It was evening and there was just few hours for robing the bank.
Ajax had his M4A1 and 1911 pistol.
Jack had his M16 and his armour.
Xplo had his two swords and Uzi.
The sun was setting and they sat in the car and started going to the bank now.
"Wow, i dint think that we would do this risky job" said xplo
"It's nothing xplo, we don't know what can happend in future" replied jack
"Yes, i think for doing this jobs we need to got covered first" commented Ajax
"You mean we have to be powerful for this jobs" asked Jack
"Ya" answerd Ajax
"Wait! See, i can see the bank, follow the plan ok guys" showed jack
Jack parked the car behind a tree.
First xplo went with his swords and xplo had a plan, xplo will throw sword on the guard who is guarding main door, then he will fight with another guard.
Xplo hid behind a tree and he aimed the sword on the guard, he throwed it and it hit on the guards head and the blood started flowing from his head.
Xplo ran and took his sword and started fighting with another guard, he killed him easyly.
This bank had 200s of white coins and many gold coins, but there was not a good security.
It was easy to go up on the closet.
There was a window witch led to the closet, and there was no security there.
Ajax climbed still the window and throwed a rope for jack, Ajax had traning in his army camp so he could easyly climb walls from his rough body.
Jack came from the rope and they ran for the closet.
They found the closet witch was not even protected. Only they had to blow up the closet.
Ajax took a bomb witch jack gave and they attached it on the closet
The closet blowed up and Ajax saw that there was so many white gold coins infront of him.
Jack and Ajax took all the white gold coins and there was even so many gold coins.
Ajax took some gold coins because he dint have place in his robbing bag.
Ajax saw outside the window, they were grounded by some guards and like jack said they had 1 minute.
The guards dint have good armour so jack started shooting from there and xplo also started shooting from nowhere from his Uzi.
Jack had another bomb
"AJAX, ACTIVATE THIS BOMB AND THROW IT OM THEM!!!" Screamed jack ponting towards the bomb
Ajax stopped shooting on the guards and saw that Xplo was far away and he will not get injured.
Ajax activated the bomb and throwed it on the guards.
They started running but it was too late.
The bomb blow up and they torn into peaces.
Ajax saw there was a pipe from witch they both can get down Ajax jumped on the pipe.
"Jack some"
Jack and Ajax came down from the pipe and xplo followed them.
Jack went towards car and sat there and xplo and Ajax sat.
Jack drove in full speed.
In the time police also reached to bank but they dint notice that where we are gone.
The problem was the floor was sand so police will find the car.
Jack drove very professionaly.
After like 1 hour they reached on thier tent area and Jack parked the car far away.
"Guys you are back, Did everything went according to the plan?!" asked Sam
"Ya, we have many white gold coins, gold coins" said ajax
*All had a talk*
Now Ajax's plan was to buy a house and place it in the civilization area.
Xplo counted the white gold coins and he said totaly there are 200 white gold coins and 59 gold coins.
So they had 205,900 in total.
All were very happy because they were rich now.
A normal house is like 60 lakh or 70 lakh.
But in this world it is like 50,000.
and a house witch had stairs and 3 rooms costs only 60,000.