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5.26% Reincarnated in gate op / Chapter 2: 01 Wishes and New World

Capítulo 2: 01 Wishes and New World

He was exactly how I remembered him or you could say that he was like an exact copy only more realistic like those old men from legends or Chinese novels in which they show a great teacher, but right now he was the same old man who appeared in front of Touya from Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo nor doing exactly the same.

as something involuntary and stopping my thoughts only one thing came out of my mouth


It was the only thing I could pronounce, but I immediately reprimanded myself thinking that all the time that I spent to think about the possibilities of what would happen only so that the moment it happened it was so discreet at that very moment I felt like It was due and I bowed my head a little in respect.

"I'm sorry, I hope you will excuse my previous disrespect just that it's a lot of information to process, but not impossible to believe considering the time I was locked up in that place."

I said trying to stay as focused as possible looking for a way not to insult or upset him.

God: Oh... don't worry, although I was surprised that you calmed down so quickly it's also good that you're facing things the way you are without completely evading what happened.

"Right, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Kei Kirasaki, it's a pleasure to meet you, but if it's not too much trouble I'd like to know what's the reason for my coming here, I don't think you'd take the time just to talk to a college student who did nothing outstanding in his life and has nothing interesting on his hands. "

Well it was something that seemed too convenient to be real, I'm pretty sure you have some people who are in charge of reporting everything you are telling me right now and that I have another question, but I'll ask it later.

God: Well the reason you are in this place is that you are a special case, you could say that it was my accident that caused your death so to make up for it I will give you some wishes and I will reincarnate you in the world you want with the appearance you want. Oh and for your other question about my good looks I thought it was the most appropriate for the occasion since I was even surprised by the resemblance to the scene you have in mind from that anime hahahaha.

This surprised me, well just a little bit he is God after all, sure he can read minds and well that explains a lot but it doesn't explain how a being that is supposed to be perfect makes a mistake like that.

"Excuse me, could I know how it is possible for your god, someone who is beyond understanding, to make such a mistake? And I would also like to know why I felt I spent years in that darkness if it is not a problem?" I asked hesitantly because I didn't know if he would answer me or react otherwise after all I am talking to a being who is beyond what I understand and I don't know how to act in this situation besides trying to talk as if I were talking to a professor or the director of my university.

God: Well, you could say it gets to be exhausting to know how everything is going to happen and believe it or not I still watch over you in other ways so that you guys don't kill each other and even though I don't look into the future or know what is going to happen to an accomplishment, I do everything to perfection but there are always mistakes and this was one of them and although the probability was so small or nonexistent it is still there and that is what happened you were in the wrong place at the wrong time and regarding why it happened all that time or well, that time you felt it was about 1000 years in a crack that I built for these cases but as it had never happened I forget to see it and I spend all that time for you.

That was what he said, well, the important moment came, it is time to ask about wishes and reincarnation, well it is not that I have another option besides I don't want to know what happened with my world nor with my family and I accept the fact that I am dead and now I need to start a new chapter of my life, and I am not going to lie if I am a little sad but that will not prevent me to do what I want in another world and in my other life.

"Can I know now about the desires? How many wishes I have and if I have any restrictions or anything like that, also about reincarnation I want to know if it is possible to go where I want to go."

God: well normally you would only be given one wish and the world where you will reincarnate but since it was an accident of mine I will give you three more wishes, plus the world where you will reincarnate and the appearance, and don't worry the wishes have no limitations, you will be completely fine no matter what you do, if you want, you can even destroy worlds, nothing will happen to you, you already have a pass to heaven assured and you destroying or killing some people will not make any difference so do whatever you want with the world you want to go to.

Well this is very convenient, and the truth is I thought I would do a lot of bad things plus it's not that I have too much empathy for people, this feeling of pain in my life has only appeared when it happens to my family and people I know, and even though if I were to put myself in their situation, I'm sure I would still think the same, but well it's time to become OP, I never understood why some people, if put in this situation would put themselves at a disadvantage and have to depend on others to be able to get ahead, isn't it logical that if you have the opportunity to be strong you take it to be able to protect what you care about? Or to do what you want? Well, who cares, let's go for it.

"Well my first wish is that I want an OP system that has a store that has every imaginable item from movies, series, novels, wizards, fanfics, etc. plus I can also buy knowledge and that is totally attached to my body and soul as an example would be that if I buy self defense knowledge my body is modified getting muscle memory and also everything to do with fights and how to get out of such situations."

God: I see you're playing it safe, well, no problem, I'll grant your wish.

"My second wish is that I want to have the ability to create anything, like abilities or any kind of feature, object, living thing that obeys logic or does not obey the rules, I can create anything or ability and that this ability is also linked to my soul. "

God's thoughts: 'technically he's asking me to make him into a good god, not that it matters anyway, it was my fault he died and even if he wanted to, he couldn't do anything to me.'

That's what the old man thought and even if for some reason Kei tried, this wouldn't make sense, kei doesn't blame him or have anything against him, plus instead of getting angry or holding a grudge, Kei actually thanks him for being able to reincarnate in another world with his wishes, so none of the scenarios the old man is thinking of happen.

God: Well, wish granted.

Well with that I'm already OP, but since this is my first trip between worlds and respectively later on I will travel more, but since it's the first time, I want to have everything arranged so I need a facade while I get used to the new world I'm about to meet.

"And for my last wish it will be more like arranging the story I will appear in, so I want to ask can I go to any world, is it a movie, novel, anime or any other, and then can I go to other worlds if I want to?"

God: Of course any and yes you can travel to other worlds afterwards if you want to.

"Ok that fixes everything so the world I want to go to is Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri and I want to have the same name Kei Kirasaki, I also want to have my family in Japan Tokyo but I want my parents to have died who were part of the people who supported the self-defense forces and the military force as the one who did the most, besides being very successful billionaires with a very big political power, also if it wouldn't be too much trouble, I want them to put people who are trustworthy so that nothing unexpected happens and they dare not betray me. I want me to be 17 by then, just a year before the plot starts. "

God: Okay and now choose your appearance.

God thoughts: 'I'll also add something or someone that you really like so you don't have to go looking for it'

"Oh my good looks I don't want to change much just to be more attractive and my body to be perfect I think."

/// The cover image would be my appearance ///

God: Well, that's it. It's been nice knowing you. See you later. Goodbye, have a good trip.

Right at that moment everything went black, and I went back to the darkness I was in for years, although for me it wasn't so good I think maybe it was because I involuntarily decided better to ignore my surroundings and focus on myself and as a method of defense that I forgot about the passage of time.

And right after that I woke up in a room, as I looked around I could see a very luxurious room, too much I would say, but anyway I sat up in bed, to see that right next to where I got up there was a letter that had written in big letters on the front "To Kei" so I decided to open the letter and read the content.

From God: "Hi, it's a pleasure to have you awake already. I hope you like the way I set things up. This letter is to inform you that your parents in this world died yesterday when they were killed by a foreign country that did not want them to continue with the sponsorship of the self defense forces, and today you will receive the news of the killing of your parents right on your 17th birthday, and one more thing is that this body when you finish reading this letter will give you the memories that it has stored for the last 16 years plus the installation of the system that you asked me to initiate, I have also given you a gift that I think you would like very much, so take advantage of it I hope you have a good life bye. "

And right after I finished reading the letter it disappeared as if it had never been there in the first place, but before I could continue thinking about the letter, I got a severe headache it was as if they wanted to force something into my brain, so all I did was let the feeling take me over and lay down on the bed once again, while as if it was a movie the whole life of this body during the 16 years he was doing things like any other normal child and teenager passed in front of my eyes, this made me take several notes of what I saw in the memories and more points that I will have to take into account, the moment the memories stopped flowing I let out a sigh of relief as I looked around to see if I could find my phone, which from what the memories I just received said it should be to my right on the nightstand next to me, so as I turned around and looked in the direction of my phone I realized that is this phone had a little more advanced technology than my previous world had, which surprised me a little, because as I looked at the phone screen and looked at the date, it was in fact the year 2030 on March 27th.

"It seems I'm 9 years in the future as far as my previous world is concerned, although that's not too surprising considering what will happen a year from now on this very day." I muttered to myself

Just then, a blue screen with white lettering appeared in front of me.






-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------


Name: Kei kirasaki

Age: 17 (just turned)

Titles: Compensated by God, He Who Suits Everything, Greed, Blessed by Heaven, Accepted by Heaven. Traveler of worlds, Possessor of the system. The last of the perfect humans, reincarnated.

Race: High Human (he could fight with more than ten experienced people and win with just brute force) (as well as having a perfect appearance.)

Current state: curious, dizzy, alert.

Points: 1000




-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------


[From being nothing to being all creation: you can create anything up to life itself or even things that go against natural rules] [EX]

[Observation: gives information on any object or living being 10/10.] [Maximum level for the reincarnated title.] [EX]

[Photographic memory: 10/10]

[Perfect memory: 10/10]

[improved vision: 10/10]

[Improved touch: 10/10]

[Improved Instinct: 10/10]

[Improved hearing: 10/10]

[perfect control over the body: 10/10]

[Muscle memory: 10/10]

[Adaptability: 10/10]

[Super brain: your brain can now receive something like updates and understand things more easily, just as learning is 100 times faster as is information processing.] [EX]

[All of these abilities make it possible for the system to download information and be directed directly to the brain and make the whole body adapt.]

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------

Well this is something I expected, but I didn't expect it to look so good and from the names of the skills I can deduce what to do, and I also have to investigate if the titles have an effect on the skills on me, although I don't mind changing, after all, that's the point of having come to another world, plus with the position and pressure I will face from now on as the head of the family due to the death of my parents and the fact that this world is not as nice as everyone paints it, and more so now with the death of my parents, although it's as if my body still can't process it because it read it from a letter it found out of nowhere, I think it will only react until the news comes out of the mouth of someone I know.

While I was still immersed in my thoughts, I got up and looked for a change of casual clothes, a white shirt with jeans and white shoes was the first thing I found, but my surprise was pleasant when I stopped in front of the mirror and saw my reflection, this brought me out of my thoughts due to the astonishment.

And is that I am totally handsome and cute at the same time which is a deadly combination now that I realize, plus another point to keep in mind is that my whole body is in good shape with my muscles well developed and in great six pack in my abdomen but not too much just it's like everything is in the place where it has to be plus it's like I know that no matter how strong I do my body is not going to change anymore because it is already in a state where It will provide the best efficiency to the strength I have the only thing that if I can grow a little bit more, because right now as far as I can calculate I am 173 cm tall but I feel like I can grow a little bit more but I decided to stop my thoughts, because my stomach is asking me for food right now, therefore I have to go to the kitchen to get something to eat.

And now that I mention it, according to the memories I already finished high school and right now I am in the care of the maids of the main house which is located in Tokyo, and to be more precise it' s in the center of Tokyo in a big hotel that belongs to the kirasaki family and everything I call home are the 4 highest floors of the whole building that are interconnected to give an aura that it's a house in the suburbs, but nothing removes the view I have right in front of my eyes from the 54th floor, which means everything from the 54th floor to the 50th floor is my home.

Leaving my room and going to the 53rd floor where the dining room is, I meet one of the maids of the house.

Maid: "Young master is already awake so early, do you want us to prepare breakfast for you?" she asked with a cheerful tone when she saw that her young master was up early.

I inertia I said to her with a somewhat sleepy tone for some reason I was still sleepy, but I think it will be for everything that happened since the morning with being reincarnated in this world, and for the memories that for the first time entered my brain in a forced way, leaving me exhausted both physically and mentally, so I need to replenish energy by eating something were my thoughts.

"If please, if it's not a bother, I would like to eat a lot. I had a bad dream and I have a bad feeling today." It was what I said because it is what was happening in reality my body felt the tension about my parents in this world and I did not want to believe it so I explained it as a feeling because it seems to this body whenever I said this type of thing was always right for big things to happen around him so I decided to inform this maid.

Maid: "Oh is that so, young master, then I think we will have to be very attentive today and don't worry breakfast is going to be ready in a moment." Said the maid already used to this kind of situations from her young master, because every time she reported something of this kind something big always happened, from kidnappings to even murders, they have realized that the presentiment of him is not something they should play with so she immediately went to the kitchen where she informed to another maid so she could warn the others while she was in charge of her young master's breakfast.

So while I waited, I kept thinking about what I should do from now on, in addition to intervening in the main story, I also want to do something that makes me great from before the event and not just live in the shadow of my parents.

It was what I thought before receiving my breakfast and happily eating everything prepared.

(I tried my best to fix it, let me know if you like it).

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