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I´am a Original in the Crossover World I´am a Original in the Crossover World original

I´am a Original in the Crossover World

Autor: vish_Tepes

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Pilot

Look, I didn't think that would happen. I had a plan to go in and kill the guy and leave without anyone seeing me. Unfortunately, the guy's security didn't follow my plan. In less than 5 minutes the military police were surrounding me. I reacted and took 50 shots from the police


51 shots now

I think it was the mercy shot. Dammit, I shouldn't have taken this job. Killing the governor of my state was not smart.


January 2007

Well, waking up was not in my plans after being shot by the Military Police, and having a dagger stuck in my chest and inside a coffin was also not part of the plan.

"Well, that's groundbreaking, is it new technology?" I said laughing with a northern accent and pulling the dagger from my chest

I pushed the coffin lid off the memo's top slowly opening it while it was open. I looked around the room and saw other coffins around me. Well I remember seeing it somewhere, I just can't remember where

"Hey, who are you?" I hear a scream and see a man running towards me with an angry frown. "How did you get in here?"

He had veins around his eyes and his eyes were completely red. I sure remember something like that.

As it looked like the man was going to attack me I got out of the coffin and got ready to fight. When he was about 10 meters away from me, the man blurred and appeared in front of me.

Wow, what is this, special effects? I didn't have time to think about why he'd punched me in the face. His fist was also a blur and at that speed, he was sure to rip my head off.

Dammit, will I die again? As I thought about my death by the man's fist, I realized it was taking too long for him to hit me and I leaned back thoughtfully.

"Interesting, then, do I have superpowers too?" I wondered and my accent went north again that weird

"You who are you? How did you get around that, I'm 800 years old, there aren't much faster than me" The man yelled looking scared and The man threw more punches and kicks

"800 years, that's a long time" I commented dodging his punches and kicks "As I thought, I remember this from somewhere"

My thoughts got a little complex and gave him the chance to punch me in the face. I turned away and felt strong anger looking at him. The man cringed at my gaze and started squeezing the hand that looked broken.

"You shouldn't have done that" I growled and felt a slight pain in my face.

"You are an original!" The man whimpered as he looked into my eyes "Wait, let's talk"

"Maybe I am, now it's my turn!" I smiled at him and punched the man in the face

Unlike my expectation, the man's head flew like a volleyball in a quick-serve and crashed into the wall hard.

"ohh this is new" I commented looking down at my hand and turning my gaze to the rest of the room "Other coffins, how wonderful"

Going to the coffins I realized that I knew the place and confirmed it. I was in the world of The Vampire Diaries. I looked at each coffin and found everyone that was there. the only differences were the sealed coffin and mine.

"So I'm Finn, huh?" I commented on the character that one of my girls hated the most in the series. I watched the series thanks to her

I looked at Rebekah and Kol's coffins thoughtfully, will I get them out of here? no! they will cause trouble and get Klaus' attention.

I don't want Klaus on my tail so I'm going to put this guy in my coffin.

I took the headless vampire and placed it in the coffin that belonged to me. I closed the coffin and went to the sealed coffin.

"Now original mom, do you want to take a dip in the ocean?" I commented amused and leaned over to pick up the coffin and propped it up on my shoulders. As I imagined, it was as light as a feather, despite the body rummaging around "now, I just have to find the nearest beach"


February 2007

"Ready, have a nice swim" I laughed watching Esther's sealed coffin sinking into the ocean, and turned my attention to the boatman "Let's go back and"

I blurted in front of him and grabbed him by the neck lifting him. He started desperately kicking the air and hitting my arms as he lost his breath under my grip.

"Do you have a family?" I asked looking him in the eye and he nodded, I could feel he was telling the truth as I listened to his heart "Are you abusive to this family? Do you beat them for meanness or drink?"

He shook his head and his heart didn't flutter. he is telling the truth

"Well, forget everything you saw and I took this," I said looking him in the eye and handing him a card and a flash drive"Here are 12 bitcoins and the card has 1 million dollars. if you are asked, say that you got bounty from a bored billionaire and call this number"

The man nodded without speaking and I let go of his neck. I jumped

from the boat to go back to shore alone, after all, I didn't want to be seen with the boatman when I got back. You never know where Klaus has eyes and I don't want to ruin the life of someone who helped me so much.


April 2007, Los Angeles

I spent two months hiding in plain sight of everything that could be related to Klaus so as not to be discovered until I got bored and decided to go to a nightclub. In my time, I started to adapt my accent which was English mixed with Old Norse.

Which made everything I said twice as hard to understand. I managed to lower it to the current Nordic English accent. Now is the time to test my accent

Entering the club and looking around, I noticed that I received many looks from all sides. some were looks of intimidation, some admiration, some fear.

The ones of fear were what I recognized for being the easiest, probably supernatural ones I felt. I learned to feel my surroundings a little to discover the supernatural around me and I say that most of here is very weak.

I felt many types of supernaturals here. I puffed out my chest and made my dominant position clear here. I activated my powers, making my presence evident

At the same time, 5 different supernatural presences also showed up, two were a little bigger than mine and the 3 other one was much smaller, but still much stronger than the others. Interesting, a being more powerful than an original, I don't know if it scared me or if I'm curious

I understood right away what was happening and deactivated my powers. kilo was a warning, there are powerful beings here, don't get in trouble

As a rule-abiding man, I'm going to cause trouble. My goal is to cause trouble here to see how far I can make a fuss without getting caught on Klaus' radar.

I activated my ears and started to hear the things everyone was talking about ignoring the surrounding music. I wanted to find someone to feed me and manage to cause a problem since apparently, I can't eat in this club.

I laughed at the sign on the entrance wall and understood what it truly meant. No, eat people inside the club.

Although most people thought it was eating normal food so as not to dirty the floor of the nightclub with crumbs or even leftover food.

'come on, I'm sure it will be different this time

'I don't want, Will leave me alone'

'it will be different this time, I have changed'

'I'm seeing your change and I say, I don't care

'Who do you think you are to refuse me like that? you're playing with your luck, Jenna!'

'let me go, Will, I'll scream

'nobody will hear you, now let's go!'

Umm, Jenna? Could it have something to do with the main story? I'll have to go check it out. I blurted through the nightclub and appeared where the voice was coming from and with expected I found Jenna Sommers being pulled by the arm by a drugged guy

Cool, I looked for a coin and got a gold mine. She might be the reason I don't die when the universe starts protecting Elena Gilbert's ass

I walked over to him and took his hand calmly drawing his attention to me.

"Hey she doesn't want to go with you leave her alone," I said softly and looked at the woman confirming it was her "Are you ok?"

"Yes, thank you" She replied softly with a tone of relief.

"Who the hell are you to let me go, I'm talking to my 'Woman1'" The man yelled and punched me in the stomach.

pathetic, I saw him moving slowly and his fist coming into my stomach like a slug at full speed. I could have dodged but I let him hit me


"AAAaaa" He yelled kneeling and started holding his hands like he was in a lot of pain

I quickly grabbed him by the neck and lifted him, squeezing his neck tightly making him gasp. I lifted him to my eyes and started talking.

"Listen, Will, is that your name right? She doesn't want to go with you and you'll stop pestering her. Do you understand?" I asked coldly and squeezed his neck even tighter.

He nodded robotically and his eyes unfocused. Jenna shifted uncomfortably beside me at the display of violence.

"What's going on here?" A hand took mine and I turned my eyes to the person who touched me"can you explain it to me"

I looked at the man and almost had a heart attack. in front of me was the actor who made the Lucifer series. Dressed in a suit in the same style as the character Lucifer and next to him was the lectern who played the role of Maze

I took a deep breath and turned to the two of them loosening my grip on Will's neck and smiled at them both. making Will gasp catching his breath and start hitting my arm

"He was trying to force this girl to go somewhere with him" I turned to Jenna who was looking at Will strangely with a little pity, good people are the worst "You're ok"

"Ahh, yes, thank you" She replied awkwardly and looked at me with a little agony "Is he going to die?"

"Hmm? no, I'm not squeezing enough to kill someone" I replied smiling at her and winking at her "but if you want me to kill him…"

I squeezed his neck making him gasp again.

"No, please don't!" She replied scared putting her hands on me and taking them off when she realized "Sorry"

"don't worry about it, I'm Finn, Finn Michaelson" I smiled confidently at her introducing myself, and released a little grip on ill's neck making him breathe again "it's a pleasure to meet you, Ummm?"

"Jenna I mean I'm Jenna Sommers," She told me her name running her hand through her hair shaking it and making a cute little smile "It's nice to meet you, Finn"


A coughing sound caught my attention and I turned my attention once more to the Lucifer actor who had his fist in front of his mouth.

"I'm Lucifer Morningstar and this is my assistant Maze" Lucifer introduced himself smiling with amusement and extended his hand to me

"I am Maze" Maze introduced himself doing the same as Lucifer but in a bad mood.

Cool, he's Lucifer from the Lucifer series, does that mean I'm in a crossover?

"Well, that's my longtime friend Hades, he's shy, between us, he's running away from his wife, between us. A beautiful woman, but very difficult to deal with" Lucifer continued talking with a smile and pointed at him. a man who waved at us, "Now that we've introduced ourselves, why don't we clarify what's going on here?"

I immediately understood what Lucifer meant when he introduced him, Maze and Hades. He and Hades are the beings that are more powerful than I'm sure and Maze is the one closest to my power.

It was a warning, either you stop causing trouble or we have two fully capable people here today.

I got the message, I'm not going to pick a fight with the devil and the god of the underworld.

"I just got here and found this guy here, trying to pull the Jenna legend over there somewhere," I said with a wink to Jenna and she smiled back, she's giving a break

"Umm, I see, Maze here will take care of him, right Maze," Lucifer said causing Maze to nod with a smile and turned to Jenna "sorry for the inconvenience, why don't you guys come to the cabin. to excuse the incident"

"No need, I was the one who caused you trouble," Jenna said embarrassed, but I could see in her face that she wanted to go to the cabin "Will came after me"

"I do and I'm sure beautiful Jenna wants to spend time with this hottie here," I said winking at Jenna and patting my chest

"I would say cocky" Jenna scoffed with a smile as she rolled her eyes

"A hot cocksucker" I replied still laughing and Jenna rolled her eyes again "So you come"

I extended my hand to her. Jenna looked at me, looked at Lucifer, and looked at Maze still embarrassed, and then looked at me again like she was considering the possibility

"Since I've been invited" Jenna joked, playing with her hair "But make sure it's not because of you"

"It sure isn't!" I agreed with her with a nod and held out my hand to her "Shall we?"

I released ill for Maze to take him out of the club and do whatever she did with him.

"Yes" Jenna took my hand and we headed towards the cabin. After that, we drink, danced, played, kiss, me and Jenna.

Lucifer got him some boys and girls to play with. Hades complained about how they missed their children. He cried about how he couldn't see his children, Nico Di Angelo and Bianca Di Angelo.

I could be very surprised that this world is also Percy Jackson, but I decided not to, or rather the drink wouldn't let me. I don't know what kind of drink I was drinking, but it sure was stronger than anything I've ever had in my life.

After that, it was all over and I was unconscious, that is, I don't remember anything else


The other day in the morning

"What a headache," I said waking up and rubbing my head "What the hell happened?"

I looked around and saw that I was in some kind of luxury room around me and there were two beds. On one of the beds, a man was sleeping alone. In the other bed, there was another man sleeping with a group of 3 men and 5 women, all very handsome

I thought about questioning where I was and then I got a touch on my crotch which was wet with something hot creeping into it and warm wet air and sensation that made my little Finn shiver.

when I looked down, I saw Jenna Sommers with her face in my naked crotch and with my little Finn in her mouth who was snoring lightly. how the hell did this happen

I tried to get up, but I found that I had another weight on top of me and I saw red hair passing my face and beside me, a warm body was clinging to me.

I don't remember going to bed or even having a redhead accompany me. when I tried to observe the situation more. I realized that I knew the redhead on TV, as I said one of my girls from the other life liked this series and if I'm not mistaken the redhead was Sage, Finn's wife.

Fuck…how am I going to explain to her that her husband disappeared and I took his place. Wait, how did she even get here? I don't remember her joining the party

after boiling my head thinking about what happened I felt the person holding my arms move and I looked to the side only to see Maze with her eyes open looking at me.

"Well.. what happened?" I asked confused as I stared at her

"The best night of my life!" Maze answered and silence formed.

in the silence, I began to make thoughtful reflections on what had happened. but nothing came to my mind. Come on I'm an original now I'm sure I can remember

nothing… nya

Okay, I need more drinks like the one Lucifer has. Oh my god, how the hell did I manage to get drunk and not remember a thing when my body regenerates?

I tried to get out of my seat, but Maze, who was awake, clung to me and Sage continued to lie on top of me. Jenna, on the other hand, was completely out of her mind.

I feared that if I moved too much she might end up biting and I would have the experience of finding out if vampires can regrow torn body parts.

"help me" I whispered to Maze and pointed at Jenna

"You will leave?" She asked in a sly voice

"I will!" I stated I have to go, to finish some things

"then, no! sleep some more with us" Maze replied sleepily and snuggling into my shoulder and closing her eyes

Okay, this is weird, Maze shouldn't be a cute girl! Whatever, I'm going to sleep some more.

Time passed and we all woke up, Jenna went all red as she stuttered and tried to explain what happened. She apologized profusely to Sage as if she had done something very wrong.

Sage comforted her and talked to her taking her off to another place to talk to Jenna alone and Jenna was finished down leaving me alone with Maze who was already up and with her bad girl possession once more.

I asked her what happened and she answered me.

It all happened at the end of the night, around 11:50 when finally the mood between Jenna and I reached its climax and we went to bed.

According to Maze, Jenna and I were so drunk that while we were talking until I asked, 'Shall we fuck?'

It was gross and crude. Yes, it worked.

Maze said that Jenna as well was completely drunk replied, she simply decided to go with the mare and replied 'Yes I'm not doing anything at all

We bet to see who would make the other one give up first and as we were drunk, we bet a high value that was 10 thousand dollars

A silly bet made by two drunks.

Now, as Sage and Maze then in the story? Around 3 am when Jenna was halfway between begging for rest and offering her soul to me she was so exhausted.

Sage forced his way into the closed nightclub. she fought Maze and had a technical tie between the two when Lucifer allowed her to enter

it was at that moment that Jenna gave up completely as she was so exhausted and asked the two of them to help her win the bet.

Sage stated that she was my wife so she would participate and Maze just followed the mare coming along.

This was certainly the craziest party of my life.


hours later

"I heard you had one night with Maze, she's a beast isn't she" Lucifer teased patting my shoulder

"I don't remember" I spoke honestly and shook my glass of vodka "what was that drink?"

"Olympic Liquor" Lucifer replied taking a sip of Vodka and looking at me with an amused look "You were married and still had sex with two other girls, you're going to hell when you die"

I laughed and drank my sip of Vodka "I had sex with 3 girls, the third is my wife"

"ohh? really? you're a lucky man then, Hades already over there" Lucifer joked and pointed his finger at Hades who was in the corner of the nightclub talking on the phone

"Sorry love, I swear I haven't been with anyone, I was only with Lucy here, No, I didn't have sex with Lucifer" Hades yelled into the phone trying to get the dominant voice with the person on the other end and failed miserably "Yes love, I'm going home."

"is she that bad?" I asked curiously as I leaned closer to Lucifer "I thought she was a goddess daughter of Zeus that he kidnapped and she didn't like him"

"no, no, that was a narrative that Zeus made to damage Hades' reputation" Lucifer replied with a grimace and set the glass on the table"Actually, she is an Archangel, my sister, it is blasphemous to call her daughter of Zeus"


"Do not worry about it"

"no, no, I would be very offended if someone changed the story of someone I care about just to destroy someone else's reputation" I replied with a hint of anger and set my glass on the table losing the will to drink.

"I'm glad you understand" Lucifer returned to his smile "Unfortunately no one understood her even my sister Gabriel who lives passing by Loki and gave birth to children of giants and gods. also impregnated giantesses and goddesses and was not exiled but Persephone went for falling in love with a god, well that's hypocrisy"

"How did her sister give birth and get people pregnant?" I asked curiously, I don't think this is possible

"My sister Gabriel doesn't have a defined gender, she defines herself as female, but she can become male whenever she wants" Lucifer replied with an ironic tone "don't care too much about it! She's complicated"

"I can see… it looks like her sister has Hades on a leash," I said pointing my finger at Hades who was talking softly and even sweating

"Finn" I heard a female voice calling me and I turned around to see Sage looking at me with some disappointment "When did you leave?"

She spoke in a suggestive tone and shook her head at Jenna who was standing next to her with a complicated face. Ohh, she used the argument that I was stuck, it wasn't a lie

"Were you arrested? how?" Lucifer asked in surprise and started looking at me like I was some kind of nappy

He wanted to ask how someone as powerful as me was trapped, I have to make up a story

"I tried to save a boy victim of his abusive girlfriend and she filed a complaint against me. My daddy and my brother took it seriously and I ended up with a dagger in my chest locked in a coffin" I said making the situation clear and looked at Lucifer showing him some gestures"As you can see, I don't like to see people being oppressed"

I looked at Jenna and she brightened in the same second. I see, she was worried that I was just another criminal.

"Problems with daddy and brother too, huh?" Lucifer mocked and looked at Hades "it seems like all my friends have a problem with their father and brothers"

"So Sage, where are we going?" I asked innocently and looked into Sage's eyes to match her "Does that house still exist?"

Sage's eyes lit up and she moved in front of me and sat on my lap.

"no, that house was destroyed, I lost it in court to your brothers and they will destroy it" Sage complained as she ran her hand over my face

I nodded, not wanting to take this too seriously, as I'm not the real Finn and I might end up giving away my identity. If I give away that I'm not the real Finn it might be complicated for me

"I'm sorry" I moaned and caressed her face kissing her neck "we build another one when I have money"

"Your brothers took everything when you were in prison" Sage started moaning with my kisses "I only managed to save a small fortune"

"So, can you buy a house?" I licked her neck

"Yes, but, not now, I- I have to pass the bank and it will take some time" She moaned, squirming in my lap.


I looked at Lucifer who had his hand over his mouth once more.

"I know you guys just met and it's lovely to see live porn but I'm not interested when I'm not participating," Lucifer said smiling and throwing a key on the counter "You can stay here for a while Maze seems who liked you"

"Wait!" Jenna hit the table and stood in front of us. "Tell me something, why did you have sex with me, if you had Sage?"

"I thought she followed in front of. I spent a lot of time in the cage and got another love " I said looking at the floor and turning my attention to Sage "You sorry Me?"

"Of course, I forgave you," Sage said hugging me "It's not like I was a saint in the time you were in prison"

"So, you can stay at my place for now," Jenna said firmly holding out her hand to me and smiling "besides, I'm afraid Will come back and you being at my house, I won't have to worry"

"ok, it's a pleasure to do business with you Jenna," Sage said smiling and hugging Jenna"Thank you"




The phone rang in the middle of the night and I shifted in bed.

"Finn, answer the phone," Jenna said sleepily, she was cuddled on my right side

"Finn stop the phone!" Sage complained about my left side

"Ok, I'm coming" I grumbled and stood up pulling the covers off leaving the three of us completely naked. I got up and covered my girls who mumbled in thanks

"Michaelson-Summers house, who would you like to talk to?" I asked sleepily

{Jenna Michaelson is here?}

"She is sleeping"

{who am I talking to?}

"Her Husband and Her Name is Jenna M Sommers,"

{Mr. Michaelson, I'm sorry to inform you, but…}


"Finn, what happened?" Jenna asked sleepily

"Jenna, stay calm and listen to me carefully"

"Finn what happened"

"Well... Jenn, I`m Sorry..."

vish_Tepes vish_Tepes

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