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61.53% The Emperor of Darkness (DxD) / Chapter 40: Chapter 40 Powerful upgrade...

Capítulo 40: Chapter 40 Powerful upgrade...

"We are worse than the queen" Said Issei coldly.

"Wh-who are you!? wait, you are that demonic dragon! finally I found you!" Shouted Idol as he stood up as fast as he could.

"Demonic? no, why is everyone saying that? actually I'm a heavenly dragon, but whatever that doesn't matter as of right now" Said Issei.

Suddenly Raphtalia started to walk towards Idlo.... slowly.

Her tail stiffened hands trembled from the rage and hatred and tears escaping her eyes.

Idol was confused as he didn't know what was happening.

"You... killed them.....all of them....all my friends right in front of me! and tortured me until you sold me off!" Shouted Raphtalia with a voice full of hatred.

"Who are you?.....wait, you are that demi-human that I had along with your as you call, them friends! yes, that's right, now I remember! ooooh you have no idea how much I enjoyed every second of you and your friends screaming and begging to stop and spare your lives, it was like music to my ears!" Laughed Idol happily as he remembered every second of his 'fun'.

But Raphtalia nor Issei found it fun nor amusing.

Issei wanted to step in and kill that abomination of a human being right away, but first he wanted Raphtalia to deal with him herself.

"Enjoyed it huh? scumbag, I hope you will have a painful death!" Shouted Raphtalia as she punched him in the face knocking some of his teeth out. She walked past him to the carriage to get Melty and Reichnott.

Raphtalia stopped for the last time without turning her head towards Idol.

"You are lucky that I won't kill you.....I won't be like you.....a complete monster" Said Raphtalia coldly before continuing her way towards the carriage.

'Thank god I won't be killed, what a naive girl!' Thought Idol happily and without even realising a small smirk appeared on his face.

"What are ya smirking about?" Asked Issei as he walked towards him with a pain promising toothy smile.

Suddenly sweat started to pour down Idol's forehead, no.... his whole body, his clothes were drenched in his sweat.

He was terrified of issei's presence alone for some reason.

"You think you are off the hook already? don't make me laugh! you hurt my mate, shall pay for your crimes" Said Issei with a deadly tone as his eyes turned to dragon slits and his wings slowly appeared on his back as he had a shit eating grin.

"P-p-please spare my life I I I I'll do anything!" Shouted Idol desperately.

"Anything? didn't you hear something similar already?" Asked Issei.

Suddenly Idol remembered what he said and how he enjoyed the pained screams of those kids back then when they begged for mercy.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you" Said Issei.

Idol was surprised and had hope of survival and his return back.

"I'll just do something similar to what you did to my Raph" Said Issei as his eyes started to glow.

With a flick of his finger shadow chains slowly slithered like snakes out of issei's shadow towards Idol.

Idol tried to crawl away but he was too late as the chains slowly wrapped themselves around him.

"Let's move a little bit away, as I don't want Raphtalia nor Melty to see any of this" Said Issei as he grabbed the chain's end and dragged Idol away from the carriage.

After three minutes Issei stopped and slowly turned to look at Idlo who was too scared to even think of anything let alone an escape plan.

"I think we are far enough" Said Issei as he released the chain and got closer to Idol.

"So now I guess you know what I'm going to do to ya don't ya?" Asked Issei.

Idol was frozen he didn't move at all, he just looked at Issei with horror evident on his face.

"If you still didn't guess it, I shall tell you" Said Issei with a smile as he clenched his fist and tiny spikes came out of the chains and stabbed Idol's body.

He was screaming in agony.

"What? don't like it? well sorry to say this but it's just a start' Said Issei with an evil smirk.

"Shadow flames" Said Issei and faint black purplish fire came from the chains and burned Idol.

"AAAAHAANAHAAAAA PLEAS SPARE ME!" Shouted Idol as he was slowly burning alive.

"Spare you? I don't think it's an option" Said Issei.

"Just one more trick and a finale" Said Issei.

"Freezing ice of Tia" Said issei and his several hand and foot fingers froze as well as one of his ears.

"AAAH IT HURTS IT HURTS!" Shouted Idol throughout the forest.

"It hurts Huh.....WELL DID YOU THINK ABOUT THE OTHERS!? HER FRIENDS!? AND HER TOO!? IT HURT THEM TOO!" Roared Issei with hater and rage on full display as he leaked his aura.

As the aura leaked towards Idol he got scared for his life but suddenly from issei's pressure the ice that was on Idol's fingers and ear shattered instantly leaving just several fingers and just one ear.

"And now for the finale" Said Issei.

"I, the heavenly dragon king, who has achieved the principles of Domination and Protection, shall curse you with a dragon curse for your whole life even after life, if you reincarnate or reborn the curse will never leave your soul, if you ever hurt anyone who is innocent, the curse shall kill you slowly and painfully,

In the name of the heavenly dragon king of domination and protection and the dragon king Vritra of shadows and curses I curse you for eternity" As Issei finished the chant Idol screamed in agony as he never have felt such pain as the purple dragon mark appeared on his neck, but the mark wasn't just on his neck, l it was on his very soul, that's why it hurt like hell.

Suddenly he completely passed out from all the Pain and stress.

"I hope you learn anything from this" Said Issei as he removed the chains and walked back to the carriage.

As he returned he didn't even get to say anything as two blurs tackled him to the ground.

"Agh! what's up with ya?" Asked issei with a grunt.

"I didn't know where you disappeared out of nowhere, I was worried!" Said Raphtalia with a pout.

"Thank you so much for saving us! thank you, thank you, thank you!" Repeated Melty.

"I must thank you too" Said Reichnott from behind as he watched the scene unfold.

"Hey mister nice guy, are ya okay?" Asked Issei as he noticed some bruises on his face and some blood on his clothes.

"It's nothing, I had it worse, but how about we return back?" Asked Reichnott.

"Sur, but in the evening we are leaving" Said Issei.

"Alright then, let's go already" Said Issei to the girls.

Melty got off of him quick enough while Raphtalia didn't budge and had a cute pout on her face.

"Raphtalia, we need to go" Said Issei, but she just hugged him tighter.

"Hey guys, you go on, we will catch up" Said Issei.

Both Melty and Reichnott nodded and walked away.

"Raphtalia, what is it? are you tired?" Asked Issei.

Raphtalia nodded slightly as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"I guess it was a tiring and stressful day for you" Said Issei as he used the chains to lift her up so he could stand up, but Raphtalia's hands never let their grip loose and kept holding onto Issei.

As issei stood up he took Raphtalia on his back and carried her back to Reichnott's mansion the whole way.

After half an hour they finally reached the mansion and saw Melty and Reichnott waiting for both of them while Melty was tending to Reichnott's wounds.

"I see you are finally here" Said Reichnott.

"Yeah, and I see that you are almost all patched up" Said Issei.

"Yep, Melty can heal to some extent with her water magic, but she insisted to cover me in bandages even tho I feel fine already" Said Reichnott with a smile.

"Better be safe than sorry, plus you two, I thought you left me here!" Said Melty with a pout.

"Don't worry, we won't leave you, I did promise to protect you" Said Issei with a kind smile.

"Anyways, I'm hungry so before we leave can we have lunch?" Asked Issei.

"Well of course I'll tell the maids to make something for us" Said Reichnott, but before he could leave, a crowd of demi-humas behind them stopped him.

"Lord Reichnott, don't worry we are throwing a party right now, so there will be lots of food and fun, so please join as a thanks for saving our lord Red dragon emperor of protection" Said one of them as all of them bowed to Issei.

"No need to bow, plus I owed him one for letting us stay here, so we will join you" Said Issei as he showed them his excited smirk.

"YEAAAAH!" Shouted the whole crowd and Raphtalia started to scream as she was still sleeping on issei's back.

Everyone laughed at that before leaving with to the party.

"Issei, what is happening? where are we going?" Asked Raphtalia confused by the situation as she now walked beside him.

"We are going to a party because we saved Reichnott, but we won't be here for too long as we will leave in an hour or two" Said Issei.

Raphtalia nodded as she now understood what was happening.

Everyone were having fun, eating a bunch of food, of course Issei the most because of his dragon appetite, plus he hasn't eaten this much In so long so he enjoyed every moment of the party.

Later Issei decided it was time to leave already, so he got Raphtalia Melty and Reichnott with him.

They returned to the mansion after saying their goodbyes to everyone.

"We are leaving right now so thank you for your hospitality and care, I won't forget your kindness" Said Issei genuinely.

"No need to thank me it's me who wants to thank you, so before you leave please accept this gift of mine"Said Reichnott as he took out a box and opened it revealing a silver short sword with chain link tassel.

"This is a legendary sword called Incursio, it is an armor-type weapon that is in a form of a sword, I know that you have your incredible armor already but with this you'll become an even more powerful person" Said Reichnott.

"Woah! are you sure? I mean this looks incredible and the price of it is probably a thousand gold pieces" Said Issei as he looked unsure.

"Actually it is priceless, but please accept it, I want you to, it needs a suitable host" Said Reichnott.

"Alright, I accept but why not give it to Raphtalia? she could get this armor and be protected by it and even get stronger" Said Issei.

"That might be true I believe that you two would be the most powerful duo in this world" Said Reichnott.

"Then-" Issei wanted to give it to Raphtalia but Reichnott did not finish yet.

"But I can't do that because it can consume her sanity and take over control completely" Said Reichnott, shocking Raphtalia, Issei, and Melty.

Raphtalia was now extremely worried for issei's safety.

"What do you mean it can consume and take control? it has someone sealed in it perhaps?" Asked Issei.

"Brother, I can feel a powerful presence coming from the sword and it's that of a dragon's" Informed Ddraig as boosted gear manifested.

"That would be correct as this sword does hold a soul of a powerful demon dragon Tyrant, only those who have a strong heart, mind, and will, can wield it safely and I believe it is you" Said Reichnott.

"I don't think i-" Issei was about to refuse but Ddraig spoke up again.

"Just take the sword, you don't have to worry about being controlled that's for sure, plus I can feel the power of that dragon, it reached the heavenly dragon class so if you accept it you will become beyond powerful" Informed excited Ddraig.

"Haaah..... alright I'll take the sword but how do I accept it if I cannot hold any other weapons beside this shield? the boosted gear itself is like a cheat already" Said Issei.

"Idiot, just fuse it with the gear like Ascalon, but this time fuse it completely" Said Ddraig.

"Okay, Reichnott hold the sword in front of my gauntlet so I can begin the process" Said Issei.

Reichnott only nodded and took the sword before holding it out in front of the gear.

The gems glowed green on the gear while the sword itself had its silver red aura around it.

"C'MON!" Roared Issei as it wasn't easy to fuse a sword completely into the gear that has a powerful soul and forcibly no less.

Suddenly the gear and the sword glowed together intensely.

[FUSE!] Roared Ddraig and the intense light died down and the sword was nowhere to be seen.

"D-did it work?" Asked Melty.

"It did, congratulations brother on becoming even more powerful!" Roared excited and proud dragon.

Issue looked at his boosted gear's new look.

It turned completely silver with red gems and red spikes.

"I think when this shield removes the seals and releases your full power combined with your new power you'll be the third strongest supernatural being alive" Roared Ddraig proudly.

"To activate Incursio you have to say it's name" Said Reichnott as he, Raphtalia and Melty backed away from issei.

"Alright then, let's do this brother!" Said excited Issei.

"Hell yeah!" Roared Ddraig.


[WELSH TYRANT BALANCE BREAKER!" Roared Ddraig but with a deeper and more demonic voice, and a bright flash of silver red and green that blinded everyone before revealing issei in his once again new armor.

But what shocked Ddraig, Issei and Raphtalia, was that the armorr changed way more than they expected.

There he was in a silver armor with red gems like his now four eyes, his wings got bigger and more beautiful as it stayed red but got silver outlines, the tail became longer and silver with a red tip and it looked really sharp.

His claws became sharper as well as his feet it became more dragon-like, and he got two red horns facing back on his head too.

The armor itself became less bulky as it gave Issei more agility as well as strength and durability, the dragon's will shield was now gone but on the biggest gem that was on his chest had a black mark of dragon's will shield.

His aura was slightly spreading and was visible to the trio as red green and silver swirled around Issei.

He looked intimidating and the enemies now will definitely run for their money when they see Issei In this new armor.

"Wow! I feel great! the power I feel is amazing!" Said Issei excited.

"I-ssei, you are still in control right?" Asked worried Raphtalia.

Issei came up to her and patted her head gently.

"Of course I'm still here, I won't leave you" Said Issei.

"Now onto what Incursio can do" Said Reichnott gained everyone's attention.

"Incursio gives its host a strong armor that is nearly indestructible, it enhances its users physical abilities such as strength, agility, and speed.

It has the abilities to evolve and adapt.

It already adapted to your fighting style so it became less bulky than your previous armor and it evolved to its second form already, only one forgotten legendary hero managed to evolve to a second form but I believe you will be able to evolve it again soon enough" Said Reichnott.

"This weapon has a trump card, it's similar to your gauntlet giving you and armor with its special abilities or the armor giving you another trump card as you call it juggernaut drive with its own special abilities, so for Incursio's trump card you can turn invisible for limited time, but remember that you are invisible to the naked eye, and a skilled person can detect your presence" Informed Reichnott.

"This is amazing" Said Issei as he turned invisible.

"That is true so it actually might help you in hiding for a while" Said Reichnott.

"True, so are ya ready to go?" Asked Issei as he looked at Raphtalia and Melty.

"Yes, let's go!" Said Melty cheerfully.

"We are ready darling" Said Raphtalia with a happy smile.

"Well then, cya Mr. nice guy" Said Issei as he Raphtalia and Melty flew away with incredible speed.

"Farewell and good luck Red or dragon emperor of protection.

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