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Ch. 13 Dog fight

We were then walking towards the woods, the woods were a bit more alive. First off there was a lot of light and there was a strong smell of animals here and we were walking a bit deeper into the forest and I was a bit confused as to why we were going in this direction.

Jacob said "Don't worry we are walking towards a pond, I am not leading you into the forest to attack you."

I chuckled and said "I don't think you will be able to take me on. Jackie boy."

He smiled and said "Oh, I think I will be able to. Do you not see these muscles?"

I looked at him and said "Muscles are not everything Jackie. You need a calm mind as well."

He said "Yeah, yeah want to put it through the test? We'll know then?" Sam looked at him and he just chuckled and we were walking again.

Sam was with us as well and he looked like he was on edge. Like he was looking out for Jacob or is it me I think it is me.

Jacob then said "So what is with you man? You look fashionable, did you get a girlfriend or something?"

I was hoping that I would ease into it but. I nodded and said "Yeah. I did."

He looked at me and he had a look of disbelief and he said "No." I smiled and nodded and he said "Congrats man." He then asked, "Who is the unlucky girl?"

I stopped and looked at him and said "It's Katherine Cullen." And as he heard that he and Sam both stopped. He turned around and said, "Please tell me that you are joking."

I just looked at him and he was angry and Sam was worried and Sam said "I think you should go. He is angry."

I just looked at Jacob and I said "I know…" Jacob and Sam looked at me and they were shocked. Jacob said "If you know what they are, what he… what she is then how can you be with her? They are not alive, Chirs."

I sighed and said "I know you think that they tricked us or something but that is not true… She tried to tell me and when she did I… I didn't care. She makes me happy and Edward…"

Jacob cut me off and said, "I think you should leave."

I walked towards him and Sam tried to stop me. Sam grabbed my hand and I removed his hand. Jacob and Sam were equally shocked and I said "Jacob, you are my friend… and I don't want to keep this thing in the shadows because I like her. And I know that things with you and Bella are not good and I don't even know if it is good with us. But…."

He cut me off and looked at me and asked "Did you know what Bella was getting into?" I didn't say anything and he looked at me and he said "You knew and you still let it happen?" Jacob looked pissed and he threw a right at me and I caught it but then he threw a left and I caught that as well.

He was shocked so he tried to overpower me but that was not effective as well. Jacob didn't know what was happening. I wanted to say something but he headbutted me. I let go of him. I staggered and was on my knees. Sam said, "That is enough."

I looked at him and said, "YOU WILL STAY OUT OF THIS!" He was a bit stunned then Jacob walked to me to kick me but I got up and grabbed him by his throat and lifted him from the ground but then Sam came and tackled me and I let go of Jacob but I grabbed him by his waist and threw him away and he crashed into a tree a few feet away

Jacob was pissed and turned and he burst through his clothes and a giant wolf with golden brown fur snarled at me and I said: "Today we will deal with this." I was trying to remove my jacket but Jacob rushed at me and I grabbed him by his neck but he still ran into a trees and the trees broke and I was slammed into a tree and I might have broken. I don't know everything.

He walked away from me but I could see the surprise on his face when I was still fine. I coughed and got up and steam was coming off from my body and I said "Cat got me this…" The jacket was done so I shook my head and by that time Sam was up as well.

He looked at both of us and he said "It's enough."

I said, "No, no it isn't." As I said that I turned and looked at their faces. They saw an 11-foot wolf on its feet and then Sam also turned and he was a wolf smaller compared to Jacob he had dark black fur. Then both of them looked at me and snarled and Sam howled.

Jacob said, "I can take him."

Sam said, "Don't be stupid look at him, we don't even know what he is."

I was confused because I was able to hear them and I said "I can hear you guys." Jacob then rushed to me and jumped at me and I caught him in mid-air and he bared his fangs into my left shoulder so I threw him in the tree and then my wounds were getting healed when my back was turned. Sam attacked me and bit into my left shoulder.

He said, "Stop and surrender."

I laughed and I ran into a tree and turned my back but as Sam was about to make contact he let go and I broke that tree. Then I was getting up but then I saw his whole Pack there were like 5 or something there.

And all of them looked at me and were confused as to what I was and then Sam said "Surrender now and we can talk this through."

I stood tall but then Jacob rushed at me and then I roared and that made Jacob stop and all the other wolves also were stunned and I said: "You don't have to understand it, Jacob, you need to accept it." The wounds on my body were almost fixed and I said "She makes me happy and Edward makes her happy. You just need to accept that cause I don't want to lose my friend Because of this."

He didn't say anything so I just shook my head and then I walked past him.

Sam then stopped me and said, "We still have some things we need to talk about."

I then said "Alright."

He said "At my house followed me. Everyone else can go back to doing what they were doing." He then started to run.

I then saw Jacob and he saw me and turned his face. I sighed and then turned back and ran behind Sam


We reached his home and he transformed back and then He said "Emily get some pants here." He then looked at me and said "You want to stay in that form... turn back."

I turned back and then a woman came. She had shorts with her and she had some scars on her face and she handed the pants to Sam and he threw me one and he said: "you hungry?"

I looked at him and said, "I could eat."

He chuckled and said "Good."

I then put on the pants and walked into his kitchen and Emily was setting up the table. It had fish on the table. I sat down at the table with Sam and he said "Dig in."

I picked up a fish and started to eat and he looked at me and asked "What are you?"

I sighed and said "I am a werewolf. A kind of shapeshifter."

He then asked, "So you are a shapeshifter huh?" I nodded and he took a fish and asked "So where do you stand?"

I took another and said, "I stand with myself." He then looked at me and I said "If you want to ask if I would help you keep humans safe from the vampires then yes." I then said "But the thing is my existence is rather... how should I put it... rare or obscure rather. So what I want is for your tribe to accept me as its own. You give me cover and I will fight vampires, easy."

He sighed and said, "It's not easy... I will have to talk to the elders."

I looked at him and said, "I don't want to be in your tribe. What I want is just a cover."

He smiled and said, "You want to hide from the pale faces huh?"

I then shook my head and said, "Let me know what you decide. You know where to find me."

I then got up and left.


I hope you guys have liked the chapter. Please leave a comment below it helps me know how many have read today's chapter. And for those few who are thinking that Chris will work under Sam, it is not the case if you read the wordings carefully you will know that he says give me a cover story and I will fight. Not fight for you just fight.

And secondly can you guys suggest a title for the 100 series.

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