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0.78% Archon of the alsike. / Current Unit within the wheel
Archon of the alsike. Archon of the alsike. original

Archon of the alsike.

Autor: Ferasight

© WebNovel

Current Unit within the wheel

(Somewhat spoiler for the wheel but only added after a fortune is activated. This is also the longest Chapter ever this is before I discovered other things to store information so that's, that)

Any number of each individual unit can be summoned.

Exception Special Unit read Summonable Unit for details regarding different Classification

secondly, buildings and structures formed by the system can be Upgraded if the proper adaptation is made to it.


{Black assassin.} (a More plague Oriented Assassin using Tonics of Venom Poison Or PLague to Attack Opponent even Capable of disabling the ability to Cultivate in human or anything it attacks

{Shade assassin.} ( a Human or dark elf Assassin Using arts of Shadow to move often vanishing into the Very Darkness Of Humankind.)

{Blood assassin.} (An Assassin Not only bonds by Blood but uses Blood to Kill opponents.)

{Ambusher.} (a partial Mechanical Humoid Assassin Using technology to Counteract Things undetectable and practically No existence when Invisible Capable oF 1 shot if their Tools or Weapons Hit the Correct Instant Kill location.)

{Striders} (often Elfs these beings are extremely secretive and accurate in their steps making no sounds whatsoever jumping between large tree branches they have an innate elven pride as their movement elegant. And deadly no Fool will ever want 1 on their trails having the sensitivity of dog and the hearing of a Deer their instincts as accurate as their bows Often seen with both a melee and ranged weapon)


{Stalker.} ( A Mechanical Anti-Human Creature Heavily Advanced. and Unnoticeable due to the lack of Human emotion)

{Bewilderbeast.} ( a Massive Dragon Often Used as an Alpha Being capable of Crushing and Destroying Entire Continents way of life with its Claw Unable to Fly but Aquatic in Nature it tusks capable of destroying Everything in its path and it icy Breath capable of Freezing an Entire Continent) (no more than 1 per Wheel Summon)

{Seige giant 10 Meter} (thee massive creature come equipped with boulder container the unit being a giant their often used in sieges Having collars or Some form of a slave or some being loyal most giants come from the continent of the far north the high concentration of Air allowing them to be that size this giant also like to swing trees around often wearing nearly a loincloth they can be equipped with actual Clothing.)

{Giant 50 Meter} (these monsters are only born every 100 generations of giants their Sizes represent their Authority often being chieftains of the tribe They are the 1 who run thing living to up to 1500,000 years old they turn to stone on their death becoming a Stature of Freedom for those giants who are disgraced by mortals.)

{Earth dragons} (the Most defensive Dragons alive these things are Nigh immortal with their Defensive scales immune to most if not all forms of attack only damaged by things Like other dragons these Dragons are some of the largest can reach the size of an Island their earth Like Shells coming in many Forms Their breath creating precious minerals. within any target they hit and the ground.)

{Wind dragon} (1 of the most agile Dragons around soaring Far and wide 1 of the few dragons capable of reaching the edge of the stratosphere. their breath Forming natural disaster of Death Tornados with speed capable of tearing off mountains worth of Debris. Hurricane capable of shifting entire environments These Dragons are 1 of the smaller breeds of dragon reach size similar to a large School Their wings spanning for Miles making of half their body weight.)

Acid Serpent (The most Formidable of Serpents having a higher intelligent then most Large serpents and an enormous Appetite, it capable of firing off lethal Streams of Caustic Acid. digging out a den filled with pits of corrosion. these beings typical Rest in rocky Mountains, their apatite consisting of Rocks and Creature occasionally even eating trees and plant life.)

[{! KNIGHTS specialization !}]

{knight regiment} (a Regiment of Trained 2 Star knights in the world he is right now.)

{Flame knight} ( A magic knight specializing in Fire types of magic Coating his Sword in flame and turning it white-hot very easily. No limit upper levels of strength comparable to 8 stars easily stands toe to toe with rank 9s medium training will occur to produce them is usually 1 or 2 months Their method of Cultivation is to create a fire within themself that slowly changes even their blood to Fire as the highest of their ranks Can bath his entire body in flames the temperature depending on the situation.)

{Space Knights} (much like the Flame knight this knight specializes In 1 thing spatial Manipulation they can coat their bodies and weapons in a spatial field this field cause slashing to anything entering it They can throw Spatial slash at enemies as well as create a Spatial gate out of nothing the fluctuation are their most notable trait as 1 will always appear within a radius of them when they start a Fight their armour is black with dots of Light on it as to represent a galaxy within them their method of cultivation is to Create stars within a galaxy in their Torso)

{Earth Knight} ( another member of the knight's force this force to specialize in defence and taking as they are not known for high damage. their weapons are commonly blunt large weapons such as Clubs hammer or ball and chain they also coat these weapons in earth their most notable trait being their Aura of earth they can manipulate anything in the Lithosphere even the metals their cultivation is the constant hardening of their Flesh As their strongest is COmparable to diamonds capable of taking hits they coat their body in the closest Mineral to the enemy forming an armour of it around them this level of control being very Complex to others some even capable of removing enemies armours by manipulating the material in their armours. their armour depends on o the mineral they are using for it.)

{Holy Knight} (unlike most knights this 1 uses an outside source as a method of power their holy energy being as lethal as space well as defensive as earth nowhere near comparable to those who specifically pursue the path of offence or defence but in between they Manipulate the energies of another being for their Power who they Hail as god Make their energy it can be as corrupt of darkness or as pure as light. There is no 1 way a holy knight fight they are all different in their own way They strengthen themselves by using their God power to strengthen it the cultivation primarily being on the soul)

{Blood guards.} ( a Special Royal guard of the host is capable of hiding in your blood and only coming out if cut or damaged also Provide a substantial buff to regeneration reconnecting body together using themself these Guard are all-around 5-star level and will only activate if the host is in danger.)

[FinllAsuzas] (A Unit of nature specialized in melee combat their melee prowess only outmatched by the very Gods they serve Skill in using even the most fragile of sticks for combat trainned to the absolute limit of a mortal vessel with perfection in plant thier skin as durable as the trunk of a tree they often used bladed leaves decorated in the very foes they slay this specialized knight dedicates it entire existence to the expanse on combat.)


{3-star magus.} (A simple 3 star Magus being adept at Magic Usage)

{archer} (An archer what else do you want.)

{Ice and fire Archer} ( a Magical archer specializing in Ice and Fire-related Ability but can use others.)

{Dark archer} (an Archer who uses corruption as a weapon they are often seen in dark black cloaks their underclothing being light metal Travelers armour not covering many points but enough to survive a strike or 2 from a sword They Often come with a bow made from dark web high-level silk their bow being the bones of the strongest creature they killed. They kill often made from the ribs of Beasts.)

{Witch of Fire} ( a Beautifully Endowed Woman with Extremely high Focus On fire Magic can use Others but less Mana cost for Fire related Abilities.) (no more than 1 per wheel)

[Shaman] (A Simple shamen not particularly combat oriented unlike most of its brethren these shamans are dedicated to tactics often expanding on the king's strategy Making a good addition to their arsenal their spiritual connection offering eyes in place though impossible).

{Pyromaniacs.} (as the name says a bunch of crazy guys with too many flammable objects)

{Icemancer} (typical girl or guy in a coat a long coat down to the ankles typical Zipped or buttoned up wearing a thick Cap with a scarf and Bandana to cover their face though they can be different there is a variety

{Deadeye} (a unit So accurate some only need 1 bullet to kill the most critical unit to a range army often a captain of the entire legion their nature Making them accurate no matter what weapon they use as long as it's a ranged these men and women are professionals in it often equipped with a sniper or a large Long ranged weapon some just a pistol capable of anything with their accuracy.

{Dead wind Mage} (a Mage of death often seen during plagues or after their wind element mixing with their deathly auras capable of corroding an entire kingdom from the inside out often seen with Bone singer these Mixes making for terrifying internal strife the dead wind mage is often undead in some form or another.)

{Witch of void.} (as it name entails this is a witch Specialized in the action of the void often manipulating energy Projected by the cosmic void, using Miniature stars as primary Weapons. they tend to throw them or form constructs with them.)


{Vampyre Progenitor.} (the progenitor of an entire race this vampiric race is often Scene as an omen of bad luck as their hordes of ghouls slaughter even the most solid of wills The Vampyre are a mixed race of flame and blood often using blood fire to kill the enemies they often scene in black steel armour that covers the face their Raven black hair and Red eyes being a discerning and Solidifying feature when a progenitor is present it forms it's own race some evolving into high Vampyre others lowly Ghouls an Undead yet alive race their blood magic being a key point of heresy in all cultures.)

[Plantress] (often the breeders of specialized plants these women symbolize the prowess of Life's natural cycle producing plants responsible for the combat of their fights often using Large scale mobile vines or other more evolved plants their prowess is best shown in a field of the dead capable of feeding off the body with theri dear plants they produce some of the most powerful trees in the world these trees often sentient feed magic prowess to her well she feed information to them the trees using her existence as a mana conduit to procure magic in locations far beyond the tree even going as far as mobilizing Ents at a moments notice with a single command)

{Wind Crafter} (A type of artisan that specializes in manipulating the winds being capable of shifting and forming small storms within the air or creating artifacts leaning towards Speed evasion and lethality. Often Draped in a silver tunic Shirt with a green internal lined with soft soothing wind enhancement their typical choice of Pants is Regular Pants often wearing armoured boots and Gauntlets with Point fingers to assist with precision. They also have a degree of offensive Summoning being capable of forming a medium Wind Elemental being impervious to most Attacks intangible to melee or physical capacity of severing or scything anything with their cruel wind blades or manipulating currents to form entire tornados in the palm of their hand can increase in rank with time. typical only use for artifact forming they are not often seen on the field those who are, are often skilled in wind techniques being fast and quick with their lethality)

[Bishop of Iron] ( A Unit of sheer Steel these humans adorned in Steel they create Avatars of metal construction them with magic Alone the Floating Constructs armed with many forms of weaponry usually equipped with mana cannons but can be equipped with other weapons possessing a mana cannon and a melee weapon more often than not).

{Earth crafter} ( an Artisan Specializing in defensive earth relative artifacts 1 of the more dangerous forms of it as the earth is a weapon as much as a craft they often have artifacts that manipulate the Lithosphere to certain Degrees their artifact Capable of Reassembling the Ground around them into weapons their usually based in the Underground city from the under realm as down their earth is everywhere.)

{bone singer} (Often a woman sometimes a man. This group is always a duet the Male counterpart often doing their instruments well the female dances their nature is a relative buff they increase Combat effectiveness as well as state of mind their prowess on the field being almost as good as their dancing these duets are often closely tied to a dead wind Mage moving in groups of 2 their songs take interest for the sad beat incorporation lose into theirs songs as much as grief often having lost 1 or more people themselves.)

{Magitek smith} (The Magitek smith is a specialized unit in the production og Magic Tech a mix of science and fantasy often Smithing Magic guns or other Problematic equipment typically hunted down for their annoying skills to product practical nukes with the resources and time

[Reality format units]

{Reality bender Lv1} (often kept within the foundation of their world they are Extremely weak at lv1 capable of increasing their psychic might with time and cultivation some more notable being Dr. Wondertainment Scp 239 and many more these only being some examples level 1 psychics are capable of small phenomenon such as the production of weak golems or lifting a pen. these are only some of this reality being far more complex than the surface allows us to view. Be careful)

[steel vestige 4+] ( A Fragment pieces of a powerful A. I core capable of changing the directive of reality in the vicinity around them as their only small fragments their potential is limited yet limitless capable of producing technology far out swaying the norm their weapons are dedicated to those they serve if the fragments merge their reality field expands their personal programming link to an organic lifeform their unable to kill them pointlessly as it defies their programming).

[Shepard's doll] ( similar to a voodoo effect The doll can link directly to a target taking on the shape appearance and anatomy allowing for the doll to be used to kill something capable of being poisoned or cut up due to being able to link to anything it is capable of linking to Animals and beast coping their anatomy the Shepards doll also has the ability to produce pheromones that can herding of social animals.)


{Swords craft war.} (Sword Craft war This is an anomaly itself as it is not 1 entity in itself the swordcraft is a world left behind a miniature reality of a time long forgotten the weapons in here are always expanding possessing some semblance Of sentients in the fact they will attack.)

{Orge Encampment.} ( an Encampment/ Village of Orge highly production of Orges said Orge can be Armoured and are loyal to the host. The Village produces an average of around 100 Orge's as of Level 1 can be levelled up by adding to it structurally.)

{Special Ops core} ( a Training facility for the best of the best All-rounders of the nation often Taken From Previously Established core they can come from anywhere as long as they can Pass the trials Come with an Instructor)

{footman training grounds} (a training ground for Footman having basic Training as well as some advanced Such as digging trenches and making a Pike wall trains up to 500 footmen easily producing 486 every 10 weeks. The structure is made with stone brick walls and a reinforced gate having 4 towers on each corner and 2 outpost towers by the gate the training ground consists of training for Pikes sword and shields and Halberds along with battleaxe no specialization training can be upgraded and gain specialization wings with structural addition )

{pyromania}( a Large cathedral with the sigil of fire on the front the windows often decorated with flames different types of flames the internal being a bunch of benches surrounding a single Large Fireplace. with ap priest reciting Flame verse. brainwashing the people present Fueled by regular people being converted.)

{ Archers range. } ( a Range in which Archer are Trained at an Increased Rate a shooting range being extremely Large having 20 to 30 Targets and 2 powers on either side having wooden walls and a wooden gate this Structure has a limit training number of 100 people and producing 50 archer. can be upgraded ith structurally addition )

{Flame knight barracks} (this barracks produces up to 50 flame knights every 2 months it is an advanced Scolary like structure being a large castle style training facility the Training of flame Knight usually comes from footman Elites footman with veteran levels of experiences in the field Flame knight specialize in combat relative to fire and can enhance their self with fire very easily having a flame core.)

{Magician Towers.} (an extremely Tall Tower Structure with a coned cap and multiple ark crystals this tower is used specifically for the purpose of training those who have awoken Mana. 0)

{Satellite Base Bora B.B.S.} ( The satellite base of bora is the central production point for the existence of space knight being a highly secure facility often hidden within the ground or space to avoid suspicion.)

{Iron church.} The church of Iron is one that hails the Machine being a Fanatical Church that hails the machine majority of it's members inherit ability according to machines the church containing a hidden Experimental Lab beneath it used on it's members against their will.)

{Warp Conduit} (a Conduit that allows Transportation between 2 gates The Conduit can be placed anywhere as per its name conduit It is a large sphere with a multitude of rings specifically 3 rings of larger size that Move around it with random paths they always retain a circle around the sphere even with so few of them. these rings are the spatial containment if they are damaged it could cause a singularity to Collapse a temporary blackhole of sorts)

[nymph tree] (this tree produces a special type of shame the shamen can manipulate plant life and Roots often summoning Massive tree ents their bond with nature bring them a format of immortal in trade for race changing to a Dyrad they are responsible for shifting entire battlefields with their plants. even capable f making massive walls of Thorns. They regenerate their body and often summon sapling bushes.)

[Golemrimy factory] ( A factory dedicated purely to the development of medium size combat golems supporting armies with their soulless beings the mechanized Golems are equipped better than those produced regularly the factory working as both a study and research and a production facility their golems often topple the balance of battlefields. )


{1 of the depths.}( Special. No more than 1 per wheel)

{one whose ice formed a sadist.} (special no more than 1 per wheel)

[Duet of a bone-chilling time] (special no more than 1 per wheel)

{the Wheel Whose Life is broken.} (special 1 per wheel)


{Temporal guard} ( in a category of its own temporal units are units who exist within 1 frame of time there is no way to predict the future or past with them as they are a singularity capable of forming a domain of time be it acceleration or deceleration they are incapable of pausing time in any frame unless they sacrifice their very Life These Units are good for their abilities against those who use the future as a reference point capable of splitting time itself open and fix glitches they summon Time demons as an assistant most of the time as there is no limit to time)

{Time vern} (unlike most this is a plant of sorts the Temporal manipulation often being used as a defensive mechanism to kill things the plant itself is a carnivore that uses the time around it to Kil lit's pray this unit start as seeds in a bag and can be tossed onto the battlefield often being on a temporal plant wielder though occasionally on a temporal guard. rarely though.)

{reincarnator} (an anomaly within time as they are not from the point in which they live most commonly from the future of a world Reincarnators are people whose first life was either worthless or hell gave a chance to entertain the [I ROB I] of which summoned them commonly equipped with a system they are not capable of being manipulated in the same sense because of their weak point most underestimating them )


{loyal 1-star footman.} ( a 1 star Warrior of a footman Not Specialized in anything can be moved between corps and trained to a higher degree but basic Footman )

{Helberd Footman} (this footman wields a halberd as a primary having 2 battle axes for close combat their halberd being around the length of their body a bit taller their armour being as simplistic as the others.)

{Spear elite} ( another footman who specializes in medium to Long combat their weapons often being twice their height they are the ultimate counter to anything mounted as well as a good assistant for regular footmen unable to wield anything but a large spear they are equipped with a longsword on their back for short-range Combat)

{Footman] (This is a Group of regular cannon fodder being trained only to a certain extent before being sent off to fight equipable with a large variety of weapons often seen with a shield and sword and a spear on their backs their armour is chainmail for the most part having a tunic with the symbol of the kingdom on it. their simple armour Should not be allowed to fool you as they come in large swarms.)

{Blinker footmen} These Footmen are commonly equipped with a short sword and shield with relatively futuristic armour as they commonly phase in and out of existence is a singularity in a sense that their past is viewable but not their future their path are Random they can blink behind or in front to the side or above the enemy There armour being a vest with a skin-tight suit under it the suit being the source of their blinking ability their weapons are powered by the same energy they do not travel to the future or past simple phase out of reality into a plain of which is not seen their material bodies shielded from its phenomenon seeing enemies as balls of light with a red outline around them unable to see other within the dimension)

[Factorial worker] ( trained in a Prowess of industrialization these footmen suffer in combat usually preferring to be behind the scenes of combat producing thousands of more powerful items for their consumers loyal to the factory they often set up a hierarchy within it these workers are generally produced by any structures that procure a research or production role outside of reproduction.


{CCU} (Central Command Unit this unit is the central space of an Automated base often piloted by a mortal being they have a birds-eye view and are often left unattended will grow these base can span for miles at a time the large facility produce fairly advanced robotic units to go against enemies )

{Engineer CU} )central Command engineer this unit has an increased build speed being capable of constructing a base with a rooted economy with ease said base is very difficult to destroy and easy to defend the unit this produced are far more complex than the unit of the base unit)


{Icethrower} ( a water and Ice orient Vehicle often Golems these Gatling guns on legs Fire off shards of ice that split and freeze whatever hit the runes embedded On them being hard to find or Even damage scene Mostly with an Icemancer the gentle yet violent nature of theirs constantly breaking out gentle to their master and Violent to their enemy The icy guns and Freeze aura breaking in fulls steam some even creating Blizzards.)

{Infernous.} ( hot tank their Treads being as hot as molten Rock their engines Lighting up For miles these flamethrowers on treads are scene on the battlefield of Pyromaniacs and pyromancer their Infamous nature as arsons mostly Coming from the Occupants who drive them the primary gun being a heavy incendiary explosive steel well their treads and front have a flamethrower attached on them The maniacal laughing scaring off anybody willing to Get close as the hot aura sears even the flesh of the coldest creatures)

{The Ogre.} ( a specialized super heavy tank model that crushes all beneath it equipped with them massive adequately named Pile drive cannon it is a practical moving Fortress capable of being upgrade to a variety of things)

[blood construct] (A Construct made from the blood of often thousands they particulate in the form of a tall single eye golem a Large circulatory system glowing like branches of a tree through their body link to a core in their chest this core circulates like a maelstrom of blood they're out layering black in colour as their single eye views the world in thermal)

[Steel construct core] (The core of steel construct they massive giant mechanical being often spanning miles in Size and kilometres in height are almost as well equipped as they are tall their weaponry range and changes based on the technology available around them they can either be the most powerful thing on a battlefield or the weakest the tech defines them As per their name they use Metal as materials and form weaponry base on materials properties and ammunition around them)

[Keleptics 2x] (the Keleptic is an enormous Super Craft posessing an array of differing weapon having four exceptionally long legs surrounding a Tripod. shape in the centre the main of them being the duel array molten lasre core capable of obliterating Mountains in it's Super weaponize form 

[Sarinectic 12x] (The Sarinectic in a powering behemoth of a machine Containing an array of three weapons a hyper reactive long distance Napalm Flamethrower and a hardwire gatling machine gun, it's Armor torso edging forwards as a anti air Cannon rest on it's shoulder)

[Sky Fury] (unlike it name the sky Fury is a module wheel missile Pod firing Craft that store homing missile capable of toppling any air defense as well as a security method to protect it's missile pods) 

[Juggernaut 1x] (a humanoid Super machine Mech with near Impenetrable armor suit equipped with two colossal duel swords and an advanced Tracking and capacity AI it's system tunned to Defensive Matrix that allow extensive Power

[Furies](hyper equipped Anti air and infantry Fighters with mach paces of speed they can requip themself in the inventory having two pilots the duel wing system functions Against the lead bullets the Furies fire)

[Avenger] ( A Mechanical titan of a a craft it a transforming Mech that switch from larger aerial Speed craft to Mechanized agility destroyer these machines are rapid response.)

[Dregnik](a Sluggish but powerful Machine craft that equip with a single pilot and several tons of hyper reactive Equipment ranging From high power Laser to rapid Pulse ray system it has two form a Mobile form and the tanker mechanized form 

Ferasight Ferasight

I honestly Just noticed how fucking Long this is I separated the Classification but I might have to make them capitalized

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