A lone High school boy with a troubled past, attempt at a normal life. naturally choosing to be an outcast and wanting to live as peaceful as he can, not for his sake, but his sister's. trouble starts to build on his first day back to school, and learns his past is still following him. even as he left former groups and wishes to not get into altercations. there is no stopping or helping what trouble comes to him. he meets friends, and lovers who see him as he is, but can they handle the harsh truth of the life he had before coming to school. trouble lurks everywhere, home, school and the streets, it's as he can't ever rest. the strain may get to him, or can he overcome the trouble tormenting him?
-note: I'm a clutz, I forget set names, I will do my best to not make mistake, but this a hobby, I'll try to still aim to please-
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