as us. " Endou added. Kino's jaw dropped.

"How did I not notice you!" Kino asked herself. Isagi laughed.

" I'm known as the quiet kid in class. So of course you didn't notice me." Isagi then looked at Kino's black beady eyes.

"So do have posters of me above your bed? " Isagi asked suddenly with a mischievous grin.

" What? " Kino asked with a small tint of red on her cheeks.

"Nothing, cutie." Isagi looked at Endou.

"They're done warming up. Let's go." Isagi told Endou. Endou nodded and walked away with Isagi, leaving Kino to her own devices.

"Man he's weird." Kino giggled to herself. She watched as Endou and Isagi teaching the elementary school kids how to play soccer.



While Isagi was overseeing the kids playing 1v1, he saw two people walking on the side of the court. One was very tall and one was a dwarf.

But the most noticeable thing about them is they looked like thugs. Isagi narrowed his eyes. He looked up and saw a spiky light-blonde hair boy passing by the soccer field.

Isagi smirked.

'Seems like it's beginning already.....

To be continued....

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