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12.37% HP: Eagle Soars / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Heart’s Desire.

Capítulo 12: Chapter 12: Heart’s Desire.

( Note: This chapter has been edited, thanks guys. )

Professor Flitwick was having a very good day.

The charm teacher always liked festivities, with Christmas as a particularly lovely one. As always, he got a rest from the lessons and spent time with his favourite and most esteemed colleague Minerva McGonagall to decorate the castle.

This year saw the addition of one of his claws, an exceptionally gifted eagle named Magnus; named after the comet which flew down form Jupiter's realm to orbit the earth.

The boy had the habit of finding lessons in the uncanniest moments, especially when McGonagall was involved, much to her delight. The boy sought him out to ask for permission to study their animations; a charmwork he was rather fond of.

And so it was that his current favourite student followed them around the castle, observing their spellwork and attempting to transfigure some decorations of his own; if a snowman who wanted warm hugs could be called that.

Magnus's unwavering courtoisie mixed with some light humour made him of good company, if his juvenile curiosity for all things magical and his multiple questions and theories that made the old professor's heart melt were not enough to make his presence enjoyable.

The young eagle took some time to warm up to people, that was something he and Minerva had experienced personally. He was also prone to simply ignoring people he was not interested in personally, a habit that granted him much solitude as most students preferred loathing or admiring him for afar rather than taking the risk to approach him.

Even his own circle was more of a side-project for the boy, as he treated the favour he curried from his company, support and considerable help as a resource; an investment he would later benefit from.

Fillius was not a Hufflepuff, and he saw no wrong in the actions of his student, the later was after all only safeguarding his future. And all the students he approached were more than happy with the development, as they gained a trustworthy companion; something most people lacked.

His thought grew darker at the thought of one of his best students, a muggleborn, just like young Magnus. She however, had the gift of seeing the good in people. A quality the first-year lacked severely, then again, they did not have the same lives.

'Perhaps he would be the same, were he to live in a loving home instead of an orphanage.' The thought brought a frown to his face.

Albus had been acting strangely, ever since he and Minerva mentioned the brilliant student and his origins. The headmaster had been suspicious and asked for continued reports on the boy's actions, almost inquiring about him as much as he did with young Mr. Potter.

It was not something Fillius could understand, but he humoured the old wizard nonetheless. Time and reassurances calmed Dumbledore, as he saw that the boy was not a menace to be constantly monitored.

Yet today was different. The day that played out perfectly, and would have later been saved among other happy thoughts for his future Patronus casting, was blemished by the summons of the Headmaster.

However, instead of a report, Dumbledore's request was more unexpected….

"Where are we going, Professor?" The voice of his student brought him out of his thoughts, the incomprehension in his tone was physically painful for the older wizard.

"You will see, the headmaster asked to see you in another room of the castle." Flitwick responded in his most reassuring voice.

He did not like it, he did not know why or how; but Fillius felt that taking Magnus there would be a mistake, his instincts screamed at him to ignore the suspicious order.

'But Albus would never put a student at risk…' whispered another insidious voice, the one that murmured his doubts and inadequacies.

He was but a teacher, and Dumbledore the headmaster. He would have to trust in his judgment, Albus would not disappoint; he would do what is necessary, nothing more.

'But why does it feel so wrong?' He wondered as they arrived before a great wooden door, it was not the headmaster's study.

Dismissing his worries, he put on a reassuring smile as he flicked his wand, opening the door for his student to enter.

"The Headmaster is waiting for you inside." He said jovially, though his mirth felt oddly hollow.

"Won't you come with me, Professor?" The boy's razor-sharp eyes were set on him, studying his reactions.

Fillius was tempted to ignore Dumbledore's request, to take the boy with him and return to the tower. He wanted to rush inside the room and make sure it was safe, to ease both of their worries and honour the boy's confidence in him.

"Professor Dumbledore would like to see you alone, Magnus. Do not worry, I'm sure everything will go smoothly" Reassure the half-goblin, a forced smile on his face.

Magnus stepped inside the room, and the doors closed behind him. His doubts came back with full force, he swallowed the lump in his throat as he waited, and prayed that all would be fine.


Magnus was expecting it, Professor Dumbledore's move that is.

He was thus not too shocked when his head of house came to him, carrying news of the headmaster's summons. He said goodbye to his so-called friends, who were acting worried now but would doubtlessly revel in his absence.

It was the lot of the great, to be equally loathed and lauded by their lesser.

However, when the old wizard chose to meet him outside of his study, Magnus was somewhat discountenanced. He nonetheless calmed himself, reviewed his plans and strategy and prepared his Occlumency, a surprise mental assault was not something he wanted to experience.

Flitwick had been rather acting suspiciously along the way, which made him worry a bit. The jolly charm teacher was someone Magnus came to respect and appreciate very much, he could even venture far enough to say that he trusted him.

The possibility that he'd take him here, knowing it might be dangerous. That he'd obey, regardless of the risks for Magnus's safety. The possibility that he'd betray the hard-earned trust Magnus offered him…it was not something he was prepared to face just yet.

The room he was led to was large, but empty. It contained naught but single, large mirror and the old wizard that watched it.

Yes, it was totally not ominous at all.

Dumbledore was a tall bearded sage with double dose of eccentricity and a fair bit of madness. For this meeting, he was clad in his favourite purple robes, groomed his beard into immaculate perfection and had his eyes nice and twinkling behind rather ridiculous half-moon glasses.

His gaze moved away from the mirror with great difficulty, and his face warmed up as he received the apparently nervous student inside the room.

Dumbledore did not want to reach such lengths, but the boy was simply too similar to him. The old man's worries were torturing him, the stress of the boy's appearance which of course, had coincided with the return of Harry Potter and the safekeeping of his old friend's stone in Hogwarts was simply too much.

He had to make sure the boy was not misguided, that he would not be another one of his mistakes. After today, it would become clear whether or not this child was dark.

"Magnus! I apologies, my boy." He gave the boy a grandfatherly smile, all the while taking in his every reaction "It seems I got lost in my thoughts."

"It's alright, Headmaster." Answered the boy, trying to hide his nervousness.

Albus saw him struggle internally, wondering what approach he should take when dealing with him.

"Am I in trouble?" He asked, finally deciding that blunt honesty was the way to go.

The many-named-bearded man was happy with his choice, but it could be a mere decoy. He would not allow another monster to rise from the walls of this school, not after all the pain the previous one caused.

"No, Magnus. Of course not." He reassured him, doubling the power of his grandfatherly aura "Do not worry, Magnus. I simply wanted to meet the brilliant student Fillius and Minerva have been praising all this time."

The boy seemed happy, if a bit embarrassed that his two favourite teachers had been discussing his progress to the headmaster. A normal behaviour so far, and he exhibited none of the venom Tom had shown so early in his life.

"I wanted to take this opportunity to show you something." Said the second coming of Merlin, this time the warmth in his voice a bit more genuine, seeing that someone was unlikely to be a bloodthirsty monster did that you.

" An enchanted mirror?" Asked the Ravenclaw, his attention shifted to the old mirror in the middle of the room.

Magnus stepped forward, looking at the frame of the enchanted artefact. His amber eyes gleaming with curiosity, but holding back form questioning the headmaster about the object.

"erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi" Said the boy "I show not your face but your heart's desire."

"That, it does, Magnus." Chuckled the old man, amused at the boy's curiosity. "This is the mirror of Erised, one of the many artefacts Hogwarts contain. As the inscription tell us, the mirror was enchanted to show you the thing exact thing you desire the most."

"Why don't you try it?" He proposed. It would be it, one look and his doubts would be settled.

Magnus took an unsure step forward, maintaining the façade of an unsure but curious child. However, he was inwardly thrilled at an indirect benefit the mirror of Erised provided.

'A shortcut to create a Patronus' Thought the boy with glee, mindful not to establish eye contact with the old man and keeping his shield nice and strong.

He saw his reflection twist and shift, as the mirror worked it's magics. Ancient charms still holding strong and showing that which should be impossible, an admirable work of enchantment.

But soon, all thoughts and plans flew out of his mind, while he took in the sheer beauty of the scene before him.

He looked at the glass, and an adult wizard with long, luscious dark hair and piercing amber eyes looked back. He was tall and strong, broad shouldered with a body sculpted through years of efforts.

He was clad in lavish clothes of black and bronze, made of acromantula silk and enchanted with many a charm. In his hand was his trusty wand of Fir, which allowed him to survive and thrive in this new world.

He stood proud, high above the sea in the cliff his house was built on, it was a magnificent sight. But it paled compared to the rest.

When he was young, in another life, Magnus's only dream was to succeed enough to amount to something. To honor his grandfather by becoming the first in his family to escape the chains of mediocrity, his ambition was to live in a house with big windows; a house in which he wouldn't have to worry about an uncertain future.

Yet in this life, he had a chance. A chance for more, and he would surely take it. And so his desire was shown, in an ideal illusion of success.

In the ethereal world of the mirror, he lived in a miracle of magic. A luxurious home made to reflect it's owner's might, it was more than a house with big window.

However, it couldn't compete with the woman who stood beside him.

He could not quite see her features, but he knew, he knew that never in his life did he see someone this magnificent.

The young witch stood beside him, her hand adorning a ring to match his own, in a reflection of the adoration shared in their eyes.

He was in love, something he never thought he'd experience. Something he still might never live, the passion in his eyes told him all he needed to know; it told him that he'd do anything to protect the flower in his heart.

Looking at him, his reflection smiled, as if to reassure him, before taking out an object from his pocket, a blood red stone; The Philosopher's stone, but he knew it was not Flamel's, not with the pride his reflection had as it looked at alchemical apotheosis. No, it was one he made himself.

It was glorious.

"It's beautiful." He whispered, unable to tear his eyes away from the reflection. And he watched it until the old wizard flicked his hand, a blanket covered the mirror once more.

"And dangerous, my boy." Warned the Professor "Many a wizard lost himself while watching his deepest want..."

"What did you see my boy." The ancient wizard looked at him dead in the eye, but Magnus was ready.

He projected the image of him in his house, concentrated on the adoration the image felt for the woman. Immersing himself in the spectral shape he could not define, he got rid of all other thoughts.

"I saw myself in a beautiful house, perched up high above the sea." He said with a smile "I was married…it was…I was in love."

In Dumbledore's face, a genuine smile appeared. The boy was not Tom…a weight fell of his shoulders, only to be replaced by guilt at doubting the innocence of a child because of his own insecurities.

'The things you made me do Tom…' He thought mournfully, the mistakes Voldemort made him commit would forever haunt him, and this was but one of them.

"And you professor?" Asked the boy, still a bit lost in what he saw "what do you see when you look at the mirror?"

"A pair of thick woolen socks."


Magnus looked at his teacher, who brought him in a room that could drive many wizards mad, in the company of a wizard who sent a Legilimency probe on him after an especially emotionally taxing experience.

The one who brought him here, let him witness an utopia he would never live. Put him through the torture of knowing the very thing he now craved yet could not obtain.

And as he looked at him, his eagle-like eyes piercing him for any sign of knowledge of what transpired, of suspicion, or of guilt. The professor felt the doubts inside him about to burst, they stayed in silence until the half-goblin squeaked the fateful question, the one he asked himself all the while.

"Are you alright, Magnus?" These four words carried with them a weight you couldn't imagine.

Fillius did not need to hear his answer to know, his eyes told him enough. The disoriented eyes of the boy, eyeing him with spite, rage and to his infinite shame; hurt.

"Why don't you get inside and see for yourself, Professor." He responded, his voice dry and measured, as if he was barely holding back from attacking him.

Magnus left, unwilling to let his temper lead him to another fiery incident. He headed to left corridor, in the room where he'd be safe.

As Fillius opened the door, he looked from the mirror to the transfixed wizard and he barely stopped himself from screaming out. He calmly closed the door, using his Occlumency to avoid further mistakes.

He understood.

He ran to McGonagall's study, his emotions barely contained by the mind arts. Yet they did not stop his thoughts from tormenting him, as he deserved.

The boy had trusted him, and he betrayed him. It was as simple as that, he did not complete his duty as head of house, he led him to a dangerous situation to calm the nerves of a paranoid old man.

"Minerva…I failed Magnus…" Admitted the short wizard, not daring to look at the face of the witch.

As he recounted the events that transpired this afternoon, he saw the disbelief and rage in her brown eyes matching those of the boy. He saw the overwhelming worry she felt defeating the urge to hex him, as she stormed off her study to enter the Ravenclaw tower.

The mirror of Erised was sealed for a reason, the weak willed would lose themselves in the image, forsaking their lives for an ephemeral ideal. To allow a child to see it could be disastrous, no one that young should have to see what he couldn't have.

The professor went on a warpath, answering the riddle of the eagle and searching for her boy.

The annoying, troublesome boy who definitely knew she was an animagus. The boy who'd ask a thousand questions, but still manage to surprise her with each one of them. The one who's marvel at the wonders of magic never ceased, much like her own. The one who's only been here for a few months, but managed to spend more time with her than most students did in years.

The boy who was so much like her.

He admired her, of that she was sure and she never missed the occasion to mention it to his head of house. The one who might be the brightest students they've ever taught, was emulating her at every occasion. Or perhaps it was his own nature? She did not care.

The boy who used a fir wand, who's gift for transfiguration was mind-numbing, the hatstall who could very well have gone to Gryffindor…he was like her.

She was devastated to see he was missing, but she wouldn't rest before she found him and made sure he was alright.

Minerva McGonagall was enraged.


Guess who's back? Back again, Sheggy's back! Kill a friend!

Here's another chapter! Less imposing than the last but still pretty plot heavy.

Any advise? Criticism is always welcome!

Yup, it's been edited!

Peace and Cheese!


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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