Of course, the more clever individuals knew that Dyon was doing this so it was easier to keep an eye on his more powerful subordinates to make sure they weren't led astray, but they kept silent on this matter. After all, Dyon was compensating them well.
In order not to brew discontent, Dyon made it clear that those Clans who were selected for this privilege had already earned it.
For example, Caedlum Pakal not only had the Asura Faith Seed, he was a False True God. As such, he was rated as an S grade talent though – he didn't enter the academy – and a future pillar of Dyon's empire. Who could deny that his family deserved good treatment?
Dyon used similar logic to bring the Elves and the Jafari Clan to his side. He also officially enshrined the Ipsum Clan. Considering they had 5 dao experts, who would complain? They immediately became the strongest of the Clans without question. Though, they were lacking in members.
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