As their conversation drew long they found themselves standing in front of the guild door. "Remember, don't attack anyone. If anyone talked to you and tried anything funny just ignore them or call me!" Cain warned her as she might start a fight in the guild and that would be ugly. Zaleria nodded and stood behind him.
Happy with her reply, Cain quickly opened the guild door and walked in. Almost instantly all the eyes were on the two of them, Cobra's fang has just joined the Dragon's fang in a dragon extermination mission and they succeeded. As details weren't disclosed everyone in the guild thought that Cain's party had participated in killing a dragon.
"It's the new dragon slayer, Cheer for him!" One of the adventurers yelled causing the whole guild to roar in unison. "CHEER!"
Zaleria seemed surprised by the energetic welcome but Cain wore a stiff face, ~Troubles are brewing, remember to ignore everyone!~ He warned her using [Message]
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What did the guildmaster do before he left? And what work does Cain is intending to do at home?