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Capítulo 18: Kirin

Since the canon story began I had only one thought. Save Asia from the devils and from Issei. He is not a bad guy, but screaming that he'll become a harem king, the look he gave Akeno were enough to say: "Fuck the story, I will save her!". Besides, I'm pretty sure she would end up becoming an angel, considering her sacred gear and personality. If I saved only Issei and let Asia become a devil I would not be able to look at myself in the mirror anymore.

So, for the first time since I started training I took a day off, a lot of days off. It was after some weeks that I finally saw her. A little girl, who seemed lost. She had long blonde hair ,green eyes and was wearing a dark teal nun outfit with light blue accents, a white veil over her head with light blue accents. I approached and asked in japanese.

"Hello. Are you perhaps lost? Want me to guide you?"

"Mi scusi. Non capisco il giapponese." (I'm sorry. I don't understand japanese.) She said bowing her head a little.

I tried again talking to her in Italian. It has passed a long time since I had the need to talk Italian, after all Japan is a pretty closed off country.

"Ciao. Ti sei persa per caso? Hai bisogno di una guida per caso?" (Hello. Are you perhaps lost? Do you need someone to guide you?)

"Oh grazie a Dio, il signore non mi ha abbandonato. Stavo cercando la chiesa. Ti sarei molto grata se mi accompagnassi. " ( Thank god. He did not abandon me." She said looking at the sky. " I was looking for the church. I would be grateful if you could accompany me.")

[still talking in Italian]

"Sure. By the way I am Kurokawa Haru. Nice to meet you." I extended my still bandaged hand toward her to handshake. I did prepare the wound in advance. And, just like I had planned, she used her sacred gear on my wound. On her hand appeared two rings and all around my wound green light started glowing. I felt my wound disappear instantly. This really could do miracles for training. I could just train non stop, destroy muscles and regenerate non stop.

"Nice to meet you Haru. I'm Asia Argento. I'm sorry. I could not help it. I tend to heal before thinking." She said smiling. I felt a little bad deceiving her, but I needed a reason to talk her about the supernatural.

"Thank you. You have a really good sacred gear. Perfect for someone like you. " I said smiling too.

"What is a sacred gear?" She said a little surprised and embarassed.

"The two rings that let you heal people is a sacred gear. It's something that god gave us human beings to defend against the supernatural." I said.

"There's no way this power was given by god, after all I healed a devil with it. They said I was a witch because of it." She said, a little shake with tears welling in the eyes.

"No, you're not!" I said immediately. "You know, how there is a good human and a bad one, the same is for the devils. I have experienced it myself. You are not a witch, Asia Argento. I can see that."

She started crying a little.

"Do not worry. It is going to be ok. I can see it myself that you are just a really gentle girl." I said while rubbing her head. She just nodded while tears were flowing from the emerald eyes.

"I want to ask you one thing Asia. Do you know that the church is a gathering point for fallen angels and stray exorcist?"

She was a little shocked at my question. After all I just asked her about something I should not know. But, in the end, she nodded.

"You have no place to go right? But you should not go there, after all the fallen angels in this city are really vicious. The only thing they want is your sacred gear and when they get it out of you, it means death." I said. She was listening me with eyes opened wide.

"Since you have no place where to go, what do you think if I invited to come with me?" I said smiling.

"What? Is it really okay?" She said, still a little shaken and surpised.

"Don't worry. Or is it too scary to go with a stranger?" I asked teasing her a little. She kept fidgeting nervously like a small animal. She was like one would imagine the ideal little sister.

"Oh, I know. I got the perfect solution then. Asia argento, want to become my friend? If you are my friend then, we are no strangers, right?" I said.

"But the fallen angels are dangerous. You could get hurt. I could not forgive myself, if something were to happen to you. I don't want other people to get hurt for me." She said.

"Ahahah. Don't worry. I am the most strong person in the entire city. If you want help, just say so. There's no need to hesitate. I can promise to you, if you desire so, I will not allow no one to hurt you." I said laughing a little. Honestly, I would have liked to have someone come save me too. Help me fight and maybe avoid killing. That's why I will be a shield for the weak, at least for these near myself.

After a brief moment. She asked me again.

"Is it really ok. Am I not bothering you?"

"Don't worry and rely on me. " I said beating my chest.

"Yes, I'll do that. Will you help me Haru?" She asked me, tears still flowing.

"I got you." I said smiling.

-Occult Research Club-

"So everyone she is Asia Argento, my new friend. Asia all the person here are my friends. Don't worry, they are not bad devils." I said. The only problem I am facing these moment is a scary senpai that is directing bloodlust to me. What have I done to you, Akeno? Fuck, I am scared but must keep my composure for Asia.

"Devils?" She said.

"Yes. But like I said they are my friends and good devils. You believe in me, right?" I asked her.

"Yes. I do." Then she turned toward the others and said." Nice to meet you everyone. I am Asia Argento, Haru's friend. "

"Nice to meet you Asia, I am Rias Gremory. A friend of Haru is always welcome here." She said smiling. Nice move Rias. I am sorry that I thought you were just a lazy spoiled princess.

The others started introducing too. Akeno seemed to emphasize that she is my "friend" too. I am seriously worrying that some lighting might fall in my room tonight. Issei too, seemed to be less pervert than usual in front of Asia. This girl made a miracle happen.

"I wanted to ask you if you could host Asia for some days, until I manage to convince my parents" I am thinking that it would be better to have them hypnotized by Rias, but I will think about it later. I don't know why but Akeno seems really relieved. I really don't understand women, maybe it was that the reason that kept me a virgin until now.

"Of course. I will give hospitality to her. I swear on the name of Gremory that I will keep her safe for you." She said.

"Good. But don't force her to become a member of your peerage. I believe for her not being able to pray may be a tragedy. She is a really pious believer, after all." I said. She still doesn't know about the sacred gear but better be safe.

"Of course I would not force her, what do you think I am?" She said.

"A devil." I said, laughing.

"Now then, I have some work to do tonight so I will excuse myself." I said leaking a little bit of bloodlust. "See you tomorrow. Bye Asia. Bye everyone." I said with a ferocious smile plastered in my face.

After I got out of school I went home and got ready. At night I slipped outside and went directly to the church. There she was waiting me.

"What are you doing here, Akeno-senpai? Is it not a little too late for a lady like you to be outside?" I said.

"Ara I could ask you the same Haru. Where are you going making such a scary face?" She said.

"You know it Akeno. Until now, I allowed their existence because it might give trouble to you and Rias, but if by eliminating them she can saved, I will exterminate them." I said.

"I know it, but that doesn't mean you can leave me outside of it. You should have told me that too. Am I not your friends too?" She seemed a little hurt.

"I'm sorry. " I said and bowed my head." But I am going to fight fallen angels now. I did not want you to be hurt by seeing this part of the blood flowing your veins. I already gave you enough pain the first time I met you."

"Are still worried about that? Did I not forgive you already? You are already a part of our family, of my family." She said sighing. "And besides don't you think is a good time to try that technique."

"Don't you think is a little too flashy? You are going to wake up the entire city." She wants to use that? What has happened to you Akeno? You are scaring me.

"Don't worry I have ready a barrier to activate." She said and began without asking.

In a moment she started creating thunder clouds everywhere with one hand and in the other hand she was already gathering some lightning shaped by demonic power. To create the thunder cloud as naturally as possible she made a combination of wind, fire and water elemental magic.

"Oh well then, at least don't forget to say the spell incantation I taught you." I said a little exasperated.

"Are you sure I need to say that? I feel like I can use the spell even without it," She said a little embarassed.

"Nope. Say it." I said smiling. I was having a little fun teasing her.

"Ok." She said sighing. And then she moved the hand with lightning magic and the head of a Kirin popped out of the clouds! If I had know this, I would have taken my camera behind. I was going to see Sasuke's technique in real life.

"D-Disapper with the lightning... Kirin!" She said, bright red in the face, and everything flashed in front of us. Was she not smiling a little just now?! The moment I opened my eyes, the entire mountain disappeared. Thank god there was a barrier to prevent people from watching and hearing us or we would have scared all the people of the city.

In that moment I remembered something. Wasn't there a sacred gear extractor under the church. Holy shit, all the light saber and mybe gold disappeared. I felt like crying.

While I was crying I did not notice the priest outside the barrier that was running with the tail behind his legs.

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