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1.1% Becoming a Monster / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Merge

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1: The Merge

"Sigh...." A lone figure stood in the vast silence of the void, surrounded by scattered stars. Before him loomed a portal very similar to a black hole, yet instead of the never ending darkness, it revealed a planet similar to Earth. However, this Earth was peculiar; it displayed layers of translucent versions of itself, each stacked upon the original.

"I had hoped to give humans a chance… I never imagined they would wreak such havoc upon their own home!! At this rate, I'll be compelled to merge all the realms once more. Yet, I must accept responsibility for entrusting Earth's main core to humans. I was naive to believe they would pose the least threat to it, given the nature of the beings in the other realms…" The lone figure lamented, conflicted with the difficult decision he must make.

"Nevertheless, every form of life deserves an equal opportunity to thrive. Yet, if humans were to suddenly coexist with the beings from other realms, their extinction would be inevitable. I'll give them a chance to pave their own path at the very least." 

Finally making up his mind, he began to put his thoughts into action.

Present day earth 

As a young man rose from his bed, a groan slipped from his lips, his gaze drawn to the source of pain emanating from his bruised ribs. With no clothing obstructing his view, he was forced to remember being in the midst of dressing his wounds the previous night, only to fall asleep during the process. Upon closer examination, he realized the bruises weren't confined to just his ribs; multiple areas of his body were prone to the same injuries, accompanied by light cuts on his face.

His eyes scanned the room as he slipped out of bed, determined to avoid drawing any unnecessary attention. He could only hope that his roommates remained asleep, but it appeared luck wasn't on his side. Two figures stirred in their beds, while he was still unaware that the third bed was already vacant.

"Mmm?" Noah I see you're up…What? Another brawl with your gang buddies?" Haha!" The third roommate just so happened to emerge from the bathroom, his hair was still freshly wet from his morning shower. His medium length brown hair draped across his face before he casually swept them aside, revealing his strikingly handsome features. His cocky grin matched the playful disrespect he often directed at Noah, his words intended to tease Noah's bruised appearance.

Noah's brow furrowed at the mention of gangs. His mind raced back to the previous night's encounter, the sudden appearance of five "random" strangers on his way home. Normally he would've been prepared; it wasn't the first time he'd encountered such a suspicious group.

Comparing his first encounter with them, his most recent encounter was vastly different, no words were exchanged nor any attempt for Noah to run away. The entire exchange seemed to be rehearsed as the normally vocal group stared Noah down before rushing in his direction.


The sounds of a scuffle continued to fill the night's calm exterior, grunts filled in the spaces inbetween. Still, no words were uttered as the habitual routine of one figure fighting against many continued. 

Though he managed to land a few solid blows, for every punch he threw, he was met with a barrage of heavy fists, outnumbered and overpowered at every turn.

The hits that would normally force him into an unconscious state now were being met with a savage retaliation of a crazed beast. 

Knowing that he would be beaten to an almost crippled like state yet again, the crazed smile on Noah's face indicated how much he was enjoying the moment; a surprising contrast to before. 

The members attacking him could still remember their first bout with the estranged young man. They didn't understand the reasoning why they were paid to beat up such an individual but money talks with an ironclad fist. 

They assumed that this would be a causal beating like any other. Noah wasn't muscular at all while his posture visibly betrayed his low confidence. 

They began with threats and taunts, hoping to instill fear in their target. Yet, even faced with physical violence, Noah met them with an awkward smile, apologizing for being the cause of their anger.

Their first confrontation was unsettling to say the least. No matter how many times they mulled over the interaction, Noah's behavior remained unexplainable.

However, this didn't deter them from fulfilling their task as they dragged him away from prying eyes and cameras before unleashing their assault.

Their fists and stomps landed with brutal force, eliciting loud, pained grunts. Yet, time passed before they realized he never cried out. Not only did he endure the agony without shedding a tear, he made no attempt to fight back or flee. He simply submitted to their onslaught, curling into a ball to minimize the damage.

What they failed to understand was the depth of Noah's suffering, rooted in years of abuse inflicted by his own parents. From a young age, Noah was burdened with the weight of his parents' expectations, forced to meet impossibly high standards to maintain their family's facade of perfection. He was groomed to excel academically and present a flawless image to the world, all while his own desires and identity were suppressed beneath the weight of their demands.

However, his strained relationship with his parents didn't start that way. There was a time where he still could yearn for their love and approval, before an incident revolving around Noah happened that tarnished their public dignity. It was a turning point that marked the beginning of their manipulation and disregard for his well-being.

From that moment on, Noah was treated as nothing more than a pawn in their quest for social status. His parents prioritized appearances over his mental and emotional health, subjecting him to cruel punishments and forcing him to conform to their expectations. Whether it was wearing masks in public or enduring physical abuse, Noah's sense of self began to erode under the weight of their control.

This cycle persisted for years until a pivotal event triggered a drastic change in his personality.

The group of "thugs" inflicted worse beatings than his parents ever had. Their relentless attacks knew no bounds.

His parents would beat him, but they would always stop eventually without taking it too far. And yet the people before him didn't show signs of stopping their attacks. His submissive mind wavered, for the first time in his life, the pain suddenly felt real. 

He believed he was ready to embrace death, the emptiness in his eyes as he endured the aggressions spoke volumes of his lack of self-preservation. Yet, a flicker of life ignited within his eyes.

A silent switch flipped in his mind that fateful night, altering his entire demeanor. Instead of fear, a blazing fury consumed him; fury at the notion that his life was so utterly meaningless that even strangers dared to dictate its course.

The changes happened instantly as he grabbed a leg approaching his face before biting down with everything he had. 

Simultaneously, a piercing scream erupted from the leg's owner, accompanied by the metallic tang of blood flooding into his mouth.

The surge of pain he unleashed brought an unexpected wave of satisfaction to his estranged heart. In the heat of the moment, a grin involuntarily spread across his face, even as a fist collided with his jaw, forcing him to release his grip.

Another kick, another punch, the attacks forced his battered body to stagger over and over. His body behaved no different than a puppet, limited with no fluidity in his movements due to the damage he had already received and yet he struggled frantically to retaliate. 'Just one more time' he silently urged himself, as his desire to fight back overwhelmed his sense of pain and common sense. 

In the end, the "thugs" savagely beat Noah within an inch of his life, only realizing too late that they had gone too far. Their instructions were only to leave him with substantial bruising, perhaps a few broken bones; anything further would involve the police, a situation their employer would not find satisfactory.

However it was impossible for the police not to get involved, especially due to the poor condition he was left in. The broken bones needed immediate medical attention, the bruising clearly indicated that the wounds were caused by someone's fist. The hospital he was taken to were forced to call in the authorities given the fact that the boy was almost beaten to death. 

And yet when asked, Noah wouldn't diverge any information about his attackers. His mind didn't care that he almost died, he harbored no fear of a repeat attack, nor did he seek justice. In fact he secretly longed to have another opportunity to experience it again.

Since his recovery, at least once a week he would be involved in 'gang' violence, being attacked by people who wore masks that happened to always know when he left the safety of his residence.

In the back of his mind he always suspected that it was the three waste of air living with him selling him out, more specifically the one named Logan. Noah never bothered to get to know his roommates, but he was aware of the fact that Logan's company involved those they were more likely the source of his troubles.

Originally he was beaten everyday but the everyday occurrences were being extended due to Noah's extreme behavior. Even when outnumbered he would fight back with a savage retaliation. His barbaric tenacity was too much for the average gang to handle. Noah continued to be beaten into submission, but the opposers were left with little morale to continue the charade everyday. 

Like any depressed person, Noah found solace in escaping his bleak reality through the pages of fantasy novels. These stories offered him a glimmer of hope and became his sole source of joy in life. However, as Noah discovered the electrifying rush he felt during his fights, his anticipation for them grew stronger each day.

Yet when the people no longer were consistent with their days of showing up, he felt the need to blow off steam. This led to him being more proactive in the gym. Surprisingly he had even foregone most of his time reading to hit the weights. The fights were too exhilarating, the progress with each round of being attacked encouraged him to achieve a better physique. 

He was reminded of the protagonist in his stories who would always start off at ground zero before their strength surpassed everyone who wronged them. With this mindset, Noah eagerly anticipated the next attack, viewing it as an opportunity for growth.

When his physical condition was optimal, Noah would venture out into the night, ensuring his roommates were aware of his departure, eagerly awaiting the chance to satiate his newfound addiction.

Life like this went on for the remaining years of his college life. Today like any other day was no different, he was beaten up again the night before. However, unlike the gangs that had initially targeted him, the assailants now resembled seasoned thugs who were adept at handling themselves in a fight.

Back to present

Ignoring the empty words of ridicule, Noah still struggled to finish putting on his shirt, his expression twisted in pain. He mentally prepared himself for another round of endless ridicule before a voice that would become a nightmare for others but become Noah's salvation pierced the room. 


As quickly as the voice emerged, it vanished just as abruptly, leaving everyone, including Noah, puzzled about its intentions. Then, darkness enveloped everything, no one across the world was spared.

Amidst the darkness, Noah's attention was drawn to a bright light ahead, illuminating the empty space. Within that light stood a holographic projection of himself, gazing lifelessly in his direction. The replica was so uncannily lifelike and identical that Noah half-expected it to move on its own as he studied it more closely.

The avatar mirrored Noah's appearance perfectly: an above-average face with short, tousled jet-black hair, a few unruly bangs framing his forehead. Thin lips, a straight, refined nose, and sharp facial features completed the picture. While his face possessed a certain charm, it was Noah's newfound temperament that truly set him apart. Yet, despite his slightly above-average attractiveness, it was his lifeless hazel-like eyes that often caused others to distance away. Regardless of the emotion displayed on his face, his eyes always maintained the same dull expression, as if his soul was detached from this world.

In addition to his facial features, Noah possessed a well-developed body thanks to the years of working out. However, he viewed exercise more as a stress reliever than a passion, resulting in a lean physique with defined muscles but not a significant amount of mass.

As Noah observed his avatar, he was unexpectedly interrupted by a mechanical voice he wasn't anticipating.

"Greetings player! You will be guided on your first step of obtaining power. Here you will choose what route you would like to develop your power, otherwise known as your characters 'class'. You will then choose one beginner class skill alongside your class skill! You may begin! 

"This is it! This is it!" Noah exclaimed with enthusiasm, feeling a sense of anticipation for the future for the first time in his life. Having read numerous fantasy novels dealing with themes of transmigration, reincarnation, and the apocalypse, the current situation felt like a godsend to him, literally.

"If this is really happening…no..if what he said is actually true then does that mean we will have to experience an apocalypse?" Despite the grim implications of the question, Noah's rare smile betrayed his happiness, excited for the journey ahead.


As Noah approached his avatar, unsure of where to begin, information began to materialize in his mind. Options and descriptions of classes appeared before him.

Knight - Known for fighting up close and personal, proficient with various weapons but excels with the sword. Best attributes: well-rounded.

Rogue - Skilled in hit-and-run tactics, proficient with daggers, throwing items, and short swords. Best attributes: strength, agility, spirit.

Apprentice Mage - Specializes in long-range skills and various types of magic. Best attributes: magic and spirit.

There were a lot of classes to choose from but Noah only searched for a specific type of class. Out of all of the novels he read, there was only one type of role that suited him the most and that was being able to have contracted/bonded monsters. Looking through the list he found two classes that suited what he was looking for, since he was more interested in these classes he subconsciously focused on them more which to his surprise, more information began to surface. 

Arcanist - Utilizes mana to summon low-tier monsters for combat or support. Summoned creatures can only remain for short durations and are set to a fixed strength, growing stronger as the caster's level increases. They cannot level up independently from the user. As spirit increases, the Arcanist can perform higher-tier summons of various varieties. Best attributes: spirit; gains +1 magic and spirit per level.

Monster tamer-Fight alongside tamed beast/monsters. Tamers use skills to supply buffs to their monsters and help them become stronger. Monsters and tamers share experience while monsters have their own level system. Since monster and tamer share a connection, the tamer will be penalized if said monster dies. The degree of penalty differs per situation. Best attributes: vitality, agility and spirit. +1 spirit and vitality per level. 

As Noah scrolled through the options, his attention was drawn to the description of the Monster Tamer class. Reading through the details, he couldn't help but express his disappointment with the Summoner class.

"Tsk," Noah clicked his tongue in frustration. "Aren't summoners supposed to be able to summon permanent creatures? What the hell is this bullshit nerfing! So I'm basically left with only the tamer class… There's no way I'll try to become a summoner; it's too mana-focused, and having job classes implies there should also be monsters, right? I may even die before I can perform a summon in the middle of battle. Besides! What I really want is a companion I can trust…" Noah's eyes glazed over as he contemplated the loneliness he had endured until now.

Deciding to choose the Monster Tamer class, Noah received the class passive 'Monster Taming (Level 0),' along with an additional ability called 'Soul Cage (Level 0).' Monster Taming allowed him to tame monsters, relying on the strength of his willpower to dominate over the creatures he sought to tame. As this ability leveled up, he would gain the capacity to tame stronger monsters and provide them with benefits.

The added addition of Soul Cage supposedly allowed him to store his bonded creatures within his soul.

"Well, monster taming was kind of a given, but Soul Cage is a nice unexpected bonus. Now let's see what skill I should learn!" Noah's excitement waned slightly as he browsed through the available skills. It wasn't that the skills were inherently bad; he had learned from his previous experiences that skills could level up. What troubled him was the decision-making process.

Most of the skills he could choose from were geared towards benefiting his monsters. However, there were a few others that caught his eye. One active skill in particular stood out: "Analyze." With this skill, he could assess the best stats of monsters and their potential, which intrigued him greatly. Having the ability to identify the most suitable creature to tame as his first companion was invaluable.

However, there were two other skills that he deemed more important at this time.

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