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60.86% Devil Overlord - Overlord x DxD / Chapter 84: Chapter 84: Hope that it goes away if you ignore it

Capítulo 84: Chapter 84: Hope that it goes away if you ignore it

"Hmmm. Hm."

"Guh- Careful with the elbow!"


"Alright, careful now. We'll fit if we make some room right… there?" Momonga sweated a bit as his Peerage tried to cram themselves into a train that would allegedly take the group from the Underworld to the Human World.

Of course, the group could have used the teleporter within Phenix mansion to send them directly to 'Momon's estate' in Kuoh, but apparently the peace conference between the Three Factions restricted such means of travel. After all, people appearing all over the place from unauthorized access points could be seen as ambush attempts or at least infiltration, which meant that while teleportation was a possibility, it would require the teleporters to be set up manually in 'cleared' areas to avoid moves that could be interpeted as provocation.

"Hm… Right." Rias groaned as she pushed Yubelluna and Xuelan to a seat and pushed herself and Akeno to a pair of seats opposite to the two women. "Alright, stop bickering over the seats- The travel won't be that long! It doesn't matter if you have a window seat! Akeno, stop tickling meeee!"

Momonga was quite glad that Rias was lively, as she had been outright gloomy after returning from her trip to Gremory territory, and she had been on eggshells around Momonga ever since. He had asked her if there was something wrong, but she had only jumped in fright, stammered some excuses about being tired, and then excused herself to Akeno's room to sleep.

Momonga figured that Rias must be taking the deaths of Sirzechs's Pieces quite hard, as the girl had apparently been quite japan-phile and Souji had been somewhat of a celebrity and a mentor to her, and thus Momonga hadn't wanted to interrupt Rias's grieving. Nonetheless the fact she seemed to have recovered somewhat helped his uneasiness, as she had been giving him outright paranoid and frightful glances until boarding the train.

"Ugh, so noisy…" Irina didn't seem to like the close proximity to so many devils, but went with the flow as she managed to land a window-seat with Asia taking a seat beside the devil-fied Exorcist.

Xenovia attempted to land a seat on Momonga's lap, but failed and eventually ended up sitting opposite Momonga, separated by a table.

"This behaviour is thoroughly inappropriate! Control yourselves and act like adults- eeeh! Stop!" Rossweisse's protest turned to a squeak as Xenovia pulled the girl next to her.

"Calm down. Inappropriate acts form the core of His holy orders." Xenovia explained to Rossweisse who blushed to her eyebrows, and then leaned in to whisper to her ear. "Moreover, I heard that you bear His child. Congratulations."

"T-thanks, I suppose?" Rossweisse seemed deeply troubled, and even more so as Xenovia continued.

"Indeed, it seems that you have reached the goal that I have attempted to reach. I only hope that He finds time to bed me again, so I may give him a healthy child." Xenovia nodded with both her face and tone utterly serious. "Could I ask you about the technique you used? Your bedroom skills must be legendary for achieving such a feat with only a single attempt. Have you practised with others beforehand?"

"W-what? N-no!" Rossweisse's prim and proper facade shook like a leaf under Xenovia's barrage of questions.

The fact Odin's spy was within earshot of Momonga made him quite uneasy but he couldn't really tell the woman to go away without raising suspicions, so instead he just went with the flow and decided to just watch his words with more care.

"...Lewd. All around." Koneko didn't seem impressed, and Gasper seemed to agree as the two had been pushed to sit side-by-side. Although the fact Koneko's hair was standing on ends and she was more than little pale signalled that she wasn't entirely comfortable sitting beside the shapeshifter-eldritch being-half vampire.

Tsubaki merely sighed while bringing up a deck of cards and laying them in front of Yuuto, as Sona's Peerage had been crammed into the crowded train as well and were at least attempting to mingle with both themselves and with Momonga's Peerage.

Yuuto looked downcast, which Momonga had learned to be because Yuuto had apparently had a mentor-pupil relationship with now-deceased Souji. And while Rias was taking the loss hard on the outside, Yuuto was hiding the pain with a stoic expression but the fact the boy had a black blade tied to his back, the same that he had used to break Momonga's black armor, made it clear that he was ready to fight at the drop of a needle.

The reason the train was so crowded was because the vehicle had been stuffed full of devils as it was the official method of transportation for the devil delegation into the human world. A delegation which seemed to be more like an army, at least if one considered the number and the armaments of the devils present. Moreover, if the conversations Momonga overheard were correct, then the 'delegation' would also secure a beach-head in the Human World that would allow the rest and majority of the 'delegation force' to teleport in directly as there was no way the entire force would fit into the train.

"Ahem… Sona-san? Are you alright?" Momonga sweated a bit as Ravel had taken a seat on his lap and Sona had taken a seat beside him. And both girls had glanced at each other, shared a look that completely baffled Momonga, and then relaxed against him. Even if Ravel was still somewhat shaky, thanks to the girl's grief from before being still present in her body-language.

"I'm perfectly alright, my lord." Sona practically purred. "All is well…"

"Umu, I meant… There was an announcement before we left. Something about, erm…" Momonga seeked the right words.

"...That my lovely mother and kind father had, unfortunately, succumbed to sleeping sickness." Sona purred. "Indeed, how unfortunate… Serafall-san made the announcement as a Maou, and I, as the last heiress and ruler of Sitri house, had their remains entombed with the Sitri catacombs…"

"Umu, and there was-"

"...A terrible fire that engulfed the catacombs soon afterwards as the braziers I had lit seemingly fell off their hinges, burning the bodies and mixing their ashes irrevocably to the ruins of the masonry…" Sona continued in the same purr. "Indeed, how unfortunate that the catacombs were destroyed… It's lucky that Serafall was present to confirm that mom and dad died from sleeping sickness, as otherwise someone might have suspected foul play and would have wanted to inspect the corpses… Kukuku… However, while normally I would be quite busy taking over the roles of the house's head, Lord Phenix graciously offered to assist me while I accompany you to the Human World… Kukuku..."

"A-ahm, yes, unfortunate…" Momonga felt beads of sweat run down his spine. '...Um, that doesn't sound like an accident… ' "Are you alright, though? That kind of tragedy must hurt…"

"Oh, it felt positively euphoric…" Sona giggled. "Indeed… Kukuku… It seems that my mother had planned for Ravel's brothers to take their turns raping me over, and over again, until I would bear a full-blooded heir… However, it looks like that won't happen..."

Momonga felt somewhat upset by the news, but [Emotion Suppression] kept the outrage to a strict limit. 'Huh, so she planned to have me cucked? I'd like to say that I was sad that Sona's mother died, but… Haa. I'm not usually this jealous, am I?'

"Phah! That's rich coming from you…" Ddraig didn't seem to agree. "Indeed, Yandere-kun, are you perhaps a bit too jealous with your constant murdering of the potential suitors of your girls, their families, and their loved ones?"


"H-hurgh- um…" Ravel seemed to realize something and almost vomited. "That… That there was yet another layer to the plot… Master… T-that my gallant, noble and bright brothers would… That they'd… That Lady Sitri had them ordered to claim what was his… Of course, that was yet another strand that needed to be cut… All in one blow..."

"Ah, there, there…" Momonga stroked the girl's back as she almost hyperventilated and vomited at the same time, which was quite impressive as her face turned to the colour of a ripe cucumber, but she finally stabilized as Momonga kept patting her. 'Uh… She knows I was responsible for her brother's death… I hope that she remains by my side, I really, really don't want to do something as drastic as killing her because of her knowledge... '

The fact the girl seemed to like 'Momonga' and accept him, despite the fact he had committed such a horrible act against her brothers, made his 'human' side want to reward her for such loyalty. And more importantly, made his 'Overlord' side hold his hand when it came to ensuring Momonga's continued survival- Something that the girl could compromise with a few words at the wrong time.

"Haa…" Momonga glanced behind him. 'And there's that…'

Lady Phenix was sitting in the back of the train-car with a cup of tea in front of her, seemingly as emotionless and unmovable as a porcelain doll. Yet the fact her hands occasionally curled to fists and relaxed themselves spoke volumes of the feelings the woman must have felt- Those of sorrow and anger. The news that she wouldn't be allowed to linger in Phenix territory of Underworld, as she was a mistress to 'Momon', had hit her quite hard specifically as it had come right after she had laid her last two sons to their final rest.

'I have a feeling Ravel's mother wouldn't be as accepting of what I did, if she learned of my true nature…' Momonga felt yet another bead of sweat run down his neck as he turned his eyes back towards his Peerage.

"So... " Momonga felt that he should direct Ravel's attention to something else than the matter at hand, although the constant 'are we there yet?'s coming from Xuelan's direction distracted him somewhat. "Ahem, any idea why we were asked to be part of the delegation? I mean, it's not like any of us are part of the Underworld's diplomatic system…"

"Um." Sona seemed to pause. Then contemplated Momonga's words, almost as if she was trying to find some hidden meaning within them. And then she started to pale more and more as she didn't seem to find one.

"Don't worry about it. Just an idle question." Momonga handwaved. "I suppose Sirzechs-sama saw my strength during the Rating Game and wants me to present in case the Supreme Being attacks again…"

Sona seemed to catch some hidden meaning and sighed, albeit Momonga wasn't sure if she sighed in relief or dread. "Ah, I see… Of course, my lord. Indeed, it would be most unfortunate if something happened when the ruling elite of all three factions converged under your roof…"

"Under… my roof?" Momonga blinked, and then realized that Sona must have been making some sort of joke. "Ha, indeed, it would be quite ridiculous if the Three Factions had their peace conference in my estate or something…"

Sona blinked, hesitated, and then coughed to her hand. "Ahem, yes, ridiculous indeed. Truly. Only fools would do such a thing, of course, is that what you're saying? I agree. But it seems that the Three Factions are such fools."

"U-umu…" Momonga felt a bit faint as Sona's roundabout words hit him. "H-haha, Sona-san, surely you're not saying that the Three Factions have decided to hold the peace conference in my estate without telling me about it?"

Sona's eyes opened and she gained a cunning look. "Oh… Oh. Of course. Indeed, Serafall-sama seems to have failed to mention that to you… Indeed, what a coincidence… And in case something unfortunate happened, then surely you would be blameless as you learned of the location of the meeting just now? Kukuku…"

Ravel joined in Sona's dark chuckling, albeit hers was far more insane one. However, luckily the two's voices were so muted that only Momonga heard them thanks to the two leaning against him and practically whispering to his ears while they were in his hug.

"Saji-san? Are you sure you're alright?" A female voice from nearby provided a slight distraction for Momonga as Tsubasa, Sona's blue-haired Rook, seemed quite concerned for some reason. "You were so obsessed with Sona-chan, but now… Um, I don't want to say that it's a welcome change, but it kinda is…"

"I'm perfectly fine, please don't worry about my wellbeing, Tsubasa-san, Momo-san." Saji's tone was unusually calm and dignified as he sat opposite to the two girls. "No, I should ask if you're feeling alright, Tsubasa-san? Momon-san? After all, the last few days must have been quite hard on you."

"A-ah? Eh… W-well, I've been alright…" Momo blushed a bit as Saji took her hand in his. "Your hand is warm, Saji-kun…"

"Feel free to warm your hands in mine..."

"U-uwah!" Momo blushed harder and put both of her hands on Saji's.

"Speaking of feelings… Can you describe the feelings you're feeling right now?" Saji's tone seemed inquisitive, making Momo shiver a bit. Although not in disgust, if her blush was anything to go by.


Momonga disregarded the conversation without much thought as Ravel nuzzled her face against his neck and said something about 'watching the world burn'.

A commotion came from somewhere in the train-car and Momonga glanced to the side to see an unknown devil walk past the seats where Momonga sat, pause, and then come to stand beside him.

"Ah, Momon-sama." The devil hid his hands in his sleeves while his face was stretched into a pleasant smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, thanks to them being drawn to slits. "May I sit with you? I have a proposal for your grace."

"Of course, please sit." Momonga motioned towards the seats on the opposite side to him. Xenovia and Rossweisse seemed a bit upset but nonetheless made space for the devil. By Xenovia sitting on Rossweisses's lap, much to the latter's outrage.

"Greetings, Diodora-san." Xenovia seemed to be familiar with the devil. "Have you come to meet our lord?"

"Indeed, I have come to meet your lord." Diodora's expression stayed unchanged as he greeted Xenovia before turning back towards Momonga. "I have seen the Rating Game between your grace and Serafall-sama. While this might be somewhat late, please accept my congratulations for your victory. The strength you showed was truly spectacular, befitting the lofty title you have taken for yourself."

"Of course." Momonga nodded a bit while Ravel shuffled to the side so the two girls by his side wouldn't block his sight to the devil. "Xenovia-san? Could I trouble you to introduce us?"

"This one is Diodora Astaroth, a devout follower of You, my True God." Xenovia put her hands together, almost in prayer. "He came yesterday to seek thine blessing and left the Church as one of your people. Yet, if you don't know him… Does your heart waver, Diodora-san? Do you reject Him?"

"Ahem, Xenovia-san is mostly correct. Moreover, while I have heard that you have suffered some sort of… amnesia, we have met before, under different names. In Kuoh, if you can still recall that? I believe that you were part of Rias Gremory's Peerage back then?" Diodora seemed somewhat uneasy. "Regardless, it seems that new introductions are in order. I am of course, Diodora Astaroth, a scion of Astaroth house, whose other scion has risen to the rank of a Maou and has taken the name of 'Beelzebub'. Moreover, I am King of my Peerage."

"I see. Xenovia-san, could I ask you to tune down, um, that?" Momonga nodded while he sweat-dropped internally over Xenovia's speech. All the while his rational self filed the information Diodora spoke to his memory. 'She's going a bit far with that… um, religion… I'm not omnipotent, or a god… I thought I made it clear when I explained some basics on how she should run the church? Like if it was a business that sold 'spiritual enlightenment' alongside healing products? Don't tell me that she took some creative liberties with my orders...'

"I have come to learn that you too have a Peerage… And within it is a girl that I have sought for a long time." Diodora went straight to the point. "Indeed, I have fallen in love with Asia Argento, ever since I first met her a few months ago. However, she was exiled from her church, cast out as a heretic, and hunted down. I tried to save her, but thanks to Rias Gremory's interference she perished in Kuoh and was raised as a devil... Moreover, as far as I know she also loves me."

Momonga nodded slightly, although he hadn't really had time to go too deep into his Peerage's past, or his current body's past, so he took the devil for his word.

Diodora's expression sharpened just slightly. "I would like to propose an exchange- I have several ex-holy maidens within my Peerage who have proposed that they'd wish to join your Peerage. In exchange I'd gain Asia. Would you consider this a fair exchange?"

"Hm… What can she- Ahem. I'm sorry to say that I cannot trade her." Momonga considered asking for the woman who'd be traded to present herself and he'd interrogate for her healing abilities before he'd make a decision. However, Momonga had asked Rias about [Twilight Healing] during the training sessions and had learned that the Sacred Gear was likely the 'meta' healing ero-world class item, and thus there was little chance that the woman Diodora was offering would be able to top that.

And by questioning Asia's value in his Peerage by interrogating the would-be traded Piece, he'd likely gain Asia's ire by 'doubting her' and it could potentially spread to the rest of Momonga's Peerage and harm the team integrity that Momonga had only recently managed to get to acceptable levels..

In other words, Diodora's offer was simply not good enough.

"I… see." Diodora seemed to consider his options but his ever-present smile didn't slip. "Could I ask you why? I feel hypocritical that a god of love and 'ero' would go between two devils in love?"

"Simply put, your offer has no value for me." Momonga didn't feel comfortable making 'ero-excuses' so he went straight to jugular. It seemed that the approach took Diodora by surprise. "Let's be honest here. You want Asia for her [Sacred Gear]. It's power is considerable, and you have a world full of fair maidens to take if that's your fancy. You know my power, since you brought up the Rating Game, so you know you won't succeed in taking her by force… In other words, you're out of options if I refuse verbally."

"Hm… It seems that I have grossly underestimated you." Diodora seemed to gain a modicum of respect. "You are like us, after all… Kukuku…"

The devil glanced at Sona, whose expression had darkened and her chuckling matched Diodora's while the girl hugged herself close to Momonga in a possessive yet submissive manner.

"And you have tamed the fabled ice-queen of Sitri... " Diodora's opinion of Momonga seemed to go up another notch. "Hm… Indeed, Asia's [Sacred Gear] is quite powerful, even if she hadn't had the chance to use it in the single Rating Game she partook in. However, the spectacle in Kuoh's church didn't pass my attention- I know she has [Twilight Healing]. Yet, that is not why I seek her. You see how innocent, noble and pure she is..."

The boy's coordial speech turned to hiss midway through, like a fox turning to snake. "...I wish to corrupt her. Take her, break her, and see the despair on her face when she finally finds that she has been led astray, like those in my Peerage. Take her against her will over and over again, until her faith, body and heart breaks, and..."

"I appreciate your honesty." Momonga tilted his head a bit in a small nod, while Xenovia and Rossweisse looked thoroughly shocked as they sat beside Diodora and stared at the noble who had shown his true colours. "Indeed, that is something that devils do… At least as far as I am aware anyway. However, Asia happens to be in my Peerage and that kind of, hm, interaction would leave her ruined in all senses of the word. In other words, she'd become useless to me. So I cannot allow that to happen."

"Hm. And the fact my uncle is Beelzebub wouldn't happen to change your opinion? If I asked him, he could change the Peerage system so Asia would swap places with my Bishop even without your opinion." Diodora seemed to be pushing his luck as he seemed to grow frustrated.

"You recall that I defeated Serafall? I have the power to oppose even Maous, and Serafall and I are… umu, I could say that she and I are lovers. Beelzebub might find himself in a difficult position because of you, if you had him commit to such a deed. After all, he'd gain my ire, and through me, Serafall's. That might sour the relationship between you and Beelzebub-sama." Momonga felt a bit wary of Diodora's words as he was bluffing a bit. However, he was banking on Diodora bluffing as well.

Sona chuckled from beside Momonga. "So modest, my lord… Kukuku, no, Serafall is your slave, just like I am…"

Diodora took a double-take, coughed to his fist, and bowed slightly to Momonga which cued him that Diodora had likely been bluffing with his threat. "I thoroughly apologize. In my frustration I overstepped-"

"Do not worry about it. Rias keeps telling me that passion is the core of a Devil, so I cannot fault you for yours." Momonga hand waved the apology as he had gained the upper hand in the negotiation. He had seen worse than Diodora's kind in Neo-Japan so the noble's words didn't faze him at all- If his words had been provocative in the first place, which Momonga doubted. "However, with the issue of Asia now settled between us… Have you considered seeking other ladies from the human world? The Church is full of holy maidens, or so I believe?"

Xenovia looked like she wanted to say something but she held her tongue, if barely.

"...That is true." Diodora seemed a bit confused. "What is your point?"

"Have you considered abandoning hunting for Asia and hunting them instead?"

"Of course." Diodora waved his hand. "That is how I gained my current and past Peerage. The fair holy maidens who were frustrated with their externally constricted lives who found thrill in dating a devil and going against dogma… Only to find that the horrors they were taught were but a taste. The fair holy maidens who held to their innocence and purity but were corrupted by the sweet words of a devil, only to find barbs in the sweetest nectar and feel their purity taken away by force… Kukuku…"

"Indeed, but you must eventually run out of Pieces, right?" Momonga noted a discrepancy while Xenovia looked both betrayed by Diodora and like she wanted to strangle the boy for it. 'Also, Diodora's Peerage is practically a wellspring of highly trained 'holy people', which would help me induce actually proficient people into my 'church', and that would give me better control over the whole thing as novice preachers seem to do more damage than good… Since my attempts at controlling the whole thing don't seem to work, I should probably just let it run its course. Having proficient preachers who aren't as, um, fanatical as Xenovia and the Dominion Authority should at least help steer the whole thing into more calm direction... At this rate Xenovia and Dominion Authority sound like they're planning the next crusade.'

"...True. However, disposing of Peerage members is easy enough." Diodora leaned back on the seat while keeping his hands in his sleeves, the unchanging smile plastered on his face with his eyes drawn to slits. "After all, they are weak compared to me, and if they attack me then they know that their deaths won't be easy or short. When I get bored of them it is easy to strangle them when bedding them, torture them to death, or have them declared stray for minor infractions and hunt them down in the woods like game. In a way, they are both amusing to catch and dispose of."

Xenovia let out a sound that was quite horrifying, but Momonga ignored her. "Indeed… Yet, it happens that I have a need for holy, hm, preachers. The church that believes in me is growing faster than I expected, and I fear that I'm running out of preachers. I believe that we can help each other."

He glanced just slightly towards Xenovia who was twitching violently and Rossweisse was sending reproaching glances at Diodora. '...Xenovia is a fighter, but I have a feeling she wouldn't be that good a preacher, considering what happened when she introduced Diodora to me… And Dominion Authority cannot be everywhere. With the speed that the religion is spreading I can't just try to put out the fire anymore, it has spread too far, too quickly... I have to try to control it and let it burn its length.'

Diodora seemed to connect the dots. "Kh- kukuku… Indeed, that would be quite the inconvenience… So, you're saying that you're interested in taking my leftovers?"

"For an appropriate sum that depends on the health of the 'hire', of course. After all, a premium product fetches a premium price, and the opposite applies as well." Momonga nodded. "Casually and permanently disposing of a skilled workforce is quite an inefficient use of resources. Moreover, I feel that your Peerage members would be somewhat open to the employment I'd offer after, ahem, your…"

"...Gentle care." Diodora finished the sentence. "Hm… Indeed. While the finances of Astaroth house are quite stable, this would save me the hassle of contracting with humans for pocket change… And I'm sure you won't mind if I personally dispose of those who don't reach your expectations, as 'dismissing' Peerage members can be quite enjoyable for me? Kukuku! Very well! A contract then?"

The devil offered his hand.

"Indeed. A sum will be paid for healthy and capable preachers who you send to my church." Momonga took the hand, noting that a small red magical circle formed around the two's hands. He then glanced at his 'buffs and debuffs' tab to see a new item there. 'Hm? So that is a devil's contract… Interesting. It seems to be a mental effect that affects both parties combined with a mental trap that deals damage if the contract is broken. However, it won't affect me due to my immunity to external mental ailments. In other words, the contract only binds him to me, and not the other way around. Good.'

"Gaming the system, eh? I approve." Ddraig almost caused a heart attack for Momonga with its words but he steeled himself before the dragon could catch the reaction.

"This has been a fruitful discussion." Momonga tilted his head just slightly in Diodora's direction while the devil noble tilted his head towards Momonga as well.

"Indeed it has. I must confess, you took my expectations and shattered them thoroughly. I feel that we'll be engaging in fruitful business in the future." Diodora seemed quite happy as he excused himself, leaving a thoroughly enraged yet confused Xenovia to slide to the devil's now-vacant seat.

"What… What?!" Xenovia stabilized herself as her outrage left her shaky all over, and it was likely only due to her conditioning as a Exorcist that she managed to stay on the spot and not run after Diodora to run him through with the Holy Swords she possessed.

"Kukuku… Underworld's politics…" Sona seemed amused by Xenovia's expression. "Think, Xenovia Quarta… Would you have your Lord strike Diodora down, and by doing that, begin an ever-escalating conflict that would result in a new civil war between the would-be converts, and the converts of the True God's Faith? Kukuku..."

"I... " Xenovia looked troubled.

"Lord Momon… Lady Sitri..." Rossweisse seemed quite shocked, sad and a bit resigned. "I understand."

"You- what?" Xenovia blinked as she turned towards Rossweisse.

"I believe devils should explain their politics, but… I feel that Lord Momon showed great compassion." Rossweisse tilted her head slightly, as if to bow but not quite.

'Huh?' Momonga blinked.

"Indeed… After all, Diodora-san has a hobby of catching and disposing of holy women after turning them to devils and having his ways with them... " Sona noted. "In the past I never got along with him because of it… Kukuku… Yet for Him to gain Diodora's respect, and that way, cooperation so easily… As expected of you, my lord…"

"But, the innocent!" Xenovia started to argue once more but was shut down by Ravel.

"...Hehe, Do you not see? Diodora would hunt regardless, but this way those who survive the purgatory flame will find a new sanctuary within his fold… A trial by fire, to cleanse the... hehe... heresy that they have engulfed themselves with… As opposed to all of them being disposed of as toys at the end of their use. Moreover, as they are worth more depending on their health, Diodora-san has incentive to ensure that they are healthy when they are turned over to your care..." Ravel shivered a bit while her voice was amused. "Kukuku… Perhaps you should call Diodora-san my lord's Missionary, Xenovia-san? Kukuku…"

Xenovia opened her mouth, closed it, then looked at Momonga, opened her mouth… And then a revelation seemed to dawn to her. "Of course… The sin of heresy must be washed away with pain… That was my punishment as well. I merely... Never saw it that way."

'Um…' Momonga felt that the conversation was going his way, but it had taken a fairly dangerous track. Yet he felt that he'd make things worse for himself if he tried to steer it forcefully away.

"Of course… I see it now. When you 'recruited' Irina and myself…" Xenovia's eyes became unfocused, almost as if she was peering into her memories. "It all makes sense now… Those who embrace Him will be given the sweet fruit of joy and faith, those who ignore him will be brought to His light with pain and fire, until they see the truth in His words… And those who reject Him will be slain like heretics they are."

'Um, um…'

The blue-haired girl seemed to return to reality. Or as close as she could come to it with her crazy muttering anyway. "Thank you, my lord. I feel as if my eyes have been opened to Your Truth. Please forgive me for my lack of faith."

"Yes, of course, you're forgiven…" Momonga felt more beads of sweat run down his neck as Xenovia crossed her hands and bowed in some sort of chant that both sounded incredible obscene and quite omnious, as it contained both 'restraints' of lewd kind and 'purging' of not-lewd kind. Rossweisse looked a bit bothered by Xenovia's muttering but nonetheless beamed happily at Momonga, and both Ravel and Sona chuckled in amused manner for some reason.

"Ha… And for you to arrange this spectacle for our amusement in this droll ride… Thank you." Ravel leaned to whisper in Momonga's ear. "Thank you, my love… But I'll be alright. My spirits are with you, always, even if I am still sad…"

The girl kissed his cheek and then nuzzled against his shoulder.



Ddraig seemed as puzzled as Momonga felt.

'Haa... And now I just have to worry about having three factions meet for peace conference under my roof...' Momonga realized that he had more or less procrastinated the rest of the journey back to the Human World. '...Ah well.'

"Hoo? You're awfully casual. Doesn't this interfere with your ambush-plans?"

'...Since I'm more or less a hero due to rescuing Ravel, a 'True God', and a respected member of the Underworld, and I have an alibi... How bad can it go?'

With that thought, Momonga stepped out of the train with his Peerage in tow and joined the stream of heavily armored devils pouring out of the train and into Kuoh.


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