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Capítulo 18: Chapter 18

Clark/Superman pov-mars

I was on the now not-so-barren Mars surface, I was making my way toward the nearest settlement of the Marith'rai where Kanjdoor coincidentally happened to reside, I soon arrived, and saw the Kanjdoor was there waiting outside.

Remembering the project I had in mind, I came towards Kanjdoor, who greeted me upon seeing me, "Hello Kal-El, I am surprised to see that you are here so soon, I thought Van-El was taking care of everything here?"

Remembering CW's departure from this reality and back to his own, I took a deep breath and said, "Van-El… will no longer be a part of this project or any other project for that matter."

He looked at me with a questioning gaze and said, "Is everything all right?"

I just shook my head and said, "It's… a long story, one that we don't have time for at the moment."

He seemed to accept that, and then I said, "There was one thing I wanted to talk to you about while I'm here, your younglings mentioned to Ry-El last time we were here, they mentioned your homeworld was destroyed by this… being for a lack of a better word to describe what it was, I would like to hear more about that being, it sounds like something that we should keep an eye out for."

Kanjdoor nodded his head and said, "Yes… of course, If you would follow me please…" he gestured with one of his upper hands for me to follow, so I did.

We went into a biodome, even though the planet was now had a much thicker atmosphere, and plant life was now starting to grow, it still did not produce enough oxygen for them to live on this planet 100% without the need for a Biodome.

We entered one of the rooms in the habitat, and it was my first time seeing the Marith'rai's way of leaving, their seats were pretty much what you'd expect from a nomadic people, pillows that are meant to be sat on crossed legged, as Kanjdoor sat down, he gestured for me to do the same, and I followed his lead.

We sat opposite each other, and he looked at me and started to say, "It was many generations before my hatching, our Homeworld was prosperous, our people thrived, there were no wars, no conflict, and we had achieved a utopia, but then he came to our homeworld, at first he offered us protection, but he did not specify from who, and he demanded tribute, a high tribute, one that we would not be willing to pay, so he in turn, raised our Homeworld to the ground, then proceeded to incinerate whatever was left."

I was amazed at that, and then asked, "What was he called?"

 He took a deep breath, and then said, "Our ancestors called him, "Galaxius, conqueror of worlds", after that, we were left with no other option other than being ravagers and space pirates and mercenaries in order to survive, we had survived for several generations, but we were starting to slowly die out, but now thanks to you, my people have found a new home."

As we were sitting there, I was thinking about the fact that I decided to make contact with this Galaxius and his army of Krulls, and I realized something important, I had well and truly fucked up.

I looked straight into Kanjdoor's eyes and asked him, "And what if had contacted him, in the hopes of making peace?"

He looked at me, his eyes going wide and he said, "You didn't…"

I hung my head low and said, "I did, before I made contact with you and your people I sent out a different scout out there, now I know it didn't actually make contact with him, but there is a high chance of it doing so in the future."

I raise my head back up and look at his face, and he just says, "Well then Kal El, I hope you managed to make peace with your gods because you will meet them sooner than you have thought."

I take what he said in and I say to him, "Not necessarily, what if I told you I could help out your entire species out of this situation?"

He looked at me with his head tilted to the side, and then said, "How do you plan on doing that?"

I look at him and then say, "Well, there is this project I was starting and I was planning on cluing you in on it, but now it seems to be necessary for your survival." And I then proceeded to let him in on the details of my plan, and after that, he asked, "And are you sure it will help us? It sounded like on your planet it was more of a detriment than a Boone."

I nod my head and say, "While it is true that on earth it became a problem, that was because it was given and ruled by corrupt individuals, and people didn't have accountability, but that is part of the efforts I'm dealing with on earth, here it will be different, for starters, you would all share the same abilities, and hopefully, that will help you evolve as a society, but one thing I do need, is a sample of your D.N.A. to make sure I can actually graft those abilities onto it."

He nodded his head and then opened up one of his arm sleeves to show me his armor-plated arm, and he showed me an opening between the plates, and in that opening, a vein, and said, "If you believe it can help us, do as you see fit."

I nod, and I take out a syringe I had on hand, I was actually planning on using it on Doppelganger but this was an opportunity I could not miss out on, so I said, "Thank you." As I plunged the syringe into his vein, then pulled it back up, and a red liquid came out, I looked at the syringe filled with blood and said to him, "I will be back with answers, I will not abandon you."

He nodded his head and said, "I believe you Kal-El." Then we both got up, and then he put his breathing apparatus back on and escorted me back out.

As I was clearing the colonies I looked back at him and nodded my head while saying, "Until we meet again." And I crouched down, and blasted off into space and after I reached Mars' orbit, I changed my direction back toward Earth.

I was aiming toward Justice Tower where they were still cleaning up after the whole soldier-boy debacle, and everything that went on with Batman… I didn't even want to think about all of that.

I arrived there shortly, and Doppelganger was still in his cell under power-suppressing cuffs, so he couldn't do anything to fool anybody.

I opened up his cell, and he looked at me with horror and I said to him, "It's time, the project I need help with? Starts now." As I walked closer to him, he started to back up to the wall, "Wait! Wait! What are going to do to me?" he asked, terrified especially since his back was now hitting the wall, and I said to him, "Oh… nothing that you should be worried about, after all, you let a senator fuck you in the ass." And I gave him a little love tap on the head and knocked him right out.

I then put him on my shoulder and took him with me to the roof, where I proceeded to fly off to the fortress for further analysis.

We arrived there later, and I needed to slow down since Doppelganger didn't have much in terms of superhuman resistance and I needed him alive.

We arrived there and he was still out, and entered the fortress, just then a scent assaulted my sense of smell, it smelled like hot shit, and it wafted all over the fortress, and I called out, "Kelex!" Kelex was quick to greet us by showing up and saying, "Ah master Kal-El, how may I be of assistance?"

I pinched my nose shot and asked it, "Kelex what in the great name of Rao is this smell?!"

"Well master Kal-El, it seems that the young canine you named Krypto had defecated in the fortress, and it seems that young Master Ry-El decided to try and incinerate it using his heat vision, but it backfired on him."

I tried not to throw up from the stench, and said, "Yeah no kidding," I then called out, "Ryan! Get here now!"

I wait a minute, and soon see him appearing, his head is low and he barely makes eye contact with me, and weakly asks, "Yes Uncle Kal?" just then he seems to noticed the knocked out Doppelganger on my shoulder, and asks, "Who is this?"

I give a quick look and says, "Oh nobody, just someone that is here to give a quick help."

"is he dead?" he asks in trepidation.

"No, just unconscious, we don't want him finding out where we live, but that is not important right now!"

I tried to take a deep breath to calm myself, but the stench still assaulted my senses, and I asked, "Did you try to incinerate Krypto's feces?"

He nodded his head shamefully, and then I calmed myself down a bit by reminding myself that he was a kid who didn't know any better, and then I told him, "Look, I appreciate you trying to take responsibility for that dog and clean up after him, but next time don't try to cheat using your powers to do so, and what made you think it was a good idea to use your heat vision to burn the feces?"

He just shrugged his head and said, "I dunno… I saw it in a cartoon once, and thought it would be a good idea…"

I hung my head low, and exhaled a massive amount of air through my mouth, reminding myself that once when I was a kid in my previous life I had a kite stuck in a tree, and I called the fire department because I saw on a cartoon by the name of fireman Sam, my dad almost had a heart attack when he and my mother had received a phone call when they were out and received a phone call from the fire department asking permission to take that kite down, for a price.

I hung my head low, then placed my free hand on his shoulder and said to him, "Look, buddy, I get it, but next time I want you to ask the drones for help, and while superpowers are cool and sometimes they can help out on stuff, but for the most part, you have to do things the old fashion way, got it?"

He nodded his head and said defeatedly, "Got it, Uncle Kal."

"Good, now go with one of the drones, they will help you clean up the mess." I then see him walking away with one of the drones following him with cleaning equipment.

I then turn and say aloud, "Kelex, have the medical wing prepped, and make sure the bed has restraining cuffs at the ready."

"Okay sir, understood." And it proceeded to fly off and prep the medical wing.

I soon made my way there and dropped Doppelganger on the bed and he was cuffed right away, simultaneously I pulled out the syringe I had filled up with the Marith'rai's D.N.A. and told Kelex, "I want to have a full D.N.A. analysis of this blood sample, understood?"

Kelex reached out a robotic arm and said, "Yes sir," as it took the blood and proceeded to take it to be analyzed.

Then I told him, "Now I want to start examining our new subject here, I want to run a full analysis on him, D.N.A., powers, and to see if we could duplicate any of his abilities onto another subject, perhaps even graft his powers onto another."

"Understood sir."

Then I pull out the screen showing the Marith'rai D.N.A. and I am shocked, it is very malleable, even more than human D.N.A. was in this reality, and I spoke up, "it seems that the Marith'rai D.N.A. is very malleable, enough that we could graft several abilities on its structure," I say, and then I am reminded of some of the supes I read up on in Vought's files, and then say to Kelex, "Kelex, please locate the supe named Mindstorm for me."

"Already done sir, he is in a forest not too far off from Maine, it seems that he isolated himself from the rest of society, and from his medical records he seems to be suffering from a human condition called bipolar disorder."

My brows rose up, and I said to myself, "A telepath in this world, yeah, can't blame him for developing bipolar disorder, give me his location, and if you have any lead on a telekinetic supe, I need it as well."

"Actually sir, there is one in the Shining Light Liberation Army, he is currently in hiding in the United States, but I can track his location for you."

As I hear those words, I am reminded of who he speaks of, Kenji Miyashiro, Kimiko's younger brother, he had destructive telekinetic abilities, enough to put Homelander on his knees, now Homelander was a weakling compared to me, but by the standards of this world? That is still impressive, and I say to Kelex, "Make sure to give me his exact coordinates, I'm going to need him."

"Understood sir." Was her only response, and then I saw Doppelganger's results coming on the screen, and it showed that basically when he shapeshifted, every cell in his body also changed, which you could imagine wasn't very pleasant, especially when you consider that humans D.N.A. wasn't very malleable compared to Marith'rai's, so this might be a better fit.

Now I see how I can graft it on the Marith'rai's D.N.A. in a way where it would be 100% hereditary, and then there are the telepathic abilities and telekinesis to take into account.

I hear groaning and turn around to see that Doppelganger had woken up, he looked around still very much disoriented, and asked me, "Where the fuck am I?"

I turn towards him and say, "someplace that we could do our project with no interruptions, and before you think about screaming, it is very remote out here, but don't worry, I have no intention of maiming you or hurting you for that matter, I just need you to help me understand something."

He was still getting his bearings as he was looking around at the med room in total confusion and asked, "Oh yeah? And what's that?"

"I'm going to need you to transform for me, think you can do that?"

"Well take off that damn power dampener and sure, I'll transform."

"Well then, it's a good thing I already did."

He looked down and saw that I was in fact I already did. Then he looked at me and asked, "Well then, who do you want me to imitate?"

I looked at him and said, "Surprise me."

He seemed to think about it for a moment, and then I saw him concentrating and his skin started to shift, all the while my microscopic vision was activated, I saw his cells in real-time, in the process of transforming, they were in constant movement, and then I temporarily shut off my microscopic vision and saw the end result.

I was looking at a spitting image of myself, it was a surreal experience, and then I hear him speak with my voice, and he asked, "So… what now? You want to have sex with yourself? I know some people who love doing this kind of thing…"

And that disgusting image brought ne straight back to reality, and I said, "Aaannnd we are back, no thanks, I'd rather not have the nightmares."

Then I went back to microscopic vision and saw that something in his cells was odd, it seemed they wanted to get back to their original state, but he was forcing them to stay that way, but wasn't showing any signs of discomfort, but I suspected it wouldn't be the case if he was kipping this shape for long, which explained why in season tow he said it hurt him to keep a certain shape for so long.

I turn off my microscopic vision and say, "You can stop now, turn back."; and he did so, and I started to type several things on the computer, and he asked me, "What are you doing?"

I half turn my head towards him and say, "Oh I'm just taking in some notes, this was very informative." I say to him, and he says, "Great, can I go now?"

I look at him, I smirk and say, "Sure thing, just one more thing." Then a drone flies closer to him and he yells out, "What the fuck!?"

"Oh don't worry, it's just so you won't remember any of this, just that you helped me out, and thanks to that, your sentence was reduced."

He looked at me and was about to comment, but the drone quickly injected him with a drug that knocked him out and wiped his memories from the last hour.

Then I sensed that the stench was gone, a clear sign that the drones cleaned up the burnt dog shit, and then I see him walking into the med wing, and he looked at me while speaking, "Uncle Kal? Where is the other you?"

I smile sadly, and I go and crouch down and put my hand on his shoulder as I look him in the eyes and say, "He went back to his universe, a breach opened up, and he took the chance, but he said to send you his love."

He took in that information, and then said, "Will we see him again?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I don't know buddy, the multiverse operates in mysterious and unpredictable ways, so there's no telling whether we'll see him or not."

He nods his head in understanding, but he does seem to be a little sad about that news, and then he gives me a tight hug, and starts to cry, in the last month that he was here, Ryan started to connect with him, as he was also mentoring him, and now he lost that.

I pat him on the back and say, "There there, I know it is sad, but he is home now, with his wife and kids, isn't that a good thing?"

He sniffs and then pulls back and I see him nodding, and then I say to him, "Hey listen, I have something to take care of, but how about later you and me will go out and have some fun huh?"

He looks at me, his eyes wide and he asks, "Really?"

I nod my head and say, "Yeah, really, just you and me, not as Superman and Superboy, just hanging out, would you like that?"

He nodded his head quickly and said, "Yeah!"

I smiled as I ruffled his hair and said, "Good, now, get ready, I'll go and take care of this first, and then afterward It's just you and me buddy."

He nodded his head, and super sped off of the medical room to his room, and in the meantime, I turned towards Doppelganger, I freed him from his restraints, but I put the power dampeners on him.

Then I walked with him to one of the ships and placed him there, I wanted to touch this person as little as possible, he was disgusting with his offers.

The ship started to slowly rise up from the ground and I made our way to Alcatraz, where they had been informed of our arrival beforehand, now it was just a matter of dropping him off over there, and simultaneously I sent a message to Bucher to take care about charging Doppelganger and to note that he did help me and that should reduce his sentence.

We were halfway across the ocean when I received a message from Kelex saying that Kimiko's brother was spotted not too far from San Francisco, it seemed that contrary to the original timeline, he didn't have any reason to go to New York first, I land my ship in Alcatraz, and two guards along with the warden step out to greet me.

"Superman! First of all let me tell you what an honor it is to have you here."

"Warden Chase! Been hearing good things so far, keep up the good work."

"thank you, sir, um…. We were informed of you bringing us a prisoner?"

I nod my head and say, "Yes, a moment please."

I fly over to my ship, and then I come out with Doppelganger hanging on my shoulder, then I place him down, and say to the warden, "He is going to be a little disoriented, make sure he knows that he did good on his part, and I'll see about getting his sentence reduced."

He looked at me and nodded his head saying, "Will do Superman."

I nod my head as well, and I say, "Gentlemen." And I go back to my ship and fly away to the location Kelex had fed to the ship control.

I quickly drop my ship on top of a rooftop, seeing as landing it in a back alley is way too stupid, then I press a button, there was something I decided to try, I've been working on it for a while now for this such occasion.

I see the plates on that ship start to change, and they start to disappear, it becomes semi-transparent, I got the idea for this after I examined Translucent D.N.A. and his ability to become essentially invisible, with the resources at my disposal it was not a big deal replicating the effect onto Kryptonian technology.

After it is concealed, I use my X-ray vision, just to make sure I can still see it, and I can, so with that in mind, I started to fly off, I hung in the air, and looked at the city, and I then caught a glimpse of something and directed my attention to it, and I zoomed in with my supervision, and then I saw him, it was Kenji Miyashiro, he was wearing his exact outfit from his brief appearance in the original timeline.

I saw that he was stepping out of a Japanese restaurant, he was looking around probably weary of somebody spotting him, a wise policy.

Too bad he didn't pay attention to what's above him.

I quickly swooped down from the sky, and grabbed him before he noticed, when he noticed, it was too late, we were already high above in the air, and he tried to use his telekinesis on me but he couldn't concentrate, as his fear was overwhelming his brain so his powers didn't work properly.

I did feel a little push though, so it probably kind of worked, at this point, I knew it would be too dangerous to put him on the ground in fear of collateral damage, so I held him by his jacket while both of us were in the air, and I spoke to him in Japanese as I was not sure if he spoke English or not, "Kenji San, (I do not want to hurt you, but if you won't stop struggling so much, I would have no other choice but to drop you!)"

He stopped at that and looked at the ground, and his eyes were wide, we were above the clouds, but you could still somewhat see the city below us, and then he looked me in the eyes and said, "(Ok, OK, I will not resist.)"

I nodded my head and said, "(I am glad we could reach an understanding.)" and then I started flying us down.

Eventually, we landed on the same rooftop as my ship was still on, of course only I could see it, as it was still cloaked.

My feet touched the ground, but I still held Kenji up and said to him, "(now, now, remember, I just want to talk, so no funny business…)"

He nodded his head in understanding and I placed him gently on the ground, he immediately crouched down, and was ready for an attack from me, but he didn't move, I guess he waited for me to make the first move, well, even if I would be attacking him, I could kill him in under a second, so before he would register that something is wrong, he would be lying dead on the ground.

But I just stood there, hands crossed behind my back, and he was confused about it, but I just said to him, "(Like I said Miyashiro San, I only wish to speak with you, but if you would not at least listen, I would have no choice but to eliminate you, and I would very much prefer not to…)"

He seemed to contemplate what I said to him, and then he changed his posture to a more relaxed position, one that he would not attack me outright at a moment's notice, but still would be quick enough to react to any normal speed of attack, I didn't told him it was futile, and said to him, "(Kenji Miyashiro, you were forcibly drafted into the ranks of the shining lights liberation army ranks as a young child, along with your older sister Kimiko, and judging by what I can pick up from your body scan, it seemed that the both of you had experimented using compound V.)"

He was quiet, and I continued, "(You should know that your sister is safe with us, now if you come with me, I can see some of those terror charges being dropped, and maybe even help you control your new-found abilities.)"

He then looked at me and asked in an aggressive tone, "(And why should I trust you? My village was destroyed by your kind, coming down from the sky and indiscriminately killing everybody on sight.)"

I didn't react, I remembered that painful detail, and after I checked, it was Homelander who did it, it was before I came to this world so it was too late for me to do anything about it, there was a suspicion of the village being a base for the shining light liberation army, and the U.S government didn't want to risk themselves by dealing with it, or even sending out a black ops team, so they secretly reached out to Vought, who sent out their big gun, Homelander to take care of it.

I look at him and say, "(I am sorry for what happened, I truly am, but I was not a part of this, and if you had followed the news, you would know that I am trying to fix this broken world, and rain in those wayward supes, but there is something that I could use your help with, and like I said, this could help you reduce your sentence, by a wide margin.)"

He seemed to contemplate that for a moment, and then he said, "(Ok, I will do it.)"

"(Great! Glad to hear it!)" I then tap on a button on my suit, and then my ship shimmers back to view.

Kenji of course is a little hesitant at seeing that, and I say to him, "(it's ok, I just had to put it on camouflage.)"

I then pull out a piece of cloth and give it to him and say, "(but I will going to need you to put this on your eyes.)" Now he is super hesitant and I say to him, "(It's either that, or I knock you out and you wake up after the process is done.)"

He of course agrees, and covers his eyes, then I take him onto the ship, and I help him sit down, and we start to fly off, but I don't go to my fortress immediately, I aim for Maine, more specifically the woods over there, I have a special serum at the ready.

I leave my ship in camo mode, and it hovers in the air, while I fly off, scanning the forest, and I locate him quickly enough.

He was in his cabin, alone, keeping to himself.

Now I could just leave him alone, but I needed him, and considering that he was somewhat responsible for Homelander being alive and the shit we had to deal with soldier boy, I don't particularly have any qualms about what I am about to do to him.

I am down there in a second, I inject him with the serum which quickly knocks him out, and I grab him and take him to the ship.

After he was well seated, I started to make my way to the fortress.

Soon enough we were there, and I landed the ship closer to the entrance, I then turned to Kenji and said to him, "(We are here Miyashiro San, you can take off your blindfold.)" and he did so, at first he had to blink several time as his eyes were now adjusting to the lights, and then he noticed Mindstorm in the other seat and I told him, "(Nothing to worry about, he is actually deserves far worse.)"

He was looking at me confused but just shrugged, then I also unstrapped him, and I quickly opened up the doors to take them inside the fortress.

As we stepped out, I quickly made our way to the med wind, where I placed the knocked-out Mindstorm on a bed and the restrainers popped on him, and Kenji hesitantly sat on the other bed, when he saw that it didn't restrain him, he visibly relaxed then one of the drones came in, and Kenji was visibly startled, but I quickly came over and said, "(it's ok Miyashiro San, they will not harm you, they wish to take a blood sample.)"

"(why?" he asked, all defensive.

I looked at him and said, "(That part, does not concern you, just know that while you are here, no harm will befall you.)" It seemed that he decided to trust me, as he relaxed, and took off his jacket to expose his arm and he signaled for me to take a blood sample.

At that, I could not let the drone do it, I had to do it by myself, so I felt around for a vain and found it on his arm, and as gently as possible, I put in the needle. Kenji of course flinched a little at the pain but didn't react otherwise, I quickly extracted some of his blood and gave the vile to a drone to take care of, then I turned back to Kenji, bowed my head in a show of respect and said to him, "Domo arigato Miyashiro san."

He weakly nodded his head and then rested his head a little to rest, I guess it was very tiring for him all the ordeal he went through today.

I let him be for now and directed my attention back to Mindstorm, the drone had already taken his blood, and I looked at the results of the D.N.A. tests on the board, and then I head all three D.N.A. samples I needed, and I started to place them on the Marith'rai D.N.A. structures, it took several tries, even with how malleable their D.N.A. was, but I managed to stabilize it, and then a new vile was produced, and it was glowing green.

I held it in my hand, and I looked at Kenji, and Mindstorm, and said to myself, "Thank you gentlemen for your contribution." I then take both of them and quickly take them back to the ship, and I make my way back, while Kenji I had to drop off at Alcatraz and fill out a lot of paperwork, Mindstorm was easier, I simply place him back in his place in the woods, and he would wake up, not knowing anything was done to him.

After I am done with all of that, I aim my ship back to Mars, all this process took about 23 hours without us noticing, and now I need to head back into space, fun…

It took me another 8 hours to arrive, and on my way to Mars something important occurred to me, there was something else I need to do so that the terraforming efforts wouldn't go in vain, I needed to seed the planet with fauna and flora, now the flora part we had started to work on, the Marith'rai had a few flora from their now long dead Homeworld that they had managed to save and bring with them on their ship, and the plan was that once the ground would be ready, we would start to plant them, put other flora was needed in order to diversify the plant life on this planet, and as for fauna, I saw that they had some sort of domesticated animal in one of their biodomes, probably the same as flora they had, but no predator, I didn't want to bring a big predator into the ecosystem right away as it would destroy our efforts, however, I could bring a small one, that would in time probably evolve into a bigger one, in order to fill that niche, and of course, the Martian seas, there was something evidently clear about it, there would be a high salinity in the water, as the Martian land had high concentration of it, so I needed to bring fish life that could handle it, and fresh water as well, so my only solution was to bring Euryhaline organisms such as salmon, Sturgeon, and even some pet store fish, 'I should probably start with those.' I said to myself as I started to make my descent toward the planet.

landed close to the colony, and I was greeted by Kanjdoor, who said, "Kal-El! I see that you have returned quickly. I hope you bear good news."

I smile, and nod my head as I show him the glowing green vile and say, "very good news, and I brought enough for everyone."

He nodded his head in approval and said, "Good, good, now let's go inside, I want to be the first with these new abilities." I nod my head, and I quickly follow him inside.

We get back to the same room, and I tell him, "look, this is based on some very wild theories, if it works it will yield great results, if not… I can't make any guarantees, are you sure you're ok going forward with this?"

He seems to take a deep breath and says, "If it will work, it will mean my people will get a fighting chance against Galxious, so yes, Kal-El, I am sure I want to do this."

I nodded my head and proceeded to inject him with the content of the vile.

At first, nothing seemed to happen, but then Kanjdoor seemed to be encased immediately in some sort of cocoon, I looked at the sight in shock, I was not expecting that, but probably should have given how much like insects their D.N.A. structure was, so this was probably how they evolved and adapted.

It was maybe 15 minutes after the chrysalis was formed when I heard it starting to crack open, and then it burst open with a gooey stinky yellow fluid of some sorts pouring out, and a new body soon fell out of it, but I was quick to go and catch him.

He was now lankier, his exoskeleton seemed to have retreated inside his body, and now green skin was covering it, his two sets of arms remained, all in all, he looked like the Martian from the animated movie, 'Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths'.

He looked at me, all confused, and in my mind, I heard his voice, all confused asking, 'Kal-El? Did it work?'

I gave him a big old smile and said to him, "Oh yes my friend, we did it, we had managed to evolve you into a new species."

I helped him stand up, and he looked at himself all confused and then asked this time with his actual vocals, "And what should we call ourselves now?"

I look at him, then at the planet that we are on, and I gesture towards it and say, "Well… how about… Martians?"

(A/N Hey there everyone, I am back with another chapter!

I am proud to say that I managed to make this one longer, I hope you enjoyed it, and some of you probably going to hate this twist in the end, but this is my story, so I simply don't care, unless you have some actually good ideas, I don't want to hear you bitching, and if you are going to say that you wouldn't write your fic that way, to that I say that nobody is forcing you to read this, and it is your God-given right to hate or like this, but if all you are going to do is complain and not do anything about it, you had forfeited that right.

For those of you who stayed for so long, I love you guys! You are giving me the energy to keep on writing!

If any one of you has any good ideas for the story, I would love to hear them in the comments, I do have ideas, but it is nice to know what you guys think.

Until next time, you guys are awesome!

Bookwormjohnny2 out!

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