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55% Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel / Chapter 42: Socialize? But I'm a Introvert...

Capítulo 42: Socialize? But I'm a Introvert...

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~


"When you're born that big an A-hole, at least you can do is have a little empathy."

-Wasp Rick


Anthony Stark P.O.V

While trying to synchronize the neuron link with the newest armor prototype I ask the annoyed face of Rhoades on the screen.

"Tell me again why you didn't fight with us against the invasion?" I already know the why but is my responsibility as a friend to rub salt in the wound.

"*Sigh* My superiors... have decided that in the case of... defeat. We couldn't lose all valuable personnel. And then... They changed my password to the hangar where the armor was stationed and put me on house arrest." Rhoades explains. His face is all I need to see to know how pissed is with this whole thing.

Basically, in the case of my eventual death(that will be most likely if we consider that they nuked the city), they don't want to lose my tech.

"So they confiscate your toy and grounded you?" I ask sarcastically. "Tell your mommy, the military, that daddy here give you that toy and she can't take it like that."

He sighs again and says. "At least they give it back, and now I'm putting people that I trust to guard the armor."

"Yeah yeah. You learned from your mistakes." I say while noticing that the prototype is not responding to the commands "Too bad you lose the chance to be part of the cool club." I turn to him lifting my shoulders.

"Now when you appear you will always be my sidekick, Armor Boy."

"This is not important! And is Iron Patriot now!" He says exasperated "Anyway, I called to ask how are you, Tony." Rhoades says looking at me seriously and I pause.

"Well... I'm a multibillionaire, the smartest man alive, an international superhero, something that you are not, and the most famous person on Earth. I'm very good, thank you for asking." I answer dismissively.

"Isn't Reed the smartest man alive?"

"He only has more P.H.D.s, he has no other feats to speak for." I answer quickly.

"And the most famous people are Captain America, Thor and Eidolon..." He continues

"They're just the novelty... They've appeared now and will be quickly forgotten." I roll my eyes, this guy looks like a dog with a bone.

I decide to change the subject. "I'm working on a way to remotely control my armor. This will allow me to bring it to me at any time, any place. When I finish, bring yours here, I will change it too. This way, you will never be grounded again." I say.

He looks at me and nods.

"Now I'm busy, bye." I don't wait for him to say anything else and end the call.

Reclining in my chair I take a deep breath.

I close my eyes, trying to relax.

But is useless and for an instant, I'm not on my tower anymore. For an instant I'm on a battlefield, battered, armorless, and powerless, the bodies of my fellow heroes scattered around, unmoving and lifeless.


I'm suffocating, my legs weak, the world spinning...

"...-y! Tony! Tony!"

With a scare and a gasp for air, I return to reality.

I'm back at my lab in Stark Tower.

Nothing changed, but the overwhelming feeling of helplessness and despair continues to weigh on my chest.

"Tony, are you alright?" I look at my side and see Pepper looking at me worriedly. Ugh, here we go again to another nagging talk.

"You scared me, I was resting..." I lie.

"I called you plenty of times. J.A.R.V.I.S even warned you that I arrived and you just stood there. And you were shaking..." She says checking on me.

"Just my body trying to find a good position to sleep."

"Sleeping thirty minutes now and then thirty minutes in four hours is not really sleeping, Tony." She says starting to get mad

Ugh... How do I explain this to her? She will not understand my worries and I also don't want to worry her too much. She already has enough on her plate taking care of the Stark Industry.

I need to work on my armors. I need to be ready next time.

And isn't that a terrifying thought? Next time... There will be a next time. I know it. I can feel it.

I always thought that I could easily solve most of the problems of the world if I put a little effort into them. I just never cared before.

I will be the first to admit that I'm a little of an arrogant guy, but I don't think it is unfounded. I'm smarter than most, richer than most, most handsome than most... So is not an exaggeration to say that I'm in the Top 1% of the world, right?

So I was very pleased with myself.

Well, till I received my first wake-up call when I was kidnapped by terrorists. At that moment I felt my mortality.

But at that time, I was not very worried about my life. I was more worried about my... legacy, maybe. The lives that I destroyed while getting rich. I never cared to think about that.

Meeting Yinsen changed that.

So I decided to prove to myself and to the world that I can do good too.

First, going to destroy all my weapons in the hands of terrorists, the more direct approach. And then change Stark Industries to something better, Out of the weapons business, the slow approach.

I thought that I'm finally on the right path.

That I'm finally making the world a better place. Found my call. My reason to be alive.

See? Tony Stark can do it if he wants.

I even boldly declared that I had "Privatized world peace".

And damn, I was wrong. Very WRONG.

My silence is urging Pepper to continue her nagging. But before she can go on, one of the holo-screens shows something interesting...

"... yesterday night, Eidolon saved eight people from a building in flames. The Fire Department declares that his efforts and his efficiency are praiseworthy. Now, stay with the footage." The news anchor speaks before the screen shows another scene.

By the shaking of the video, the footage was probably taken by a civilian with a phone.

There's a five-story Building being engulfed in flames from the ground floor to the top. It looks pretty bad... Even firefighters are having a hard time getting in.

And then he arrives.

Well, the person filming didn't capture Eidolon's arrival. It's night, and he wears black. But everyone "felt" it.

The air trembling, the sonic boom, his "I'm here" that reaches everyone's ears even if he is not shouting.

He just fucking drops from the sky directly onto the roof of the building. There is no noise of destruction, so he must have become intangible.

His entrance, for some reason, makes a sound, of him landing inside the building maybe.

Not a second passed before he arrived and a gust of wind extinguished the flames and then expelled all the smoke from the building. Like is being controlled, and probably is, the smoke goes to the sky spiraling and dispersing.

Sometime later, people start emerging from the entrance, and Eidolon phases through the wall carrying three people.

Slowly he descends to the ground and people just make their way to him.

Everyone is silent, even myself and I'm just watching through the screen.

Just a few seconds is all he needs to solve a crisis like that.

Can I deal with something like that? Absolutely. But he's just too fast and efficient.

The footage doesn't stop, it is possible to see Eidolon lowering a woman to the ground. People came out of his stupor and started cheering.

"She inhaled too much smoke..." Eidolon's voice echoes as he looks at the woman on the ground. A man who is probably her husband approaches her quickly and worriedly. "...This will be unpleasant." Eidolon says and extends his hand.

His hand remains a little above the woman's torso and he makes a pull motion.

Black smoke starts flowing from the woman's mouth and nose. And she starts to cough violently. Eidolon turns her around quickly and lets her cough on the ground as he pats her on the back.

Her face is full of tears and snot but she is alive.

"Damn..." I can't help but says. Did that guy have a solution to everything? I thought that I'm a prepared guy.

What convenient range of powers he has.

"I know, right?" Pepper says at my side, eyes glued to the screen. "I'm a big fan." She adds. Well, that's new.

"Hey! Why are you not my fan too?" I ask with fake outrage

She rolls her eyes and answers. "You know the thing about 'Never meet your heroes? Yeah, whatever good image you have out there, it was destroyed for me a long time ago."

Fair enough, I can concede on that.

To me, Eidolon is another wake-up call. There are people like that hidden on Earth, I remember Fury saying how I'm not the only superhero in the world. And there's a bigger universe out there.

But... Ugh. The Hulk I can understand. Gamma radiation, an unwilling monster created in a laboratory.

Thor is a shocker too. A literal god... In flesh. But I shrug it off later. A little fight and a talk with the guy show that he is like us. Just more powerful.

But Eidolon... I don't know, there is something scary about him.

I know of Magneto and other mutants... or metas-humans now. They exist for a long time. But at the same time, it looks so distant. Like they live in another reality. I've never seen a mutan-...meta-human in person before.

Whatever, I have some understanding of Thor. A god from another civilization, with no interest in doing something bad to Earth. Hulk is dangerous but I and Bruce are working on a way to take care of the Big Guy.

The Big Guy is manageable.

But I, and everyone else in the world, know nothing about Eidolon. He is not in Fury's database.

He just pops out of thin air. If the Invasion hadn't happened, the world would still be clueless about his existence. Hell, how many other meta are hidden out there?

A terrorist that is literally my weakness is already bad enough.

Well, although I don't like it, it's not that bad. The guy has done nothing to warrant of suspicion. He helped... a lot. Is at the same time good and comforting knowing that he has my back.

He is someone that I would call to a party.

"What is this folder titled 'Eidolon'?" I hear Pepper asking while she's already clicking on that folder without waiting for my response.

When she presses the holo table, many more holo screens appear in the air, showing footage of Eidolon in action.

"Oh~ So you're a fan too?" She asks teasing.

"Sort of..." I shrug

"Well, it's expected. After all, he saved your life." She says while rewatching Eidolon and Thor fight.

"Well, technically... Reed messed up in not taking into account the time needed to stabilize our atmosphere with the vacuum of space in closing the portal. So I would escape anyway." I say, but deep down I'm grateful for Eidolon's help. But I can't admit it, I have a image to maintain.

"Hmm? Is that so?" She looks at me unimpressed "And about shielding you and all of New York from the bomb?" she asks pointing to the screen where the enlarged Captain's shield is blocking the closing portal.

I have to admit, that's cool as hell. It appears that he has a similar power to the effects of the Pym particles. And isn't that a stab at Hank's professional pride? Haha.

I wonder how his power works. Did he transform energy into matter? Increasing the proportion of the object that he touches?

"Well... I'm the one that put the nuke on the portal. Did you miss that part?" I ask, making her roll her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah… You're my hero Tony. Just rest some point- Wow. Damn." She starts before interrupting herself after noticing another screen.

Oh. That one. This is one of those that really made me aware of the guy.

A tsunami in Indonesia. Last week.

The big wave is approaching the coast and then. Boom. A black object collides with the thing a hypersonic speed making the wave explode.

Even the water that starts pouring from the sky is blocked by a transparent shield.

These things... These displays of power are what is pushing me forward to improve my tech.

Him fighting against Thor is impressive, okay...

But we have no comparison to make. He and Thor looked unfazed while fighting, like everything, is a light spar.

But seeing the guy punching a tsunami. Huff...

I notice that Thor must have held himself back tremendously in our little misunderstanding at the beginning of the whole thing. When he wants to take Loki immediately and we blocked his path.

In hindsight, we should have let him take the bastard away.

"Yeah…'Wow.' You should be happy to know that early today he moved a ship that was blocking the Panama Canal. So the things that you bought on the internet must arrive on time." I say

"My hero..."

"Yeah, he just moved a ship weighing two hundred thousand tons. Just another normal day here with the supers." I say like is no big deal and watch Pepper's eyes widen.

That's the reaction that I need would come. I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one shocked by what that guy can do.

"Really wow..." she says "One more reason that you can rest. You're not alone on this Tony. This... whatever save-the-world-with-the-avengers thingie. There's no need for you to carry the world on your shoulders." She says and I do not need to answer because her phone beeps.

"Well, that's all of my break. I need to go back." She says moving towards the door "Seriously, rest. If not I will call Phil to tase you."

"His name is Agent" I shout to her disappearing back.

I can't rest.

It's only a matter of time until another threat appears. I know it.

There's another reason that Eidolon's appearance bothered me... deep down... I know that without him we would have lost.

He is not on the plan.

No one called him.

If he hadn't shown up... This total unexpected variable...

I almost don't want to think about that.

And if another variable appears next time. But this time on the other side?

I need to be prepared.


Third Person P.O.V.

Eidolon is in the middle of a building. Various criminals are being arrested by police officers.

Eidolon usually doesn't go out of his way to invade a criminal organization and destroy its business, but this is another special case.

This criminal organization works with human trafficking.

Investigating the disappearances reported by Luke Cage weeks ago Eidolon found this place.

Is not what he is looking for. The place that is attacking now is just the base of the shipping of women to be prostitutes in some places in Europe. Nothing like "kidnapping to make experiments" or something like that.

But obviously, he can't let this pass. So he stopped his investigation and is destroying the organization for now.

This is the fourth "seed" of the organization dismantled already. The last in America.

'The records of the criminal boss say that there's another client. This is probably who I'm looking for. But the place of the meeting changes every time...' Eidolon thinks 'You guys think that are so smart being cautious, but trying to be so secretive just brings attention even more, you know?'

He starts planning to investigate the places of the meeting and search for clues. After goin visit the rest of this Organization in Europe.

'I'm almost going to Jojo just for Moody Blues, but I have my ways...' While he thinks that something attracts his attention.

A criminal is on the ground crying and murmuring something

"Ugh... * Sob * I didn't know... * Sob * I thought that was... I thought that was just smuggling some things... * Sob *" The criminal looks like is a little over twenty years old.

Normally Eidolon would ignore this, thinking that is bullshit. But his powers tell him that the criminal is being truthful. He is not feeling bad for being caught, as is what happens with the majority of criminals. He apparently really doesn't know with he is working on.

Eidolon sighs in his mind. This is not the first time that something like that happens. Would be easy for him if every thug and hooligan was 100% evil. But real life is not like that.

True good people are rare, but equally rare are truly bad people.

A little mental inspection shows that this criminal in particular never hurt anyone, he just stays on guard and moves some things. He is working on this whole thing for eight months, maybe he has a backstory but Eidolon is nothing gonna pry on that.

Seeing the criminal being not so gently helped to his feet to be handcuffed, Eidolon steps forward and says.

"Hey, what's your name? Yeah, you." He repeats himself after the criminal appears surprised.

"C-Carl? I'm... I'm Carl!" The criminal says flustered. "Eidolon... please... I'm not a bad guy. I... I... I just wasn't Lucky." He says between sobs and hiccups.

"Well, Carl. I believe in you." Eidolon says seriously putting one hand on the criminal shoulder.

Carl looks up in surprise, even the cop who is holding his wrists raises his eyebrow.

"I understand very well that in life we ​​could make mistakes, and this one mistake doesn't necessarily define us and our morals." Eidolon says looking Carl in the eye.

"So E-Eidolon, could y-you he-"

"No, I can't." Eidolon interrupts putting a bucket of cold water into the criminal flame of hope. "You have to understand Carl..." Eidolon sighs before continuing.

"I can't help everyone... Many situations are out of my control. I wish I could help everyone, but it is simply not possible..." Eidolon says sadly " And if I need to choose, obviously I will put my efforts into defending the law-abiding citizen and innocent people, right? Like the girls that I just rescued today." He looks at Carl again and this time Carl looks ashamed of himself even more.

"The only person that could help you now Carl, is yourself." Eidolon pauses "Is that your first offense?" Eidolon asks

Carl nods. "Yes, that's the first time I'm going to jail."

"So maybe you will be released sooner than later and then... Is in your hands to do the right choices." Eidolon sighs again.

"I know that life is not easy and the world is far from an ideal place. Circumstances and temptations can make you do bad things. That is the way of the world now... But I'm going to change this Carl."

"I'm working had to make a world where the good guys win. Choose the right side next time. The winner side is no more the easier criminal life." Eidolon grasps Carl's shoulder a little more strongly "I believe in you."

Sending Carl off, Eidolon hopes that his little peppy talk changed that man's life.

"Carls" are more common than Eidolon would like them to be.

And like Eidolon said he can't help everyone. Well, maybe he can. But would be a herculean effort and is a trap that he already saw All Might falling for.

The system is flawed, and people have different opportunities. "People are not born qual" is the opening phrase of the manga Boku no Hero Academia. Hector's time there allowed him to learn some valuable lessons. If he wants he can literally make a better world by force, and drag civilization to progress kicking and screaming, but is not the right path.

People need to solve these issues by themselves. He can only guide and make sure that humanity doesn't screw up too badly.

Eidolon's hero activities are not just about saving people, even if this sums up 90% of his actions. Sometimes he cleans pollution, as an example, he tested the Sky Poison Pearl purification powers in a river full of toxic waste.

He didn't rid the river of the dirt but cleansed it from the rest poisonous things.

One of the nice things that he learned from All Might is not just about doing flashy hero work. A true hero helps even when no one is looking.

Eidolon in the shadows helps a lot too.

Like his little scheme with Saul.

Sending a message to Saul's phone, he passes all the information about Carl and today's case. He will make Saul work extra hard to release the guy, giving Carl his second chance. Will only depend on him after this.

Giving second chances to those that deserve them, monitoring the true bastards closely. Hector is using Saul's abilities to their fullest.

'Now, let's crash some rings of illegal sex labor... Where again? Turkey...' Eidolon thinks as he checks the documents he has seized.

Soaring to the sky he heads out to the main base of this whole criminal scheme.

Eidolon generally doesn't go out of his way to do these things, but...

If he starts helping, he is going all the way.


Somewhere in Turkey

Seeing Eidolon dropping off from the sky is not a daily occurrence for these parts. The pedestrians start pointing and taking out their smartphones to record him.

Eidolon ignores everything around him He doesn't waste time and kicks the entrance of the building, his aggressive stance shows to the people nearby that he means business and not the good kind. Everyone starts to move away and some even call the police (Useless because Eidolon already contacts them).

The thing about his big entrance is attracting the attention of the media because the police could be very well in the pockets of the criminals. He is gonna make a show and bring all involved to light.

And in this case, exposing people's bad deeds is a job to Anonymous, Hector another persona.

He is already uploading information on the internet.


"We are here where early this day Eidolon dismantled a big scheme of human trafficking to sexual exploitation. Right there, you all can see the involved being apprehended and the victim being escorted to safety personally by Eidolon." The camera shifts to film Eidolon standing overseeing the police doing their job.

"... I just received the information that the criminal activities, name of clients and other concrete proofs have been put on the internet. Many important people have their name on the list including politicians, celebrities and..." The reporter continues but Eidolon is not paying attention anymore.

After seeing the last criminal being put in the car, Eidolon turns to the victims.

"To those that have families waiting for them, please come with me. I will transport you guys personally to your homes." He says. Most parts of the victims are foreign, some are kidnapped, and others fell for the classic scam of a "Better life in another country".

"...I-I don't re-remember... where I come from... very well..." A little girl that is being hugged by an older teenager says shakily.

'An 11-year old...' Eidolon thinks darkly.

Bending down to eye level with the girl Eidolon says. "Don't worry, I'm a very good detective. I will find your family. Come with me." Opening a portal he waits for everyone to pass before one last look at the police officer overseeing the operation.

Early the police officers tried to prevent Eidolon from taking the victims but he is not having any of it.

The biggest patrons and customers of this whole thing are rich and influential people. He has no hope that these people we receive some big sanction. Even after releasing their information on the internet, public outrage can only go so far.

Their career and public image may have been destroyed but they will likely be let loose in no time.

But Eidolon has their names now.

He can always "suicide" them secretly.


Eidolon P.O.V.

197. That's the number of victims. 20 of those are men. Ages ranging between 10 and 17.

Apparently, the bastards are focused on satisfying the sick craving of pedophiles.

After taking the information of everyone and searching the mind of the ones that don't have a clear memory of their home. I also use Inuyashiki powers to cleanse them from any drug effects of permanent damage.

After this start sending everyone off, it takes a huge amount of time but is worth it.

After taking pictures and cataloging their information I finally can end the day.

I thought about letting the police handle the victims, but you never know if someone won't want to "erase some evidence". Is too many people involved and is already a big scandal, but someone, in particular, may want to cut his connection with this criminal organization killing one of the "workers".

And anyone would want to reunite with their family as fast as possible. So I'm helping them.

*Huff* This day sucks, the results are good but seeing the worst of humanity is always unpleasant. Let's go home too.


Hector P.O.V.

Midtown High, Lunch Break

Humming to myself as I ate my lunch. Or at least I pretend to eat my lunch.

I became picky with food after acquiring super-senses so I eat little food here in School and very quickly too. Some foods here taste like chemicals to me now.

I'm really considering in plant my own food on the farm that my grandpa arranged for me to buy.

Plus I'm already assimilating Homelander, so my super-senses are no longer a power I can deactivate so easily. Thankfully he has years of experience and I'm inheriting this. I'm assimilating Oden and Dark Danny too by the way.

Very low percentage of progress, but it's only been a week since Gacha, so it's okay.

Why I'm still attending school? Well, there are too many problems with using clones to take my place. And a side of me just wants to "enjoy" high school while I can. I have a melancholic thought some days ago...

While planning about possible trips to other universes I was reminded that the big works of fiction do not exist here. And I died(probably) without knowing how many things ended... Like One Piece, A Song of Ice and Fire and others.

Then I thought. Well, I can visit these worlds and watch first hand how things will turn out anyway, whatever.

But I will need to be a true spectator. Interfering with nothing. This will take some time because I want to "live" in these places too, so I will need to be very strong and accomplished to just go around to watch canon unfold.

Like I said before, this whole thing of being a superhero is not something that I want to do for the rest of my life. I don't want to grow old and still wear my mantle.

My objective here is to help the world a lot so that I can retire at most twenty years from now.

And then I will go live the wish-fulfillment life that I deserve.

Even I want to realize my fantasies.

Learn magic in Hogwarts... And bang some witches from there.

Travel as a pirate in One Piece... And bang Yamato.

Be a shinigami in Bleach... And bang Yoruichi.

Be a Pokemon Master... And bang Cynthia.

Priorities you know.

A man can dream.

I still have my list of "To do weeb things", but for now, I'm taking things seriously and growing in power. So I can't go use my travel tickets to bang my waifus.

But when I am Strong enough, I can go on vacation, right?

And that is the moment that the melancholic thought crossed my mind.

I asked myself... After everything... After Fighting so many crises, growing old... Will I still find it fun to go visit those worlds and fulfill my fantasies?

I will be... what? Thirty Years old? The thirty years old me will have the patience to play with an eleven-year-old brast in Hogwarts?

Growing is losing interest in certain things... You grow and see something that you loved as a child and realize that it's not just fun anymore. That hurts hard.

Maybe a should start taking vacations now. Sparingly, but frequently.

Heck, I want to be a student in U.A. in the Bnha World. And when I went there I speedrun everything. I don't regret it, but if I was strong, my stay there would be very different.

*Haah* Whatever, maybe there's a way to condition my brain to be more immature or something like that. Erase my memories for some time...

To enjoy the whole isekai experience or whatever.

! Wait a minute...

What if...

If I'm living exactly this at the moment???

What If I'm already a super powerful guy, and I erased my memories to enjoy an "isekai adventure in Marvel"?

Maybe I'm already traveled through a lot of fictional worlds.

Maybe I'm a clone... An extension of my true body that is right now banging many fictional girls.

Did I give the Essence to myself?

Maybe Shego is already my wife, and she just come with me through the Essence. With her memories erased too.

Maybe all the things that I gained through the Gacha are something I already acquired in my Omniversal travels to become Omnipotent.

Maybe I'm bored god that already lived for eons.

Is my Life True? These memories... Did I really have parents?

Did I kill them to them not to be in the way of my fun?

Uuuuggggh... I don't want to think about this. There's no point in it too. What can I do if my assumptions are correct? I will jsut live my life as always.

I shake my head and go focus on something else.

Let's go back to the present and stop questioning my existence. I will not receive an answer anyway.

As usual, I'm alone in the cafeteria. Holding a tablet in my hand as I multitask and study some subjects, but in truth, I use most of my focus to program some games.

Technopathy... So useful. I love it.

So I start to prepare to make my game company. Surprise, surprise Steam and Valve haven't been created yet. Hehe. Time to milk the nerds. This time I will be on the other side, Gabe.

I will create popular games from my last life. With low requirements to PC and then launch my company. I have already contacted the current owners of Counter-Strike 1.6.

The game is dying now, so the timing is good.

This timeline is strange. The year is 2004, but technology is already 10 years forward when compared with my other life. I can only attribute this to the many geniuses of this world.

Now is the time to take advantage of my future knowledge like every good isekai protagonist.

Portal, D.o.t.A, Lol, Minecraft, Among Us, Bioshock and Skyrim. Daddy here will bring you all to life. Yes, I will bring the Sus meme and the many Minecraft YouTubers to this world. I'm a hero or a villain? My morality is oscillating right now with this hard decision.

Heck, even Flappy Bird could be a huge hit and is so simple.

The best part about this whole thing is that I can do it all alone. I and my V.I. are enough to start this company. In the future obviously, I will hire workers, I can't keep making games by myself, or managing bugs and new patches.

I also want to give a chance to all software developers and game programmers of this world. I wonder how the new games will be made after I just drop a ton load of influence from my last life here. Maybe an even better storyline of God of War? Or of Devil May Cry?

The divergence in the path they will take excites me a little..

Another good thing is that I can start this all, but I don't need to be involved too much on the future. I could just "sell" to one of my summons in the future. Maybe I need a card from a secretary like Pepper Potts or a businessman like Luthor...

Hm~... Nah. I'm not summoning Luthor. He is too much of an egomaniac. And I want his brain from myself. His secretary would be good enough, Mercy Graves, right?

Whatever, If I gain a competent administrator I will summon him/her here. "Hector" is a young aspiring doctor and heir to a multimillionaire hospital conglomerate that is lucky and talented enough to do some good games as a hobby, that's all. His focus will be on other things. That's my story and profile, and I'm sticking with it.

I don't want Hector to be a celebrity. Not even in the geek social circle.

Hmm. I wonder how many companies in the world are secretly owned by immortal and ancient guys that have the same idea, like Vandal Savage in DC. Oil companies must be all secretly in the pockets of these old guys.

But I have no interest in owning companies that work with tech, pharmaceuticals, or any of these things that can attract government and military attention.

I'm aiming a little lower now, but I know it will pay off Int the future, Internet and Games/E-Sports Are very profitable industries in the Future. Even if it is looked down upon by the other mainstream entertainment industry.

On another note my training is going well, the many fighter geniuses that I assimilated make me learn things very fast.

But I just ran into a wall in my Nen training...


Little flashback

Going back to the living room of my house after teleporting away, I find isabella putting the cup of water that I asked for on the table.

"What were you doing?" Shego asks me and I lift my hand showing a leaf between my thumb and forefinger.

"A leaf? Is it some sort of magical leaf? Genetically modified weed?" Shego asks confused.

"It's just a normal leaf. But I need it for a test." I answer.

Putting the leaf on the cup full of water I sit and put my hands on the sides of the cup and start the Water Divination Test.

Focusing Nen on the cup I watch the changes. Shego and others at my side looking at it attentively too.

The leaf starts moving and shaking. "I'm a manipulator? Wait..." the moving is only the beginning The leaf starts to grow and release roots, growing and making other leaves too.

"So... What this means? Are you a Disney princess?" I hear Shego say at my side

"A Specialist..." I mutter to myself.

(A.N.: Fun fact I decide on the MC Nen Type based on Hisoka personality analysis. Hehe. The Mc is a specialist tending to Manipulator because he is "Independent and charismatic" and also "Logical and does things at his own pace.")

How the fuck Specialist make Nen moves again?


"How Specialists make Nen moves? I have no idea..." Uvogin answers my questions. I came looking for him. But I'm not truly here. This is only a projection. Yea, I can do things like that with a combination of many powers.

"Many Specialist just awaken their powers naturally... it's the normal method." He continues.

Hm. I remember that girl who can write the future, she is not a Nen combatant and don't appears to never have received any training. There are people like that too...

"When the power awakens, you can put restrictions on it to make stronger. Kuroro did that." Uvogin advises.

Yes, that is one of the methods of the Nen power System. The user itself chooses the restriction adn weakness of the power.

The stronger the restriction, the stronger the power will be.

"Okay… Thank you for you time." I say disappearing.

End of the Flashback


And now I'm here, waiting for my power to awaken. I'm not forcing anything, these things need to occur naturally.

Pitou is a Specialist too. She awakened her power because she wanted to "fix" Kaito to "play" with him again. So overwhelming desire for something can awaken a power too.

The bad thing about being a Specialist is that my Enhancer abilities are shit. With the whole compatibility thing.

But I have a huge amount of aura.

And I can gain an Enhancer in the future by Gacha. So I can bypass that limitations.

I'm waiting for Gon obviously.


I hear them coming before they are close. I can feel their aura, hear their heartbeat, and smell their characteristic scent. Look at me, feeling people's aura, I'm a fucking anime character.

Super-senses have their downsides though, I don't need to explain.

Hearing their food tray being placed on my formerly empty table I look up and see Peter, Ned and Gwen smiling at me.

"Sup" "Hi, Hector." Can we sit here?" The three of them say almost at the same time.

Looking at my empty table and the fact they're already sitting on it I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know why not."

Ned sits at my side, and the two lovebirds sit opposite us.

Some seconds later a fourth person put her tray on the table too.

"What? Are you guys monopolizing this table?" Michelle Jones asks when everyone looks at her.

I just shrug my shoulder and everyone welcomes her too.

" 'Molecular Mechanisms, The biochemistry of the gene and genome...' " Ned reads the title of the text on my tablet. "Are you really going to graduate early?" he asks

"Yep. Next semester." I simply say

"Cool." Ned adds, our interaction attracts the attention of others.

"Already studying the college grade and you're not even in." MJ2 says. That's it, that is her thing. She is a very caustic person, she doesn't mean anything by saying that, but she looks a little judgmental. I can ignore that, I survive Shego. But other people think that she is an annoying bitch.

I don't looking at her when I answer. "I know that I will pass, sincerely anyone on this table can already be in college. Not a big deal." And it's true. I think this table has more I.Q. than the rest of the school combined.

And it's not that hard to go early to college. Once again, is probably because of the many geniuses who have already set a precedent.

It is equally easy to graduate if you're smart enough, you can miss many classes and still pass.

You can even do multiple graduations at the same time.

I think Reed is seeking his twentieth doctorate right now. I think he must have a boner looking at all his P.H.D.s.

Hehe. It reminds me of the origin story of Batman. It's a little funny. To the world Bruce's has no superior qualifications to speak for, the guy is such a maniac to hide his capabilities that he would disguise himself to go the classes. Pretend to sleep, but pay attention. And he never completed his program to acquire a degree, with the exception of the business one.

So... What path I'm taking? At the same time that I don't want to be super remarkable, I don't want to play the "second-generation rich kid". Meh, I will reveal that I'm a genius. No biggie

There are many here anyway. And not all of them are famous like Reed and Stark, like Maya Hansen who is very underrated.

Back to reality, I hear Gwen asking me which college I'm going to.

"Columbia. Here in New York and has a good historic in the medical field." I answer.

"Oh. True, they're the first medical school in America and..." She answers and starts talking about trivia that I already know. But these guys are making the effort of "taking care of lonely me" so I can at least hear her.

But I don't like when the focus of the conversation is on me in any form so I will shift to attack mode. "So…are you two dating?" I suddenly ask the couple in front of me.

"Wha-No! I mean, yes! But you shouldn't have known... Eh, yes. But, how do we know? Is that obvious?" The two became wide-eyed at my abrupt question and Peter starts to stutter.

This guy can't lie to save his life.

"Yes, it's obvious. You guys are giving each other disgustingly sweet stares. Seriously, I'm almost diabetic." I see the two of them become red-faced instantly and I make a show of looking at my watch. "You know, the cleaning closet must be empty by now. You guys could use it. Between the bleach and the stairs... there is where people normally have some privacy." I continue making them blush even more.

"And how do you know that?" MJ2 turns around and asks me.

"I'm little of a detective myself." I answer, knowing that the reference will fly over their head. "So how did you guys start dating? Tell me more..."

"W-why should we? This is personal." Gwen says still blushing.

"C'mon I'm rooting for you guys for a long time." Yes, as a fictional character. A really long time...

"We-well, after our date was crashed by the invasion we talked a little... and tried again... and..." Peter begins to explain himself awkwardly.

"Wait, when you guys went on a date, did an alien invasion happen??" I ask with a little disbelief in my voice and wait for them to nod. "Next time that you lovebirds go out, can you let me know? I want to prepare and go to my danger room." I say making Ned laugh.

"And if you guys get married, sorry but I'm not attending... I will take a vacation out of the country." I conclude

"C'mon, my luck isn't that bad..." Peter whines and everyone gave him a look of 'seriously?'

"Maybe... a little..." he murmurs.

After going back to my and reading Ned interrupts me again.

"Hey, Hector. Check this out." He says and shows me a video on his smartphone.

Are... some women making some sort of pagan dance to Thor. Topless, with some weird markings on their bodies. I'm sure that's not Asgardian runes.

"Is this legal?" I ask frowning. Seriously, that's unfair.

The only homage I get is some protestants anti-mutants calling me anti-christ and burning a scarecrow similar to me. Or hang a doll with my clothes by the neck.

And Thor receives the topless fertility ritual bullshit dance.

Fuck you, Sublime. I'm coming from you.

"They've been arrested, obviously. Haha, this is in that place where Thor returned to Asgard. The markings on the ground have become tourist attractions." Ned tells me.

"Ned, are you showing that video again?" Gwen asks in a reproachful tone.

"Eh? No, this is... history being made. I'm updating Hector with the news." Ned speaks a little flustered.

"As expected of the women brainwashed by this Society, trying to use their 'assets' to bring attention for themselves instead of trying a more appropriate way of showing their Worth without depending on what the media classifies as attractive..." MJ2 begins a rant



Girl, chill out. Who hurt you?

"What do you think about this Hector?" Ned asks


"The heroes you know..."

"Ah... Well, the time is too short to have a concrete opinion..." I say dismissively "I'm cynical, my human brain is uncomfortable knowing that there are people out there who can do anything without consequences." I answer truthfully, but I'm not talking about the one that he is thinking.

"And I don't agree with this, you know?" I say pointing to his phone "This whole worship or derision. I think they're good guys trying to do the right thing. No need to worship the feet where they walk and also there's no need to demonize them just by existing and having powers..." I finalize.

"Reasonable..." MJ2 agrees with me.

"Yeah, they've proven themselves, good guys, until now." Ned agrees, looking at Peter.

After this, the talk summarized to more light topics like the approaching exams and other school-related things.

Ugh~ I felt a problem and the world goes in slow motion to me.

Mary Jane Watson, that was just passing by me, looking at her phone, slips in a juice pool on the ground.

Is this the Yuuki Rito luck? Giving me opportunities like that... Something similar happens in Spider-man 1 of Tobey Maguire. But she is not carrying a tray this time.

I hesitate for a millisecond. Considering seriously just letting her fall, but I'm a gentleman...

From the corner of my eye, I can see Peter's eyes locking on Mj1 too, but he is too far.

Holding myself a little, I turn around and grab her waist with my left arm. The smartphone that she has thrown up is caught by my right hand.

"Wow~ Thank you. You saved my life... Twice." He says surprised and with a smile on her face while I help her to her feet and give her her smartphone. Tch. She is really hot.

"It's nothing." I say and turn to sit at my table again before she starts to say that my eyes are blue or something like that. I don't want an awkward moment now.

Even as I turn around, I can still feel that she's looking at me a little puzzled. Maybe I was rude or maybe she is too accustomed to having all men wanting to prolong their talks with her to the maximum.

'Sorry, Red. Sigma male grindset here.' I chuckle to myself.

"Oh... Okay..." I hear her murmuring in a low voice before heading to the popular table.

"That's a good reflex, Hector." Gwen says looking at me strangely.

"Yeah, it is..." MJ2 says looking at me strangely. What? Are you jealous? There's nothing going on between us woman.

No offense. Zendaya's face is beatiful and all, but... Your vibe is a little weird, and I don't plan on dating "normal" people and...

... I like them thicc. Sorry.

If I say this you will probably call me a macho pig that labels women based on the standards of this patriarchal society blah, blah, blah.

Hm, maybe I should do this to her move on already. Is it too much of a dick move?

"Yeah man, are you practicing something? I remember that you held me back that time too." Ned says

"Uh-oh, Hector... Ned is now jealous" Gwen teases.

I roll my eyes at her but decide to play along. "Don't mind it Ned. Our encounter is special in my heart..." I say dramatically making everyone but Ned laugh. He just shudders a little and distance himself from me.

"But seriously, that's awesome. You reacted very fast and even caught her phone." Gwen says

I sigh. "Okay, you guys figured or my secret..." I look at them seriously "The truth is... I'm Spider-man" I say with a straight face

"Pfft!" Peter almost spit his drink.

Dude, you're so easy to read.

I pay attention to the reaction of the people at my table.

Mj2 rolls her eyes, but Gwen and Ned look at Peter for a moment.

'They know...' I conclude.

Ned must have known for a time. Peter must have told Gwen on the day of the invasion.

Hm, it's a cliché in my next life, now I remember... Peter is chilling with his friends, then some villain appears. He disappears to come back as Spider-man and save everyone, but everyone takes him as a coward because he is the first to run.

So this time he has come clean with Gwen, huh? Good to you, buddy. Just improve your catch game.

"I don't know why you guys are laughing. I could be Spider-man..." I say with fake outrage. I'm a Spider-man by the way.

"Yeah, yeah... Sure, Buddy." Ned consoles me at my side.

"I'm just saying... You guys have never seen me and Spider-man in the same place and at the same time. The clues are there... Anyone who wants can see." My joke makes everyone laugh.

"By this logic I'm Huntress..." MJ2 adds.

"Who knows, with so many 'meta-humans' popping off, maybe one of us will be the next..." I say shrugging my shoulders "Just don't be corrupted by your powers guys." I say Half joking and Half-serious.


Third Person P.O.V.

New York in the afternoon.

Steve Roger, a.k.a Captain America is absentmindedly eating in an open area of ​​a restaurant. His food is barely touched, and he continues to watch the world around him.

His world, but equally very different.

He asks himself again if he really should be here.

As he draws a sketch of the buildings around him, he notices an elderly man sitting at his table.

It is strange that he didn't notice that old man till him is very close.

And the old man makes himself comfortable on the seat in front of Captain America. "I was passing by and saw you here alone, Captain. So I decided to say a 'Hi'." The old man says.

Steve frowns. He is in a disguise, and he don't go out frequently. Who is this guy that can recognize Steve, but Steve can't recognize him?

"Can I help you? Sir..." Steve ever politely asks.

"Haha. Oh yes. I'm Eidolon. I'm disguised too," The old man says, making his eyes change colors discreetly to prove his words "Seeing that you are in a 'disguise' I changed my appearance so as not to attract attention."

But then Eidolon, in an old man form gives Steve a look. "But I have to say, my disguise is much better than yours... Cap using a cap. Is the pun intended?"

"How...?" Steve asks a little flabbergasted.

"If you're asking about the disguise... Hologram. Don't ask too much. I even put the effort of being similar to your age. So Cap, why are you sulking here?" Eidolon tease before asking.

Steve Groans, he probably heard a lot of jokes about his age.

But he replies that he just went out to get some fresh air.

"I realized that I have to accept my new reality. And keeping me in a training facility underground is only me lying to myself..."

"Hm~ I can understand a little somewhat... Believe in me. About being thrown into a completely new reality. Your world going upside down all of sudden..." Eidolon says cryptically "But I don't think you want any consoling words. So all I can say is..."

"...Humans are highly adaptable. You're no different. Right now, must be horrible. But you will find your place here, Cap." Eidolon gives the only advice that he can.

The two talked a little more. Eidolon's grandfather was part of the Howling Commandos. So Eidolon can make some good questions.

Not that he will reveal that. there are agents nearby.

"You know, Cap. I'm Half expecting you to be sexist and racist. Hehe. As I always thought that you're too much romanticized." Eidolon say remembering some realists takes of Captain America in his last life. "I'm glad that I was wrong..."

Steve Sighs. "You can call me Steve. And yes, I have seen some messed up things in the army. But I never liked that. When you are the little guy that everyone picks on, you learn to not discriminate."

Eidolon nods.

Eidolon talks a little about himself too, his hero job and other superfluous things.

Till he decides to ask an important question.

"So... Did you go talk with Peggy Carter already?" He asks as he sips on his juice.

Captain America stiffens.

"How do you know-"

"I'm Eidolon. But jokes aside... It appears that you do not."

"And what about it?" Steve asks defensively.

Eidolon sighs. "Steve... All that I will say for now on you can ignore or take to heart, I care not... But at least let me finish." Eidolon starts.

"I will tell a little story... Two very good friends, the best of friends. Every day they meet each other. They laugh, talk, fight... You know, like best friends. But one day, they fought over something trivial. Like they had done a dozen times Before. They said goodbye that day with the thought that the next day they would make up..." Eidolon narrates.

"...But one of them die. End of the story." He says abruptly, shocking Steve. "What I want to get to is that... The last memory of the alive friend is of the fight that the two have. They parted on bad terms... And in and terms They will remain forever... A incorrigible regret."

"You understand, right? Peggy Carter is an old lady already... At any time... *Sigh*" Eidolon pauses for a moment and decides to go for a soft approach.

"C'mon Steve. We both know you'll see her eventually. You're delaying the inevitable. You want to stay under this spell... Of a Forever Young Peggy Carter in your memories. But the sooner that you do that, the better... Believe in me..." Eidolon stands up.

"And you think she doesn't deserve this closure? To you, only a few months had passed, but for her… It had been sixty years, Steve. She is waiting for you." A blinding light surrounds the Old Man Eidolon and in its place, the true Eidolon appears.

People nearby exclaim in surprise.

"A certain guy told me that at the end of your life you regret the things you didn't do more than the things you did." Eidolon claps Steve Shoulder.

"And about you feeling left out... Know that a good reason that I wear this mantle is that there are guys like you that inspire me." Eidolon says truthfully.

He then smiles. A smirk that promises a prank...

"This man here is Captain America. He is giving autographs!" Eidolon says loudly and takes off flying, leaving the stunned Steve Rogers behind.

It doesn't take long for Captain America to be approached by some kids.

And that is Eidolon's intention.

Steve can't only "see" this new world. He needs to feel and touch it too... All these people have these good lives thanks to his sacrifice.

He mourns too much about "the things that are lost in the war".

Eidolon is giving a new perspective. Of things that are gained in that war.

For some hours, an awkward Captain America talked, autograph,ed and took lots of pictures with fans.

Eidolon hopes he can see the huge good influence that he has on this generation. And that his sacrifice was not in vain.


Eidolon P.O.V.

Seeing and feeling Steve's mood genuinely improving put a smile on my face.

I gave him some counsel, but I don't want him to think about this now. In truth, I don't want him to dismiss the idea too fast.

Hm... I can use [Rewind] and make Peggy Carter young again... Should I?

That is the same moral question about healing children with terminal diseases.

Sigh. I will think about this later. Don't rush and do something that you will regret Hector.

There are too many possible consequences to y my actions that I need to take in consideration.


Callisto P.O.V.

New York Sewers.

I am at Eidolon's side, watching many of my comrades working to better the place where we live.

Eidolon appeared with a large number of goods to us. Construction materials, electronic devices and other things.

He dropped all and said, "Now work." And put us to improve by ourselves the base.

"I'm not your mother, don't be lazy..." He said when he got everyone to help. Some people are installing air and water filters. Others are making holes to pass plumbing and electricity.

He said that is not a far future to make this place as good as any city on the surface.

And for the first time in a long time, I feel hope growing in me.

This guy can make this happen. This guy can bring change.

We all watched the footage of the invasion. And we and the whole world know that he saved everyone.

Even if some dipshits are still looking for trouble and not accepting him. People like Captain America approve of him. He is on the same level of the other heroes, maybe higher...

That's the first time in history that a mutan- Meta is approved by the world.

Now people can start thinking for themselves instead of swallowing everything that the media says to them.

Eidolon is the truth right on their faces. That there are good goals too.

"Mikhail, do you want to visit your siblings?" I hear Eidolon talking to Mikhail. I still don't like that guy, but he's not doing anything bad anymore, so I can accept him.

"Yes, but... I don't know how to face them." Mikhail says. A little insecure, a strange thing to see oh his features.

"I see... Your last meeting is that bad?" Eidolon asks

Mikhail just dips his head down.

"Hm... Okay, in a little more of a week later I will visit the mansion. You can come with me." Eidolon says making Mikhail looks up and nods gratefully.

Going with a hero must erase any suspicion of the guy.

"Callisto..." I hear him calling.

"Yes!" I answer a little too much eager.

"In the past, you said something about having contact with some gangs on the... Mutant Ghetto." Eidolon says don't hiding the distaste in his last words.

"Yes... I periodically exchange with them. But since you arrived it is no longer necessary. In the next meeting, I will cut ties with them." I say quickly, a little afraid of reproach.

"Unnecessary... I want to meet these gangs too. Next time I will go with you." He says and I can only nod.

"Are you going to help them too?" I ask

He nods before pausing. "It's the plan, but there's something that takes precedence..." He says and is silent for a while.

Just when I thought he wouldn't continue he finally says "I'm investigating the disappearance of some people. And some clues point to the Mutant Ghettos... I suspect that someone is doing experiments with humans and metas. To make super soldiers or new villains..." I was shocked by his words

"Are you worried about them... No, you think that the gangs there are in collusion with whatever is doing these experiments." I exclaim

He looks at me and nods.

"No one cares about the lives of the people living there. It is logical to take some real metas to study and see if it is possible to replicate their powers."

"But they're mutants too. How can they do that?!?" I ask outraged don't even noticing my slip of the tongue in using the word mutant.

Eidolon sigh "Callisto... You're underestimating the human capability to be evil. But maybe they're not evil... Just greedy... Envious... Want to join the 'winning side'... Who knows?" Eidolon says "You know... Most of the Africans who were captured to be enslaved in the past were captured by their fellows African. Europeans did not know the terrain, the flora, or the fauna. And it's not like the place is unified under one nation. Many tribes are enemies with each other... So the Europeans make deal with some, arming them and using the familiarity with the place to capture slaves..." Eidolon says.

Yes. Not every meta is sensible to our problems. Many with good or non-noticeable powers just live their lives. Not everyone is Eidolon.

There's only one Eidolon.

"Next meet, we'll go to the bottom of it." I say with determination.

He only nods.


Third Person P.O.V.

Night of new york

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man is observing the city at night.

On top of a building, he searches for someone who needs his help.

Things are peaceful for now.

After the Invasion the villains apparently all decided to take a vacation together and now only normal criminals plague the streets of New York.

"Maybe there's some annual conference of super-villains... And I wasn't invited as a speaker? This hurt my feelings... I thought I and my gallery of super villains have something special." Spiderman jokes to himself.

But in truth, he knows the reason very well.

Eidolon. The villains are scared of him.

After the Invasion, apparently, Eidolon made New York his base or maybe he is just sticking around because of the aftermaths, but everyone knows that he is more active here.

'But he is expanding to the rest of the world...' Spider-man thinks remembering the many News about Eidolon helping in other countries.

"Are you done using this gargoyle? I want to brood too..." Spider-man hears a voice on his back

"Wha-" He turns around quickly and comes face to face with Eidolon himself. More than six feet tall, using his mantle, the hood is not covering his face. His eyes are shining purple with a little of gray or white on the middle.

His characteristically half-mask and white hair tied on a bun are displayed for all to see.

After the invasion, he is not caring too much about covering his face with the hood of his mantle.

"Eidolon?! I'm a big fan, do you know? You make my life much easier." Spiderman exclaims.

"Huhu. I'm a big fan too, Spider-man. But I have some serious business. I have three things to talk about with you..." Eidolon says showing three fingers "...Peter Parker." He ends seriously making Spider-man pause.

"Wh-uh... How... I mean, Who... What is a Pe-Peter Parker?" Spider-mans stumbles with his words making Eidolon rolls his eyes.

"Stop, your secret is secure with me. But is about this that I want to talk about you... you're not careful enough. I'm not the only one that knows your secret identiy, you know?" Eidolon says shocking Spider-Man.


"Yes... Spy agencies Spider-man. Satellites, cams in all places, are you careful where do you change clothes?" He asks accusingly making Spider-man wince.

"There's probably cams in your School too, by the way. Be careful. You must have cameras in your house too... As much to spy on you as to protect you... But I think you will not like that anyway." Eidolon says

Spider-man is silent now.

"Just be more careful... You have people to protect, right?" The black-clad hero says making the web-slinger nod.

"And this is the second thing that I want to talk about you... How is your catch game?" Eidolon asks out of nowhere.


"I'm saying... If someone is falling for this building right here" Eidolon points to the edge of the building "And you can't reach them in time... How will you save them?"

"I-I... I will throw a web... Is the only range method that I have."

"How?" Eidolon asks seriously

"What? how? The web... I will try it. There's another way?" Spider-man asks nervously, don't understand the conversation.

"Spider-man..." Eidolon sighs " I will tell you a secret. I have a power that allows me to see glimpses of the future..."

"Whoa, awesome dude!"

"Not that much, is not very precise and I don't want to become a slave of it. But let me finish..." Eidolon looks at him trying to convey all the seriousness of the situation.

"I... have seen you try to reach for someone exactly as you said... A person is falling and you throw the web. You catch her... But the shift in force... The whiplash breaks her... She died... A blonde woman... Your age..." Eidolon says.

Under the mask, Peter becomes horrified.

Eidolon goes forward and puts a hand on Spider-man shoulder.

"Calm down. The future is in constant change. The fact that I told you that, probably already change things..."

"I would exactly do that... I know that..." Spider-man murmurs absentmindedly.

"Peter!" Eidolon attracts his attention "She is okay. It hasn't happened yet. Now you have the opportunity to do better. There are ways to save her...Throw as many webs as possible to stabilize her. Go yourself and catch her. Make web net under her to break the fall." Eidolon advises

"In the thick of the action, we only have one chance... We don't have time to think. You have performed very well until now...But we can make mistakes. I am warning you not to carry this regret forever." Eidolon says.

Spider-man gives a shaky nod.

"Connecting with this I can talk about the third thing, Spider..." Eidolon says bringing Peter's attention to him. Everything that Eidolon said till now is important, Peter doesn't want to miss anything.

" can quit." Eidolon says


"I'm saying... That you can stop being Spider-man. For a time if you want... Permanently too."

"I'm not understanding."

"Spider-man... How is your life?"

"Is goo-"

"Are you sure?" Eidolon interrupts "Maintaining school, family, being a hero... Hurting yourself, don't have time to study, worrying about your loved ones and worrying your loved ones... I can tell that you're a smart guy. With a bright future ahead if you put your mind to it."

"Go do it. Go focus on your studies, be stable financially, marry your girlfriend, give a good life to your aunt... Help yourself first, Peter." Eidolon's eyes boring into Spider-man mask.

"I-I can't... I can help people! If I do nothing bad things can happen."

"Spider, I'm here." Eidolon says simply and a little heroically. " I can cover for you. You don't need to come everyday to patrol. You can take a long vacation, you don't deserve the hate that you receive from the media, go better yourself... Don't worry, I will protect New York."


"You always come back later, when all these hero activities don't cripple your life."

Spider-Man is silent for a while.

"You know..." Peter begins. "I can't do that. You're just one... Even if I can save just one more person... Will be Worth it. Will be Worth all the trouble." He says.

Eidolon doesn't show but he is impressed. That is a thing that he doesn't have. Eidolon puts Hector above all. Even if he acts like a great hero, he knows deep down that is just that... An act.

"Someone once told me that with great powers, comes great responsibility." Spider-man concludes determinedly.

Eidolon sighs and begins to slowly float away while maintaining eye contact with Peter "... and little happiness. Just remember that you will always have this option, Spider." Eidolon says before disappearing

Spider-man stays there for a long time. There's simply too much to take in.

After some time he decides to go home to think.

After a little web-slinging, he is home. But he is very careful this time.

But when he arrives at his room he is surprised.

There's a huge black box in the middle of his room.

The box has one cubic meter in total.

Cautiously, he takes a notepad nearby and throws it at the box while maintaining a fight stance.

But it doesn't happen.

His spider-sense is not accusing anything so he approaches carefully to take that thing away, but he sees a note on the box.

"From Eidolon..." He reads " 'I can't stop you from helping people, so equally you can't stop me from helping you.' " After reading this he goes to check the black box, there's no place to open it.

"Voice recognition: Approved." He jumps back when the box talks to him.


The box opens itself revealing another note above many compartments and small boxes. .

Taking the other note peter starts reading.

" 'In this box (you can change the password method) has some things to help you. Fake documents. Technological devices with many functions and purposes. Chemical reagents too. You can make a real lab with it. There's a twenty grand in cash too..." This makes Peter jump.

He looks at the box and in the last compartment, he sees the cash. He closes it fast like the thing is a bomb.

"I can't accept that..." He goes to the note again to continue to Reading.

" 'You probably said that you won't accept it.' What? how? Did he have cameras on my room?" Peter says looking around before going back to the note

" 'Because i'm Eidolon' ..."


"'But seriously, I understand you, Peter. Relax a little. I don't want the money back. If you don't want it. Just donate it. But read first... What about you aunt?' " This makes Peter pause.

"'She's not young anymore. Just keep the money in case something bad happens. (You can search for me if you want help too.) If you don't want the money, just let it accumulate dirt in the corner, whatever. Treat as your salary for all the hero work. Or escape money. Or retirement money... Is better to have it. That's all, bye.'"

Peter sighs. He can't accept money like that... But aunt May. He noticed that she is having problems with the bills.

"Is it wrong of me to accept?" Peter questioned himself.

After some time he just decides to put the money away. He can always donate to that charity where Aunt May is voluntary.

Peter later goes to bed, but he can't sleep with everything that happened today.

He has too much to think about.


Hell's Kitchen

Luke Cage is closing the bar. When he goes top ut the chairs on the table, the chairs starts to float and go arrange by themselves, like in a Disney movie.

"I hope that you don't care if I help a little." Luke turns to look at Eidolon in his usual black attire.

"Not at all. Help is always welcome."

"I agree."

Luke walks a little to the bar contain and asks. "Beer? Anything? Do you drink anything?" He asks.

"No, thank you but I'm good. I don't drink. Only socially..." Eidolon says approaching "I don't like the taste... And we can't even get drunk, so there's no meaning in drinking."

"True. But I drink sometimes, is refreshing..." Luke Cage replies. "But I don't think Eidolon has come to my bar just to small talk." He continues eyeing Eidolon

"True." Eidolon nods "I came to give you a gift and some news."

Luke Cage looks at him a little interested.

"What news?"

"About the disappearances..." This makes Luke Cager perks up. "I'm on the trail. I sidetracked a little with the whole human trafficking ring, but I'm close to the real culprits..."

"Ah yeah, I have seen that. Good job, by the way."

"Thanks. I come here to say that the guys that I arrested are not the real culprits of the thing that you talked to me. The history is darker... My informants told me that criminal bosses are hiring metas to even the playfield with the heroes. But this is not the only method for them... They are trying to make their own super-henchmen... In laboratory." Eidolon says and watches Luke Cage clenching his fist.

Luke Cage has a similar experience, so he can relate.


"Yeah... I hear at some place a long time, that our very strength invites challenge. There's an arms race within the governments and in the criminal underworld to make weapons to oppose us. Humans are just material to them..."

"Did you find them?"

"I'm close."

"I want to go with you when you found them." Luke Cage says seriously, with a face that will not take a no for an answer.

"No..." Unfortunately to him, Eidolon is not that easily intimidated "Wait, don't get angry yet..." Eidolon holds up a hand to stop whatever Luke would say. "I'm just saying in the situation... If I found them, I'm attacking immediately... There will be no time to come and fetch you. If I really need help I will call..." He says, but he probably won't need any help.

Luke Sighs. "Okay, You're right. Just give the bastards a good punch for me."

"Huhu. Okay... Now the gift." Eidolon says.

Eidolon's arm appears on one of the two front slits of this mantle. He is holding a suitcase.

'Where he is keeping that thing?' Luke Cage asks in his mind, if he said that out loud he would be answered with a "Well, I'm Eidolon".

Putting the suitcase in the counter of the bar, Eidolon opens it. Revealing... clothes.

"Made by my personal design. Resistant to everything..." Eidolon starts showing the costume set.

A yellow shirt, black gloves and boots, cargo pants, a black jacket and a mask that wouldn't be out of place in a post-apocalyptic scenario.

"The mask is useful to protect you from dangerous gases and poison. I believe that is one of the few of your weaknesses. Protect your eyes and mouth and has night and heat vision." Eidolon adds.

"Whoa, whoa… Calm down. I'm thankful, but why are you helping me like that?" Luke Cage asks. He needs to ask.

"Well, you're helping that day. And your clothes are damaged... I don't want you to flash anyone... Can you imagine how traumatizing must be?" Eidolons start. "You could destroy some random guy self-confidence." He jokes making Luke laugh.

"But seriously, you don't need to do anything if you don't want. I'm not asking you to be a hero. But I know that if the situation calls for it... Is hard to just stand by and do nothing, right ?" Luke nods "At least you will be prepared... By the way. Here in the belt, there's a tracker. You press this button and a distress signal will reach me. I will come as fast as I can. If you are suspicious just don't use the belt." Eidolon says before turning around and walking away.

Not giving Luke a chance to reject the gift.

It cost almost nothing to help these street-level heroes. They're not multimillionaires and sometimes they don't have a companion to get their back.

Eidolon can feel this gap.

In the end, it's not a healthy endeavor to try to save the world alone.


Hector P.O.V.

Carvalho Residence.

I'm thinking.

Recent events reminded me of something.

You know, I can do much more than what I'm doing.

I'm holding myself back for obvious reasons. I don't want the world to depend too much on me and I don't want to rise people's expectation too much either.

With many of my powers, and now with Inuyahiki and Homelander assimilation, I can always hear/feel/see when someone is in distress on the globe.

Seriously, the world is small to me now.

But this is not a healthy thing to do. Go on like a maniac saving everyone left and right.

How many people are being killed right now? I know... I can know if I want.

But I shut down these things.

I made a rule for myself. Not going around crazy if it's not my time to patrol. The only exception is in the case of huge disaster. But in my patrol, I will help as much as I can.

And don't go around actively searching for trouble. I prefer to let luck be deciding factor in who I will help.

If I'm flying close or whatever.

Because If I hear everything... I will need to choose.

And if I choose, I'm letting someone die for another someone.

This is not a good thing to carry in your conscience.

But recent events are causing me to throw an exception.

That episode with the human trafficking ring...

Meeting Luke Cage...

Remembers me of something... Someone...

Jessica Jones.

Normally I will not actively search for things like these. There's so much on my plate already.

And actively using my powers to Search sucks. Sucks greatly... Holy hell, is horrible.

I don't even know the moment of the timeline... Is she suffering under Killgrave now? Has she already suffered? Will she suffer?

If I try to stop all the bad things that I remember what happened in Marvel I will go crazy. And...

Why is a named character more important than other people?

Why should I go save Jessica Jones, when I'm not going to save the thousands suffering the same?

It's because she is suffering under a meta-power. Maybe... I can lie to myself.

Whatever, I'm a hypocrite. Everyone is.

"I'm going out." I warn Isabella before opening a portal and putting on my mantle.

My head is the first thing appearing at the top of this building. Ugh, I'm already with a headache only thinking about using my powers on large scale.


Something is approaching... very close.

I look a little above me and I see it.

A female crotch covered in leather approaches my face at high speed.


Yuuki Rito...

The leather-clad pussy is almost touching my nose...

...When I decide to become intangible and let the woman phase through me.

I'm the master of my own destiny, Yuuki Rito.

On my back, I hear the woman rolling on the ground.

When I turn around, I confirm my suspicions.

She is looking at me with wide eyes, shocked by my sudden appearance. Shocked that she met me.

She was probably jumping around the roofs when a head appear through a portal, must have been weird.

White hair, clad in black leather with white furs around her neck and in her ankles and wrists. A huge unnecessary cleavage. And a stupid domino mask.

I can see the duffel bag full of gemstones at my feet.

Well, Batman needs his cat burglar, right?


A.N.: Hell there.

Is everyone good? I hope so.

To compensate abou the last chapter taht is only the Mc. Many characters in this and on the next chapter. I can balance things.

Now Let's talk about something important. VERY important.

The assimilation process.

You know, I always let you guys gain information through the MC assumption, but I think is time to let something clear.

About the mental effects of assimilation. Let's go.

Like is already said. The Gacha is the MC ally. Has no morals, but it helps the MC.

There two principal assimilations processes... The assimilation of the body. The Mc outward appearance and powers.

And the assimilation of the mind, Q.I., mentality, personality, tastes.

Hector is worried about going egomaniac, crazy or whatever if assimilates a character with these problems.

Can it happen? Yes and no.

Let's me explain my take on the assimilation process. (Possible change in the future)

The MC has gained some mindset from some characters but not others. Why this? Who is choosing?

The answer is...

Hector himself. Unconsciouly.

Is like this. The traits that Hector gains is the ones that he likes, that he admires, that he secretly years for himself. The Gacha is helping him in becoming his own ideal version of himself. An Ubermensch Hector.

The things that he wants, he gains. And the things that he already have is enhanced. Without him losing himself.

He originally (You guys don't know him before) is a calm, logical and patient guy. He was funny to the ones that know him. An introvert that delays opening up to other people. He has a little of an inferiority complex and is overall timid.

He has some traits enhanced... He is more mature now. More calm and patient. Have a good control of himself. Is smarter.

And what about the other traits?

He admires Batman and others characters confidence. He gained that.

He is a cautious man, now he is downright paranoid.

He admires Katakuri's pride and honor. He gained that a little.

Willpower, willingness to do bad things, being manipulative, being a playboy etc. He gained them all.

The things that he doesn't like... Batman's aversion to guns. Light god complex... Nope. He has received no influence from that.

He is new to the Gacha. He doesn't know how the Gacha work. Maybe in the future, he will have a good control of his own morality and mentality. Shifting to good and evil like people change clothes. He gives signals of this, right?

Now, what should we expect?

A Hector a little more kind and gentle. Influence from Inuyashiki, Oden and Rito.

And a little funnier in social interactions, something that he admires in Beastboy. He upbeat and outgoing personality. In truth, he is already a funny guy. We, that see his thoughts know that. He is all the time making references and jokes in his mind. But outwardly he is stone-faced.

He is slowly opening up with the girls.

Their traces of that already, did you guys notice?

Important. He is still himself. Don't expect him to become so kind that will not kill anymore, or become a clown.

He still has control. He controls with who he wants to be kind, and with who he will act relaxedly.

That's it.

40 chapters and will don't even understand the MC power. Damn, I write slowly.

But I think you guys like that, if not you guys won't stick for so long.

Bye, bye.

Stay good.

And till next time.

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