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Capítulo 13: The “Extra’s”.

Kurai's POV:

Kurai walked down the hallway, hearing Pony-tail stop Shigaraki from following them. They smirked, 'Ha! I knew he couldn't get past her.' they thought. They turned a corner, quietly so no one could hear them.

They then opened a door to a office, to see the supposed Dai, playing fucking NONOGRAM. (No offense to Nonogram lovers, I am one myself, but just go with it.) A book was open on the desk, a bunch of papers and files strewn everywhere (lol "strewn" 😂 Funny word…) and Dai was just sitting at her desk, fucking President of Greece, playing Nonogram. Just a normal episode of "Keeping up with the Legency of Greece."

"Procrastinating as alway…" Kurai commented, leaning against to doorframe.

Dai sighed, "Welcome back, and yes I am." she then closed the book on the desk and set it on the mini bookshelf behind her.

"Well? What happened in Japan? Did you go spying on your brother or did you do some actual work?" Dai sarcastically questioned the 21 year old, however she knew the answer.

"A bit of both." Kurai answered. "However, I have some new recruits. The miraculous League of Villains. I was thinking of a alliance. If we want to complete our mission, it's probably best we get someone who knows at least something. Also, my brother is 100% not going to even recognize me, we made a pact a long time ago-"

"-And you both agreed to stay away from each other and act like you know of your existence. I know this story as much as you." Dai stated.


A little side note here, Dai and Kurai are not a desired ship, they are pretty much just best friends. Dai doesn't have a attraction to anyone, and doesn't plan on having one.


"I know. So, how was France?" Kurai asked, trying to change the subject.

"It was fine." Dai said, leaning back in her chair. "I should probably head out, we need a report. Can you force the newbies to go around town? Maybe get Mrs. Coder to manipulate them a bit?"

"Ok. I'll text her." Kurai then texted the coder, while Dai got up, pushing in her chair. They then walked out.

————With the crew————

Fire-Wings0306: Hey, can you make the newbies go to town or something? Like, sightseeing. Dai's orders.

Beat-coder69: Got it.

"Hey, newbies, listen closely." The coder went out of their alcove, rolling in their chair. All the LOV looked up, staring at the coder.

Then, the lighting turned red, their eyes, glowed a bit, their quirk was activated. All of the LOV's eyes were wide open, their pupils turned to diamonds, they couldn't tear their eyes away.

"I'm headed downtown, cruising through the alley, tip-toeing, in the streets like Dally, pulled up, moped to the valley, White walls on the wheels like mayonnaise." They finished, the lighting changing and everything turning to normal.

"Want to go grab some food?" Toga asked.

"Yep." the entire LOV answered. Then, Kurogiri opened a portal and they all walked in, disappearing like your father who left to get the milk.

Then, Dai walked out of the hallway, the force field falling, as the portal closed.

"Clear." The coder said, rolling toward the couch.

"Alright, Alexander: The_gamer, Zak: MusicMans23, Elias: Thy_Mastermind, Mari👱🏼‍♀️_gurl, Kyra:Beat-coder69, report."


Alrighty, that's all for this chapter guys! I know it's short, and I haven't posted in a while, but I have tried my best. I know y'all missed me, and I misses y'all. I had exams, and I am super sorry I couldn't post. I am now finished with them, and currently writing this in class. I will post more in a few more days, when I am out for summer, and I will have more time to write. If you guys have any ideas, plz comment them! Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 4.15K VIEWS!

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