After a minute of searching with his omnipotence, John appeared over the Pacific Ocean. Particularly over a whale which came over the water to breathe. The whale looked totally different from the normal whale. Its color was pure white with small streaks of black on its surface.
From the get-go it was apparent that it was a 'negatively charged' symbiote. And John needed to bond with it to get access to the Hive. He flew down slowly and stepped on the body of the whale as it dived into the water again. But as the whale felt that some stepped on its body it stopped.
"I think you can hear me." John used his telepathic powers to talk with the living symbiote.
"I can hear you. What do you want? Kill me?"
"Kill you? Why? Do I look that dumb? I am here to bond with you. I am not Knull that I will subject symbiotes to a draconic rule. I just want to bond with you so that I can talk with the Hive."
There was a total silence from the symbiote and John awaited its response. He waited and finally after half a minute, the symbiote said.
"You can bond with me. The Hive wants to talk to you too." the symbiote said. The white colored whale was suddenly losing its unique color and in a moment's notice a white colored living symbiote came out of the body of the whale. And it slowly creeped on the foot of John.
The whole transition didn't take more than 1 minute as John was covered by white white colored symbiote. He looked just like another version of anti-Venom but the logo on his chest was that of a burning bird instead of regular logos. The burning bird was in front of a huge door. The door signifying the Gate of Babylon and on the door had the logo of Omnitrix and also a small helmet on the top.
All of these were different types of power that John wielded. And the symbiote was able to make that logo on his chest after John allowed the symbiote to go through a part of his memories. The symbiote had access to all of his memories except for the fact about the system.
This was him showing goodwill to the Hive. Though many of his deepest memories will be open to the Hive, he wanted to gamble that the Hive would let him be the King. The future has changed a lot and he needed extra insurance. And Hive would allow him to have that. The Hive would be able to provide security to his close friends and family. For those who didn't have extraordinary power. (yes, Hawkeye I am looking at you)
After the initial darkness, John found himself standing in the eye of a black abyss. John felt like he was in an auction house of chinese novels as he could see that he was on the bottom of a circular tower that had no roof. The tower had 200 floors in it and on each floor there were thousands of symbiotes wriggling and moving in random directions.
John could easily understand that he was in the core of the Hive. He was looking in all directions to see how a Hive functioned. It looked like it was some kind of ant colony, the only difference being that there were only one kind of 'ants' in this and there was no 'Queen' to lead them.
As he was looking around, 12 big looking dragon symbiotes approached him from the directions. The dragons were huge and all of them were black in color. The symbiotes were looking at him, while John was giving them a scrutinising gaze.
"We have been waiting for you to come, O savior!"
"Eh!! Savior? What does that mean?"
"You saved our race from eternal damnation and were subjected to evil by the previous ruler. Thank you for freeing our kind."
All of the dragons who were standing in a circular position around John bowed down their heads. John felt embarrassed by seeing such gratitude by symbiotes. All he did was lend a helping hand and see if there would be any benefits.
"You know why I am here?" John asked.
"Yes, to be the new King in Black!!!" a dragon answered.
"Yes. A king must always sit on the throne. I am being narcissistic and selfish here to ask for the position. You have seen almost all of my memories and you know what I want. All I want is peace in the world and a proper order. Total order can never be achieved as that would upset the balance. But all I ask for is help in maintaining the order as long as possible, until chaos comes and destroys everything."
One dragon shook his head and said.
"You don't have to give an explanation. We had already decided to make you the new King in Black."
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John seemed astonished for a second. He thought that he would have to convince the symbiotes to make him the King. More so because his power had always worked against their species. Even now, when the dragons came forward to talk with him, they didn't come too close to Johnny. It was only because of the anti-symbiote suit that he was still accepted here.
But then again, Eddie was chosen as the King without much thought. Since became the savior of the universe, he was given that position, not because he had the Venom symbiote from the start. In fact, when he fought against Knull, Eddie didn't have the Venom symbiote. When Light Force asked Eddie of which form he would prefer for the fight, he chose the Venom form. The Venom form during the fight had nothing to do with the Venom symbiote, who at that time was stuck at the Codex.
So John in this case, was more acceptable for the position of the King. He fought against Knull without any help from the Light Force and even had good relations with the host of the Light Force. Yhwach's powers were gravitated towards Knull and his attitude was questionable even to the symbiotes. He had the attitude of a person who was used to sitting in a very position for a long time.
John on the other hand was more on the humble side and on top of that he was a host to one of the Primary Gods. Now that the problem of heat was out of the equation he could easily be the next King in Black.
For all these reasons when John asked if he could be the King, the symbiotes were happy to offer him that position. As all the symbiotes admitted that John would be their new King. The symbiote that was attached to John went through a change. The prominent white color of its skin changed and the color black took over.
After a long tussle between black and white, over the body of John, a new symbiote form was born. One with a white colored suit for John with streaks of black lines over it and even a new form of the logos representing John's power and like Yhwach, John now had a black cape. A living cape that was waving at the non-existent wind. (Imagine the cape of Doctor Strange when he was dreaming walking over the zombie Strange).
He looked cool in that form. But it only lasted for a second before John took the symbiote inside his body and all of the suit and cape vanished. All of this had happened inside the Codex so John was still at the Pacific Ocean.
John opened his eyes after the ceremony had taken place and he finally took his position as the King in Black. He could feel that his life force was taken away to control all the symbiotes and bring all of the symbiotes that had been spread in the universe back to Klyntar.
Well, not all of them!!
Some of them would roam the universe and do good for the people. Not all symbiotes were sentient and they needed to be taken care of when they were born. So John as the King had to look over that. He would fulfil his task of being the King slowly when there is time and bring order to the chaos Knull had spread during his journey to Earth over countless galaxies and planets.
John had a smile on his face. The final result was what he had been hoping for a long time. He had been working tirelessly for this and now the position of King was in his hand. With this he could genuinely keep an eye on the multiverse. He might not have omnipotence but keeping a check of the multiverse events was all that he wished for. Especially when he had come across an enemy which he had no idea of.
This imbalance would surely create an enemy to compensate for what he had done and he needed eyes and ears everywhere. And symbiotes would be the best way to deal with it.
After seeing everything was working fine in his body, he vanished. He was back at the Avengers Tower. In a few hours it would be night and the party would start soon. Until then he could roam around the city and help with the repairing process and making sure that everything was in order.
When he came out he saw the old New York, the one where he had grown up. Over the years, the New York of his world had changed a lot. The advancement of technology had changed the city and the New York he was seeing now was the old one.
It was pretty nostalgic for John as he walked around and helped the people.
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