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5.78% It Started With Devils & Artefacts / Chapter 7: Hand Cannons and Aurora

Capítulo 7: Hand Cannons and Aurora


"I see… so, this genius teenager managed to summon Serafall to be his contractor. And she is obligated to not tell anything about his work which is part of the deal." Sirzechs reviewed the file report with a thoughtful look.

He was thinking about how to keep the deal going while profiting from it himself. If what his queen said is true then the devil kind will benefit from this, immensely.

"And Serafall wanted to make him her queen but he declined?" Sirzechs asked as he wanted to double-check on the most important part.

"Indeed, he is somewhat prejudiced towards the whole evil pieces scheme." The silver-haired devil lady confirmed with a nod.

"I see… well it doesn't matter he might change his mind when he gets much older."

'Then he will just find a way to get eternal life… I already told you how dangerously smart he is!' Grayfia internally seethed with anger as Sirzechs doesn't seem to understand how lethal Marcus truly is!

This is quite literally, what happened with the original Lucifer! He was glossing over the threat of Solomon just because he is human and look what happened? They nearly got conquered by the very same man! Alone! A lone human marched to their world, picked up some devil ladies and left like he owned the place!

"As you wish. I have fulfilled the mission you requested of me." Grayfia said that with a small bow.

"Yes. Now I need to contact Serafall and request one of those… signers for myself."

"I suggest we contact him through her. It would be best if he doesn't get the idea that Serafall has failed on her side, but instead, you have picked up on her increased productivity and want the same thing." Sirzechs' Queen suggested what Marcus had just told her through the mental connection they share.

"Exactly my thoughts…" 

Sirzechs smiled at the idea of doing less paperwork and at the same time allowing Serafall to keep her contract with this genius human inventor.

He has no idea how the teenager managed to summon a Satan of all people but if he can do that then his potential is noteworthy.

The Crimson Lucifer decided to keep a note on this human for future recruitment while Grayfia kept her poker face, she tried to fight her bindings… well… trying is the wrong choice of words. As soon as she even had the idea of fighting her bindings, the moment that idea comes up, she forgets about it.

The power of Ars Goetia or whatever subspecies of it is simply too powerful, especially towards her very being. As Serafall had said to her, the maids' bindings are even stronger as she is from a house that was a direct Lucifer servant. Making her  have an even stronger connection to Ars Goetia…

~~~~~~Back in the 'Garage'~~~~~~

"Did you just say that Grayfia was added to the fold!?" Venelana's knees gave up as she collapsed onto the couch.

A member of her family just got added into this mess! She quickly realised that the pillars are quite literally the same as Lucifer's meaning that the Gremory pillar is still empty and Marcus can just up and summon either her son who is the leader of their race. Basically making him the de-facto ruler of the Underworld or summoning her baby daughter. Both of these ideas simply terrified her.

"Yes. Turns out she has been tracking my movement for months. The Diamond Core Heart has been masking me for months from her. Which is amazing, to say the least." 

The brown-haired devil lady slowly nodded. She instantly remembered the beautiful diamond the size of a basketball downstairs and then thought about something like this being installed in Kuoh to protect her daughter. But how should she approach this?

Some sort of deal? Money? She instantly snorted at the idea of cash for someone who can make jewellery from clay…

Possible magic information exchange? But he can simply ask her anything and she will tell him either way!

Then she started thinking of it from a different perspective! What if he visits Japan? Kuoh specifically? Since it is devil territory, they have living targets like stray devils appear there much more often.

In the end, she decided. Since he is an inventor and researcher at heart he will be interested in more 'data'...

"Lady Leviathan…"

"Call me Serafall… we are pretty much connected for life…" the black-haired devil lady sighed as she was reading a book on cars of all things…

"Then Serafall. Now that Sona and Rias will be attending school in the human world. You haven't thought about asking our Master to install something like a Diamond Core Heart in Kuoh?" Venelana asked the Leviathan.

"I did the moment he got it installed and saw its incredible effects. We knew the very moment Grayfia was in the city. Where she thought she was tracking us, we were actually tracking her… its most advanced territory surveillance magic I have ever seen.

So, yes. I have been thinking about it for weeks now." She sighed.

"We could easily get him to Japan as a field expedition. But to install another Diamond Core Heart? That would be impossible because there is nothing of worth for him there." Serafall said with another sigh.

"We could simply tell him that he can leave one for the sake of collecting data," Venelana said with a thoughtful shrug.

"...That...might just work…I will ask him after one of our sessions." Serafall said that with a lewd smile.

"Good… the more interest he has in Kouh, the better it will be for our family over there."

"Indeed, have you thought about asking for his help in that marriage contract Rias is stuck in?" The Leviathan asked with raised eyebrows.

"No… I have not. I hope Rias will think of something now that she is moving to the human world." Venelana said with a sigh.

Serafall didn't say anything, but she had the look of someone who doesn't quite believe that Rias will do anything at all. The girl was just simply running away unlike her baby sister who is just going there for field experience.

Nonetheless, it's not her business. She will try to help Sona if she can. But her priority is to make sure Marcus doesn't think of the devils as enemies. 

"Time will tell."


Now that Grayfia is in place, I can breathe a sigh of relief. With her there I will know exactly what Lucifer himself is doing.

This incident was a close call. Reminding me that I should have some means to defend myself and go on the offence if need be.

That's why the moment she was gone I dived back in to continue my work on the guns.

All that was left was the gun designs itself, the Glock design was quickly thrown out of the window since the circles aren't going to fit. That's why I went with hand cannons.

A slightly bigger and bulkier version of the Desert Eagle for the right and a slightly more slender and sleek one for the left. 

After all, they were Castor and Pollux.

And since Pollux is female, the design on the left is slightly on the slender side, which in turn makes the barrel shorter. And since my left hand is less used, I am planning on using the scatter mode much more than on my main hand.

The guns themselves had inscriptions of stars on them. On the side of the barrels, there were carvings of stars and wind. Implying that the stars will show the way… to target graves.

While the design is done I won't be using them just yet. Instead, I went with something much more plain-looking.

It was time to test. Since I had the feeling that I won't be able to use them as it is. The recoil will be considerable.

A few minutes later the creation of the pair of guns was done, one of the perks of having an assembly line, the downside however is the need to constantly update and upgrade but in the end, it is worth it.

"Is this it?"

"Yeah, Castor and Pollux."

"You named them after Greek twins? I wonder what they would think if they found out that there is a Pseudo Sacred Gear named after them." Serafall chuckled saying that.

"No idea, I named the first gun after the word 'cast' as in casting magic bullets, thus 'Castor' but then I realised that I was making a weapon just for one hand so I decided to make another one and remembering the Gemini Twins, Castor and Pollux, I named the other gun 'Pollux'." I explained to her how the names came to be.

"I see… I would have never guessed that the name came to be from such a simple naming term." The black-haired Satan said with a fascinated look.

"Well it came up naturally so… I am sticking with it. I have no idea how the Greek Pantheon will react to this. Not that I care." I shrugged at her before picking up Castor with my hand.

A frown appeared on my face. Even after using an experimental metal alloy combination, the gun was still quite heavy. As heavy as the original mark II. 

Meaning that yes, the alloy made the weapon lighter but the size difference made the weight difference nonexistent.

Now the problem was the recoil. That's why I needed to test it so that I can move on to the ways of fixing the issue with said recoil.

"Well, I doubt they will react too harshly… probably…not sure…" From the words, even she wasn't sure of it herself.

"Aren't you responsible for the diplomatic side of things?" I asked her while inspecting Castor. Having a feel for the weight.

"I am, but the Greek Pantheon is old. And they don't quite like our faction in general, calling us the newcomers and such. And I would have no idea how they would act if they found out that a Sacred Gear was named after one of their lesser Gods while the bigger ones doesn't have one. As you can imagine it could either be quite good or very bad. Zeus would go on a jealousy streak. Poseidon would join him, because why not?

As I said it would be like a coin toss… depending on their current mood." She explained that in a single breath surprisingly.

"Wow, I thought around the same lines as you had just explained, and here I am! I haven't even met them yet!" I said while shaking my head, they were exactly as I had just thought. I guess the myths are not that far-fetched. 

"Most of the myths are true in some way. They are either extremely exaggerated or are just right on spot. Anyway, Let's stop with this discussion, I am starting to get a migraine just remembering some of the meetings I had with certain Deities." She said while messaging her temples. From the looks of it, she didn't like these meetings one bit.

"Right, let's go and test the gun first." I motioned for her to follow me to the testing ground.

Less than a minute later I was standing in position for the testing.

"I suggest you use all of the magic you can to augment yourself," Serafall said with a serious look.

"You think?"

"Woman's intuition. Just do it." She said with crossed arms.

"Sure thing. I was thinking of using all of my magic for this." When I said that she just rolled her eyes at me, not buying it one bit.

I really was thinking of reinforcing it a bit, although not fully.

Nonetheless, I followed her suggestion and channelled all of my magic, took a deep breath and pointed Castor at the mannequin on the other side of the room.

"Here comes the first Test of Castor MK III!!" I pressed the trigger. I could just feel the energy being created in the gun, it was like a tidal wave.

A few seconds later around 2 or so white circles appeared at the end of the barrel and a bolt of energy loud enough to sound like a clap of thunder escaped.


In the next moment it passed through the mannequin as if it was made from paper and slammed into the wall. A massive explosion followed after… Earth shook for a moment...

The dust from this was enough to darken the whole of the room.

And my hand? I feel... I couldn't even feel it… well it was there. But, it was so numb that I could not feel it. Thankfully because of my augmentation I did not dislocate my shoulder.

Nonetheless… The gun slipped out of my hand and dropped to the ground.


"That was…" Serafall coughed for a moment before calling forth her magic circles and the dust was quickly erased.

Since there were countless reinforcements done on the structural integrity and because of the Diamond Core Heart, the room didn't cave in.

But the destruction was still enormous… the whole end of the room was simply gone…

"This… this is enough to kill me if I am not prepared for it…" Serafall said with wide eyes.

"You mean to tell me that even in case of a surprise you still could easily take an attack of High-Class Devil?" I asked her, thinking of how magic truly worked? For example, can one in case of surprise still be able to survive from a fully powered attack?

"The magical power is never truly suppressed, it is more around the lines of compression. That's why when I felt the output of the gun I was able to feel the power of that bolt.

Meaning that you just created a weapon possibly capable of killing an Ultimate Class Devil. And most likely capable. Not one-shot though. But, that was still just a single bolt of magic, how rapid can you fire it?" She said that with a thoughtful look before looking back at me.

"Every two seconds." 



"Then this is definitely an Ultimate Class Devil slayer. This means that it's a high-Class Sacred Gear, possibly close to Longinus." She said with a serious look before sighing and her shoulder sunk for a second.

"Honestly, I should be terrified, but instead, I am feeling proud and even excited. I mean, I saw this coming together just as much as you did." She said with a small smile, I could see her having an internal fight for a moment.

"How is your hand?" She said while coming over and inspecting me closely, her blue eyes were scanning me from top to bottom.


"Understandable. That's why you should listen to your girlfriend's intuition. Especially, when she is a devil! If you didn't take my advice seriously, you would have lost your hand at least or broken it beyond normal healing." She said while pointing her finger at me.

"Right… I guess you are more attuned to intuitions and stuff." I said that while making magic flow through my hand. Trying to get it back under control.

"Indeed now let's get back to the workshop. Your hand needs some rest~~~" She picked up the weapon before taking my left hand and pulling me back into the main room…

"Uhh...we still need to patch up the room…"

"Don't worry ~~~ Sera will fix it for you later~~~"


When Venelana teleported into the workshop the first thing she saw was her Master using Serafall's lap as a pillow as his right hand was encased in a makeshift holder made of ice…

"What happened here?" She asked with raised eyebrows. What's with her and always arriving late to these events?

"Master tested his gun. It was a complete success… well, it was too big of a success and his hand could handle the recoil." Serafall said with a sigh as she was stroking her Master's hair gently.

"I see…"

"You can see it for yourself in the test room." The black-haired Satan said.

And Venelana was far too curious to not check it out.

So she quickly went there and saw how the other end of the room was destroyed. It's like a massive explosion completely erased the far end of the room.

She gulped down realising that, that was just a single shot. The weapon power is off the charts. Now, more than ever, did she realise how truly important it was to get him on their side.

And at the same time, this made her even more reluctant. Knowing full well how likely he was to simply enslave her family members, like how he did with her Son's Queen!

But that was just a small price to pay in the end… in the end, Serafall profited from this… She can see how the Leviathan is living right now. She had never seen her like this before… not fake…

'As long as my family doesn't suffer… It doesn't matter.' Venelana thought to herself as she turned around and left the testing room.

Going back to the workshop and walking towards the sitting area. By this point, the workshop was one massive room. It had Marcus' main designing and PC area. Then it had a big empty area which Venelana believes will be for his creations. Then on the left side, there is a summoning/ritual room. On the right side, there is a testing room and at the back, there is the entry lobby room with a small kitchen and bathroom.

With a size even larger than his entire house territory … She does wonder if the Diamond Core Heart handled the explosion properly, otherwise people will be calling the authorities to find out what happened…

"That is quite the destruction. Is it truly a single shot?" Venelana walked over and took her seat opposite to Serafall and her Master.

"It is. I can safely classify it as High-Class Sacred Gear or even lower-tier Longinus gear." Leviathan quite proudly said that.

Venelana had cold sweat going down her spine. Well, it's now or never, this is the perfect opportunity to offer him to visit Kuoh with the intent of testing the gun in a more… live setting…

"I see… still though testing it inside is not recommended as the area above is church controlled. You need to test it properly." The brown-haired devil lady started with her idea.

"What do you suggest? Going to devil controlled land?" 

"Indeed. An area directly under Gremory and Sitri control. There you could easily test your guns." Venelana offered and looked at Serafall motioning with her eyes to help her in this.

"...if you want something Venelana, then do tell me directly. There is no need for you to talk in circles." Marcus said with a sigh. He didn't even bother to open his eyes. He prefers just to enjoy the soft tights of his devil lady.

"Very well. Both my daughter and Serafall's younger sister are moving into Kuoh starting next Japanese school semester.

The city doesn't have a proper barrier system, and that area is frequently known for having stray devils. So, my suggestion is that you can set up a system and test your guns there." Venelana said with a sigh. She doesn't like speaking bluntly like this. It sounds like she is desperate. But the devils truly don't have a barrier system like Marcus', And while they could just set up something. The Shinto faction would come to investigate since their barriers in nature emits demonic essence.

The Shinto Gods don't like large amounts of concentrated demonic energy like that.

This only leaves them with an alternative; an outsider, a third party who could do it.

Both of the devil ladies allowed Marcus to think. The teenage inventor doesn't want to go anywhere near Kuoh. But he knows that there is a Longinus-gear that doesn't belong to any faction there, plus he knows that said area is also the centre of many events. Having something there stationed to collect data is a goldmine.

And lastly both Serafall and Venelana are related to this. This means he will earn some brownie points with both of them. And he will gain a lot of things.

"Very well. There are conditions for this though." He said after some time has passed.

Both Serafall and Venelana breathe a sigh of relief.


"I will be deploying a much weaker version of the Diamond Core Heart, and both of them will sign a Devil Contract with me." He said simply to them.

"...What does these contracts entail?" The brown-haired devil lady asked with a little bit of fear. She has no idea what kind of contracts he is talking about. The modern ones or the ancient ones? Those are different like day and night!

"Nothing for you two to worry about. I have no interest in your daughter or Sera's younger sister. I prefer a much more powerful devil or someone somehow uniquely useful. So, all I am going to ask them is the client's confidentiality act. In other words, they will be 'testing' my invention. And will be sending reports on how it's working. Of course, all that will be under wraps because if they were to disclose anything on this it will affect their devil's reputation." 

Both Serafall and Venelana nodded. They were happy and at the same time annoyed that Marcus doesn't see their baby daughter and baby sister as 'unique' or 'valuable'. Nonetheless, they were happy that he would be assisting them!

"Easy enough. It sounds like regular devil business. They have already been doing that for several years now." Serafall said.

"Yes. And client confidentiality is something they are taught from an early age." Venelana added from the side.

"Right. Good to hear. Still, I won't be going so soon. I still need some preparations to be done for this. My guns need to be adjusted. The force of each shot needs to be at a manageable level. And the cartridge has to be finished." Marcus said that as he slightly lifted his right hand. It was still shaking. But it was progress.

"I don't think you should be doing anything today. But think on the bright side! I can pamper you the entire time!" Serafall said with a happy tone. Now she has a proper reason she will make sure to pamper him enough! Maybe she should show him how much she appreciates the fact that he will be helping her little sister!?

Marcus simply sighed at her and got comfortable in her lap.

"Very well." He closed his eyes, time for a nap.


The test was a resounding success. The gun was a beast. I made it too powerful. And now I need to adjust it. Adjust the power and deal with the recoil.

After receiving a healing sleep, cuddling, and a good snogging. The next day I was ready to go back to work.

First, some inner design changes.

Back to tinkering on the M.T.M, instead of just pressing the button and getting a bolt having the potential to kill an Ultimate-Class. Now I need to hold the button slightly longer.

Now this means there are charges. And I need to see the charge. This means…


"Why can't this be easy?" I brushed a hand through my hair. Before saving the project and closing the project window on my PC.

Thinking about it for some time... Going on a memory lane and then remembering something very interesting...

This means creating another... new... project. Code name it Aurora. The purpose of this… is a Visor. An H.U.D…

Now that I think about this. This is a very important part of the puzzle. For one my aim is shit. And second, a H.U.D is a cream of crop especially when I will have Scale Mail.

Linked directly to my database and my future Sacred Gears. I will be able to see more than anyone will. Countless different visions…

With recovered vigour, I started working on the visor. Thankfully the visor was much easier than the gun's original design.

It was not new technology for me. Instead what took time was converting technology into a magical version of it. Runes… a different type of display. 

Nonetheless, once the angle was found. It was child's play…

It only took me a few weeks.

"So what's with the glasses?" Serafall picked up the sharp-looking glasses.

"That is Aurora H.U.D v2.0.1. Glasses which will tell me pretty much anything I need. They are directly linked to my rapidly growing database downstairs." 

"You mean that new room you made next to the assembly line of yours?" Serafall asked curiously as she put on the glasses.

Instantly her eyes widened.

"Woah! What is this? It's like those Sci-fi things!" She said with awe.

"Sci-fi things?" I chuckled hearing that.

"Yeah! It's like the glasses are smart! And it shows all sorts of things! Like it highlights the technology in the room. And it can give a detailed explanation! It even helps with reading your mood!" She said in a fascinated tone, before having a thoughtful look.

"So...can I get one?" She asked me with a pleading tone.

"I can make contact lenses," I said with a sigh.

"That's great! It will help me to get a read on in meetings and stuff!" She said that as if it's such an easy thing.

"It's not that easy. The information has to come from somewhere. At the moment the glasses are connected directly with the database I have downstairs.

They become quite useless outside my city. As there is no database to access." I explained with a sigh.

"...then they are useless in the Underworld?" She asked, disappointed.

"It's still a new magical technology. With my rough estimate, it will take at least 30 to 40 years from the future by human standards. And it has a limited range because it needs to be connected to my network.

If you can have my network in your work area then you can use it and you can even have a video chat with me or even access anything I have stored with thought alone" My explanation earned me another shocked look.

"This is good. I can assume this is the reason why you postpone your work on guns?" She took off her glasses and started inspecting them.

"Yes, this is one of the key components for my Scale Mail. The Aurora system will help me control the guns. The energy charge, their mode, and most importantly the aim." I said with a sigh.

"I see… this truly takes a lot of time. How many years has it been since you started with the guns?"

"Not quite. What takes a lot of time is building the appropriate tools I need. Now that most of the tools are truly done, not many future projects will take this long." I said while leaning back into my comfy PC chair.

"Hmm… now that you mentioned it you could simply make these guns from the press of a…"

"Button...or voice command… or even think about it when the glasses are on." I finished for her…

"...That's amazing… and terrifying… you are giving me another perspective on the whole researcher/inventor thing… I thought Ajuka was scary with his whole Kankara formula and his sharp mind… but I bet he has something similar to this in his man cave." Serafall said in a joking tone but there was some sweat on her forehead.

"Hmm, possibly but from what I have understood about him, he is more into laws of the world and energy things. And I am more into engineering." 

"Hmm. Probably but you're going into the whole energy thing with Power of Destruction. I am sure Ajuka hasn't delved into Bael family magic… or did but didn't say anything. That's why I said you two are similar. One thing for sure is that I don't want you two to meet." She said the last part with a terrified look. if not for Ars Goetia she would have been even more scared.

"And why not? I am pretty sure we could make some interesting projects together." 

"See! That's the point! I will lose you to him!" She pointed at me.

I deadpanned.

"I am pretty sure I am into the female side of the spectrum."

"And he could sell his niece to you and you would have his family and stuff!" Serafall didn't give up on this…

"...Right… I will leave you to your conspiracy theories… I still need to add Aurora to Castor and Pollux…" With that in mind, I returned to my work while Serafall started having a paranoid look.

It would seem she truly has a wild imagination. And here I thought I am the one with the imagination to build stuff. Or is it a female thing? I should probably get a consultation with one of the love Goddess… preferably when one is chained up and her powers sealed off… as they will most likely try to drain me…

With a future minor goal marked I continue to work on the M.T.M system again. This time adding the Aurora system into it. 

By this point, I should create a core system instead of this mess…

Thinking of it for a bit I looked at Serafall again, she was still thinking about that stuff!

"Right… So did Sirzechs enjoy the new toy you gave him?" 

"Hmm? Oh that! You only now remembered that you gave him one?" She asked me with a deadpan.

"It's already a finished invention. I forget about those quickly enough." I said while shrugging my shoulders.

Besides, I needed her to forget that weird idea she started to think about. I am getting goosebumps!

"Right… he said that you have a favour from Lucifer himself. It's a big deal. I don't know how long this will be under wraps but the rest of the devil kind will eventually find about this favour. Since Sirzechs is over the moon with his signer… and yes, it's the greatest invention any civilization has ever seen." Serafall said that with a serious look, her blue eyes slightly glowed. I could feel the sheer presence she was radiating.

'The paperwork… just how deadly was it for them? I mean she fell in love with me because of it… this is strange… this world is strange…' I internally shook my head… at least she forgot about the whole Ajuka nonsense….

~~~~~~~~~Inventions/Tech/Sacred Gears~~~~~~~~~~~~

M.T.M (Motion to Magic) Castor & Pollux MK IV:

A pair of magic casting (shooting) devices in the shape of a hand cannon.


Pseudo High-Class/ possibly Longinus class Sacred Gear made up of 73 magic circles fused into several systems.

Castor is a longer and much bulkier design made for energy Beam shooting, while Pollux is much more slender and is intended to be used as an off-hand weapon that uses barrage bolts of energy.


Made from a mix of Alchemy created metal and human metal Titanium. The pair of guns are much lighter than they should be.

The inside of the devices are laid out with barrier magic which absorbs excess heat and is then converted into magic and is sent to the Barrier Rail System

The barrel inside of the gun is laid out with thin layers of diamond created purely from transmuted material making it extra sensitive to magic.

In the end, the pair of weapons are made from transmuted Metals and diamonds.

Key magic techniques inside:

Advanced M.T.M System: Using a magic circle to capture motion and then turning the motion into energy and then energy into Magic even a regular human can use this weapon as they all need to do is press the trigger.

To take a step further, the sensitivity and controls over the motion absorption has been severely improved. Depending on how long the trigger is pressed it can be a small bolt or a bolt powerful enough to one-shot a high-class devil.

Diamond Barrier Rail System:  By using barriers like rails empowered by Acceleration circles the blast builds up the force, the longer the rail is the stronger the blast will be at the end of the rail.

To take step further diamonds have been added in creation of the barrier rails.

This generates friction which is absorbed by the barriers and added as extra power upon the release.

Revolver System: A simple revolver system positioned behind the Diamond Barrier System and above the M.T.M system. This system is responsible for what kind of type of bullets the weapon will release.

Type of 'Bullets': Beam, Bolt, Scattershot, Cannon

Cartridge Loader: A function added to the Castor and Pollux which allows to 'load' a cartridge of specific magic. It's based on human guns and bullet cartridges.

So far only the Power of Destruction cartridge has been created.

Aurora Control System: A system that allows Marcus to control and aim the pair of guns. It allows him to see the weapon charge power and which type of Bullets are loaded in the Castor and Pollux.


Aurora Visor Glasses:

Glasses made from magic and technology, most possibly the most advanced piece of tech on Earth at the moment.


A magic device that assists the wielder. Either through thoughts or voice command.


Made purely through transmuted materials like rubber, glass, metal.

It has 6 very specific and complex magic circles which are at a similar level to Ars Goetia in complexity, from reading mind, to visual manifestation, to intent-based.

Key magic system and technology:

Aurora Assistance OS v2.0.1: An operational system based on human technology but manifested through magical means. The core of Aurora H.U.D

Aurora Display: Pair of glasses which work like a computer screen. This can be turned on and off with mere thought or voice command.

Aurora Connection: The system is responsible for the flow of information from the glasses to the main database. Without it, the glasses would be useless. The range for now is Marcus' hometown.

Aurora Sacred Gear Assistance: The system responsible for simplifying the control of Pseudo Sacred Gears.


My Discord server for advanced chapters:

Along with the advanced chapters, there are also a lot of other fanfics I wrote and did not upload to Webnovel.

P.S: To clarify, chapters are coming out Monday, Wednesday and Friday around 9:00 AM British time.

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