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40.54% Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun / Chapter 58: Chapter 55: The Yinchorri Uprising Episode VII

Capítulo 58: Chapter 55: The Yinchorri Uprising Episode VII

[Hyperspace, En Route to the Yinchorri System, Hangar Bay of the flagship of the first Judicial Forces Taskgroup]

A datapad in my hands I looked over the data from the diagnostic scan I was running on my Delta 7A light Interceptor.

Making sure it was in perfect condition for the battle ahead.

All around me Republic pilots, mechanics, and flight deck crewmen were doing the same thing, or something along similar lines.

It was comforting in a way.

Knowing I wasn't the only one preparing the fight we were flying headfirst into.

'I wonder if this is how soldiers feel all the time?' I thought.

Only to be knocked out of my internal musing when I felt someone gently tap my right shoulder.

Turning around I saw it was none other than Adar Tallon.

"Hello commander Tallon, something I can help you with?" I asked him.

"No master Jedi. I was just wondering if you would like the flight crews to check over your fighter for you?"

"No, thanks. I am taking care of that myself right now actually." I explained. Showing Tallon the datapad I was holding. "Also commander, there is no need to refer to me as master Jedi. First because you are older than me, and second it's because I am a long way off from becoming a Jedi master. If you could, please use my name to refer to me. Which is Van Sunrider."

Adar's eyes went side at my words. But they only stayed that way for a few seconds before returning to normal. "Am, yes. I understand on both accounts. Van."

"Good. Thank you, commander Tallon. Now then, if you'll please excuse me I need to get back to making sure my fighter is in tip top condition. I don't want any suprises from it during our coming engagement with the Yinchorri forces." I spoke.

"Yes. That is a sentiment I, and I suspect most of the pilots under my command, share with you in regards to our own fighters." Adar spoke.

"Well hearing that truly makes me happy, commander. For it means I'll be flying with like-minded people once the battle starts. And in my book that can make a big difference between victory and defeat."

"That it can, that is can." Adar agreed. "You know Van I think you're the strangest Jedi I've ever met. No offense."

"It's fine. No offense taken. Besides, I get that a lot." I explained. "I'm not what you'd call a traditional Jedi."

"Oh I can see that." Adar replied. "I also heard something from a few of my comrades before we left. They heard some of the other Jedi on this mission saying it was you who wanted military support in the first place. So, is it true?"

"Yes." I immediately replied. "Don't get me wrong, I'm all for diplomacy. But there's a time and place for everything, and considering what the Yinchorri did before my taskforce even left for this mission the first time around, well it was pretty clear the diplomatic approach was not the way to go. Yet my superiors in the order disagreed with my point of view. Which almost got us killed. Then after that, when they finally saw things my way, we then had to wait for the politicians in charge to get off their butts and give authorization for you and your fellow soldiers to help us. Authorization which I personally feel took too long to come through."

"On that we agree." Adar said.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Yes." Adar replied. "When I first heard about the incidents involving the Yinchorri my comrades and I could see the writing on the wall. Yet the politicans and beauracrats did as they usually do and tried to solve the situation any other way than deploying me and my comrades, since they would rather spend money on parties and lavish estates than give us the resources to do our jobs." He spoke passionately.

Giving me a bit of insight into how Adar joined the resistance and then the New Republic in the future.

Telling me there is a chance he might come and work for me in the future sooner than I expected.


The two of us talked a bit more before Adar was called away.

Once he was I finished running the diagnostics on my ship.

Seeing that everything was in working order I got in a bit of downtime before a ship-wide communication went out over the ships internal comm system.

"All hands to battle stations. I repeat, all hands to battle stations. We will dropping out of hyperspace into the Yinchorri system in thirty minutes." The voice of captain Dodonna spoke.

Then before he even finished personnel started moving.

Including me.

For it was time for the fight to begin.


[Fellwe Sector, Yinchorri System]

Dropping out of hyperspace the four taskgroup's of the Judical Forces moved with efficiency and purpose.

They also scared the Bantha dung out of the Yinchorri.

Despite this the reptilian-like turtle species was not going to back down.

Accelerating forward their starfighter's and other ships headed for the Judical Forces ships that had just entered their system.

Firing as they did.

The Judicial Forces ships, apart of each taskgroup, firing back in kind.

Soon filling the black void of space with a multitude of colors.

Some from cannons, others from torpedoes, and some from ships exploding.

In the cockpit of his Delta 7A Van did one final check of all his fighters instruments and on-board systems.

Seeing everything was in the green he performed a curt nod.

The second after he did so his comms came to life. The voice of Adar Tallon on them.

"Alright everyone you know the plan. We are going to head out and break up the Yinchorri starfighter formation so that our ships will have an easier time reaching Yinchorr. And remember, we are also escorting them. So no fancy stunts. Alright, let's move out!" Adar spoke.

After he finished doing so Van grabbed the joystick control inside of his cockpit and slowly eased his Delta 7A into the air using its repulsorlifts.

The other starfighter's in the hanger doing the exact same thing.

Everyone but master Tiins', who is flying a Delta 7A like Van, being a Z-95 Headhunter.

The precursor starfighter to the iconic and versatile X-wing.

'Damn, I wish I was flying one of those.' Van thought as he looked at the Z-95 Headhunter's Tallon's squad were piloting.

He much preferred it to the Delta 7A.

Especially since unlike his starfighter the Headhunter had missiles.

But given the time constraints of the mission Van couldn't get his hands on a Z-95 Headhunter in time.

Though after this mission is over he certainly would.

Which gave him an idea.

'I think I should introduce the X-wing early.' Van thought.

He then filed said thought away for later, and gave his full attention go the coming battle.

For he wasn't about to get blown to smithereens simply because he was distracted.

Though Van isn't planning to get blown up at all to be clear.

Once all the starfighter's were in the air Adar took the lead and accelerated out of the docking bay first.

The rest of the starfighter's then followed his lead.

Van included.

Pushing on his joystick control his Delta 7A engines came to life and he left the safety of the ship and found himself in the battlefield of space.

Using his scanners Van quickly located two Yinchorri starfighters.

Pulling up behind them he used his targeting computer to lock on to them.

Then once he had, without any hesitation he pulled the trigger.

The lasers on his Delta 7A then fired.

First striking the engines of the first Yinchorri starfighter, and then creating several holes in the second.

Due to the damage they sustained both ships blew up a few seconds later.

Flying through the explosions Van looked for other targets.

Finding them he used his ships lasers to blow them apart.

"And this is why I now love to fly." Van muttered to himself.

For space battles had always excited him.

Even in his previous life.

Which is what made him such a fan of Star Wars in the first place.

Continuing to destroy Yinchorri starfighters Van's comms suddenly got a signal from one of Tallon's squad.

"Assistance. I need assistance. My left wing has sustained severe damage and I've got three Yinhorri on my tail." A female voice urgently spoke.

"On my way." Van replied.

He then accelerated even harder, and soon reached the location of the pilot in danger.

Seeing the Yinchorri starfighters blasting away at her Van knew he needed to act quickly.

So he pulled behind the three enemy fighters and began firing.

Hitting one, which caused it to explode a few seconds later.

Despite this the other two fighters didn't stop firing on the female pilot.

"Stop that you turtle bastards!" Van exclaimed.

Pushing his thrusters even hard he pulled up alongside one of the Yinchorri starfighters and slammed into it.


Out of the canopy of his cockpit Van could see the Yinchorri pilot of the fighter he was slamming into yelling at him, most likely profanities, but Van paid said pilot no mind and continued his ramming.

Which soon bore fruit.

Damaging the Yinchorri starfighter enough with his slams, Van caused it to start flying out of control.

Which then caused it to crash into the last Yinchorri starfighter.

When this happened they both became a flaming pile of metal in a minute.

The fighters taken care of Van contacted the pilot of the damaged fighter. "This is Jedi knight Van Sunrider. Form up on me and I'll escort you back to the ship." He said.

"Understood. And thanks master Jedi." The female pilot said.

"Sure thing." Van replied.

He then escorted the pilot back to the ship.

Then once he did so Van got back out there.


Due to the strength of the Judicial taskgroups the Yinchorri forces were quickly overwhelmed.

Then their command center was soon located on Uhanayih.

After if was just like in the original timeline the Yinchorri completely surrendered.

Thus their uprising was ended.

And thanks to Van's actions not a single Jedi was lost in the battle.

Sidious and his allies hated that.

But Sidious loved the fact this incident further ruined Valorum's reputation, and forced him ro call in every political favor he had since he took office in 38 BBY to resolve the crisis.

So while some things changed, others stayed the same.

Though Van enjoyed the changes he made.

Especially since he was able to become acquainted with Adar Tallon.

An accquitance which woukd serve both Van and Adar well in the future.


A/N: Thus the Yinchorri Uprising ends.

While Sidious didn't get all he wanted he still got some things.

As did Van.

Like finding a friend in Adar Tallon.

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