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Chapter 65: The Island Shrouded In Darkness

(Roberts: POV)

As the morning sun pierced through my cabin window and shined onto my face I simply lied in my bed and took it.

Since right I'm too much of a raisin to move. That and my neither regions feel like someone took a hammer to them. I can't even feel my dick and balls right now. It's like a desert down there at the moment. Dry as a bone.

It looks like when Alfia gets drunk her sex drive goes into overdrive. As does her aggressiveness in bed. 

To think, the day would come where I would end up as the bottom and not the top.

Last night she held me down and didn't let me rest until she was satisfied. No matter how times I asked for one.

Now I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it. Because I definitely did. Even so, it looks like I need to up my stamina training. Otherwise once I get another love on top of Alfia I won't be able to last.

I'm serious.

It's not like I can simply restore my stamina and energy.





Bringing my left hand to my face I face-palmed. Since I completely forgot I can restore myself using the vitality I have drained and stored from others.

"I need to remember that next time." I muttered.

After I did so I slipped out of bed and headed for the bathroom to take care of morning business.

Careful not to wake Alfia, who is sleeping with a content and satisfied smile on her face. Unlike the silver-haired sex demon she was just a couple of hours ago.

Once I finished up in the bathroom I quickly dressed in some sweats. I then went to check on the others. Making sure none of them were sleeping in piles of their own vomit.

When I saw all of them were doing alright I headed for the kitchen and prepared breakfast.

Then once I was finished I dragged each and every one of my crewmates to the table to eat. Despite their protests. Since I've always food is one of the best cures for a hangover.

As we sat and ate I noticed Weisz glaring daggers at me.

"Yes, something to say Weisz?" I asked him. "Is the food I made perhaps not to your liking?" I asked.

Putting a shit-eating grin on my face after I did so.

In response to my questions Weisz flipped me the middle finger before going back to eating his food.

Meanwhile the others didn't speak at all.

Thus my crew had a nice silent morning breakfast.

Once it was over Law spoke up.

"Oh, there's something I forgot to mention to you guys last night." He said.

"What's that Law?" Rean asked.

'My full name." Law replied. "It's Trafalgar D. Water Law." Law revealed.

"Wait D. Does that mean you and Roberts are related?" Weisz asked.

"We're not." I immediately replied. "You see Weisz there are many people in the world who bear the initial D. in their name."

Weisz nodded at my words.

"So, what does the D. stand for?" Rean asked.

"No idea." Law and I said at the exact same time.

Which is true since I died before Oda revealed the mystery associated with the D. name and those who bear it.

"Though here's a little fact for you all. You know Gold Roger isn't Roger's true name. His true name is actually Gol D. Roger. The only reason people started calling him Gold Roger is thanks to the World Government spreading it around." I explained.

"What, why would they do that?" Reiju asked.

"Because they fear those with the hidden name of D. At least that's what Corazon told me long ago." Law said. "Well what he told me exactly is that those with the intitial D. in their name are the born enemies of the Gods."

"Gods?" Bepo questioned.

"Tell me everyone, what is another name for those fish-bowl wearing fucks the Tenryuubito?" I asked.

"Well people also call them Gods." Reiju said. She then stopped speaking as her eyes widened in realization.

The same with all the others.

"Woah. That's..." Rean muttered

"Yeah." I replied. "I know. Even so that doesn't change who Law and I are. Not our goals nor our dreams." I explained.

Since nothing will stop me from achieving my dreams.

Absolutely nothing.


*Boom! Boom! Boom!*

As thunderclaps took place one after another all around me the torrential rain and raging winds happening at the same time didn't do anything to improve the shitty mood I am in.

In fact it only served to make me feel even shittier.

Especially since my crew and I have been sailing in this weather for an entire month.

Yes, you heard me right an entire month.

An entire month of a non-stop thunderstorm.

I knew the Grand Line was a bitch of a sea, but right now she's just being ridiculous.

As the wind and rain increased in speed and tempo yet again I pulled the jacket I was wearing even tighter around me. Yet, it barely did anything to keep me from getting soaked all the way down to my bones.

Law and Rean who are with me on deck right now aren't faring any better in this situation.

As we worked to keep the Black Pearl on course suddenly a small wave appeared on the right side of the ship and crashed into the deck.

Drenching all of us from head-to-toe even worse than we already were.

"Fuck!" Rean cried after it was over. "Fuck, this! Fuck the thunder, fuck the rain, fuck the wind, fuck the waves, fuck this month long storm. Fuck it all!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

Law and I simply watched him.

Letting Rean simply rage and let out all his bent up anger and dissatisfaction. Because holding that stuff in is never good. Trust me.

For fifteen minutes straight Rean vented. Until eventually he stopped.

Once he did so I walked over to him and placed my left hand gently on his shoulder. "Feel better now?"

"Yeah." He replied.

"Good. Let's head in." I spoke.

Rean nodded at my words.

Once he did so him, Law, and I headed below deck.

We then went to our respective rooms to dry off and change out of our wet clothes. Afterwards we all met in the kitchen/dining room with the others. Since it was time for lunch.

As Alfia placed our plates in front of us she had a serious expression on her face.

"What's the matter Alfia?" I asked her.

"Our food supplies are dangerously low." She replied.

"How low?" I asked. Needing specific facts to create a plan to deal with the situation.

"I'd say they'll last three, maybe four more days at the most." Alfia said.

As she did so I sighed.

We haven't had a chance to restock on anything since we left the last island we stopped at a month ago before entering this never-ending thunder storm. There also doesn't seem to be any fish living in this section of ocean, or if they are they are staying well below the waves so as to not be affected by the storm.

Taking all this into account unless we find an island to stop at and re-stock our supplies on soon my crew might very well end up like the Donner Party, which I want to avoid at all costs.

I don't want to know what my friends tasted like seasoned and cooked on a grill after all.

"Ok." I replied to Alfia.

Once I did so we all ate our lunch.

Then immediately after we were done eating Bepo stood up.

"What's the matter Bepo?" Law asked.

"The rain, I don't hear it any more. Nor the thunder." Bepo explained.

The moment after he said this we all rushed out of the kitchen/dining room and headed straight for the deck.

Throwing open the deck door we all rushed out to sea no thunder storm in sight. Just waves in the ocean, and strangely darkness all around us.

Looking upwards I saw heavy clouds hanging in the sky, keeping the majority of sunlight from hitting us and only letting minute beams through.

"What a strange and interesting phenomenon." Robin spoke.

Speaking of her ever since that conversation and my confession on that night a while back I've noticed she's begun to change. In regards to the crew she's started using our names and showing us her true smile. As for me and her there hasn't bee any progress in the slightest. But I'm in no rush.

When it comes to woman I have no issue taking it slow and steady. In more ways than one if you get my meaning.


A wave of relief washed over the crew since we had finally escaped that never-ending storm. 

As we all soaked in clear skies we all suddenly spotted a large object in the distance. When the Black Pearl sailed close enough we found out the object was in fact an island.

Looks like luck is on our side today.

"Full speed ahead." I spoke.

Nodding the others moved and the Black Pearl started making a beeline for the island in our sights.

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