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11.87% M no Monogatari / Chapter 42: Chapter 41: How I end up here...

Capítulo 42: Chapter 41: How I end up here...

I guess it was something that had to happen, after living 2 years in the First World, it was time to start my journey. Everything I learned from the beginning to the end of that first phase, no matter how much time passes, I must not forget all of them, I really feel that I grew up in a way for the better and getting closer to that ideal, better version of myself. Although I still think I still have a long way to go, I'm not a kid anymore, I'm becoming a teenager, and from what I've noticed lately, I hope I'm not having any problems. I really like this growing up but I dislike it at the same time, especially because of curiosities that I didn't take into account before. But which would be better? To live the experience and just ignore it? The best thing is to know about it in depth but... I really don't think I know how to act in those moments, I guess it just happens, one day you're watching cartoons and the next day you're watching scenes that are considered of age. Well! It doesn't matter! I'll manage when all that happens, besides, since long before, and even more because of becoming friends with Carmis, I'm very clear about at least one thing in love. Just like my friend, that there is only one in his heart, I also like the idea of feeling that love for only one person and that it lasts until the end. Although that's more like a fairy tale or myth because of what Rouge said, but it's not bad to dream of something pure like true love, right? True love...

『Hey Tatsumaki-san, do you know what true love is?』

M was inside the Portal to travel between Worlds, it was a completely illusory space because of everything that happens, it's like he was traveling through a very very long tunnel, filled mostly with both green and black colours. It really gives it a feel that you don't see this every day. Tatsumaki and I had already embarked on our journey, according to which the Heroine was going to help me get back to my world. I say according to because I had previously asked her if she would help me return home, and what she said was....

『If there is good luck in good time, if there is bad luck, then I'll settle for leaving you in a quiet and peaceful place, where you can have the peaceful life you want so much, child.』

Actually when she said that to me, I got a bit discouraged and the urge to correct her was really at its peak. But now that I think about it, Tatsumaki is under no obligation to return me to my Original Home, just in her own context and situation, she's in the same circumstances. She also has to return home somehow, she has her own problems, I guess carrying mine even though she's a Heroine, must bother her a lot....

『But you're a Heroine Tatsumaki-san, isn't your duty to help civilians or in this case, this child who lost her home? 』

I actually ended up saying it right then and there, I couldn't help but keep it to myself. Even this surprised me for saying it just like that. Where the Heroine upon hearing me, actually gave me a dirty look, at that moment I got scared and could only think deep down, that I shouldn't have said that. Tatsumaki approached me to make some things clear to me.

『Do you not understand the situation you are in? You are lost in endless worlds, just to find your original home, do you know how much time or attempts it would take? That's what I don't like about some people, they think that heroes do or fulfill all the ideals perfectly, but it's completely different, we are only there to do our job, if your life is in danger then we will be there, but who is in charge of your own life, that's you. So don't come to me asking for help in something that you should do on your own, of course I couldn't leave you in the middle of your situation, it's obvious that this world is not made for a child like you, it's better for you to be in a calmer one. Since I could see it all this time, you are not made for fighting and even less for saving people, it's not a game to be strong, it's not a game to save lives, it's not a game to have something that is considered special. Better forget about all that and live a normal life kid, you are not made for big responsibilities』.

....Si...every time Tatsumaki addresses me, it's to scold me and lecture me for what I said and think. I even think I'd be afraid to talk knowing that he'll scold me again...But to everything he said, I really can't say no to him on many things. The fact that heroes fulfil our ideals is totally false. They are only doing a job because it is their duty to have a power that can benefit others. They are also normal people with a simple mentality, they are not obliged to help more... Although I don't rule out that there are people who became heroes to fulfil all the ideals of every person they save, but it is still a difficult and even impossible task. I really had my eyes lowered at that moment and was trembling for some reason, the only thing I could reply was....

『I'm not a child anymore...』

I turned around so I didn't have to talk to Tatsumaki anymore, where the Heroine didn't answer anything, she knew that I could already clearly understand what she wanted to tell me. At that moment many things went through my mind, but the most focused one was that...I'm not made for big being a successor, at the beginning when I had this power I was really happy and you could say I believed myself, my self-esteem was advancing, but with everything that happened and the struggles I lived through...I'm really not as great and capable as I thought I was...and even with the issue of conformism....

『I hope one day, I will become someone capable and capable of always rising to the challenge, my best version of myself, I know I will...』

I couldn't help but to make a ball of myself at that moment but...I really had faith and hope, especially in myself. That it is my own work to become that future me that I long to be. And so the minutes passed and we were still travelling through the portal, and I guess I got over my fear of talking to him, and that's when I asked him the question about true love, where his response was....

『I told you kid, don't expect ideals from a Hero, let alone pure things』.

And he went on with what the Heroine was doing, to this he still kept looking ahead hoping to see the end of the road. Actually his answer... I could understand it but at the same time I couldn't, so does that mean he doesn't know about it? Or does he know about it but not in such depth? The doubt was really biting me at that moment, so I turned to see her, I was really intrigued by all this love stuff. But when I turned to insist on the question, I found her that....

『Eh? what are you doing?』

Tatsumaki was summoning another portal to cross between worlds, this really scared me because maybe it could be dangerous, I don't know... maybe it will short circuit between portals and cause a cosmic explosion!!!!! Something like that? I could see that it was already functioning normally as traces were beginning to be seen and another portal was slowly being created inside the one we were travelling through.

『Hey Tatsumaki-san, what are you doing, at least wait until we cross this journey...maybe the place we're going to is your world! Hey...stop conjuring it up...please...』

Tatsumaki kept conjuring the portal where it was slowly forming, I really wasn't afraid the whole trip, but now genuinely knowing that Tatsumaki is going to leave and leave me alone, I...I tried to get closer to her to stop her, but at that moment she finished conjuring the portal, where her gaze alone was enough to stop me.

『Besides being conformist, you are also dependent, you are not made for such a journey, child. All your life, you most likely depended on the help and companionship of others to grow up, even if for a child it's normal, for a young man that you will be, it's already detestable. I won't be burdened with a lazy person like you who waits for me to do all the work, you yourself strive to achieve your goal young man, believe me, when you achieve that goal with your own effort, you will realize that you are stronger』-『Bye』.

At this Tatsumaki's words I really...I couldn't help but do nothing but listen to her last scolding and advice from the Heroine. I really...clenched my fists and felt a great tension throughout my body, as I can't imagine such a difficult task to return home, especially if I am alone....

Tatsumaki entered the new portal I created leaving me alone on this journey. I tried as much as I could at that time out of fear of being alone, to accompany her but...the portal quickly ended up closing leaving me on this journey alone...When I understood more deeply the situation I was in, the one who told me that I am dependent on everything, really making a retrospective of my whole life...

『It's not's not bad at all...because thanks to everyone...I was able to grow up a little...』-『They prepared me for life abroad, my job is simply, if I can manage on my own』.

At that moment I really wanted to fall apart, but...if I do I would be throwing away everything I learned, had and was given by everyone I came to know. I looked determinedly at the end of the road, I could already see a bright light, my heart was pounding, I was clenching my fist tightly, I was so nervous that I was sweating at that moment. But...I must be able to fight this new phase in my life, I just hope I'll be lucky...and finish it on the first try.


A green and black spiral portal had appeared on a wall in an urban area. The first thing he did's not doing anything...he's just standing in the middle of the street...the portal was disappearing at that moment. But M...was still doing! Of course he was doing something, his whole shaking? What was this, his face was also starting to sweat quickly and noticeably. Also his eyes were closed, he seemed to be inhaling and exhaling to calm down and....


M opened his eyes and the first thing he did was to get on his guard at that moment, he was in a combat pose in his Base Form and... it seems that he is still afraid for some reason. He heard a faint sound nearby, where M quickly jumped, and too stiffly he continued with his same pose but to the right side and...It seems that the sound was caused by a cat that was walking between the houses and walls that were there...At this M still seems to be suspicious of where he was, .... !!!!!! He heard something approaching again, quickly took another leap and too stiffly turned to the left side and....

It seems that he ended up meeting some inhabitants of this world. It seems to be a mother and daughter who were returning M's actions, it really turned into an awkward and weird moment...But the weirdest thing I found was that....

『Goblins? that...』

This was really kind of...confusing...I wasn't going to make anything clear...but I didn't take away the stupid combat pose I did. Where quickly the Goblin mum was looking at me like I was some weirdo off the street, where it looks like her daughter...her that I look at it in more detail, the mother does look like a goblin but a very attractive one. But her daughter does look with traces of a normal's like a combination of species...ehhh....what???? 

『Mommy, is he a street freak? 』

『!!!!!!!...Σ('д ` メ)』

When I heard her say that, I really...stopped what I was doing at that moment, and I'm not going to lie, it made me want to die of embarrassment and even cry at that moment. And why do all the children do the same thing? !!!! Why are they always targeting people? !!!! You know you don't do that!!!! The mother quickly corrected her daughter telling her not to point at people, she held her in her arms where...I know she did it for safety, in case I do something....

『...Good evening and...sorry for the inconvenience』-『....Child!'s too late for you to walk alone, you should go back home, it's dangerous to walk at night...your mother must be very worried!!!....』

The Goblin mother ended up saying goodbye to me, where I really...I didn't end up expecting this, it was like...I haven't felt the kindness of a stranger just like that...their concern...But now I was alone again, because of everything that happened and that last comment made me feel more at ease. I started to relax and look around me carefully. It's night, the wind is blowing but not that much, now that I think about it, we left when it was night, I guess it makes sense that it's night here too, but in terms of the's most likely a completely different one than I think it is.

『It seems to be a quiet and normal world for now, seeing an urban area like this, it's really calming me down little by little...』

I walked through the streets, it was really new to me, after a while I don't see the typical houses that were always common to my younger self. Knowing that there are families in there who are having a good time, that they lack nothing and that they are at home... it really made me smile knowing that I am the only one in this situation. But also from before, it was a Goblin mother with her daughter who...if I'm not mistaken, I guess the father must be a human. Hmmmm...

『So that's normal to see here? Are there any such species in this world? Then there will also exist I don't know...elves?...ahh..ogres?...ahh...what else...harpies?...lamias?...ah...those giant spiders that ....*shudder* I'm really afraid of spiders....』

In short what I want to say, is that it seems that in this world there must exist mythological creatures that live in peace with humans, a joint civilization with no problems and no harm. I could only marvel at this, as it must have been quite a journey to get to this point in the story. 

『If it's come to such a point, then that means that everything is peaceful, right? There are no conflicts or wars, there are no confrontations and...hmmm, most likely if there is discrimination or rejection by some people, you will always see it, but what I most want to know if...with the civilization that accepts all species, they would also accept me? Since...I am human and at the same time I can also transform into a mythical species?...this is very difficult...』

I was still walking through the streets where questions were the order of the day, or rather of the night. I wanted to talk more on the topic of what would happen if I .... but at that moment a very clear sound could be heard, which ended up being my stomach since....

『I didn't eat anything before the trip....』

My tummy was growling for food, it was night time, and it seems we forgot to eat dinner earlier...or rather I forgot. But the thing here am I going to be able to eat something, I mean...I'm literally alone in this world!!!! It's not like I have a home or a place where I can feel at ease and comfortable!!! While I appreciate the Goblin Mom's concern, I....

『I don't have a place to go...』

Again I ended up getting discouraged at that moment, my stomach was still growling, it seems that it is true that when you are sad or depressed, the only thing you want to do is eat until you burst but...!!!!! At that moment I heard something that...I quickly reached into my pocket of my sports overalls face really changed to a cheerful one because.


There were a few coins in my pocket that...!!!! At that I remembered something, of course!!!!! This is the money my mother ended up giving me for the errand that we were going to bake a cake, plus she also gave me a little bit extra that day. I couldn't believe it, it's been 2 years since that and now I'm going to put it to great use...I was really happy knowing that even far away, my mum is always there to help me. 

『Thank you so much!!! Mita!!!!』 ‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ -̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )

I was looking for a place where I could spend my money and have a proper dinner, my stomach was still growling but I knew that soon we would be able to eat something. So I quickly ran off to find the shopping district, surely there must be a few restaurants nearby where I could eat. Since it was clear in my mind, if it's really Japan, then the first thing I want to eat is ..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ended up finally finding the place I was looking for, I could tell I was tired at the time, but with a smile of joy already....

『Ramen!!!! *tired* 』 

I was entering at that moment the establishment I ended up meeting, where I could see something that really again brought me nostalgia. The establishment as it looked inside...God!!!! I'm going to cry for joy!!!! I could see people gathering and talking about their business, as always they are company workers who always come to get even for their day by eating properly. They don't only sell Ramen, they sell other dishes but... I quickly sat down and being at the table, I was happy for what I was going to eat, at that moment a worker of the Ramen establishment was approaching, she was the one who was going to ask me for my order. When I saw seems that she is also one of those who abound in this world, she was strange.... She had black eyes and her skin was a bit turquoise but of course.... She had white hair and...

『What will be your customer's request?』

『One bowl of Ramen please!!!』 ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ 


I don't really care about the species, they are beings that deserve the same rights and respect as others, there is no need to treat them differently, or at least that's what I think. Although I won't deny it, that girl who came to me to ask for the order, I really feel like I saw her somewhere. 

I was waiting for my order to arrive, but it just crossed my mind to count how much money I have. But as far as I remember my mother gave me a lot, at least enough to buy a bowl of Ramen, I should be thankful that here they also use yen and ...

『!!!!!!!!!!(☉_☉)....I don't have enough...』 

Counting the coins I have...I really see that I ended up losing some of them as time went by...of's been 2 years since that time...and I was always moving from here to there, always wearing the same clothes that...I was really happy, but I got scared because I didn't have enough money to pay for the ramen and I didn't have enough money to pay for the ramen....

『Here is your Ramen Bowl, enjoy your meal』. 

『....Ahhh....ehhhh...(・・;) Miss I...』 

I was taken by surprise, the dish was already on order and...I didn't know what to do at that moment...they may have already brought me the dish...but if I don't eat it then I wouldn't have to pay for it...true???? I was trembling, where the lady who was serving me could tell, and from what I was looking down....

『Are you alright customer?』 

I looked up next to me and...???? eh????? I came across a talking head that...just happened to belong to the lady who was attending to me. At this I looked up a little higher and noticed that .... she ripped her own head off?...she's holding it in her hands and ..... I really wasn't afraid of this, it's not graphic, there's no blood but....

!!!!!!!!!!!!! At that moment I stood up and quickly left the establishment extremely embarrassed by what happened.

『Excuse me!!!!!!!!!!』 

I really wanted to cry at that moment, but I think I did the right thing. 1 of 2, either stay and eat the bowl of Ramen and pay with what I have, which is not enough, or leave so I don't get in trouble. As you can see I took option 2, where...I was running through the streets while I was dying of shame...just imagining seeing that bowl of Ramen, with its meat, the broth, noodles, egg....Ahhhhh

『Ahhhhhh!!!!! Why!!!!!!!!!!』 

I really appreciate for your help Mita who is my Mamita, but your stupid son lost some of the coins you gave him....


It was a Konbini where I was now, a Konbini is like a convenience store in Japan. It is like a small shop where you can find a lot of things, thanks to these shops, many citizens are saved in their daily lives. There were a lot of things to buy, but what interested me the most was the food section, I could see all kinds of food and... I was really getting nostalgic at that moment. I could see dishes that I haven't seen in a long time, sushi on order, obento which looks delicious, they also have nikuman which are meat stuffed buns, korokke which is fried chicken, they also have pork croquettes!!!!!!

『No mames!!!!!!! Onigiri with tuna and mayonnaise!!!! ahhhhh....』ల(*'= ◡ =`*)

I really wanted to eat it all because of the nostalgia I felt for them, besides, I haven't eaten them for a long time, I'm sure they will taste like glory if I try them and...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At that moment I could see it clearly, it was a bowl of Ramen!!!! But these are made in 3 minutes!!!! 

『Ahhh!!!.... An instant ramen!!!!』

Really when I saw it, I was just dying to eat it, I still can't get rid of the desire to eat the ramen I had in front of me, I had that taste and feeling of eating it if or if...There were among many options to choose from. With the money I have, I'm pretty sure I have enough for something!!!! So good! Let's go shopping!!!!!

『Some chips and a small soft drink, would you like anything else, customer?』

『No...that's all...』

Actually from all the options I had to choose from at that time...I couldn't afford any of them, the only thing I can buy at the moment, is a crisp in a bag and a small soda I saw around. But...I really feel like I'm doing the right thing, I shouldn't spend the money because...I don't even have enough money left over to be saving. !!!!! Ahhh!!!! But what am I doing! Look in front of me and the cashier seems to be some kind of...Dog?...It's a bit peculiar, his whole body seems to be wrapped in black fur and...both his hands and his face, look like a dog at first sight...does he have a tail? he must have a tail...I want to touch him...I want to touch him...

『(No shit, all the girls I'm seeing look cute to me...if in this world interspecies is normal, and with the Goblin Mom case...!!!!! So in this world a simple human can become an interspecies partner...!!!! Subspecies or simply species of these!!!!! So this cute dog girl, her partner can be a human????!!!)』-Seems like M discovered something-『(So if I stay in this world...can I too have such a partner? What can it be, a dog girl like the cashier? a goblin? an ogre? a cyclops? a harpy or a elf!!! no!!!! It's clear to me!!! A cat girl!!! Of course I do!!!!! Getting true love is within my reach!!!!!)』

『Ready, here's your purchase in a bag, please come back soon *smiles*』

『Ah, yes, thank you very much *smile*』

When I was coming out of the Konbini I...really...I don't know if it's me or the way I was raised, but this species thing is really attracting me a lot...maybe.... At that moment the boy was coming up with a lot of things in his mind, literally the dream of his sick part here can come true and take it as something normal, he wouldn't be the weird one anymore, he would be the normal one y!!!!!!! M was about to leave the place and go somewhere, probably to celebrate his moment. It seems that someone ended up calling out to him and even tapping him on the shoulder to make him stop when he saw that he was about to leave.

『Excuse me kid, do you have a moment?』

At this M happened to turn his gaze and...what he found is, a young adult who looked a bit scruffy, just by looking at his was kind of his eyes were oval shaped and he had some pencil strokes around them...At this his call I couldn't help it, because somehow despite being told not to talk to strangers on the street, this guy despite how distracted he looks, really gives me confidence for some reason.

『I couldn't help but look at you while I was at the Konbini, your reactions really startled me a lot, it was as if you hadn't seen the products for a while』.

『....(Can't help but get excited...) .....』

『I saw that you wanted to buy a lot of things, but I see you didn't do it in the end, so I won't dig too much, here you go.』

At that moment, the distracted young man took something out of his shopping bag, and when I looked at it I could tell that he bought too many products and ingredients, as if it was for a large number of people. He ended up handing me something that gave me a big surprise. I was holding the instant Ramen in my hands which...I really didn't know how to act at that moment.

『Also an onigiri and a pork croquette, don't worry if you want to return the favour, you don't have to, I'm just doing it because I want to help you, I bought it with the money left over from my shopping so, don't feel bad about receiving it *smiles*』.

To this the distracted guy was explaining it to me and...he was really giving me everything he bought for me. I was...still shocked at what was going on...the simple fact that I was getting help from a stranger who knows my situation and doesn't plan to tell me out of respect...I....

『Thank you...really thank you very much...Aniki...』

『Aniki? it's the first time I've been called like that, it feels weird *smiles*』-『So quick, go back home, ugly things happen at night, your family must be worried *smiles*』

To what the distracted young man said to me...I...I really couldn't do it anymore but I just released a little bit of my tears of gratitude. I was thanking him for everything he did for me, where the young adult was happy to have helped me. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. Seeing my shopping bag with some things I wanted to eat, I was really happy for my luck. So I turned to look at the young man who helped me and... it really looked very simple, this made me smile...

『Being someone simple is amazing...』

But now that the minutes passed, there was a problem that I had...and that was....

『How am I going to eat the ramen?....』

It's an instant ramen, so I need the most important thing for its preparation, that is, hot water, but...where can I get hot water from? Does anyone sell it? I can eat the rest but...I want to combine it and make it a filling dinner with the instant ramen .... I was walking and without realizing it, I ended up going back to the Ramen shop from before, the one I escaped from and.....

『Good evening....*shamed*』

『Ah, it's you back kid』

I entered the establishment for the second time and... quickly the same lady recognised me and went to attend to me in the same way. At first there was an awkward silence from me, as...

『I'm sorry for leaving's just that something came up and ....』

『Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong, it would just be nice if you didn't do it again』.

To his response, I was simply giving him the reason that it won't happen again. He was telling me what my order would be, where I was first preparing myself for what I was going to order, I even looked determinedly at the lady who was waiting on me. Where she also felt confused about this and ....

『Please...bring me a glass of water of no more than 550ml....!!!! No!!! Make it 500ml of water!!!! And....*shamed* .... make it hot...please...』

At this I was really dying of shame for what I said, but I had to say it anyway. At this the Miss was confused with my order, I feel like it's the first time she's been asked for something like this, where she was telling me that she's already coming for my order, but....

『Wait for it!!!! How much would be payment...if you can tell...』

I forgot something important, so I was asking you, I think if I have enough for a glass of hot water. When the lady passed by and turned to me because of the unexpectedness of me, I could notice how her head wanted to tear off because of the movement she made, but it seems that she was already used to it so she could avoid it at the last moment. We stared at each other for a few seconds where....

『A glass of hot water, got it?』

And she left without further ado...I ended up getting confused because...I feel for some reason that everything will be fine...I went on to take out what I have for dinner from my bag, where I initially started with the potatoes which...although they are somewhat simple, also not eating them often made it like I was eating something really delicious. At this the lady happened to glance sideways at me and noticed that I was with all the things I bought and...she seemed to smile slightly at that moment.

After a few minutes of what I was eating quietly, it didn't take long for my glass of hot water to be brought to me either, where I was happy with this, as I could eat my instant ramen, but .... I could see that the lady brought me something else to the was a portion of fried dumplings, which....

『Miss...I think you made a mistake with this order...I don't...』δ('д`; )

『Don't worry, the owner of the establishment is buying, he's the one who takes care of all the preparations of the dishes, so don't feel bad about eating it *smiles*』

To this I...I really dropped my arms like noodles at that moment, since...What actually happened is that the lady told the situation to her boss for sure, and for sure both of them took pity on me when they understood the situation I was in...The lady was confused, she didn't expect this reaction, where I...

『Thank you...really thank you very much...』

I was happy for everything that happened in this little moment what I was asking for thanks with tears, Miss was happy with this, where the owner from the kitchen was also watching the scene and, he also got a smile on his face. I went to pour the hot water into the ramen, where I would eat the dumplings they gave me in the meantime...they were really so delicious that I would really like to pay for it as such.

『(There are still...kind people in the world...really thank you....)』

I think it will be a dinner that I will keep in my mind for a long time to come. I would like to talk about this with someone, but I see that everyone is busy, and I'm a stranger coming to talk to you out of the blue, I really don't think I can handle it at the moment.

『(If I showed myself as I am in this world with my God Form, it would be all right, wouldn't it? It's a society that already accepts this kind of life in the world, if not, I'm sure it would be the opposite, if there was an individual or individuals different from normal, it would be hell, I can imagine, secret organisations, people's reaction and opposition, your quiet life would be destroyed and what else would you be implied or forced to do)』-『(I better keep this on guard just in case, I wouldn't want to get into trouble)』

My ramen was ready and I was really happy to feel the steam. Now that I'm eating, people were already leaving and more people were coming, it was already late at night? But then I noticed something that was stuck at the entrance of the establishment. That's not ....

『A wanted poster?....』

I couldn't see it properly, it seems to be backwards from my perspective. But the lady passing by and seeing me say that, seemed to give me a bit of context of what was going on.

『In recent years there have been kidnappings of species by foreign organisations and mafias, their target is young girls and boys who are then auctioned off in clandestine gambling, there have already been many victims, and even those kidnapped in previous years have not been heard of, you have to be very careful despite the fact that it is a quiet country』.

To this I...I think that in the Konbini there were also some really was a sudden issue that ended up sticking to me, but now that I say it. It's not the first time I've heard it, I've been told before to be careful and that it's dangerous to walk alone in these nights...I guess it's not the only Missing poster, there must be many more with different victims...At this I really got worried, so it's not as peaceful as I thought it was....

『Subastasizing species...that's it...』

『We hope that one day all this will end, but as it is handled outside the country, the only thing we can do is that the police organisations and agencies of those countries themselves will take care of this .... Our country is more like a target to catch their victims...』

I finished eating everything I had, it was a really good dinner, and I was leaving but without thanking them for the way they treated me. Both the lady and the owner, I was thanking them and....

『Next time you come back, you're not going to eat instant ramen, you're going to eat real ramen *smiles*』-『Take care kid, go home soon』.

At this the owner of the Ramen establishment, he ended up addressing me that...his words were like an embrace that I can trust this place. I was really thankful so I took heed and said goodbye to the 2 good people I met tonight. Although the only bad thing about all this is that...I won't be able to eat here again....


I was in a park in the middle of the night, now if the cold was hitting hard, how it would help to have a coat, gloves or a scarf to resist the I expected, there is no one around at this hour, although they said that they kidnap young people, there is no problem.

『If some evildoers come after me, I'll easily hit them in the face!!!!』

No problem, I can take care of myself. Besides it's a good thing I'm alone in the middle of this park at night, I've been told repeatedly by everyone, that I should go back home, this is not the world where I belong, so it's time to go, I really get a good impression from the people I met.

『Here's the spell, right, let's go』.

I had in my hand the little piece of paper with the spell written on it that Carmis gave me, with this I can travel by my own sense to wherever I want and go back to my home. But before I could start to cast the spell, I noticed something. I could realise something, it seems that I was wrong and I was not the only one in the park. For in my distance I could see how a couple appeared... hmm... it's a bit difficult to see from this distance, but it seems to be a young human with a girl a bit short in stature...

The young man was a human and he looked rather cute so to speak, with his topknot up and looking casual tonight. While the girl has pale skin... she is a vampire who seems to have a lot of confidence in the young human, they were even walking together to sit on a balcony in the park.

I couldn't quite see from afar that she was there, but....

『Wait...what if...』

I made rice eyes as this was strange, a couple alone at night in a park...I don't what someone who's going to kidnap someone would do...I kept watching intently for what was about to happen, where the couple was chatting about their topics, I don't know what they were saying. But in short, they seemed to be wishing each other true love and imagining what the future would be like for the two of them together.

I was still watching in case something bad happened and acting, but...I didn't take my eyes off them...but then I noticed something...!!!! The Young Human ended up standing in front of the young vampire, and that's where I thought something was going to happen and....

『Eh?...he's kneeling wait!!! That pose is from!!!!!!!! He's asking her to marry him!!!!!!!!!!』

At this really all my doubts were dismissed, to see this kind of pure love for me really made me nervous but excited at the same time. And I wasn't the only one, as the young vampire girl was also happy with this, she wasn't expecting it either, even though she is far away, I could see her reaction and excitement from here. It looks like she's getting her engagement ring put on, and ....

『Wow, it's just a normal couple, how envious, I wish I could know true love with someone...marriage for me unique and special....』

I could see that they were already leaving the place where they were, eh?...hey...wait...where are they going...are they going to the park? the middle of the trees?????...isn't it....

『I don't think that's something I should look at...but doing it in a park...that's too much...*red*』

I guess the vampire is going to suck the guy off...That's too much for me, I don't plan to watch that, it's their own fault if they want to do it there. But all in all, there's nothing wrong with this, though I'm thankful they retreated to do their own thing, as I was once again alone and....

『Well, I'll be going now』.

I went on to remove my hand and say the spell as Carmis taught me, I could see it and feel the energy was conjured up to create the portal that...with each word I said, the gap began to create, where after a few minutes of non-stop talking, I was finally able to create in front of me the Portal to travel between worlds and !!!!.

『Well! Well, how easy it was, I remember they said it was difficult because-----------------------』

At that moment I got dizzy and my strength was gone all at once, it's really like a slump to every possible sense and...From what I was standing, I fell hopelessly on the floor of the park path...I couldn't do anything, I couldn't help but fall down fainting since....

『(True...this spell if you're not robs you of a great deal of strength....)』

He was completely passed out on the floor, where the portal ended up closing after a few seconds. Leaving M lying on the floor in this dark night where anything can happen.


How to say...the situation I was in at the moment, it seems that it was not the best of all, I already talked a lot about my good luck and bad luck. Not everything could go as well as you would like it to, it always comes in different ways that you can't get away with. At this moment I'm swinging slightly and...strange people that I never saw were carrying me in the middle of the park tonight...All the time they were telling me, be careful, it's dangerous...but I see that again trusting me for being someone reality it was another blow that I'm still someone weak...

M was unconscious at this point, having used the Spell to travel between worlds in his Base Form, it literally drained him of a great deal of his strength. And since he didn't have even a minimal resistance in his Human Form, I mean...we're talking about a guy who in 2 laps of his school's sports field is already tired, this was literally too much for him...

About 3 men were walking through the park, one was carrying M on his shoulders, while another was carrying what seems to be a young girl't she the Vampire from before? the one who was flirting with her human partner a little while ago? Why is she also unconscious at the moment? I don't think it's some kind of game, let alone romantic. ....

『We finally managed to get some goods, and as far as I can see it's the good stuff, this vampire you've got your eye on, she really is a cutie, we're sure to get paid a lot if we sell her abroad.』

『Of course, in this job you always have to have a good eye, especially if you want to earn a lot of money in a simple way, but the ones that are ugly by themselves and their species are not helpful, have you seen some trolls or goblins? There are some that are cute, but there are others that look like something out of the depths of a horror story. I've been approached by a lot of those already, really trying to be nice to them...*buh* makes me want to hang out with species of my own level 』

『Orcs especially, those are really ugly and some of them even smell bad, who likes it when your girlfriend or wife is literally a pig? I will never understand those kind of people with strange tastes, this interspecies thing, it made me know that there are a lot of sick people in the world』.

The 3 men were talking about the most ordinary things as they strolled through the park, their manner of speaking was literally...somewhat unpleasant. But they look very calm about it, they already have the habit and experience of having caught their victims long before, and the most characteristic thing is that the 3 young men, so to speak, were cute and show a hint of innocence...Most likely it was to be able to capture and get close to their victims before they could kidnap them.

『The world was already sick long before, it is not normal to continue such an ancient tradition. Some species need to procreate with others in order not to become extinct, the world is advancing, and it is not uncommon for a market to be created on the basis of this. Especially humans, they are the sickest species, I've never met another species that is so interested in having sex with another race, the good thing is that they have a lot of money and they pay us well for the job』-『I'm disgusted by humans, I prefer to be with my own...but...*smiles* It's not bad to try different things』.

The guy, the guy who had the Vampire's face plastered, was giving his opinion and talking about the most normal things with his companions, it seems that this world has a dark side with all this species stuff really doesn't seem impossible to me that it happened, that there is trafficking and sexualisation of other species...maybe what is more disturbing is that it is humans who didn't create, but strengthened the market from the darkness.

The man who was carrying the Vampira on his shoulders at that moment, before the comment of his partner, was really having fun, but after a while he showed signs of wanting to do things with the Vampira who was asleep. Before the young man went into the park with his so-called partner, surely for intimate things to do, but in the end it was all a deception where she was cornered by 2 more men, unable to do anything but try to escape, she was chloroformed with a cloth and... When they were about to leave, they ended up realizing that in the distance, a boy was lying unresponsive. So they didn't think much of it and decided to take him too, taking advantage of the moment.

『How lucky we were to find this boy, I don't know why he's unconscious, maybe he fell asleep? But we made him breathe chloroform just to make sure 』

"That boy, I don't know what he was doing in the middle of the night in the park, he was already there when I came to kidnap the Vampira, and worst of all, he wouldn't stop looking at us, the whole time since we showed up he wouldn't take his eyes off us, he was far away but... *She could have been a problem in our mission, she would have called the police or made a fuss, I had no choice but to leave the place and take her to one out of her sight』-『The good thing is that now she will pay for being a gossip and a peeping tom, he's decent, neither pretty nor ugly, but that doesn't matter, we'll dress him up and make him look like a woman, they pay more for girls than for boys, but still, there are sickos who go in for women and especially for boys. ...*buag*...that degree of sickness is really disgusting, I hope he doesn't get one of those at the auction, looking from here...*smiles* No doubt he'll cry with pain 』

They were still talking about the most normal things on this cold night, but even though they were warmly wrapped up, they felt cold all the same, the rubbing of their arms or shivering from the cold was really common for them. So, going back to before, in order to get constantly warm and well, the guy who was carrying the Vampira, having just the girl's backside next to him, with his hand tried to...

『Better stop it, we don't want our merchandise to reduce in value 』

『What's wrong with that again? What's wrong with that, we too in our spare time enjoy going to brothels and such, knowing that this chick is still pure, the urge to deflower is...*excited*』.

At that moment he was determined to touch the Vampire's butt, but quickly the young boy, stopped his hand with his grip and...started to squeeze hard at that time.

『Our job is as low as it gets, but at least let me keep my pride, us going to brothels in our spare time is one thing, but at work we should act like it, this girl is still free, so you can't do anything for now, when she becomes a slave, the customer or people will make her understand well in the reality she has to live in...』

『...Hey, I'm intrigued by this, aren't you fond of this girl?』

『No, not at all, like I told you, it's our job, personal stuff is something else』.

『*laugh* I knew it!!!! After all between the 3 of us, you made us a lot more money, it will be a pleasure to continue working with you *smiles*』

In that moment of what seemed to be an argument, it quickly ended up being settled in the most normal way for them. Where at the end of the Young boy, he let go of his friend's grip and...happened to look at the Vampire at that last moment and ....

『Despite being cute, she's kind of weird this girl, the time I spent with her...*buag* was really overwhelming 』.

And after they stopped for a few minutes to talk, they continued their walk on this night that...I was still unconscious but...I think I can react somewhat...although I can't move any part of my body, I could open my eyes slightly, it was like trying to wake up and keep you sane from a very difficult night. ...But still...I couldn't do more...I didn't end up hearing everything they were saying...but it's obvious that I'm in trouble and...between what I was squinting my eyes because I couldn't anymore...the only thing I could see was the road we were passing by and....

『Ey!...』-『Ey!...』-『Hello!!!....』-『Come on react, this is no time to want to sleep....』-『At this moment, you're the only one who can do something, so...*smiles* Continue』

At that moment it was a bit was as if I heard a voice in the distance that I heard closer and closer and...between closing my eyes, I seemed to be able to see a figure in front of was a bit strange...this person was walking as normal.... No one else can hear or see him? It's just me...and...when he said "Carry on" I could quickly realise who it is...I made an effort not to fall asleep, when I realised I was face to face with this person who, with his single calm and warm smile, was welcoming me.

『Hello Ya-kun *smiles*』

....I was at a loss for words at that moment because...the person in front of me looked very familiar...from one moment to the next he was walking so as not to be left behind, no one else could really feel him, only me and...He was a young man who...must be my age but...he really conveys the opposite of me, he looks confident and that everything will be fine if you're by his side, a boy with curly hair and was wearing glasses...he had a really light style, that's all I could say. I wish I could talk to him but...I really can't right now. ....

『What a problem, as always I don't know how you end up in these situations, when you were little things happened to you because of your bad luck, but I see that the more you grow up, the more impressive things happen to you, I'm glad to see you grow up my friend *smiles*』.

What was this...his calm way of talking despite the situation...I remember it perfectly well too. We kept walking where clearly I would like to tell him that this is not impressive at all, but I still couldn't say anything, all I could do was move my eyes from side to side. Where the young man...

『I know, it's not impressive the situation you're in, you don't have to look at me like that *smiles* This is a problem, unfortunately I won't be able to help you like I always did, and...*warm* That's why it's an impressive situation, because you're going to transform him into it』.

The young man showed me again with a confident tone made me doubt what he was saying, but at the same time it made me realise that... "Right, he's like that...".

『I can see that you've grown, maybe not so much in height but as a person, you want to stop depending on others, right Ya-kun?』-『The fact that I'm here is because even though you want to quit, it's still hard for you, but I'm not going to ignore if my friend is asking for help *smiles* 』-『First I'll fill you in on what these guys are planning to do, in a nutshell. They're bad people who trick young people, where in the end they kidnap them and sell them to auction them off in an illegal gamble. From what I hear, your bottom is in danger as well as the Vampira's. That these guys talk about pride and sick people, knowing perfectly well what they do...that they treat each other as sane and even good...there is nothing more disgusting in this world, that they deceive others and deceive themselves...these guys are rotten...』

The young man's way of speaking was not really the way I remembered him...or was he always like that? The way he went from being calm and warm, to even reproaching someone in that way, even his eyes got sharp at those last words that ....

『I can't do anything, but you know who can do something? That's right, that's you Ya-kun. You don't need to wait to become the best version of yourself to achieve, what matters in this life is what you achieve along the way』.

As the three men were walking along, they seemed to have run into some bad luck along the way. You could see on their faces that they ran into something they didn't want to. A human officer who was patrolling the park, came across the three men and...just then turned on his torch to illuminate the area, if he had done so much earlier, he would have probably drawn attention to himself and alerted the possible kidnappers.

『Hey, you guys! .... You better leave those people and turn yourselves in to the police!!!』

He first confirmed with his eyes what the 3 men were doing, and noticing that they were taking young girls to sleep. Quickly he didn't hesitate to draw his police gun and point it at the 3 men who...seemed to be in a very calm mood at the time. There was no one else in the park, just the one officer who was patrolling the park and .....

『Officer, you know the laws of species and races, don't you? Well I don't, but I understand that it is a crime for a sick, disgusting human being to point his gun at an interspecies!!!!』

At that moment something strange was happening...the young boy at that moment...his body seemed to be undergoing a mutation could tell that his clothes were stretching and wanting to rip at that moment. But the most impressive thing was that they were no longer human and were changing their appearance, they had scales and claws, their head was also mutating into a reptilian one at that moment. The officer was shocked at this and... although he kept aiming his gun, he knew that it would not be enough to stop this crime.

『You are...Lizardman...』

The officer commented where...his other companions of the young man happened to mutate into Lizardmans at that moment. I didn't know if this was capable, but I see that in this world they came to evolve in a certain sense, that some species can take on a human appearance, but in reality they are a completely different race. To this the Lizardmen were confident, because if we compare them to a human....

『What happened officer? Aren't you going to arrest us? If he's not going to do anything, then since he pointed his gun at me without any sense, the law states that we can defend ourselves from aggressions!!!!!!!』

At that moment, the Lizardman started to run towards the officer an attempt to defend himself, opened fire at that moment. But the Lizardman quickly covered itself with both arms, where its scales practically blocked the shot and...prepared its claws at that moment.

『It's useless!!! A mere human can't take us on!!!』

The officer at this became alarmed and scared, if he receives a direct attack...he will most likely die. Where he quickly dodged the attack, he ended up dodging it at the last moment, but he realised something. The Lizardman that was attacking him was not his claws, but his fist. He had no plans to kill it, but to knock it out but....

『And I was going to be gentle, but...』

The Officer quickly pulled out his radio set so he could call out what was going on. But before he could do anything, he was quickly hit by an unseen tail attack, which ended up hitting his hand and...although the blow was light, his hand was completely scraped by the scales and...Pom!!!!! The Lizardman went to step on the radio and....

『I'd like not to cause any more fuss, but if I let you go...we'd be in big trouble officer』.

So, with his tail, he ended up pulling it out so that he could grab the officer's leg, even though the officer tried to free himself, the grip was much stronger. And...Pom!!!!! He ended up slamming him hard against the road and...he thought that the officer would give up at that moment but...he was still trying to free himself at that moment. This annoyed the Lizardman, who again went on to slam the officer into the road.

『Don't make this harder!!!』

His companions were watching this, and even commented that it was even unnecessary for them to also show that they were Lizardman if their partner was going to take care of everything. While M...this one couldn't see anything because he was behind, the one who was watching all of this was M's young friend, who .....

『What time do you plan to do something, Ya-kun』-『You always depended on us for your problems, which I don't think was wrong, helping those in need, especially my friend, makes me very happy. But if you've really grown up Ya-kun, it's time to show it, there's never going to be someone there to solve everything for you, I apologize if we gave you that image, but there's always going to be one person you have to rely on no matter what. Ya-kun, I'm not asking you to be a hero, but if something bothers you and you think it's wrong, you always have the option to oppose it, I don't think you've forgotten that my friend 』.

To what my friend was telling that moment I was really trying to do something but...I just couldn't do anything...While the only thing I could hear, was the whipping that the officer was receiving and I was really imagining it. If I can do something...then I must do it no matter what...At that I started to try to move...but all I could do was make slight movements in my body, that the Lizardman who was carrying me noticed this and...

『Hey, you woke up so fast? where did I leave the chloroform? well, since』

Pom!!! I ended up getting hit in the face which...I really didn't expect it and it seems like I did stop moving at that point. Where the Lizardman let his guard down believing that this is where it all ended and...I was trying not to fall asleep, the only thing my friend was he's not with me anymore? where is he?...M's friend started walking towards where the aggression was happening, was he going to do anything? of course he wasn't going to do anything, so when he arrived, that young man turned his gaze proudly and staring at M, it was as if he was waiting for something to happen...something very impressive.

『Continue Ya-kun, you can do it my friend *smiles*』

Y....At this point the Lizardman took one last look at the officer and...he noticed that he had finally stopped struggling between so many lashes. He thought it was all over, the only thing left was what to do with this officer, they can't take him away, kill no no. But now that the officer recognised them, the best thing to do is to go to another country and start all over again.

『Men, quickly prepare everything you need, today we will board the same ship where they do the auctions, we will leave this country, what a pity, the quality of the species from Japan are very good...』

But when he turned to look towards his companions...they themselves ended up finding that...The Lizardman who was carrying M, he himself was confused, as he didn't understand what was wrong with the boy, out of nowhere he seems to be releasing energy from his body, it was a white one that...each time it was rising and becoming more and more visible at the moment...M still not moving and....

『Hey!!! Stop it!!!! Stop him from doing that!!!!!』

『Ah!!! Yes!!!!』

Pom!!!! Quickly M received another blow to the face which...despite being held by the Lizardman's huge hand on his head...M was still expelling energy which....!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was an expansion of force at that moment, which was enough for the Lizardman to stop grabbing him and the 3 races were confused by what was happening. It really made it hard for them to understand what was going on and...M was trying to move his body at that moment which...was slowly getting up from where he was and....

『They're not going to leave...I'm not going to let them...I...I...I can just!!!!』

I was trying to shift into my God Form, but all I could do was release energy seen in the sky, I really didn't have much strength left to shift into my God Form but...even though I was releasing great power...all I could do was stand I tried to take the first step to be able to defeat them each...I....


『Eh?』『What?....』『That's it?....』

M ended up falling defeated to the ground at that moment. Where the 3 Lizardmen were confused, what just happened? Who is this guy? They were scared but grateful for the luck they had. The other 2 Lizardman wanted to leave knowing that they have the Vampira, the best thing to do is to follow the plan of who looks like the leader but....

『No...we have to take the boy doubt he's someone interesting』.

He said that where...even with intrigue, he knew that if he gets this child, something might happen in the future. But before he wanted to take him and make sure he couldn't move. He realized that someone had come, it was obvious with everything that had just happened. Where he nervously looked over to where M was and...he ended up finding a woman in a suit and dark glasses that very moment was holding him between the suit and...

『I was on my way back home and it seems I came across something very interesting by accident, no need to tell anyone, I know very well what's going on, species traffickers *smiles*』

The person who had appeared was an adult woman with long black hair and... she really looked imposing and important at that moment. In her black outfit, she looked like she was one to watch out for. A Lizardman noticed this and quickly became nervous, commenting....

『Eh?...she's not...』

『...The leader of that broad who is the head of an interspecies agency? I understand her job from that agency is....』

『She's the leader of the Cultural Exchange Security Squad, a group that's called MON, I understand well that law? that any violation of the Species Cultural Exchange Bill, is a serious crime consisting of a multi-year arrest and deportation of the species involved. And I guess the violation everyone knows what it is, interbreeding or procreation between a human being and any other species...To think that I would meet her face to face...I already knew that one day it might happen...』

The 3 Lizardmen were confused at this, where the smartest one seems to give more stable information. Where the leader of the said squadron was presented as...

『Kuroko Smith, although many also call me Mr. Smith or simply Smith, but why do I tell you my name? So that you have it in mind who I am and don't commit these crimes again, I'll take care of it 』.

Kuroko Smith had appeared at this moment what, he was with a cup of coffee in hand....I could only try not to fall asleep at that moment...but I was thankful I couldn't move my head...since Mr.Smith was in front of me and wearing a tuxedo skirt...I did look up a bit...I didn't think being stoned would help me that much at that moment.... 

The Lizardmen were nervous about this, they were facing the leader of a squadron that is tasked with solving problems of species that violate the peace. They are better able to stop any species that commits violations and ..... Some Lizardmen were afraid and wanted to back down, this was noticed by the leader, he would not let himself be humiliated in this way.

『Don't think too much of yourself!!!! You are still a weak human compared to us!!!!! This is a great opportunity!!!! I have the opportunity to get rid of a very important person!!!!』

『Wow wow, I see that my simple and cute appearance clouded your senses, I dare you to try to kill me』.

Although the Lizardman was the first to go for Kuroko Smith, quickly she did not back down, and in the same way she ran towards the Lizardman who...when he saw that the human did not seem to be disregarding anything, he ended up trusting her! He's an important person, he must go all out, now he's going to kill with his claws and...he didn't see it coming, but Smith managed to dodge it at that moment, where he quickly took advantage of his abilities, he knew that the Lizardman have most of them covered with scales, but there are specific parts that don't have much defence. ...With a few quick touches he hit those fragile points of the Lizardman, this one tried to catch him with his tail, but in a quick way Mr.Smith jumped and with the cup of coffee she had in her hand, she ended up throwing it to the Lizardman in his face that...

『Ahh!!! It's cold!!!』

『Sorry, it looks like coming all the way out here made it cold, and now』.

Kuroko Smith pulled something out of his suit and...with a simple button to a device. The Lizardman suffered an attack of electricity all over his body. He didn't understand what was happening, at what moment? .... At that moment he realised that the blows from before weren't trying to knock him out, but he stealthily placed stunners on him that...Pom!!!! The Lizardman fell defeated on the floor while still having traces of electricity in his body.

『One less, now there are only 2 left, and be thankful that there's only me, if I came with my squadron, they would suffer a lot 』.

The calm and even funny way he was talking, I guess it's the habit that everything can go well somehow...I could see everything that was going on and...what I just saw was really unbelievable to me. The other Lizardmen were scared and wanted to run away, but of course. Mr. Smith wasn't going to let them...


I couldn't take it anymore at that moment that it seems that I ended up falling asleep the time I realized, the park was full of human and species police...It seems that they ended up coming to the scene of everything that happened and...As I was waking up, the drug was also stopping, I could already move my body a little bit and talk. But the first thing I saw was...

『You woke up already kid? I'm glad, you must have been really scared, it's a good thing I was in the area, I went to eat at a Ramen place hoping to meet that person, although a friend works there, but well, I'm glad. How are you feeling? *smiles*』

Eh?....What?...I think that's too much information for what I'm recovering, God...if this is how I feel with a drug, what will it be like if I actually do drugs, of course I'll never do it...I wasn't sane or awake yet, but....

『Yes...better...I...I...I'm really tired...』

I really spent all my strength with that last release of energy. I can't handle my body anymore, at any moment I might faint if I don't concentrate again...At this Smith notices the state I was in, so I quickly try to tell myself....

『Hold on a little longer to help you, do you know where your home is? Do you know where your parents or relatives are? Their number so I can call them to pick you up, I would like to tell you what you were doing so late at this time and in the park, but I don't want to bother with it now. Your home, tell me your address so I can give you a ride』

『....Home?...Father?'t have a home to stay....』


『Dad...Mum...Sister...I...want to go back home...but I don't know how...』

To this really his words of Smith ended up hitting me at that moment that...I ended up shedding a tear just thinking about the fact that I don't know how I'm going to get back home...I've been told several times but.... I don't know how I'm going to get back....

『By the way kid, aren't you from here?...』

『 alone...I don't know anyone...I don't know where I am...I...want to go back home...』

At this I really couldn't do anything more than that...where I couldn't say more than that I ended up finally falling asleep on the balcony where I was before. Smith and the other officers could already get an idea of my situation. I was literally a kid who didn't know anything and even if they didn't have any documents, even if they went through my things, they couldn't find anything. Even if they try to find out more about me in the future, they won't find anything since...I'm not from here....

『What do we do, Mr Smith?』

『Uhmm...he's a lost boy, and with everything that's been going on these past few years...well!!!! I'll take care of it, the most important thing is that the child feels at home *smiles*』

At this Smith smiled as if he knew what he was going to do. His fellow officers didn't understand this, but we all know what was going to happen.


I don't know what happened or what happened, the last thing I remember is that I was in the middle of the park on a cold night...I shouldn't have moved from there...I should have been freezing to death having slept outside of a home...So I want someone to explain to me...what's going on here....

M was in a room, in a bed that...everything would be fine if he was alone, but it seems that someone was keeping him company all night long...all M could do was...nothing...although the drug has worn off and he can move normally. M was frozen as he....

『(Because...I'm sleeping with a girl!!!!!!!)』

I was really stuck, or rather said. The girl I slept with, seems to have covered me with her arms...arms that are light blue wings that...she was covering me like a blanket...but the most important thing about this is that...if I turn my gaze a little...if this girl moves even a little...I...I...I...will end up seeing something that I think is not the time...but...but...but....

『(How did I end up here....)』-ू(ᵒ̴̶̷᷄ωᵒ̴̶̷᷅*-ू) )੭ु⁾⁾ 

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