"IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO!!!!" Gine's voice roared, with a challenging tone... as we exited from the portal dropping the abomination onto the ground. First few records I contemplated on wether or not I should just let the people deal with it, but having realized that everyone including all of my kids are stronger than him, I decided against it. I took him home.
Strength is power after all and Power is Influence, knowing this...I could...beat the shit out of the darkness that is within blonsky's heart.
Force him to turn a new leaf, and become a...Anti Hero...good start.
Some of my actions are like...why...why would you even think about such a thing.
You see...I am a guy of...simple tastes...I don't need much to make me happy.
I am although not happy to be taken from my family without my consent, without my notice, I assure you the dude will pay for taking me there, but I am not going to brood about it.
Where I am going with here, is that I simply am like the watcher. I find great joy in watching what changes could happen that will happen, however unlike the watcher..I interfere, though most of the time, it was unwillingly, as things seemed to just happen.
"Why did you bring that beast here Dad?" Xelera asked flatly, Tina looked at it with curiousity, even with a ting of disgust as she saw how...ugly the beast was.. in person.
Gohan was about to add, but we all notice something happen, although I knew about this, the others didn't
The Abomination slowly changed back to its human form
"So...the beast is nothing but a simple human." Hela said a raised eyebrow, "I nodded, "One of Ross's test subjects." I explained, "Though I can say with upmost confidence that he took Ross's test willingly."
Unless this is some sort of AU.
Hela nodded.
"Let me guess," Xelera said flatly, "Power?"
I nodded, "Yup, hit the nail on the head."
"THOR DUCK!!" SIf's voice roared.
This sudden roar awoke the human...blonsky with a start, his eyes quickly snapped open, he quickly jumped to his feet, and in a military stance, eyes darting around the room.
"Where the hell am I?"
"You are in my house." I said, he glanced to me the moment his eyes met mine, a flash of recognition ran across them.
He nodded, he slowly got up and started to the door, "Where are you going?" TIna asked curiously.
"None of your damned business. " Blonsky said in reply, he decided to ignore the group and continue his walk to the door, that was a mistake.
He suddenly found himself pinned to the wall, Blades piercing his skin from the front to the back of his arms, the speed of the blades caused him to be flung to the wall and pinned to the wall,
Blonsy's neck snapped to where they were thrown to see Hela looking at him like he was an ant. "Who do you think you are mortal..." she said coldly, "Talking to my daughter like that?"
Blonsky didn't say anything, he just smirked,"Your one of those bitches..." He said lowly "Noice..."
He slowly transformed once again into the beast he once was, and gave off another roar...but no one was intimidated.
No one.
The abomination smirked cruely, "Let's play...then I shall pay that blondie his bitch, and She-hulk and make them pay for what they have done to me." he growled lowly.
before he could continue...he was grabbed by the ankle and slammed repeatedly left and right. with each impact craters formed before it grew deeper and deeper with each slam.
5 times she slammed him repeatedly onto the ground before she hoisted him up in the air.The abomination groaned pitifully in pain.
Hela gave one look at his pitiful appearance before she scoffed and slammed him on the ground once again twice before kicking it into a wall. the building almost crumbled but I fixed it via magic.
She crossed her arms and leaned into me.
"Puny mortal."
POWERSTONES!!!! I appreciate it, have a good day!