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25% Gilgamesh In Danmachi / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2

Before I start this chapter I would like to ask you who you want to be the members of the harem.

I also want to tell you that in this story Bell will be a woman I have some plans for her to be related to the main character and I think you will like it.

And the last thing I would like you to support this story if you like it that motivates me to keep writing and bring you chapters faster also please rate the story xfa it would help me a lot


After entering Orario I could see the beautiful and peaceful streets of the city I could see how people were walking, selling and talking to each other I also saw the children playing.

But I knew that underneath all this happiness I knew there were dark things.

I walked around for a while and after exploring the city I decided to use clairvoyance to see where Hephaestus' office was.

Gilgamesh possesses clairvoyance, which takes the form of the noble phantasm Sha Naqba Imuru. He is extremely perceptive of spellcasting, which allows him to see through Caster's false death and tell the exact number of spells a spellcaster prepares just by looking at them, such as when he predicts the total number of projections prepared by Shirou, wondering what kind of hero he would be if he couldn't see through a spellcaster. She is also able to accurately assess her opponents' abilities.

After finding her with my clairvoyance I headed towards the tower of Babel.

As I walked I observed the different stalls that were there.

After 20 minutes of steady walking I arrived at the entrance of Babel and proceeded to enter and go up to the floor where the weapon stores were located.

I looked at the weapons for a while and could only describe them with one word.


The most expensive and powerful weapons I saw were matched only by a better weapon than the common one at my Babylonian gate.

Well I can't blame them the world of Fate is different from Danmachi the materials and systems of Fate are more powerful.

But even though their weapons are weaker their different abilities are interesting maybe in the future I could get some of them.

After a while walking I could arrive in front of hefesto's office and there was a guard guarding the door.

The guard looked at me from head to toe before speaking

"What business do you have with Hephaestus Sama?"

"I have an important matter I want to talk to her about can you tell her that I have a proposal for her that would benefit both her and me."

The guard after a moment nodded and entered the place.

After about 2 minutes the guard came out

"You can go in but Hephaestus Sama says if it's some joke he hopes you won't waste her time"

"I can assure you that what I am about to propose will not waste your time".

I walked down the hallway and finally entered Hephaestus' office where I could see that it was just like in the anime a simple office with a desk, a sofa and some shelves but what caught my attention was a wall where he had some blacksmith tools hanging.

Sitting at the desk was the goddess who looked much more beautiful than in the anime.

I could only describe the goddess with one word and that was beautiful.

She had a crimson hair cut short along with her beautiful red eye

She was wearing a white shirt along with black pants that were a bit tight and with a patch covering her right eye

She had a serious look directed at me and I could tell she was inspecting my body until she decided to speak.

"Well tell me who you are and what was the proposal you wanted to do to me?"

She said as she continued inspecting me

"My name is Gilgamesh and I am a Semi God."

At this hefesto's gaze stopped and she looked at me with wide eyes.

This was because she could sense if someone was lying to her and she could sense that I told the truth

Although I can avoid that she can know if I lie or tell the truth I prefer not to do it so that she can have confidence in me.

After a while hefesto pulled himself together and looked at me seriously.

"What proposal do you want to make to me Gilgamesh?"

"Well in short I want to join your family but with some conditions while you will be able to get benefits from me."

Hephaestus thought for a moment what I said.

"Fine but what would I gain"

I smiled inwardly so far everything was going as I wished

"I'm sure the Hephaestus family is a very powerful family in Orario but this is only because of the weapon factory now tell me what would happen if a powerful family for some reason would think of attacking them no matter what they would lose the right to be able to buy weapons from the biggest blacksmith family in the world"

Hephaestus thought about what to answer until he finally spoke.

"It is very likely that the family would suffer great damage or could even be destroyed since our members specialize in blacksmithing and we only have a single level 5 the others are only level 3 or lower but what does this have to do with what benefits me"

I looked at her seriously and spoke

"It's simple what would benefit you would be me."

Hephaestus didn't seem to understand what I said

"Explain yourself"

"First I am going to tell you that I am quite powerful and I am not being arrogant I can tell you for sure that I am stronger than the current strongest adventurer Ottar."

Hephaestus after hearing those words opened his eyes in shock as if he had discovered something shocking.

The reason for this is that again hephaestus used his ability to see if someone is lying or telling the truth and she could sense that he was not lying to her which shocked her after all he just told her that he is stronger than the only level 7 in Orario and the current strongest adventurer alive Ottar of the Freya family

"How is it impossible for you to reach that level of power without a foul or do you already have one and also how can you be so sure that you are stronger than Ottar?"

He looked at me waiting for an answer

"I don't have a falna but I trained my skills quite a bit and if I know that I am stronger than Ottar this is due to a clairvoyance ability I have where I can see many things easily like discovering the strength of my enemy in an instant."

Now Hephaestus Hephaestus was really shocked the Semi God in front of her had reached such a level of power without a fault.

After waiting a while for hephaestus to process the information I decided to continue speaking

"And that relates to what benefits you tell me who would dare attack your family if they know you have someone stronger than a level 7 like Ottar and even if they dare I could easily annihilate them"

Hephaestus finally understood this would benefit her greatly after all having an adventurer that could surpass the current strongest adventurer in the world would make this one not only have the power she gets from selling incredible weapons but she would also have great firepower against other families

After thinking about it for a while hefesto replied.

"Well I admit I'm interested but what's in it for you."

I looked at her and smiled and proceeded to answer.

"Here come my conditions if I join your family I want freedom in my movements obviously I will not go around causing trouble to your family also I don't want you to make me have to go on the expeditions that your family does to gather materials for the smithy I want to work alone although if your family goes on a dangerous expedition I will go and help them although I don't want to take orders from the leader of this one."

Hephaestus thought for a while before smiling and speaking.

"Well Gilgamesh you have a deal lie down on the couch to give you my falna."

He said this as he pointed to the couch in the corner of the office.

I got up from my chair and took off my vest and shirt revealing my well defined torso along with the red tattoos on it and then laid down on the couch leaving my back exposed.

I felt hefesto's gaze on my back and then on my tattoos.

Then I felt a drop of something warm fall on my back and then I felt my back get a little warm but it quickly went away.

I could hear Hephaestus gasp in surprise.

I turn my head to look at her and I can see her looking at my back in shock

"What's wrong Hephaestus!"

He simply put a piece of paper on my back and then handed it to me.


Name: Gilgamesh

Age: 17

Level: 1

Strength: 100 H

Resistance: 100 H

Dexterity: 100 H

Agility: 100 H

Magic: 100 H


[Gate of Babylon: this is a vault that contains all the treasures Gilgamesh has in his possession].

[Sha Naqba Imuru: this skill causes the user to have clairvoyance that even surpasses the gods but is currently restricted by the user]

[Semi God's Body: this skill grants the user an extremely strong body]

[Semi God's Growth: this ability accelerates the wearer's growth and gives him a new stat limit]

[Magic Resistance: as the name says it gives resistance to magical attacks].

[Charisma: gives the user the ability to be a born leader and make people have a good image of him] [Charisma: gives the user the ability to be a born leader and make people have a good image of him].

[Golden Rule: this ability makes the user attract wealth.


[Ancient Magic: Ancient magics that Gilgamesh obtained through his Clairvoyance].

[Melammu Dingir: this magic consists of a bombardment of arrows wrapped in fire].

Development skills:

[Mage S: Enhances the power, extends the range of the effect, and makes the use of magic efficient. Creates a magic circle under the user that supports the magic]

[A Classes: this ability gives the wearer the option of being able to use different classes and each of these gives him a certain power or talent in an area.

Saber: makes the wearer an agile and powerful melee warrior as well as an expert in swordplay and gives him good amounts of magic, an ideal class for sword combat.

Archer: improves long range weapon skills along with better vision. also gives the wearer a high magic resistance.

Lancer: gives the wearer great agility along with excellent melee skills this class takes great advantage of range and speed they are skilled long range melee fighters along with great skill in the use of the spear and grants the wearer some magic resistance.

Rider: gives the wearer incredible riding abilities although it doesn't increase physical power much it makes up for it in firepower from their weapon attacks along with great magic resistance and a great riding range that allows them to take full advantage of their riding ability

Caster: gives immense mastery in magic to the wearer although it does not give physical enhancements it makes up for it with spell enhancement and a large amount of magical energy the perfect class for wizards

Assassin: although it does not improve physical attributes it gives a huge amount of stealth to its bearer along with a low magic expenditure.

Berserker: this class gives a huge power boost to the wearer but the more powerful the wearer becomes the crazier and more unrestrained he starts to fight although he can distinguish his surroundings perfectly but he will start to lose combat technique and will be more like a beast that wants to kill his enemy the disadvantage of this class is that it expends a large amount of magical energy.

Universal class: this class takes the best of the above mentioned classes giving the bearer the strength of an incredibly powerful warrior compensating all his weaknesses and making him incredibly strong but the disadvantage is that the bearer gets tired much faster.

You can also combine different classes such as Saber and Lancer although they will tire the wearer faster but not the level of the universal class].

I was surprised to see my status I could see that I not only have the Gilgamesh Archer skills but the Caster skills as well and I could see how the skills of the Gilgamesh Archer and Caster were adapted to the in falna.

But what surprised me was the classes skill and the mage skill.

The mage skill is normal after all Gilgamesh was a prodigy in magic but the class development skill was not a skill that Gilgamesh had.

After thinking for a while I came up with an answer.

Due to my body not being from this world where there were servant classes and Gilgamesh was summoned into these it seems that he influenced my skull and gave me this ability where I can access all the classes and even combine them.

This ability is incredibly powerful especially for someone like Gilgamesh who has a vault full of treasures where he would have over 100 weapons for each class.

I heard Hephaestus sigh before looking at me with a small smile.

"Come to this place in an hour I am going to give you a residence where you can stay in Babel although that is only for family executives with your current power it is better to have you in this place."

I nodded with a small smile on my face then left the place to go check in at the guild.

As I walked I couldn't help but notice the different people on the streets especially the women.

There were different kinds of races and I could even see some cat girls that looked cute.

After 10 minutes walking I arrived at the guild.

When I entered I could see different stalls with guild workers.

I searched with my eyes looking for a person

And finally I found her, a beautiful Semi Elf.

I went to the stall where she was and she turned to see me.

"Nice to meet you sir I'm Eina Tulle you need in the guild".

She said while inspecting me with her eyes

"I want to register as an adventurer"

That surprised Eina after all she was thinking I was some kind of noble or something because of my clothes and appearance.

She quickly pulls out a form and hands it to me.

"You have to fill out this form to register."

The form had questions about my name family level and things like that which I quickly answered.

After answering all the questions I handed the form to Eina who looked it over and looked at me with a little surprise

"You are from the Hephaestus family don't you look like a blacksmith".

She began to inspect my body for signs that I was a blacksmith.

I smiled amused at this and replied

"I am not a blacksmith Miss Eina."

She nodded to proceed to pass me a card with my information on it

"This is your adventurer ID in case you lose it you have to get another one from the guild I will become your advisor and explain to you about the dungeon."

Ok I already registered as an adventurer tomorrow I will go to the dungeon.

"Thank you Eina-san but the explanation about the dungeon must be tomorrow now I have to go back to see my goddess."

Eina just nodded and gave me a kind smile

"Good but remember to come tomorrow Gilgamesh-san"

After those words I left the guild heading to hefesto's office.

After 10 minutes of walking I was already in front of Hephaestus as she handed me some keys and a map.

"Well your residence is ready it's a house near the blacksmith sector you can come to this place whenever you need me to update your status."

"Thank you Hephaestus and you shouldn't be ashamed of your eye it's cute."

Hephaestus at this froze for a moment before looking at me dumbfounded.

"You thought I wouldn't see it remember I have clairvoyance."

In fact he was telling the truth I had seen his eye and I thought it was cute this one had a black sclera and an iris that looks like a crystal

Hephaestus looked at me for a moment before he looked at me sadly and spoke to me.

"I know my eye is horrible don't try to comfort me."

I just smiled at him as he walked me towards the exit.

"You are not horrible I am not lying you are beautiful".

After those words I left hefesto's office. 

I headed to my residence and it took me 10 minutes to get there and I could only describe it with one word.


I can see why these residences are for family executives.

After entering and inspecting the house I could tell that everything was just as luxurious as on the outside.

The house was big it had 6 bedrooms 6 bathrooms in each one and another one for everyone a big kitchen with a big table.

There was also a big patio

But what caught my attention the most was that there was a hot spring.

The dream of every Otaku was to visit a hot springs.

But I left that for tomorrow, I just took a shower in the main room and went to sleep.

After all this day a lot of things happened and I need to rest my mind.

End of Chapter

I'm sorry if you didn't like it but I'm a beginner.

And as for Gilgamesh's stats don't tell me he's Op because most of the skills that were shown were from him and remember I had to adapt these to the falna

The classes skill I gave him to compensate the lack of skill with his noble phantasm when he uses them individually.

I hope you liked it

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