New chapter
Alejandra was very furious when she saw Josh and Sabina hugging so she angrily left the cafeteria. Stephen tried to comfort her but she declined the offer and moved straight to her room. After the incident that happened between her and Sabina, they switched rooms with Angie and Sabina's bestie so they can get their peace of mind. Angie comforted her friend and they both fell asleep. The next morning Josh woke up early,showered and prepared breakfast before to moved to the class. He was the first student to have arrived early in his class for lessons. He decided to revise his notes but the incident that happened at the cafeteria was still in his head and it didn't allowed him to concentrate. He unfortunately fell asleep. He had a strange dream while he was asleep. In his dream, Alejandra and Stephen were happily married with three kids. He became heartbroken and Sabina comforted her all the time, on the other hand Mario, Alejandra and Sabina were in danger and he was given the opportunity to save two of them and leave one to die. He was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do, where to go and who to save. While he was about to save them the mathematics teacher woke him up and he was severely panting . He had sweats all over his body. Alejandra was afraid so she came close to Joshua to ask him what was happening to him. All he outed out was that "it's nothing serious, thanks!! Alejandra remarked "you are warmly welcome ". They put their differences aside and had a conversation and both found out that they were studying the same course. Josh was elected as the course rep by his course mates because they discovered his intelligence, honesty and above all his respect for others. The school authorities decided to organise inter courses debate for the students. Josh and Alejandra were chosen as the representative of their course. Josh was to do the principal presentation and also deputised by Alejandra. Mario and Angie were also selected to represent their course. Sabina and Stephen were also chosen as debaters . They all prepared amicably great and won the prelims for their courses. Winners were to chosen their favourite party theme and also some holidays in Paris. The debaters couldn't sleep since they had to do much researching and everyone wanted to go to Paris for some period. The round of sixteen, quarter finals and the semi finals were performed. The semi finalists were eloquent and poised so it was a tough competition. The business sectors battled against the medical doctors. The surgeons battled against foods and crops. The medical doctors and the surgeons were to battle it out for the grand prize, two weeks to Paris and after that the party for the winning team. Josh and Alejandra prepared massively for their points. Ann and Mario also prepared extremely good for the final day.
It's getting interesting. To be continued
Hey guys
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