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44.59% Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun / Chapter 64: Chapter 61: The First Steps On A Long Journey

Capítulo 64: Chapter 61: The First Steps On A Long Journey

(Van: POV)

My armor on I walked the lower levels of Coruscant.

HK-47 by my side.

Three weeks went by as I worked with Yularen and Hallena, investigating the attack on Palpatine and the Naboo delegation during the Eriadu Trade Summit.

Which I am happy to say went nowhere.

I am also sure Palpatine has no idea of my involvement in it, considering I'm not dead or had an unfortunate "accident" yet.

And given that he checked up on the investigative team almost every day, and tried to get closer to me I am now sure the old Sith is trying to turn me into one of his dark side minions.

Too bad for him that is never going to happen.

HK-47 and I continued walking, descending deeper into the Coruscant underlevels. Until eventually we reached our destination.

A shabby-looking hotel with a flickering sign, that was titled left at a 45 degree angle.

Entering through the front door HK-47 and I went right up to the front desk, which was being manned by a male Palliduvan, which is the same species as the badass femme fatale bounty hunter Aurra Sing.

Looking up from the holovid he was watching, on a device shaped like a television box, he glanced at HK-47 and I.

"500 credits a night." He said.

"We're not staying." I immediately replied. "I was told we could acquire information here." I said. Using the slang words of the criminal underworld, where ordinary people rarely ever tread.

"Room 210." The male Palliduvan told me. "If you find yourself in trouble it's not on us." He told me.

"Right." I replied.

HK-47 and I then headed for room 210.

Reaching it I knocked several times on the door.

A few seconds after I did it slid open, revealing a silver protocol droid that looks exactly like C-3PO but isn't. This droid is known as I-5YQ, also known as I-5 for short.

"Yes, may I help you?" I-5 asked me.

"No, but we can help you. And your partner." I spoke. "So, how about letting us in and having a little chat? What do you say Mr. Pavan?" I asked.

"Come in." A male voice spoke.

After it did I-5 backed up and HK-47 and I entered the hotel room. Which looked just as shabby as I imagined it would. Yet it wasn't the worst hotel room I've ever seen.

Turning my head my eyes landed on a man sitting at a chair at the desk in the room. Dressed in worn clothing he has black unkempt hair with a matching beard, and dark-brown eyes.

His name is Lorn Pavan.

"So, you said you can help me, how?" Lorn asked me.

"First of all I can offer you employment, and I can reunite you with your son." I spoke.

The moment I did Lorn fixed me with a pointed gaze and I sensed waves of anger, guilt, and self-loathing coming off him.

"Who are you?" Lorn asked me through gritted teeth.

Reaching up I took off my helmet and then held it under my right arm. "When I wear this armor people call me Moriarty. But my true name is Van Sunrider, a knight of the Jedi order."

"Get the kriff out of here right now Jedi!" Lorn shouted at top of his lungs after I introduced myself. The venom in his voice coming through loud and clear. 

But his anger and rage is completely understandable. Considering what the order did to him and his family.

Lorn Pavan worked as a business clerk at the Jedi temple. He had a good life, and was even married. Then just a few years ago he had a child. A son he named Jax. Who ended up being force-sensitive. So working with the Jedi Order Lorn reported this to them, and they took his son in for training.

The order then fired Lorn and kept him and his wife away from Jax.

All due to their bullshit rules of non-attachment.

Shortly after that Lorn's wife left him.

Now he gets by being an information broker her on Coruscant's lower-levels, with his trusty droid partner I-5. Longing to see his son again.

So like I said I understand why he is angry, and he has every right to be. He trusted the Jedi, he trusted the order, and what did they do? Took his son from him and basically destroyed his entire life. All in the name of their own rules.

The hypocrisy and arrogance of the current Jedi Order is so great right now it sometimes takes everything I have not to throw up or go smack the senior members of the order around until they change those horrible rules which the order follows today.

Because separating parents from children is never right, yet the Jedi Order does it all the time. Sure the Republic says its legal for them to do so, but does it make it right?

Hell to the no.

I am certain Lorn isn't the only parent the order has pissed off over the years. No, in fact I know there are others out there. Because I've checked. Yet with the Republic backing the Jedi Order the voices and cries of those parents are drowned out.

Again, truly disgusting.

I understand the need for force-sensitives to learn how to control their powers, lest they hurt themselves or others, but taking them away from their homes is not the answer. Which is why it is not a practice my Jedi Order will implement. Except in the most dire of circumstances. Like if a force-sensitive child is an orphan, or being abused in some manner.

I haven't worked out all the details, but I just know I will not beak family's apart unless absolutely necessary.

Lorn continued hurling profanities and slurs my way, calling the Jedi and Jedi order a colorful list of words that would even make a sailor blush. However no matter how much he spat words of venom at me I didn't budge from the spot I was standing in and held my ground.

Eventually after fifteen minutes he got the message I was not going anywhere and stopped his aggressive word slinging.

"Thank you." I told him. "Now then, if you're doing insulting me maybe we can have a proper conservation like normal people?"

"I've got nothing to say to you, Jedi." Lorn seethed.

"Ok, then I'll talk and you listen." I spoke.

Lorn didn't object, so I took that as a go ahead.

"Lorn, what happened to you was a tragedy." I told him. Making the man get a shocked expression on his face. "Yes, I'll say it again. What happened to you was a tragedy. It is a disgusting, misguided act by a group of people who would rather follow outdated rules than take a chance and embrace change. I don't condone it. So on behalf of the Jedi Order I apologize to you." I spoke sincerely.

"But, you're just a kid." Lorn spoke.

"I am." I told him. "I also wish to bring change to the Jedi. And to the galaxy at large. Change I would like your help in making a reality." I spoke.

I then took out a mini holoprojector from one of my many belt pouches, walked over to the desk, and set it down. "Of course I don't expect you to give me an answer right now, and if you reject me that would be completely understandable, given all that you have been through. But if you do agree to the offer I just made you then use this holoprojector to contact an associate of mine. Then I will know you're in and we'll take it from there." I explained. "Goodbye. Oh and one more thing."

Reaching into another pocket I took out a datatchip which contained 25,000 credits, and also placed it on the table. "For taking up your time. It should see you through a few nights." I said.

Once I did HK-47 and I then finally took our leave.

Me hoping Lorn would accept my offer.


Three days later I got my answer from Lorn.

He agreed to come and work for me.

Which brought a smile to my face.


Standing in my apartment I faced Yennali.

"So you're really doing it huh? You're going away?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I am." I told her.

Now that the chapter on the Eriadu Trade Summit has officially closed, and I got Lorn to come and work with me, at the moment there is currently nothing of extreme importance keeping me here on Coruscant.

As such I am going to leave the planet, and begin setting in motion plans I have been putting off until now.

I've already informed the Jedi Order I would be traveling and not to contact me unless it is an absolute emergency. In addition to that I also told everyone within the coalition I would going to ground for some time, but gave some of my closest allies like Marcellus, Dooku, and Komari, a way to contact me directly if a super pressing emergency came up.

After handling all that I am now saying my last farewell to Yennali.

Staring at me Yennali did not say a single word. Instead she simply walked up to me and embraced me in a tender hug, which I reciprocated.

"Van, I love you." Yennali suddenly spoke.

Completely shocked I looked at her and moved to respond.

Only for her to place a single finger from her left hand over my lips. "Shh, don't say anything. I don't want to you feel obligated to say it back to me. Just do so when you're ready, and if you never are I can't say I won't feel sad, but at least you know how I feel about you." Yennali explained.

So not saying a word I simply gave her a curt nod in respond.

After I did she removed her finger from my lips. She then reached up, wrapped her arms around my neck, and then pulled my head down to lock our lips in a pure and tender kiss.

Which just like the hug I reciprocated.

Feeling like we were the only two people in the galaxy I focused all my attention on Yennali at this moment, and I felt she was doing the same with me.

As we did this I suddenly felt something happening in the Force. Then before I could discern what it was I felt mine and Yennali's mind connect in a way it never had before.

It was more intimate than either of us had experienced.

Breaking our kiss both of our eyes went wide in shock.

"Van, what, what is this?" She asked.

"I think, it's a Force-bond." I spoke.

Then the moment after I did the Force let me know what I spoke was the truth.

Yennali and I had just formed a Force-bond. One of the most intimate and personal connections two force-users can create.

It's something that can't be described in so many words. But the gist of it is now Yennali and I can sense and communicate with each other over long distances, and share images and emotions.

Now this I certainly did not expect.

But it feels good.

It feels right.

"So, that just happened." Yennali said. Using one of my common sayings.

"Yeah." I replied, a smile on my face. "It sure did."

I then went back in to share another kiss with Yennali.

Then once we broke apart I left Yennali in my apartment, since she's going to watching over it while I'm going, and headed for the Milano.

Feeling a sense of peace.

Feeling that now no matter what comes my way I can face it and prevail over it.


[Auril Sector, Teedio System, Exis Station]

Standing in my armor, my helmet under my left arm, I stood in one of the meeting rooms on Exis Station.

Facing a large group of people.

Who are Arwen Cohl and his mercenary band.

A band which has grown, considering the jobs I've been sending there way over these past two years.

Exactly like I planned.

Swinging my gaze over the room I saw Lorn, as well as the droids who called Exis station home when HK-47 and I first arrived here.

Who just like Lorn have agreed to work for me.

The droids of this station having made HK-47 something akin to their leader. A position he took without any reluctant on his part.

Which should worry me, but if I spend all my time worrying about what that assassin droid does I'll drive myself crazy. So I've chosen to simply let it be.

I mean so long as HK-47 doesn't turn his droid followers into his own personal army or anything.





'No, no, don't go down that rabbit hole Van. You told yourself you would just let it be, so let it be.' I thought.

Going with my original plan to ignore HK-47 and his leadership of the droids on Exis station.

Which I hope doesn't blow up in my face.

You know what, let's just move on.

"Everyone, can I have your attention please?" I asked, using the Force to bolster my voice and make everyone pay attention to me. Which worked. They all looked at me. "Thank you." I told them. "Now, many of you probably don't know me. So I'll start my introducing myself. The mercenary codenamed I have chosen for myself is Moriarty, but my real name is Van Sunrider. A Jedi. Yes, a Jedi. Now you are probably wondering why a Jedi like me, and one so young, has gathered you all here, correct?"

Numerous head nodded at my question.

"Well the answer is, I wish for you all to work with me. For you see I am starting my own mercenary band. One that will not only work for money, but also for the people. Just like you have been doing we will be facing pirates, warlords, and slavers. We will crush them. But we will not stop there. Because that is simply the first part of the plan in the future I have envisioned."

"What the kriff are you talking about kid?" A Cathar male asked.

"I'm glad you asked." I said. "To put it bluntly the Republic and the Jedi Order have both fallen from what they once more. No more are they shining examples for all the galaxy to look too, and instead are rotten fruits breaking apart from the inside out. They leave worlds who are apart of their government to fend for themselves. And now just them either. But entire planetary systems and sectors. Well I say enough is enough. If the Republic and Jedi Order that serve them will not protect the people, then I wish to create something that will. A new galactic government that will stand up for its citizens. Now of course it will not be perfect, no government system ever is. But I can promise you this, it will be much better than the current so-called galactic spanning government. So I stand before you all today to ask you to stand with me, and help me in making my dream a reality. What say you?"

Finishing my speech the entire room became deathly silent. So silent you could hear a pin drop.

It remained like this for several seconds, before the silence was broken.

"I will stand with you." The male Cathar from earlier spoke.

"I will also stand with you." A near-human female said.

"Count me in." A Rodian spoke up.

Then another and another, until everyone in the room agreed to join me.

Even the droids.

Hearing their words and seeing their actions I felt incredibly honored, as well as extremely happy.

"Thank you, thank you all." I shouted. "I promise you, I will not misplace the trust you have placed in me." I exclaimed.

No, I will not.

So with this I have taken the first step towards realizing my goal for the galaxy and the Jedi Order. Now there is no turning back.

"And so it begins." I muttered.

And so, it begins.


A/N: Alright, longest chapter to date right here. I hope you enjoyed it.

I know it was a lot, but I figured giving all those details was necessary.

Van's interaction with Lorn was important to showing his stance on many of the Jedi Orders policies and what he will and will not allow when he forms his own order.

The second interaction between Van and Yennali is more romantic development, and I threw in the Force-Bond because I felt it would be good.

Finally Van rallying Arwen Cohl and his mecenaries to his side. That was of great importance. For it was Van's first step to becoming a true leader of others. As well as his first step to making his goals a reality. Which I hoped I have conveyed well so far.

Now then Episode I is close.

So stay tuned in. For I know you are all looking forward to reading it as much as I am to writing it.

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