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25% Invincible’s Older Brother: Eternal / Chapter 4: Ch. 4 Spectacular News

Capítulo 4: Ch. 4 Spectacular News

Jay was driving down the road when he realized something.

He fucked up.

On many levels. But he's focusing on one.

"What's wrong? Are you regre-"

"No! I'm not regretting what just happened. It's something that happened earlier today" Jay says as he continues holding the steering wheel and Suzu's hand.

"What is it?" Suzu asks.

Jay wonders if she will remember this in the morning. He's surprised her speech hasn't slurred at all. Maybe her love for him sobered her up?

"I'll tell you when we get to your house" Jay says as he changes lanes.


Jay glances to the passenger seat and sees Suzu already sleeping. "Well that was fast"


Jay parks along the curb and gets out. He walks around his car and opens the passenger side door.

Suzu was sleeping peacefully in the passenger seat.

Jay smiled as he opened the door. "Wakey wakey Suzy" He gently shakes her shoulder.

"Jayden?" Her eyes flutter open lazily.

"It's me Suzu. We're at your house. Can you get up?" Jay moves out of her way.

Suzu messes with the buckle for a few seconds but gets it in the end. She moves her feet to the ground and stands up, but almost immediately falls forward.

Jay steps forward and catches her. "You ok?"

Suzu grabs the side of her head with her right hand. "My world…. is spinning…."

"I'll take that as a no" Jay puts her arm over his shoulder. "Cmon. We're almost at your door. One foot in front of the other"

They slowly make their way to her door. Jay wonders what her shampoo is because her hair smells better than he remembers. Not in a creepy way, it's just that his senses are heightened. Not just his hearing, but his sight and sense of smell are also heightened for example.

"Can you get your key?" Jay asks.

Suzu groans as she pats her hips. But Jay knows for damn sure there aren't any pockets. Her skirt is very tight and shows off her… legs. He would be able to see if there was a key.

"Do you have your key?" Jay asks in a knowing tone.


"So no then" Jay looks around. "Why the fuck didn't you bring a key to unlock your damn house?"

Suzu doesn't respond as she hangs off his shoulder. "Garage….. code…"

Jay looks at her garage. "You have a code to open it? Well let's move over there"

They then slowly walk to the garage and Jay sees a cover where a number pad could be. He opens it and 'tada'. There was a keypad for a code to open the garage.

"Can you enter the code?" Jay looks at Suzu. "Do you even remember it?"

Suzu brings her hand up and ever so slowly enters the code.

The garage begins to open after a beep.

"Yay~" Jay pats her shoulder. "Good job. You did it~"

"Shudd-up" Suzu slurs as she drops her arm like it weighs 40 tons. Jay would know, he's lifted that much before.

"Ok, in we go" Jay guides Suzu between two cars in her garage. It's dark, but even if it wasn't he wouldn't bother to look. He's not really into cars.

He gets inside the house and closes the garage door.

Once inside he looks around. The place is neat and tidy. Everything looks like it was positioned perfectly and deliberately. He didn't turn the lights on so it kinda seemed creepy.

Jay wonders how she could live alone in this big house. Debbie gets lonely when she's home alone, although she mostly drinks when she is.

Jay remembers where her room is and climbs the stairs while practically carrying Suzu. He opens the door and is shocked. There were clothes everywhere. "Did you get robbed?"

"Eehhhhmm" Suzu says something but it just sounds random.

Jay leads her to the bed and moves some of the clothes for Suzu to lay down.

She falls to the bed on her back and her arms near her head. Her silky smooth white hair is laid out beneath her and somehow emphasizes her beauty. Jay couldn't believe that she could look any better. Her black dress tightly clings to her body….

Jay slaps himself hard. "Cmon dude. It's Suzu…. You're girlfriend….. drunk girlfriend…. Arrrgghhh!" He ruffles his hair to get his mind straightened out.

Suzu was already sleeping when Jay pulled himself together. Her chest rising and falling slowly as she inhaled and exhales. Her mouth slightly open.

Jay walks back to her side. He moves the strands of hair that were over her face. He smiles down at her as he leans down and kisses her forehead.

He stands back up and then looks around the room again. "Might as well help her clean up, right? Or is that weird? Fuck it"

Jay uses a bit of his super speed to quickly and gently get her clothes into the closet, her modified walk-in closet. It wasn't just dresses, shirts, and pants. It was accessories, shoes, and….. undergarments….. He was surprised by the types she owned. He still had a pair of Séance dog underwear, but Suzu had some more….. adult ones.

But Jay doesn't judge, unless Suzu wants to do a fashion show for him. Then he will gladly judge and heavily inspect them on her body. He might even be required to take them off her body for a better look at them….

Jay shakes his head as he puts the last pair of shoes away and walks out of the closet. He sees Suzu trying to get her dress off.

His eyes go wide and he runs out of the room so fast he's afraid he might have used all of his speed to do so. But seeing as there wasn't a whirlwind he sighs in relief.

If he was going to see Suzu undressing, in her underwear, or naked…. It would be while they were both sober and fully aware of what was actually going on.

He goes back to the garage and opens it. He closes it and runs out before it closes. He didn't even need to use his super speed, he was proud of his physical capabilities without his powers, but that is a mute point when he literally can't stop them, only hold back and restrain them.

Every little motion he makes he has to be careful. It was easy when he first got them. It was like he could turn them on and off. But as he got older he needed to train more. The older he got the stronger he got, and the harder it was to turn his powers off until he couldn't do it anymore. He didn't want to accidentally hug his mom and brother to death, so he trained even harder. It was really worrying, but he had Nolan and Cecil to help him through it. It was just another reason why he couldn't just be with Suzu all the time.

He looked up at the sky above him. It doesn't feel real, like a dream. Some of his best dreams did include Suzu in them after all.

Jay couldn't help but have a smile stuck on his face. He did manage to get it down to a grin. But nothing less.

He saunters over to his parent's home and walks in through the front door. "I'm home!" He shouts.

"Welcome home Jayden! I'm just finishing preparing for dinner. I'm making chicken and reheating some leftover German bratwurst" Debbie informs Jay from the kitchen, she doesn't turn around because she's trying to make sure nothing burns.

"Why do you boys eat so much? I don't know if it's the whole 'guy eat lot of food' or the whole 'part alien' sort of deal" She complains. But she has a smile on her face. She may not be super like the rest of her family. But she can be a super mom and wife at home. Nolan wouldn't know how to cook if his life depended on it. Debbie took great pride in being able to support her family in ways only a wife and mother can.

"I think it's a bit of both" Jay says as he walks in. "When does Mark get home today?"

"He should be home any minute now" Debbie says. Mark has a job at a fast food joint to pay for his hobbies. "Can you set the table sweetie?"

"Sure thing" Jay says as he walks into the kitchen and grabs the plates and silverware to set the table.

As he finishes setting the table his mom brings over the first plates of food. There were 5 in total.

"Isn't someone dressed to impress" She sets the food on the table. "Who is it this time? Some unknown mystery girl? The President? Cecil?"

"A girl, but she isn't a mystery" Jay says.

"Oh?" Debbie goes back for the chicken and Jay helps her with the last two plates. "So who is this 'not-mystery' mystery girl?"

Jay was about to tell her when Mark walks in with the same type of smile Jay has, and his hands in his pockets.

"My story can wait. Let's hear Mark's" Jay tells his mom.

Debbie sets the chicken on the table. "A big welcome home to my 'favorite' son" She sarcastically remarks.

"Wow~, couldn't even wait until I've flown miles away from here to say that could you" Jay feigns being hurt.

Debbie gives him a smile. They mess around quite often. Sometimes Mark is the favorite, sometimes it's Jay. Sometimes neither. Just depends on what they did recently. "I made some chicken" she says unenthusiastically. "But! I've also heated up some authentic German bratwurst. Flown in specially, just for you" She says in a brighter tone and looks at Mark.

Their table is rectangular to accommodate for guests they might have over. Sometimes Debbie invites the Guardians of the Globe over, but it's mostly the wives or female members that drag their families along. All the women are super, whether it be because of their powers, or being superwives.

The table is big and the Grayson's are a close family so they only sit at one end.

Nolan at the head of the table. Debbie to his right. And their kids to Nolan's left, across from Debbie. Mark sits closest to Nolan. Jay doesn't mind sitting in the seat next to Mark.

Mark, Jay, and Debbie sit down.

Mark looks between his mom and brother. His smirk grows bigger. "I, had a pretty interesting day"

Nolan super speeds behind Debbie.

The woman is used to this and catches her glass of wine that nearly fell off the table.

Nolan leans down and kisses Debbie on the cheek. "Sorry I'm late. Honest to god, a dragon was attacking Hong Kong. I stopped it" Nolan says with heavy amounts of pride.

"Oooh! A dragon. Nice" Debbie comments.

"What?! I missed a dragon?! Why didn't anybody contact me about that?!" Jay complains.

"Because somebody said he wanted a small break" Nolan looks at his eldest son who just came back from a long mission.

"Ok…. I did say that. But that doesn't apply with dragons!" Jay states. But then quickly remembers that if he had gone, he wouldn't be dating his life-long crush.

"Next time a dragon pops up, I'll let you know" Nolan nonchalantly says.

"I believe that Mark was about to us how interesting his day was" Debbie says and everyone looks to Mark.

Jay remembers how his day went at school. He got punched twice, but also got some brownie points with Amber. Not much else happened during school, so something happened outside of school. It could be a comic, video game, girlfriend, or….

"Guess who's finally getting his powers~!" Mark drops the bomb. "Hehe" he chuckles nervously. He was never good at story telling.

Nolan looks dead on into Mark's eyes with a neutral expression. "Are you sure?"

Mark notices the lack of enthusiasm from his parents. "Pretty sure. Threw a trash bag… into space… at work"

Debbie was smiling at her son as he shares the good news. She looks over to her husband who is being unnaturally cold and distant all of a sudden. It was weird, he might have been looking forward to this day just behind Mark. Jay also was happy and all smiles for his brother. He just didn't want to ruin the moment.

Debbie turns to Nolan with a frown and kicks his shin.

This seems to have restarted Nolan.exe

Nolan instantly brightens up, even showing a bit of teeth below his mustache with his big smile. "Oh! That's great son! Just great! If your up for it, I'll make some time for tomorrow for training!" Nolan starts out stiff and awkward but gets the rust off his gears and actually gets happy.

Jay noticed something was off. Nolan rarely gets like that unless it has something to do with his past. But Jay wasn't told much at all. Just a bit more than Mark.

Debbie lights up. She's over the moon happy for her son. "This is so exciting!"

"Bright and early tomorrow Mark, make sure you get a good nights sleep!" Nolan gives some advice.

"Heh, for sure!" Mark agrees.

"I can't hold it back anymore!" Jay says as he stands up and gives Mark a big brotherly bear hug. "I can't believe it finally happened! Today just gets better and better!"

"Yo! Jay! Put me down man!" Mark struggles to get free but can't escape Jay's mighty hold, he is a weaker Omni-Man.

"Jayden! Not at the dinner table!" Debbie reprimands, but her smile doesn't saved in the slightest. It fills her heart to see how close her two sons are.

Jay puts Mark down on his feet. "Sorry, couldn't help myself" he apologizes. He looks at his baby brother. "You and dad have fun tomorrow alright?"

"You aren't joining us?" Mark asks confused.

Jay shakes his head no. "Nah, you and dad can use the 'father-son-bonding' experience. You and I will have plenty of other time to scr- have fun"

Jay was about to say 'scrap' in a fighting sense. But Debbie would definitely not approve.

"Sounds fun!" Mark gives a sarcastic thumbs up.

They eat their meal and talk.

"Oh! Jay, I'm sorry. You said there was a story?" Debbie remembers towards the middle of their meal.

Jay swallows a piece of chicken. "Yeah, but it can wait for tomorrow. It'll be a shocker….. And I need to confirm a few things" Jay hopes that Suzu remembers their confessions.


Jay was in his old room, next to Mark's.

He couldn't sleep. Jay was just too happy at the moment. Not only had he started dating Suzu. But Mark also got his powers. Jay would not be able to fall asleep for a while so he started gazing up at the stars.

Jay hadn't traveled past the moon. But he wondered how close he can get to some of the stars. "But I guess I already found my solar system" He looks at a picture of Suzu and him hanging on the wall from highschool.

As Jay was looking at the old photo he heard foot steps on the roof.

His happy face turned deadly serious as he got ready to attack the intruder.

"Phewf. Don't look down~. Stop looking down!"

Jay hears his brother. Jay looks to the side on the roof and sees Mark walking to the edge of the roof in his sweatpants. No shirt or shoes.

Jay wasn't much better, he was only in his boxers currently.

He relaxes and watches as Mark is about to try and fly. Jay won't interfere even if Mark ends up crashing to the ground. The boy needs to learn by doing after all.

And if his super strength kicked in, so did his super durability. Otherwise his arm might have destroyed itself throwing the garbage bag into space.

Jay watches Mark psych himself up to fly. Mark looks up at the moon and the night sky. Even as Mark doubts himself and backs away from the roof.

"Cmon Mark, just do it. I know how much you've wanted to fly since dad told you about us. How much you wished to fly and soar through the sky. How often you would ask me and dad about it. Believe in yourself Mark, and you can do almost anything" Jay whispers to himself and Mark.

"….Nah, screw it" Mark forgets all his worries and jumps from the roof. He holds his breath as his foot slips and he closes his eyes.

Mark anticipated hitting the ground. But the falling sensation never came. He slowly opens one eye as his body is tensed up. Then his face relaxes as he laughs and looks at the ground below him not getting any closer.

He did it, he's flying.

"Woohoo!" Mark shouts before rocketing up into the sky.

Jay shakes his head. It's decently easy to fly in general. But controlling it precisely is a completely different story. And that's not talking about the landing….

Jay gets ready for bed and gets under the covers. He doesn't really get cold or warm, but it's a habit to seem more normal.


Jay wakes up the next morning.

"He dad, gonna give the 'peeing yourself on purpose' speech?" Jay asks Nolan.

Nolan was in his Omni-Man suit. "It works doesn't it?"

Jay smiles and shakes his head. "Sorta, at least Mark isn't an impressionable middle schooler and takes that advice literally"

Nolan smiles as he remembers. "Yeah, I wasn't expecting you to literally owe your pants. But you didn't do that again did you?"

"No, not even when I fought criminals for the first time either. That was really scary" Jay remembers being in freshman year of high school and stopping an attempted gang ra….. attack on a defenseless little girl. His powers weren't strong enough to kill them while heavily holding back at the time. So they all lived in casts and wheel chairs to rot in jail. Jay wanted to make sure the world knew what they tried to do.

"Oh, and dad" Jay calls out to his dad before he could get to Mark's door. "Take it easier on Mark. He just got his powers and won't be able to take the punches I could take when I first got mine"

"I know Jayden" Nolan then walks into Mark's room.

Jay was about to go over to Suzu's place, but remembers he is still in his underwear. A bit embarrassing, but Nolan had seen him in less. His super suit might be tough, but not nearly as tough as he actually is. It gets destroyed without Jay even realizing it sometimes.

He goes and gets dressed and goes over to Suzu's house. Debbie wasn't up and about yet this early in the morning. Probably just getting into the shower or something.

Jay knocks on Suzu's front door. But he doesn't get a response. He goes around to her window at the back of her house.

He looks around and then jumps up onto her roof.

*tang* *tang* *tang*

Jay knocks on her window with his knuckles.

He can hear shuffling inside and then a 'whirring' sound like something is charging up.

"Wait Suzu! It's me Jay! Whatever that is please stop it!" Jay shouts. He would be fine, but he doesn't want to explain his superpowers by surviving whatever Suzu was about to do to him.

The sound doesn't stop, but the curtains move slightly and he can see Suzu's left side slightly. She wasn't wearing anything, and Jay only was given a sliver of a sneak peak. "Jay?!"

The curtain closes as quickly as it opened, but the image was already burned into Jay's mind. The whirring fades to a stop.

"That is indeed my name, good morning Suzu" Jay greets.

"What are you doing outside my window!" Suzu shouts.

Jay can hear shuffling from inside the room. "Um…. That's a good question" Jay doesn't know why he didn't just send her a text. "I guess I just wanted to talk to you about last night"

The shuffling sounds stop.

Jay scratches his nose. "Uhmmmm, if that's alright with you I guess"

The curtains open to reveal Suzu wearing a bathrobe. "We do need to talk about it" She says like she's in CEO mode.

"Are we going to talk about it like this? Or can I come in?" Jay awkwardly asks.

"Go to the front door like a normal person" Suzu says in her business tone and closes the curtain.

Jay sighs. He kind deserved that one, but did he deserve the tone?

He hops down and lands softly on the ground. He walks around the house and hops over the fence. Then he makes his way over to the door.


Before Jay knocked on Suzu's window

Suzu was sleeping soundly. She was dreaming of Jay, and he was taking her to a carnival. She doesn't like carnivals, but it was a great dream because Jay was in it.

*Bzzzzt* 'Intruder on the premises' *Bzzzzzt*

Suzu was woken up by her alarm system alerting her to an intruder.

She ignores the intense hangover and jumps out of bed. Suzu grabs a blaster that was hidden under her bed.

She turns it on and it near silently lights up.

This was one of her companies inventions. She didn't want her house to change too much from when her parents lived here.

It was a rifle blaster that should be able to hold off ordinary to somewhat-super intruders. It packs a mighty punch.

*tang* *tang* *tang*

Suzu immediately aims the blaster to the window where a tapping sound came from.

She jumps to the side and and gets ready to pull the trigger.

She stayed silent like her blaster. It wouldn't do any good if the enemies could hear her weapon after all.

"Wait Suzu! It's me Jay! Whatever that is please stop it!"

She recognizes the voice and gets startled. She moves to the window and pulls the curtain slightly to the side while she points the blaster.

Her eyes go wide as she sees Jay in a shirt and shorts.


She quickly pull the curtain shut and backs away.

"That is indeed my name, good morning Suzu"

She can hear Jay outside her window. It really was him.

"What are you doing outside my window!" She shouts as she runs to the closet. She turns off the house alarm and then notices her current clothing. Or lack thereof.

She also gets her bearings. She's back in her room, it's suddenly clean, she's naked, and Jay is outside her window on the second floor.

"Um…. That's a good question" Jay sounds confused. "I guess I just wanted to talk to you about last night"

Suzu makes sure that the house alarm is off and scrambles to find something to cover herself. She also begins remembering the events of last night. But she wasn't sure what was and wasn't a dream. She remembers starting an argument with Jay, but after that things get hazy.

Did they really confess their feeling? And did Jay really say he loved her and agreed to start dating?

"Uhmmmm, if that's alright with you I guess" Jay says.

She realizes that she didn't respond. She quickly grabs her black bathrobe from the wall and runs to the window and opens the curtain after making sure she is decent.

She sees Jay awkwardly crouching outside her window.

Suzu doesn't know how to respond so she reverts to a previous save. "We do need to talk about it" she says in a stern and commanding tone that she uses at work.

Inside she is freaking out inside. But she was used to putting up a front that said otherwise thanks to her work. People don't normally approve of a young woman becoming the CEO of a major organization. And they show even less respect.

"Are we going to talk about it like this? Or can I come in?" Jay awkwardly asks.

"Go to the front door like a normal person" She says and closes the window.

She could let him in, but she would rather get dressed and get mentally prepared before he comes in.

She hears Jay sigh and waits for a moment and then can't resist checking on him. But when she looks out the window again he had already left.

She goes to her closet and gets dressed while she tries to get her brain in order.


Jay rings the doorbell and waits. He plays with one of his bangs as he nervously awaits for Suzu.

A few minutes later the door unlocks and opens to reveal Suzu wearing a similar outfit to him. Shorts and a shirt. But hers looked much better, mainly because of her shorts being short shorts.

"Good morning" Jay waves at her. "Glad we don't have to go through the garage this time" He jokes.

Suzu looks at him with a slight blush on her face. "Yeah….. come in". She steps to the side and lets Jay walk in.

Once in he takes his shoes off. Suzu closes the door and walks to the living room.

"How is your hangover? Hopefully not too bad?" Jay tries to start the conversation off lightly.

Suzu walks to a chair and sits down with her legs crossed, and Jay sits opposite of her.

She rubs her temples as her head pounds. She wonders if it's from the hangover or from remembering…. or not remembering exactly…. the previous night. "It's annoying but not bad. Can you explain last night? I think I remember but some things are still fuzzy" She says in a kinder tone.

"Sure thing Suzy" Jay leans forward in his seat and puts his elbows on his thighs.

Suzu looks at Jay's extremely buff figure. He wasn't as bulky as his dad. But damn his muscles were defined like he was sculpted out of stone.

"I'll start after we got to the restaurant and you started drinking" Jay smiles at poking fun at Suzu. She was normally much more serious when in public, but she drank and let loose a bit.

Suzu groans at the mention of drinking. She really hates it. Especially right now for many reasons.

"Basically you got a bit drunk and asked me some questions. Things got heated between us. Mostly my fault. You got up and walked out angrily. I followed. We argued more. And then…." Jay blushes for a second before going back to normal. "…then you kinda confessed and said some things. Then I kissed you once you asked if I felt the same. Then the crowd watching us interrupts our moment. And we drive away" Jay thinks he covered everything, his heart was beating faster and faster as he remembered the events.

Suzu blushes slightly. "I remember that much I guess"

She can't believe she actually said all that to him. "And did I really tell you about my work?"

Jay gets serious. "Yes. You did"

"And how did I end up in my bed? That part's the missing piece" Suzu asks.

Jay nods and explains how they went in through the garage, confirming the last bit of what Suzu remembers. And how he took her to her room and set her on her bed. Then cleaned up her room for her.

"Oh god" Suzu covers her face with her hands.

"I left immediately after though! I didn't see anything else except for this morning!" Jay let's her know.

Suzu gets more embarrassed as she realizes that he did get a peek when she was previously undressed.

It takes her a few long minutes to compose herself again.

Jay looks at her and takes a deep breath. "I really do love you Suzu, so I want to ask you when you're sober"

Suzu looks up from the floor and sees Jay's extremely serious face. His eyes, expression, and demeanor were just…. different from how he normally was. And it did more than make her heart skip a beat.

Jay looks into her golden eyes. "Do you love me? And if you do, will you go out with me?"

Suzu let's her hands fall to her lap. "I… love you too Jayden. I have since for as long as I can remember"

Jay felt a wave of euphoria wash over his body. It took every ounce of discipline that has been instilled in him to not jump to her, kiss her, and fly through the sky with her. He felt-


Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

4786 words.

I didn’t expect the romance to start so early. But screw it. I like the way things are going.

I’m going to try messing with how I will be writing. I will write from different perspectives a bit more. But it will mostly still be centered around Jay.

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