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73.33% Life Is A Big Gamble(New) / Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Preparing But Better

Capítulo 22: Chapter 22: Preparing But Better

Venture held the gold card with 5000 gold coins in it. Each person of the [Dark Star Faction] that was part of the job is paid 5000 gold coins each. Gat even got herself one as well, since the rest of the golds are for the faction's funds for anything useful for the faction. So, 30,000 gold coins are paid for a total of 6 people. Gat, Cope, Edify, Note, Bout, and Venture himself. Leaving 23761 gold coins for the faction's bank.

So, Venture became 5000 gold coins richer. But, Venture doesn't know if he could do another month for a protection job any time soon until he at least has 10 [Spells] and [Multi-Casting] 5 [Spells] at the same time. Also, getting those [Booster Fatigue Shot] from Edify. Those too useful, but at the same time, Venture wonder if he should just make his own physical fatigue and mental fatigue stay at 0% forever without them. Yet, the chance of someone discovering Venture continues to last abnormally longer than what others could make things difficult for him.

Well, Venture will think about this later. For now, after yesterday completing the protection job. Gat gave Venture a gray smartphone, with the back of the phone being a black star, with a white outline of the star, that acts as the [Dark Star Faction]'s logo. Also, the smartphone itself is actually what gives Venture the status of being a true member of the [Dark Star Faction]. Making Venture surprised by this. Since Venture honestly thought the whole membership thing would be a simple card or something, not a smartphone that has everlasting battery without the need to charge it at all.

Also, being near unbreakable due to the materials used to make the smartphone. Venture won't have to worry about dropping it on the hard ground and end up with a cracked screen. Thought, Venture will have to be careful of dropping it from a tall building. Nonetheless, it's something Venture doesn't mind having and the best part is that the smartphone come with access to the internet! YES! INTERNET!

Venture almost cried out of joy right there and then when Gat mentions this important function in the smartphone. But, later, much to Venture's massive disappointment. The internet is only filled with history, shop, information, and an auction. There was no entertainment at all! Not even a novel or any book for enjoyment. Making Venture almost throw the smartphone away for bringing his hope up for nothing. But, Venture had to suppress the urge since it's the only thing that allows him to access the basement, to his own personal bedroom. Also, to give him the ability to contact the other people in the [Dark Star Faction]. As well as giving him access to information with a search engine for things he wants to learn about instead of trying his luck on finding the book about the thing he wants to learn.

Letting out a sigh, Venture got up from his new bed provided for all true members of the [Dark Star Faction] and head out to buy some new clothes and other things he may need. Since he now have money to use for his own personal needs. Of course, he will spend it wisely as it's easier to spend money than earning money.


Venture blankly stare at the stuff he purchased with his paid money.

There are only 7 sets of modern-day clothes for Venture to wear and change every day. All cost Venture only 4 silver coins and 32 bronze coins due to the clothes itself are just regular outfits. It just costs more in total. Nothing special about them, not even a famous brand. Just cheap random clothes Venture finds he likes and got them. Also, because the one he wore over the month has too many tears and Venture is a little surprised it hasn't fallen apart yet, but luckily it didn't, or else, Venture will end up naked for a while before getting new clothes.

A box filled with 20 blank books of 100 pages per book. For the price of 1 silver coin. Making Venture annoyed that he been scammed by that person that sold him the handmade book filled with 200 blank pages. When he literally just got 2000 blank pages worth the same price. No wonder those people were laughing at Venture.

Venture, of course, checked if there were maybe anything different between the first book and the one he got today. Nothing. There is nothing different between them other than that the first book contains twice the number of pages compared to the 20 blank books Venture purchased.

This made Venture wanted to use [Everything Is A Gamble] to bring bad luck to that guy, who sold him the book, but decided it wasn't worth it. Who knows if the guy just some kind of hidden expert or something with a rare [Normal Skill] and/or [Title]. Nonetheless, Venture will make sure to contact the others from the [Dark Star Faction] to check the market price just in case. Because Venture rather not ends up being scammed again. Which is why he checked beforehand when he went off to buy clothes first.

Either way, these blank books Venture bought weren't to be used for the [Everything Is A Gamble]. Since he can just use [Elemental Bolt Spell] to produce a single [Elemental Bolt] and use that as the medium to activate the [Unique Skill]. Furthermore, compared to before, where Venture needs to be extra careful with the words. But now, Venture have the [Unique Skill: Chance Accumulation] to fix that problem for Venture. Along with the help of the [Unique Skill: No Explanation] to use [Temporal Perception Manipulation] to give him the time he needs if he doesn't have the time to waste.

No, what these blank books are for Venture to be used to write down ideas for what kind of gambles Venture wants to use later on. Along with notes for topics, Venture needs to pay attention the most. Not to mention, Venture could use one of these books to fill it up with something like a [Unique Skill] he wanted exactly by making the written book into something like a [Skill Book] in some of those video games that require books to learn a [Skill] or two.

Of course, there is the chance of Venture forgetting about these books stored away. But, that's fine for Venture since it's better to have than not have in the future when he might need it, for something important.

Continue off the stuff he purchased today.

Other than clothes and books. Venture got himself a katana after realizing he needs a melee weapon. Of course, Venture will never, ever, tell anyone else that he picked katana as his melee weapon because he found a few [Spells] in the [Magical Manifestation] towards [Battojutsu], causing Venture to remember all those cool sword fight scenes and eager to do the same. Nope. Not at all. Venture just found something worth buying, that is all.

It only cost Venture 50 silver coins, which is a little pricey, but still purchasable. Plus, Venture can improve the katana even better without having to buy those expensive katana he saw on display in the weapon shop. Venture didn't bother to find the highest price katana, but he did find one that way over his spending limit. A crimson blade katana with a stylish silver sheath for the price of 40,000 gold coins. Yikes.

The one Venture got is just a plain normal color steel blade katana and black sheath. Of course, this wasn't the cheapest katana available for sale. The one Venture saw was a wooden katana, that doesn't come with a sheath at all and with the price of 10 bronze coins. No idea if it's worth the price or not; nonetheless, it didn't matter to Venture at the time.

So with all that out of the way. Venture starts putting all the stuff, but the katana, away after checking all of them for anything out of the ordinary. Afterward, Venture cast the [Idle Simulation Accumulation Spell] to work on [Treading with Light Spell] again. The first [Spell] Venture picked out of the [Spells] that's giving similar effects of [Battojutsu] or more like it's the one that the fastest in the concept of [Quick Draw] that Venture could get at the moment.

The [Treading with Light Spell] is a [Movement Spell], giving the user the ability to move at the speed of light temporarily. However, this [Spell] is something hard to use due to going into an extreme tunnel-like vision, where the user might end up crashing into many things and with a heavy case of death if not careful enough. Pretty much a dangerous [Movement Spell] to be used for escaping in an open field. However, Venture didn't mind this as he has [Temporal Perception Manipulation] to give him the ability to 'see' while moving at the speed of light. Of course, that's just in theory at the moment.

There were other [Movement Spells], but they were either not what Venture was looking for or it just doesn't have the same speed as the [Treading with Light Spell].

Nonetheless, this [Spell] will become the go-to for Venture when he wants to use [Battojutsu]. Well, after the [Idle Simulation Accumulation] allow Venture to use the [Movement Spell] in combat freely. Hopefully, that is possible.

In fact, the [Treading with Light Spell] can work on all weapons, including firearms, and concealed weapons. So, this [Spell] alone is the main priority out of the other ones for Venture to work on. Of course, if Venture not doing anything else. Venture could just cast a secondary [Idle Simulation Accumulation] to be assigned with something else. However, Venture discovered that doing so. It would just lead to the two [Idle Simulation Accumulation Spells] to end much quicker than normal.

Picking up the sheathed katana with his left hand. Venture look around before taking on a stance that's prepared to draw the katana out of its sheath, with Venture's knees bend a little and his right hand hovering over the hilt of the katana. With his left hand close to his waist, almost touching it, and having the handle near the waist as well.

Venture cast [Treading with Light Spell] on himself, causing the feeling of becoming lighter in weight. No. Becoming the light itself. Giving off the feeling, that Venture is almost everywhere in this very room. Yet, at the same time trapped with barely any way to get out. However, soon, Venture begins to become a bit dizzy and feeling tired very quickly.

The [Treading with Light Spell] turn off by itself, making Venture confused as he noticed the [Idle Simulation Accumulation Spell] also went off as well. Making Venture frown at this, so he brings up his status and almost gave himself a heart attack.

Name: Venture

Title: [Gambler of Fate] - You are fate's gambler and making the impossible possible.

Hidden Titles: {Visible}

Health: 100/100%

Physical Fatigue: 94/100% | 1% Reduction per second

Mental Fatigue: 94/100% | 1% Reduction per second

Unique Skill: [Everything Is A Gamble] - The user is able to use anything to gamble with fate. [Price]: The medium used will disappear afterward.

Hidden Unique Skills: {Visible}

To think, that he was this close to hitting 100% in both physical fatigue and mental fatigue. It's no wonder that even holding onto the katana itself became the heaviest thing Venture has ever carried in his life. With his body and mind, urging him to let go of the katana and Venture didn't hesitate to listen. As he let go of the katana, causing it to fall on the ground, causing a small sound upon hitting the ground.

Of course, Venture follows his katana's example, where he fell down on his hands and knees. While breathing heavily, with sweats covering his entire body. Soaking his old clothes with sweats.

It took over a minute before Venture is back on his feet with the katana in his left hand again.

"Note to self: Do not use [Treading with Light] casually." Venture mumble to himself, and to think that in a short amount of time with a single [Spell]; well, technically 2 [Spells] and Venture almost experience having 100% in both physical fatigue and mental fatigue. The thought alone of how close he was made Venture feel a little scared of how weak he was. This is the closest he has gotten to 100% up to now.

Venture really wanted to be like those characters that are master sword wielders. Especially for those that use [Battojutsu]. This harsh truth made Venture almost a bit depressed for a few seconds before remembering, that even though [Treading with Light Spell] is currently beyond his reach. Venture can still use his other [Unique Skills] and [Titles]. Furthermore, the [Solitary of Silent] should give him the ability to use [Battojutsu], but not on a godlike level. Maybe around an expert level. Master-level would take some time, but Venture can do that with [Idle Simulation Accumulation].

Yet, Venture didn't want that; in fact, Venture wants to continue to have the [Idle Simulation Accumulation] work on the [Treading with Light Spell] until he can freely use it without any problem. Well, after he works on the other [Spells] that are easier to work on first. Since Venture doesn't know how long it will take before he can use the [Treading with Light Spell].

So, for the time being, much to Venture's disappointment. He won't be able to use the [Treading with Light] without risking his life just to have a cool moment. Though, thinking back on how he got his [Idle Simulation Accumulation] gave Venture the idea of modifying the [Treading with Light Spell] into something for Venture to use right away.

With this idea in mind, Venture quickly got to work and even switch both [Titles: The Cunning One & Scholarly of Magical Formula] to active mode in order to modify this must need [Spell], for Venture to use in combat without any problem at all.


Another day and Venture still waiting on Gat to get back from wherever she went off to after the night everyone celebrates on a successful protection job.

Yet, this is fine for Venture because he finally finished with the modification with the [Treading with Light Spell] and now became the [Flowing with Time Spell]. Where Venture accidentally discovered a way to finally change illusion into reality; well, kind of. By using the [Treadig with Light Spell] as the base and the [Unique Skill: No Explanation - Temporal Perception Manipulation] along with other things that are hard to describe in words. Venture is now able to move with time itself. Though, it more like time is slowing down really. Not to the point of time stop, Venture hasn't reached that point yet. But, he will in the future, that's for sure with the help of [Idle Simulation Accumulation].

Of course, the [Flowing with Time] is linked with [Temporal Perception Manipulation]. So, he can move 11:1 aka 11 times faster than normal. Instead of having to adjust his own movement to move in a position exactly where Venture wanted to be at. Something Venture knew right away, that would be very difficult to do in the long term unless he has access to [Booster Fatigue Shot]. Using [Temporal Perception Manipulation] right now would be a risky thing to do, not the same with [Treading with Light Spell] before its modification, for a long duration battle.

However, it's no longer a problem for Venture of having to deal with the drawbacks with [Temporal Perception Manipulation] thanks to [Flowing with Time Spell]. Not to mention, the [Flowing with Time Spell] wasn't just to use [Battojutsu], but can be used for other weapons. Since it's still considered as a [Movement Spell]. Though, Venture still has to deal with the steady increase in physical fatigue and mental fatigue.

Now, with that done. Venture debate on modifying the [Elemental Bolt Spell] or the [Refresh Spell]. Even the idea of modifying the [Decay of Strength Spell] is something Venture might do as well. No matter how much trouble comes with it. Better to live with trouble than being dead without trouble.

Though, Venture still waiting on Gat for the next job since he wanted to check the [Modifier: Forced Body-Refining] and make a [Unique Skill] based on it. Since it might further reduce the rate of his physical fatigue and mental fatigue rising whenever he does something high-end activities. Of course, Venture could always look for some [Spells] to solve this problem as well.


"So, how being a true member of the [Dark Star Faction] feel like?" Firm asks Venture, as the two haven't talked to each other since the first day meeting each other. "Also, I heard from the leader that you've done an excellent job." Firm is happy for Venture, who is the only one so far he recruited that managed to become a true member, while the other before have dropped out or just couldn't handle waiting for an entire month and end up being kicked out after doing something stupid out of sheer frustration or something.

"Honestly? Great." Venture replied, not that he could say that he rather quit this faction due to the deadly protection job, where he almost lost his life during the month on the job, but at the same time is somewhat happy with the reward at the end. As 5000 gold coins to be part of the protection job is considered high tier in the job list from what Venture recalls during his research on other jobs' salaries last night.

The average protection jobs inside the City N for anyone to take on to be paid is 100 gold coins for a week's time of protection. So, Venture and the other got way more. However, Venture factor in the danger of the protection job and discovered something similar to what Venture went through. He still got paid more since if it was some other clients paying. The average pay would be 2000 gold coins, less than half the amount he got from this job.

"That's good." Firm nods his head with a bright smile on his face. Before looking around for anyone nearby. Then, Firm a bit closer before speaking in a whisper tone, "By the way, did you guys really meet the [Touch of Devastation] in person?"

"I don't know why we need to whisper, but yeah." Venture raises an eyebrow at Firm since they are currently on the sixth floor.

"Lower your voice." Firm look around in a panic, even look at the door, dreading that someone coming and waited for a few seconds before turning his back to Venture while continuing to speak in a whisper tone. "I'm whispering because the leader doesn't like it when someone in the faction talks about the client after completing or failing a job. Something about bringing in bad business if we start about our past clients and that some clients might have some kind of [Skill] or [Title] that let them know whenever someone talking about them." Firm once again looks around, dreading the [Touch of Devastation] would appear any seconds now before looking back at Venture.

"Okay?" Venture raises an eyebrow at Firm, but can understand his point of view. "So you want to talk about something else?"

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