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32.3% The Emperor of Darkness (DxD) / Chapter 21: Chapter 21 Cao Cao..

Capítulo 21: Chapter 21 Cao Cao..

"C'mon Dad, Aunty, let's hurry! we have to go. We wasted enough time here already, let's go have some fun!" Shouted Kunou.

"Alright alright, coming" Answered Issei while Irina giggled.

"Kunou is super excited today I see" Said Irina.

"Of course! my dad and aunty are here!" Replied Kunou as Issei picked her up and put her on his shoulders.

"Well, where do you want to go first?" Asked Issei.

"Hmmmmm. Let's go shopping!" Answers Kunou excited.

"Great idea Kunou, I agree" Said Irina as she looked at Issei with stars in her eyes.

"Well, then let's go" Said Issei as they left the shrine.

They came to a shopping mall. Issei didn't buy anything for himself but Kunou and Irina bought a bunch of clothes.

"Even young girls suck your money out of your pocket for some clothes" Said Issei as he carried a bunch of bags.

Kunou and Irina giggled as they walked in front of him.

"Is the big red dragon angry? Maybe I can satisfy him tonight~" Teased Irina.

"Hoh? I see where you going with that my ero angel" Whispered Issei to her ear. It sent shivers down her spine as he kissed her neck lightly.

Irina blushed.

"Well, where to now?" Asked Issei. But before they could go anywhere a barrier trapped them.

"Irina, Kunou, stand still and don't go anywhere" Said Issei as he created the most powerful barrier using Vritra's powers around Kunou and Irina.

Both girls nodded and Irina used her magic to enhance the barrier. Not that she needed to do that.

"Well we meet again Red Dragon Emperor" Said a mysterious voice.

In front came a handsome young man with short black hair and blue eyes. He wore a combination of a Japanese school uniform.

"What do you want Cao Cao" Snarled Issei.

"Oh nothing, I just came to kill you" Said Cao Cao.

"Ha! like you have a chance" Mocked Issei.

"Where's Valarie" Asked Issei.

"Oh her? She's in our HQ, we will use her to unseal Trihexa, she does have the right gear for that to do" Said Cao Cao.

"Tell me where is she exactly"

"And why would I do that?"

I'll just kill you here anyways" Said Cao Cao confidently.

"And I'll do it with this" Said Cao Cao as he showed a vial with some black liquid.

"Here you see I have a really powerful curse I believe your dragon can already tell?" Said Cao Cao.

"Partner, it's Samael's blood....If even a drop ends up inside you it will kill you painfully and destroy both of us"

"And why would you do that?" Asked Issei.

"Hmmm. Because I was ordered to by Rizevim of course"

Issei instantly felt extreme rage when he said his name.

"That bastard.....He killed Gasper!"

"Hahahaha actually it was me who killed the useless damphir" Laughed Cao Cao.

Everything stopped for Issei.

Gaspers killer.

His little brother's killer.







"I'll kill you" Said Issei without any emotion but Cao Cao could feel the killing intent coming from Issei.

Issei's eyes turned into slits, his wings appeared and he whispered something that caused his power to skyrocket.

"Balance Breaker" Whispered Issei.


Issei was now in his usual red dragon armour.

"Hoh? so we will play now?" Joked Cao Cao.

Issei didn't waste any time and used a jet to fly toward Cao Cao.

Cao Cao got ready to block the attack but at the last second, he sidestepped because he felt what kind of power was behind that punch.

"Wow, I see you improved" Said Cao Cao.

Issei didn't answer as he kicked Cao Cao to the side and sent him flying into a wall.

As he got out he barely dodged a powerful dragon shot that obliterated everything in its path.

"Well, I think it's time to get serious" Said Cao Cao as he said something unexpected.

"Balance break" And suddenly seven orbs appeared behind him.

"Here is my subspecies balance breaker I call these orbs seven treasures as they have their own special abilities. Of course, I won't tell what they can do. You'll have to find it out for yourself" Explained Cao Cao.

Issei punched Cao Cao but he dodged his punch by saying something.

"Assaratana" Said Cao Cao right before the punch hit his face. He teleported behind Issei and used his spear to destroy issei's armour.

Issei immediately backed away.

"You see? my first ability lets me teleport anywhere I want and anywho I want" Explained Cao Cao.

"Balance breaker! Ascalon!" Shouted Issei.


Issei sprinted towards Cao Cao with Ascalon in his hand.

"Cakkaratana" Said Cao Cao and Ascalon shattered before it could even connect with its target much to issei's surprise and Cao Cao destroyed issei's armour once again.

"Hatthiratana" Said Cao Cao and one of the orbs flew towards Issei and lifted him from the ground before slamming him back.

"You see! you can't defeat me you weakling!" Mocked Cao Cao.

He then used magic when Issei wasn't looking and cast an illusion that looked as if Cao Cao broke the barrier around Irina and Kunou.

"You can't even protect your loved ones and before I'll kill you I kill these two right before your eyes!" Shouted Cao Cao.

Issei got up to run towards him but Cao Cao used his medusa eye and made issei's legs turn to stones and stop him from moving. it was too late.

He stabbed both of them and killed them painfully.

Cao Cao laughed at Issei.

While the girls behind the illusion saw what just happened and shouted trying to reach out to Issei but it didn't work.

"Now it's your turn" Said Cao Cao as he took the vial in his hand.

Suddenly a high pressure made Cao Cao drop to his knees.

"W-what is this power?!" Questioned Cao Cao.

He then looked at Issei and saw his eyes glow emerald green and frost blue as a bunch of dragons stood behind him.

It was too much for Cao Cao as he could barely breathe and he dropped the vial to the ground.

He was about to use his teleportation magic but Issei stopped the time, everything turned grey.

Issei got to Cao Cao and grabbed the vial in one hand and grabbed him by his hair with the other. He unpaused the time.

Cao Cao looked terrified as he saw Issei holding him.

"Now you'll pay" Growled Issei with a draconic voice.

He opened the vial and poured all of the Samael's blood into his medusa eye.

He started to scream in agony but Issei didn't stop there as he used Ddraig's flames to light up his limbs and burned him slowly until there was nothing left.

Cao Cao was screaming in agony as the flames burned his very soul.

"I avenged you, lil bro..." Said Issei.

Suddenly Cao Cao's illusion disappeared and revealed both Kunou and Irina under the same barrier that Issei put still okay.

"you're alive..." Whispered Issei.

He dispelled the barrier and hugged them tightly.

"I thought that I lost you" Said Issei.

"We're ok Issei thanks to you" Said Irina.

"I'm sorry you had to see that Kunou"

"It's alright dad, he deserved it" Said Kunou as she hugged Issei.

They hugged each other until Ddraig interrupted.

"Issei, grab the spear it will be useful for the beast" Said Ddraig.

"Really?" Asked Issei.

"What he's saying is true, grab it before it disappears to find another host" Said Al.

"Right" Replied Issei as he grabbed the spear

The spear merged into the boosted gear.

"You successfully obtained The true Longinus partner" Said Vritra.

"Yeah, but let's go home now, I think it's enough of this" Said Issei as he teleported everyone back to the shrine.

"Oh Issei, I didn't expect you to come back so early" Said Yasaka.

"We had a problem we got attacked by Cao Cao" Said Issei.

"What?! are you ok?" Asked Yasaka.

"Yes, we're fine mother. Dad made a powerful barrier to protect us as he defeated him" Said Kunou.

"We have to go now, I just cast a powerful barrier around your shrine so please don't leave it until it's safe" Said Issei.

"Alright, we understand" Said Yasaka as Issei and Irina teleported back home.

"Seems they will make a move soon if they are trying to get rid of me. How's it going on the Heavenly Dragon King Drive?" Asked Issei?

"It's finished. But from now on you have to stop training until the fight. If not you'll die when you'll use our powers combined" Warned Ddraig.

"Alright noted" Answered Issei.

"Issei...." a voice called from behind.

As he turned around he saw Momo standing there with a blush.

"Please don't die when you'll go fight the beast" Said Momo.

"I can't promise" Said Issei.

"I Ummm" Tried to say something Momo.

Issei came up to her and brought her into a hug.

"What is it sweetheart" Asked Issei.

She didn't say anything but suddenly kissed him passionately. Issei of course replied to the kiss.

They made out for a couple of minutes until Momo started to undress him.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Asked Issei.

She just smiled and continued what she was doing.

"This will be as good luck" Said Momo as she kissed him again.

That's the reason why they didn't sleep almost all night, good thing issei cast a sound barrier, otherwise, the neighbours would've been very angry.

In the morning he noticed that he was alone in bed.

As he got up he took fresh clothes and went to the bathroom.

After a quick shower, he came to the kitchen and found Momo and Valerica talking while making breakfast.

"Morning" Greeted them Issei.

"Oh! good morning Issei" Replied Valerica.

"Morning" Replied Momo.

"Wanna some breakfast?" Asked Momo.

"Not now, I have to go. I need to get ready for the big fight" Said Issei.

Both of the girls were saddened a bit.

Not because he won't eat but because he will fight an extremely dangerous fight.

"Valerica, I need you and the rest to gather in an hour. We will have to attend a meeting and make a plan on how to defeat the chaos brigade.

This time we won't wait until they'll be ready to attack. Because we will be the ones attacking them" Explained Issei.

Valerica only nodded as Issei left via magic circle.

"So it will happen pretty soon huh?" Said Momo.

"Yes, it will" Replied Valerica.

"Will you come with us or go with Sona?" Asked Valerica.

"As much as I want to go with you I have to go with Sona because if I won't listen to her orders I'll be punished or counted as a stray" Replied Momo.

"Alright then, see you in the meeting" Said Valerica.

"Yea cya" Said Momo as she teleported to Sona.

Valerie's created a magic circle next to her ear.

"Alright girls, get ready we will have a faction meeting on dealing with chaos brigade in thirty minutes so hurry up" Said Valerica as the magic circle disappeared.


Around the table were seated Dragon Faction leader, Devil faction leader, Angel faction leader, Fallen angel faction leader, and Northern pantheon leader.

Behind them stood Tannin in his human form, Grayfia, Gabriel, Penemune, and Thor.

With Issei came his girls, with Sirzechs ORC, Student council, with Michael Brave saints including Irina, with Azazel team slash dog, and with Odin his best Valkyries.

"Alright, we can start the meeting" Said Issei.

"So does anyone have any plans on how to deal with the brigade?" Asked Michael.

"We should send our armies to deal with brigade members. Two evil dragons are siding with the brigade so Thor Tannin and Dulio should take care of them until the backup arrives.

Valerica's and my team will be support for Thor, Dulio and Tannin.

I and Valerica will deal with Rizevim and rescue Valerie" Explained Issei.

"Alright, and you will take the beast?" Asked Odin.

"If they manage to release the beast then yes I'll deal with it.

His seal is located far from civilization so it will take at least one day to get to anyone. Until then most powerful mages will create a barrier to hold off Trihexa if we're late and to hide it from humans.

That includes Odin, Sirzechs, Michael and you Azazel to help with the barrier" Explained Issei.

"You mentioned two evil dragons, Who are those dragons exactly?" Asked Sirzechs.

"It's Grendel and Aži Dahāka" Said Issei.

"Well that's not good" Said Azazel.

"If they won't we able to defeat them, I and Valerica will help after we kill Rizevim and rescue Valerie" Explained Issei.

"Alright Devil faction agrees to this plan"

"Fallen angel Faction agrees to this plan"

"Northern pantheon agrees to this plan"

"Angels agree to this plan.

Said the leaders.

"Great, this meeting is officially over. We will send soldiers to Trihexa's seal. And We believe that Rizevim is in Romania so get ready" Said Issei.

The leaders nodded before teleporting away only Odin stayed.

"Here boy the soul you asked for" Said Odin as he gave issei a greyish green orb.

"Thank you old man" Thanked Issei.

"Haha no problem just return it afterwards, it wasn't easy getting it from that lazy dragon" Said Odin.

"Sure thing" Replied Issei as Odin teleported back to Asgard.

Issei did the same with his girls and Tannin.

They teleported to Dragon Faction territory.

"Tannin, I need you to prepare our warriors for tomorrow and inform everyone. Before we leave tomorrow we will cast a powerful barrier that only dragons or people with our permission can cross around our territory" Said Issei.

"Alright, good luck and rest for tomorrow" Said Tannin as he turned into a dragon and flew away.

Issei then teleported everyone back home and he immediately slumped onto the couch.

" 'Sigh' that was tiring" Said Issei with a sigh.

"Want some tea?" Asked Ingvild.

"Sure hime" Said Issei.

Everyone sat with Issei while Ingvild made tea for everyone.

"Rest for today, as tomorrow we will have a looong day" Said Issei as he closed his eyes.

The girls nodded and got even closer to Issei.

After a minute a magic circle appeared and Momo came out of it.

She saw how everyone was clinging to Issei.

"That's not fair" Said Momo with a pout.

"Then come here" Said Issei with a chuckle as he pointed to his lap.

She immediately sat down and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Better?" Asked Issei.

"Yep" Answered Momo happily. After some time ingvild came back to them with some tea and right at that moment Irina came home too.

"I wanna join too" Said Irina.

"Alright alright, let's go to the bedroom then and just cuddle together" Said Issei.

"Okay" Answered everyone as they got up from the couch and went to the bedroom where they cuddled for the rest of the day...

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