- Nojiko POV -
After that little girl named Freya asked us to gather people from the village to help in the plan, Gen-san and I gathered some villagers who we thought were willing to be part of this rebellion. There weren't many, but I think that when the others realized it could work, they will join us.
Gen-san gathered everyone in his office, luckily no fishman realized what we did.
''I have an announcement to make, this may please some, and others may not. But I made a decision, and I hope you can cooperate with us.'' Gen-san says looking at all the villagers present.
''What are you talking about, Genzo? I don't know why you called so many people here, but I have a job to do!'' An old man in a lab coat answer.
That man is Dr. Nako, he is the doctor in our village.
''Please let Gen-san explain the situation, this is a matter of the highest priority!'' I say emphasizing the seriousness of the matter, and he shuts up.
I know that Dr. Nako is a kind person, so I'm sure he won't approve of putting us in danger. But we need to do this.
He clicks his tongue in annoyance and turns away, ''Tsk. Alright, I'm listening!''
''Thank you.'' Gen-san responds.
He got up on his desk to draw everyone's attention to him, and started to speak, but not too loudly.
''You who are present here are the most influential people in our village. We all have this in common. But there is one more thing that we have in common. We all know the atrocities that Arlong and his crew have done since they arrived here.''
Gen-san stopped talking for a while to let them digest what he said, and I could see the anger and sadness in people's eyes when they heard him talk about Arlong.
''During all these years, we suffered. We were beaten, we were abused with no option to fight back. They even beat up women and children!'' He says fervently, and I could feel the feeling of anger and hatred beginning to manifest in those present.
''And I ask you, Dr Nako, Mommy Mee, Daddy Dee, Teru, and also the others present. If you had a chance to fight back now, what would you do? Would you embrace this chance?'' He finishes and looks all of the aforementioned in the eye.
I could see some hesitant about what Gen-san said, and others who seemed willing to listen.
In the small crowd, one person steps forward, it was Teru.
''Genzo-san, honestly speaking, if I had the chance to drive these fish men off the island, I would have done it a long time ago. Even if it cost my life!'' Teru says firmly with determination in his eyes.
Teru is the carpenter of our village, he is the one who builds the wooden furniture and some boats for the village, and of course, he is also obliged to do it for Arlong, for free.
(Fun Fact: Teru was the one who build the bar in the women's Rooms at Going Merry according to Oda.)
Soon after, two more people steped foward, it was Mommy Mee, Daddy Dee.
''Genzo-kun, As much as I am a pascifist, I would love to have the opportunity to smash some fish men. Isn't that right, dear ~'' Mommy Mee says passionately to her husband.
Daddy Dee nods in agreement, ''Of course, they have already hurt our children so much, if I could I would end all those bastards!''
Mommy Mee, along with her husband, Daddy Dee, own the orphanage of our village. They may seem selfish because their clothes are really extravagant, but they care a lot for the children at the orphanage, and they can do everything for them.
The other residents also started talking and complaining about Arlong. Everyone agreed that if they had a real chance, they would fight to end this tyranny. Seeing the fire of rebellion in their eyes, I smiled.
But only one person was silent, looking at Gen-san angrily. And that was Dr. Nako.
He stands up and slams his cane hard on the floor, ''Genzo! Is that decision you're talking about? The decision to rebel against Arlong?!''
When Dr. Nako said those words, everyone stopped talking and looked at Gen-san waiting for Genzo's answer as to whether he was really planning on fighting now after so long.
''Yes!'' Gen-san replies without any hesitation.
''Are you out of your mind?!'' He yells.
''Are you saying that you plan to rebel against that monster? That same monster that did this to you ?!''
Dr. Nako pointed his cane at Gen-san's scars. But Gen-san did not care and continued to try to persuade them.
''After so many years, no one has ever helped us. Nobody ever tried to save us. Even the marines, which was supposed to protect us, turns its back on us because of greed! But today, it is different! Today we have an ally, an ally that can help us end this endless tyranny!'' He says passionately.
''And who is this crazy ally that you're talking about, Genzo? Probably not someone who is in their right mind!'' Dr. Nako responds sarcastically.
Gen-san ignored Dr. Nako sarcarsm and picked up a newspaper that was on his desk, he opened it in a specific section and threw it towards the people present.
''Her name is Freya, Dirty Mouth Angel, Freya! With a bounty of fifteen million belly and her crew!''
People crowd around the paper and can't help but be surprised that someone wanted with a bounty of fifteen million is willing to help them. I could see doubt and distrust in his eyes, but I could also see hope.
Dr. Nako looks at the three new posters in the newspaper and sighs, ''Even if they are strong, how do you expect them to be able to defeat all the fishman with just three people?''
Gen-san smirked, ''I asked that same question. Do you know what she answered me?''
''She told me that the three of them have these bounties, because just with the three of them, they can easily annihilate entire crews of hundreds of pirates. And honestly, my instincts are telling me, they can really fight Arlong!''
Gen-san bends ninety degrees, surprising us all, ''All I ask is that you give them a chance. A chance to save ourselves! Please, believe in me!''
We couldn't see his face, but we knew from his voice that he was holding back tears.
After seeing Gen-san in this pitiful state, not only me but some other people started to silently cry for him. We all suffered, but Gen-san suffered the most to defend us.
Dr. Nako didn't seem very convinced, but he didn't say anything else either. And this is a good sign.
''So we have a chance. But I still don't understand why you called us here.'' Teru says. He seemed really excited about the idea of beating some of Arlong's men.
Everyone else agreed with Teru, and between tears and some laughter, Gen-san stands up, wipes the few tears from his face and smiles, ''Heh, that's why I called all of you here. We have a plan, but we need more manpower!''
''Unfortunately there are many fishmen, and together with Arlong and his commanders, fighting with only the three of them is suicide. So their idea is to separate Arlong and his commanders from the rest. The first objective is to finish off his crew.'' Gen-san explains.
Everyone hears the plan and starts to argue with each other, but they all seem positively about the plan. That's great!
''And how are we going to do that?'' Daddy Dee askes.
I climb onto the table and stand beside Gen-san, ''Don't worry! They are doin their part of the plan, our part fo now is bring more people together to help!'' I say with a confident smile.
Thinking logically, our side has very little chance of winning, just three pirates and dozens of villagers against hundreds of fish men is crazy. But after so long of misery and tyranny, everyone is willing to take a risk to get their freedom back.
The only person left to decide is Dr. Nako, who seems to be thinking deeply.
I look at him with determination, and he meets my eyes. We stare at each other for a few seconds, and then I realize he's made his decision.
He sighs and says in a tired voice, ''Okay, I don't like this. But this is our best chance, let's do this.''
Everyone smiles and cheers in unison, '' '' Ooooh!! '' ''
After a few hours of discussion, we arrange meeting places on our maps and even signs between us in case we are in trouble. In the end, I wrote down everything that happened in a letter and tied it gently to the leg of Freya's pelican that was waiting at the window.
The pelican squawks and quickly flies towards the ship through the night sky.
- Freya POV -
Seeing the seagull approaching, I started to get anxious. If the villagers do not help us, this fight would be much more dangerous.
The seagull came over and landed on my shoulder.
''Good job!'' I say while stroking Nuts.
I took the paper and gave him a snack for the job well done.
Opening the paper, I started to read, and when I finish reading a smile appeared on my face.
''By your smiling face they will help, right?''
I turned around and saw Haru standing against the mast and arms crossed.
''Yeah, with that, we can start our plan. After taking down Arlong, we will have our bountyes astronomically increased!''
He looks at me confused, ''Eh?''
'' 'Eh?' What?'' I reply, not understanding Haru's confusion.
''I thought you wanted to defeat him to save the island?''
''Well, there's that too. But the main reason is to increase our rewards, and it's also a good opportunity to test ourselves, after all, since we left home, we've only fought weaklings.'' I explain.
Haru looked a little perplexed, which made me a little annoyed.
What? Did he think I would risk my life to save other people I don't even know? I'm not a heroine, I'm a pirate, but I'm not evil either. If I can fight the most dangerous guy in East Blue that that was on my plans and at the same time earn the villagers gratitude then that's what I will do. Being a pirate is all about earnings.
''Back to the subject, how are the preparations?'' I say changing the subject.
''They are almost ready, Kenya is fixing everything. We had to spend all of our gun powder and other supplies to do this. Honestly, I don't know how you thought of something like that.'' Haru says looking at me strangely.
''Heh, it's obviously because I'm a genius!'' I answer with a smile.
I think that using knowledge from my past life counts as my invention, right? I mean, there's no one here to antagonize me if I say that I invented!
I clap, ''Okay, we already have a plan and we already have manpower, we're going to set it up overnight and we're going to execute the plan tomorrow.''
''Alright, Captain.''
Haru went back inside the ship to help Kenya complete the preparations.
I took the paper they had wrote on and I started writing on the back., then I tied the paper again on the Nuts leg so he could return to the village and deliver my message.
I will meet them in the village tomorrow night, luckily there is still light at night, so I can use my skill to hide myself. I can do anything without anyone noticing.
'Hehe, this is going to be a lot of fun!' I thought happily as I pictured myself using my new toys.
.(Scene change)
After one day of wait, it is now night. Using my invisibility with my light ability, I went to the village with a huge bag on my back.
I knew everyone was going to be meeting at the sheriff's house today, so I went straight there.
As I approached the place, I could hear some low voices. Without waiting too long, I slowly opened the door and went inside.
Hearing the door beeing opened, all the sounds suddently stopped.
When I entered, I could see that they looked at me awkwardly, while Nojiko and Genzo smiled when they saw me.
I smile and put the big bag on the floor, ''HoHoHo! Who was a good boy this year? I brought some nice gifts for all of you!''
''Freya! You finally arrived, we were getting worried.'' Nojiko says looking worried about me.
It's cute, but seriously? I mean, she remembers that I'm a pirate with a bounty of fifteen million berryes, right?
''Sorry about that, we were finishing preparations.'' I answer.
Genzo approaches and looks curiously at the bag, ''And I presume what you have in that giant bag are...?''
I laugh darkly, ''This, my dude, is what will end Arlong's crew! But, I need something first.''
''And what else do you need? Money for example?''
One of the people present took a step forward and questioned me. It was a old man with a white coat.
''Are you stupid, you shit old man? Why would I ask for money, if you don't have any? What I need is information, again. I need to know what is the rotation of the fish men. Where they pass, and when they pass. And also I need to know what are the most open areas of the village.'' I answer.
The shitty old man looked offended, and I just ignore it.
''Why do you need to know that? Aren't we just going to attract Arlong's crew and fight them?'' Nojiko, beside me, asks.
''Because of this!''
I open the big bag and everyone couldn't help but be surprised to see the large amount of weapons present in the bag.
We obtained all these weapons from the pirates and the marines we defeated; we gathered these spoils in case we found a black market and sold them there. And without use for us, we just leave them in the warehouse.
But the important thing was not the weapons, but the things that we have made.
''There are a lot of weapons! Where did you get all this from?''
An old man who looked like a carpenter asks and pickes up a gun with a twinkle in his eye.
I shrug and answer without hiding anything, ''Well, it was stored in our warehouse. We got it from the pirates and marines that we defeated.''
I continue, ''But it is not those weapons that will help us. Sure, they will help you, villagers, to defend yourselves, but they are useless against Arlong and his commander officers, I am giving you these weapons so that you people can fight against the normal fishman.''
Nojiko and the rest agree with me. They know such weapons are useless against the strongest fishmen on the island.
But even with those weapons, they also know that they aren't enough to defeat all the fishmen.
''But you see, the important key to out victory is not these old weapons, but my creations!'' I say proudly.
Nojiko and Genzo look surprised, and Genzo asks excitedly, '' And where are these weapons?''
I smile and reach into the big bag. Searching with my hand for a few seconds, I finally find it.
From the large bag, I pull out a round, roughly carved wooden object. On one side it was flat, but on the other it had a button in the middle.
Everyone looks curiously at the object in my hand, thinking about what that thing could do.
''We spend all of our gunpowder and other expensive materials to make these beauties. And we did it all in one day!''
It was really difficult to do. It is not the same as in my past world, but it is close to that and I can guarantee the firepower.
''But what would be this thing? Isn't it just a poorly made round wooden object?'' Says the old man who wore a white doctor's coat.
Tsk, shitty old man of little faith. And how dare he say that of my creation?
I show him my middle finger, ''First of all, it's you who are poorly made, your mother should be ashamed of having made you, wretch. This beauty is a work of art. And secondly, it may seem harmless, but it is the most dangerous weapon here.''
''What do you mean?'' Genzo asks cofused as how such simple thing can be dangerous..
''Simply put, if someone presses the top of this when the trigger is unlocked, then.....''
'' '' Then? '' '' Everyone asks curiously in sync.
''Then Boooom!!'' I say doing an exaggerated pose.
Realizing what that could do, some people holding a few copies broke into a cold sweat and slowly put them back in the bag.
But explosion, huh? Why does this remind me of something in that time when I died? Oh, you know what, never mind. If I don't remember it shouldn't be important, right?
Solving the villagers' doubts, they gave me the information I needed, they even marked the locations on a map and they gave me.
After that, I took the map and some villagers and in the dead of night, along with my light distortion, we stealthily arrived at the locations one by one.
The fishmen actually collects taxes in two villages, and not just the Cocoyashi village. Fortunately, Genzo before coming here, informed the residents of the neighboring village, so they know about they rebellion plan.
After hours of working in the dead of night, we finished the preparations at Cocoyashi Village, and soon after I sent a message to the ship with my seagulls, asking Haru and Kenya to escort Genzo to the other village that suffered in the hands of Arlong, Gosa Village.
We divided into two groups. Haru, Kenya and Genzo would go to Gosa village, this group is the smallest, as fishmen usually don't send many forces there, as the village is far from their base.
The second group is me, Nojiko, and the villagers who are going to fight in Cocoyashi village.
When we finished all the preparations, the sun was about to rise, and soon Arlong would send his men to collect the daily fee.
As we waited for the right moment, I could feel the tension in the air, and the anticipation of the villagers.
I think I underestimated these guys will to fight!
- Third POV -
| Cocoyashi village |
The fishmen arrived in Cocoyashi village to collect the taxes close to noon, but what left them perplexed, is that there was no soul alive in the village.
''What's happening? Where are the villagers? Arlong-san is not going to like this.'' Says a fishman who was looking suspiciously around.
The fishman who said that is a normal sized fish-man, with large lips and light blue skin, and curly brown hair. He wears a purple short-sleeved, button-up open shirt with pink stars on it. He also wears a puffed collar around his neck, a white sash, tan shorts, sandals, and he is carrying maracas. He has a red star tattoo on his chest.
''I know, Pisaro. This is strange, did they all run away during the night?''
The other fishman, who accompanied Pisaro is a Goldfish fish-man, with light pink skin, and two big blue fins on the side of his head. He has tattos on his head and his chest. He sports an orange, open shirt, with circles on it, and white pants, with a light purple sash. He also has a tiny yellow hat on the top of his head and a sword on the left side of the waist.
''I don't think so, Kaneshiro. They have no boat to escape, unless they all went to the sea to drown.'' Pisaro responds.
The two continued to go from door to door, but found no one. However, after a few minutes of searching, the two finally manage to see a small silhouette in the distance.
''Who's there?!'' Kaneshiro held his sword ready to draw it.
Seeing his companion stay alert, Pisaro also stayed in high alert.
The silhouette soon approaches the two, and the two are surprised to discover that it is a little girl in a pirate fancy outfit.
'She's cute, but who is she?' The two of them thought.
With sapphire colored irises, pink hair and an almost perfect face, the girl approaches the two and spits on the ground next to them grotesquely, leaving them perplexed.
''Heh, it's the first time I've seen a fish man. And I must say, I am really not disappointed. You are as strange as I thought!'' the girl says sarcastically.
A vein bursts on Pisaro's forehead, ''Who are you, brat? I will not allow you to disrespect fish men, even if you are a child!''
''And what are you going to do? Shake these Maracas until I cry? Oh, poor me!'' The girl put her hands over her eyes as if she were sorry, but the smile of sarcasm on her face was very visible.
''Damn you! Making fun of us! I will kill you, bitch!'' Pisaro angrily runs towards Freya and prepares to attack the insolent human with his maracas.
''Wait, Pisaro! Something seems wrong!'' Kaneshiro tried to stop his colleague, but it was too late.
Pisaro was already in front of Freya and attacks her with his macara. Freya smiles widely and Kaneshiro is now sure something was wrong.
Freya easily dodges Pisaro's attack, and counters by punching him in the stomach. It is worth remembering that even though Freya seems fragile, she is far from it. After every day for seven years of training her body, Freya can easily lift rocks weighing up to 250 kilograms.
The impact of the punch hitting the fishman's stomach makes a big thud, and the fishman was launched flying, he hits a house midway that was a few meters away, destroying it.
Kaneshiro was paralised as he watched that cute little girl launch a fishman flying with just one punch.
He doesn't even need to look for Pisaro to know that he passed out, or rather, he is probably almost dead with just that punch.
Kaneshiro comes out of his stupor and draws his sword, and the girl laughs to see that her hands are shaking violently.
''W-Who are you?!'' He asks fearfully.
The girl beats her chest, ''Glad you asked! I'm Freya, captain of the Valhalla crew! And I'm here to claim this island for myself! Tell that to your captain! Now get out of here!'' She proclaims.
Seeing a chance to escape, Kaneshiro rushes to the destroyed house where Pisaro was, hauled him out of the rubble, and couldn't help but grow more frightened. Pisaro was all bloody and with a fist mark on his stomach.
He quickly grabs his mate and flees.
Freya smiles, '' Hehe! It's starting!''
| Sometime Later at Arlong Park |
Arlong was sitting on his stone throne, and in front of him was Kaneshiro.
''I see, so this Freya, not only knocked out Pisaro with a punch, but also stated that she is going to take the island from us? And the villagers disappeared?''
Arlong is a large and muscular fishman. He is a light blue saw-shark fishman whose most distinctive trait is his saw-shaped nose. He has long, black hair with a widow's peak reaching down to his shoulders, under a brown ushanka. He has a fin on his nape, surrounded by his hair, and the gills are located on both the sides of his neck.
''That's right, Arlong-san! That human is not normal! I searched for her name, As I saw that she was dressed as a pirate, I looked for a poster of her in the wanted posters in today's newspapers, and I found out that she has a bounty of fifteen million bellys, and her nickname is Dirty Mouth Angel! They are a crew of three people!'' Kaneshiro responds.
Arlong rubs his chin,''A crew of three, huh? And they have the courage to say that they are going to take the island from us? Hahahaha!''
Arlong started laughing as if he'd heard the best joke in the world, and the rest of the fishman present started laughing too.
''That was the best joke I've heard in years!''
A fishman open the door of the meeting room where everyone was and headed towards Arlong.
He kneels in front of Arlong, ''Arlong-san!''
"Hm? What is it, Shioyaki?''
''There are two pirates in the village Gosa that they say they will take the island from us! One of them, who was a swordsman, defeated Take with one movement! I could only see a blue flash!''
Hearing again about these human pirates in less than a minute, he started to get irritated.
''Heh, it looks like these humans don't know what they're messing with. Get the others together, you're going to split into two groups and you're going to the two villages to end these insects.'' Arlong instructs them.
''Arlong-san, what about us?'' A fishman with blue skin and thick lips asks.
He looks at that fishman, one of his commanders, ''Chew, they're just humans, we don't need to exaggerate and send you guys, my commanders. I'm not that cruel!'' Arlong smiles menacingly, showing his large, sharp, serrated teeth.
''Yes! You are right, they are just puny humans!'' Chew responds fervently.
Arlong got up and looked at the other fishmen.
''I want these humans dead tomorrow, understood !?''
'' ''Yes, Arlong-san!'' '' everyone of them responds in sync.
| Cocoyashi village |
- Freya POV -
''What the fuck! Why there are so many fishman here?! I don't remember having so many fishmen like that in the Arlong saga in the anime!'' I shouted as I run; I look back and see dozens, almost hundreds of fishmen chasing me.
''Come back, you brat!''
''Come here little girl, I just want to play with you!''
''You inferior human, we will tear you apart!''
''Don't let her get away! Surround her!''
I turn and look at them while showing my middle finger, ''Don't come near me, you ugly asses mother fuckers! And you, who said you want to play, go fuck fuck yourself. You fucking degenerate!''
It seems that they sent most of the forces to catch me, after all I am the captain. And this is even better, because without those fish brains knowing, I am taking them to the most open area of the village, which is where the most of the traps are!
It's really easy to piss them off, all I have to do is do what I do best: Curse.
''Come and get me, pussys! Are you all brothers by any chance? You guys are so similarly ugly and fat, your mom must have been a pretty ugly whore, right? Hahaha!''
They all look visibly annoyed and shaken upon hearing my taunt.
'' '' GET HER!! '' '' They scream in anger.
I think my little provocation worked too well, they got faster. Fortunately, I am a few steps from the effect area, and now I need to be careful where I walk.
A little further on, I could see the center of the open area of the village. I gave a big boost forward by blasting condensed light under my foot. This is a technique I invented to replace Soru, which I have no idea how to reproduce, but I still can't use it well. Instead of stomping ten times on the ground, I just need to explode condensed light under my feet, of course, it has its dangers.
I quickly step over the trap area and stop.
I pretend to fall like I sprained my ankle and start to cry, ''Ouch! Oh no! I hurt my ankle! What do I do now? I think it's my end! Poor me! Huaaa~!''
''She got hurt! Let's get her and make her pay for what she said about our mama!'' One of them says while foaming with rage.
'' '' Yeah!" '' Many of them say in sync.
Eeh?! No way! Are most of them really brothers?!
The fishmen quickly entered the zone, and then....
....Or so I thought.
I look at the open field in confusion, ''Eh? Why isn't it working? You damn thing, blow it up!''
More and more fishmen were approaching me, and the traps have not yet exploded.
''Shit! Why did you have to fail now? Am I really going to have to fight all these bastards?!''
I prepared to fight, I summoned Hildir in my right hand and got into battle stance. I could use my light beam, but that would exhaust me, and I need to save as much energy as possible for Arlong.
''Bring it on, fuckers!'' I yell, ready to cut some sushi.
When I was about to launch myself into battle, I heard the sound of a gunshot, and then it happened.
The entire area began to explode. The landmines we set up began to explode one behind the other, sending the fishmen flying.
I look in the direction of the shot and see Noriko holding a musket, smoke coming out of the barrel of the gun.
Was it Nojiko who shot? Does she have experience with weapons? She hit a mine that was buried far away, she has talent. Perhaps....
''What the fuck is going on?!''
I stare at the fishmen running around like cockroaches trying to dodge the explosions. Most of them are lying on the floor, with pieces of body missing and passed out with bruises all over their bodies.
It seems I underestimated their body resistance, the explosion is not that strong, but it's not far from the explosion of a grenade.
I continued watching the carnage for a while, until the explosions stopped.
It's over. There were only fifteen of them left, with at least twenty unconscious and the rest were dead.
The open area is now completely devastated, full of small craters; body parts and fishmen blood scattered all over the place, and of course, their bodies too.
"Heh, it looks like it worked. As expected of me!'' I say proudly.
Honestly I had no idea if it would work, I just tried to do what I once saw on a TV show about guns in my past life. It didn't work as well as a real land mine, but it was enough!
I hissed and dozens of villagers with guns came out of the houses, pointing at the lasts fishmen who started to tremble with fear.
''Now, what are you going to do? Do you guys want to fight and die, or willingly surrender?'' I say to them with a cheeky smile.
Seeing that they had no other options, they dropped their weapons and raised their arms in surrender. I may not mind killing as I'll have to get used to it if I want to survive later in the Grand Line, but it doesn't mean that I enjoy it.
I look up to the clear blue sky, ''First part of the plan done! I wonder how are Haru and Kenya doing?''
| Gosa village |
- Third POV -
''Why its not working?!'' Haru shouted at Genzo as he parried and attacked the fishmen who managed to get close to them.
''I don't know, it just doesn't want to work! We will have to fight without the traps!'' Genzo yells back to Haru, who was fighting fiercely.
In in that short interval of their conversation, a fishman approached behind Genzo and attacked him with a sword.
''Heh, got you-''
Before he could stab Genzo with his sword, a large circular object smashes him to the ground with a loud thud sound.
''You need to be more careful, Mr. Genzo, we are in a battle.'' says Kenya with a giggle.
Genzo turns and sees Kenya with a giant skillet on her shoulder, and on the bottom of the skillet, fishmen's blood is dripping onto the floor.
'Does she use a goddamn giant frying pan as a weapon? Or rather, where did she get a frying pan ofthat size?!' Genzo thought in a cold sweat. He swore to himself that he would never make this girl angry.
It was a really strange sight to see a cute girl dressed in a flowery dress and hat, carrying a bloody giant frying pan as a weapon.
''Yes, I'm fine, thank you, Kenya.'' Genzo responds trying not to look nervous.
Kenya smiles, ''You don't have to worry, we are allies!''
Then she gets serious, ''But this situation is getting complicated, we will have to fight without much help. All weapons went to the Cocoyashi villagers, and the landmine are not working either.''
Haru, who was struggling trying to fight most of the fishman alone, quickly retreated to Kenya and Genzo.
''Well, I haven't had a proper fight in a while, and it looks like there are thirty fish men here. What do you think about this Kenya? Fifteen are mine and the other fifteen are yours!'' He says excitedly.
Kenya gigles, ''I think it's a great idea! I can't wait to cook so many fishes! Freya will be proud, fufufu!''
Haru and Kenya glared at the fishman menacingly while laughing. This made the fishmen tremble in fear, but to them, Arlong is scarier.
Gathering courage, the fishmen attack the three together.
''Mr. Genzo, please take a weapon and protect yourself, we cannot fight while we defend you.'' says Kenya.
''She's right, you can die if we lose concentration for a momente here.'' Haru responds in agreement.
Genzo was sad, not because they would not protect himself, but because he is being seen as a useless burden in this fight. But he didn't faltered.
He took the sword who was on the ground from the previous fishman that Kenya smashed on the ground and stood in battle position.
''Don't worry about me, you kids. I knew I could die today, so focus on your battles, I will manage without your help!''
Haru and Kenya smile, and with excited laughter, they jump into the fight against the fishman.
This is a rewrite!
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