Yan Siming was silent for a moment. Then, he sighed and said, "It looks like I was being too narrow-minded." Then, his face turned up with sincerity. He smiled and said, "I bless you with a life of happiness. Congratulations."
He stretched out his hands to shake hands with the couple.
Xiao Lingyu and Gong Tianhao looked at each other and smiled.
Gong Tianhao shook hands with Yan Siming and said, "Thank you!"
While Yan Siming held his hand, he said with a stern and serious expression, "Gong Tianhao, since you've married Xiao Lingyu, you must treat her well. If I find out that you've made her suffer, I'll snatch her away from you at any cost."
Gong Tianhao said with a serious and determined expression, "You won't have this chance! Yan Siming, I won't give you or anyone else this chance!"
Xiao Lingyu's character had attracted many outstanding men to pursue her.
He would cherish her, and at the same time, he would cherish his blessings!
These people be crazy.
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