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Consuming and gaining concept

The C'tan was broken but not defeated or slain for a C'tan can not be killed for they are physical Manifestations of the universe for these creatures unlike the creatures of the warp have concepts that revolve around all things in the material universe while warp God's have spheres of influence the C'tan have concepts that can be up to anything within the physical world.

The Lord of light knows this and had this conversation many years ago with his system out of curiosity for the C'tan if there's a way for him to defeat them however he's only come to a single collusion to this but he's not sure if it will work.

Lord of light avatar: System can this avatar body assimilate and absorb the C'tan and integrated into my very being.

[...… yes host this is very possible although I would have to personally assist you with this method and the star God is weak enough for this procedure]

Lord of light avatar: do it it is the only way for us to permanently deal with this C'tan cause I cannot Seal it like the nercrons can so this is our best bet.

Lord of lights avatar opens up his chest where it's in build forge was was located and began to devour the star god that was weak and still repairing itself it could not resist will the Lord of light and slowly gets gobbled up into the forge of the avatar.

With that done the warped system Began to integrate the concept of this stargod into its user.

While the Lord of light system began to do that he felt great in unimaginable pain trying to integrate the star God into himself both in his avatar and his real form in the Sea of souls which began to act sporadically for this is something no creature has done before to attempt to have a influence and a concept be inside one powerful god has never been done.

On the physical plane the Lord of light avatar begin the glow with dangerous silver light mixed in with some green lightning why all the debris from the battle between the star god and lord light began to rotate around the avatar like how moon would rotate around the planet they kept going faster and faster until a full tornado of warp fire is created while green lightning crackles around it.

In the sea of souls the Lord of light is glowing like a big silver light house filling up the section of his realm with nothing but light and what he is doing could be felt throughout the whole Sea of souls.

Lord of cosmic light: I can feel it ha ha ha ha ha ha unlimited power!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha this is probably what anime characters feel like when they get massive power ups!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

The Lord of cosmic light laughed like a maniac as for began to change although not so much his body is wrapped around the Necro dermis Metal that the star god was using as its vessel adding its properties to his warped form.

The silver light grew so bright it's was seen from across the galaxy and within the sea of souls this event resulted in the silver tear a small eye of terror formation within the dragon ogres home system and it grew and grew until all from the planet and the galaxy itself could see the silver terror and all of its glory and for a brief moment all can hear the laughter of a ambitious God.

Slowly this massive power trimmer through both the material world and the immaterial world began to settle down within his realm The Lord of cosmic light seem more powerful than ever from Point of you of both his wife and his wife's mother and many of his other servants and greater ethereal's.

Lord of cosmic light: System what has happened I feel greater bigger and.... more aware of everything my realm a good portion of the Sea of souls and the material world and what's happening with my avatar all at once so overwhelming.

[Correct host the integration of the concept has been completed as a result of your actions you have gained a concept and as a result your connection to the material world has strengthen considerably as well as the sea of souls within your domain]

[Concept: physical matter: grants the user of the ability to manipulate physical matter within the physical universe strength is dependent on user]

Lord of cosmic light: Oh that's gonna be fucking useful better than I hoped now why is there a giant ass silver eye of terror within the System of the dragon ogres.

[Simple host it is the end result of you taking in a concept which rightfully belong to a star god now you have massively changed you could say you were both a warped God and a starGod yourself or A fusion of both I myself do not know yet]

Lord of cosmic light: all right any other bad news I need to know?

[Yes user because of your actions my own capabilities have increased which I have now a sonar system which you can use as well within the sea of souls and the material universe and by using the sonar I've detected several powerful psychic presence approaching your domain arrival time two years]

Lord of cosmic light: any idea who they are can you scan their energy signatures and use the data from our own information on 40K to see who they are like at all.

[I've already done so user although you will not like it it is the old ones several powerful ones in fact heading straight here]

The Lord of cosmic light paused for a second and had only to bring up a hand to his face and sigh deeply.

Lord of cosmic light: I just have to be those stupid psychic frogs for all their power they are extremely shortsighted and fuck my life well I only have two years within the warp so better make the most of it prepare the realm for battle and war.

with that decoration from there god the realm of cosmic light began mobilizing for the first time since his creation for a war.


{Author note: hey everyone sorry for the late chapter I had to think carefully on this one and how I want to approach the story so yeah we're finally getting into the war of heaven ark it's gonna take me some time to write that one up so please have patience I will not have you disappointed in the meantime read some of my other works and tell me what you think of them thank you and have a good New year}

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