By February all the cars were out. And those people who had already bought it loved the models. It was super efficient and could go for a month or so. And for those who lived in place which had strong sunshine all the year, they understood that they wouldn't need to charge the cars for few months.
Pepper who handled everything was very happy to see the first major impact of Umbrella Corporation in the market. Umbrella could be considered to handled by her totally unlike Stark Industries which was already a huge empire. Umbrella was built from scratch by her as both John and Tony never gave even a ounce of attention to the working of the company.
All the models were delivered by the end of February and all the reviews that came up were great. Of course there some buyers who complained but that was normal as everybody wouldn't be happy with such high efficient cars. Pepper and the company never cared for such weak voices.
Soon it was March of 2014 and this was the month that they had decided to leave for Mars. John, Tony, Bucky and Steve decided to join this adventure. Banner and others had to stay back.
On the 10th of March everybody arrived at the Jurassic Park. Pepper came to receive them whereas Tony didn't even bother to show his face. Many sighed at this but didn't say anything. Everybody came to see them off. Even Natasha and others had arrived after knowing this.
Of course Fury wasn't informed as Wayne didn't even bother to inform this to the world council. Since Natasha and Clint were the actual members of Avengers they joined in the fun and got to know about it. There were new guys in the roster though.
Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak.
Felicity joined Umbrella under the recommendation of John and she soon rose to the post of personal secretary of Pepper due to her resourcefulness. Pepper was more than happy to appoint Smoak as her Secretary. She was more than great in computers and even dealt with superheroes before so Pepper was happy and relieved as she didn't have to hide anything from her. Smoak's own boyfriend had now joined the Avengers.
Oliver introduced himself to others. Clint was very happy with the joining of Oliver as they both had same skills. Even though Oliver was better in melee combat, thanks to the training in the league, Clint was more than happy to let him join the Avengers and help him more in archery and combat.
They all went to the hotel in the Park to stay for the night as the next day was scheduled as the departure day. They all woke up early as they had to leave early. Everybody came to the other island where Starscream was kept hidden. Tony made sure that no satellite could pick up any signature from Starscream as the ships that John brought before was exposed pretty early.
Tony didn't want any hindrance in making the spaceship so he and Banner paid particular attention to it. Though Starscream wasn't invisible like the helicarriers, it wouldn't pop up in the radar. While they exit the Earth's atmosphere the satellites might be able to catch images of Starscream but by that they would have already gone into space.
The last time when Starcream went to space it made sure that he avoided detection of satellites. But this time it wouldn't be possible as farther away from Earth they go, it would be easier for the huge cameras of satellites to pick them up.
"Is everything ready?" John said as he brought 5 huge suitcases with him.
"Jesus John! How long will you be gone for? Years?" Tony asked as he saw such huge suitcases.
"I brought these for us. These are the Kryptonian suits. Configure them according to our biological settings." John said.
"Huh. But I specifically made suits for us so that we could be in Mars without any problems." Tony said embarrassingly.
"Then you should have told me earlier." John said as he had to spend some fan values to extract suit from 'Man of Steel' movie. Even though it wasn't much it still did hurt John.
"Umm you can give them to me. I will try to configure them along the way. I have already set up a mobile laboratory inside."
"Good. I would prefer these suits instead of metal heads. I still am not sure how you even see through small eye holes of your suit." John said.
They all entered Starscream and walked to the huge spherical dome at the front. John and others didn't enter last time so they were surprised that the whole inside was made for luxury purposes. It had private suites, a bar and a even a small swimming pool. The space inside looked more huge than they had expected.
Tony, Wayne and Banner really outdid themselves in modeling the ship.
"Does the gravity inside work properly?" John asked.
"Yes. It's perfect." It was Starscream who replied.
There will be double uploads tomorrow if there are more than 350 power stone donations by the end of the day. Thank you.
Read 170+ chapters ahead at starting at $1. Thank you for the support. If you like the story please consider donating power stones.
John put all his luggage in a huge suite while others occupied their own ones. He gave the suitcases loaded with Kryptonian suits to Tony to work upon. Tony took them and placed it in the laboratory of the ship. They all went to the main deck where they would have to sit during takeoff.
The deck looked big and had many chairs with proper belts strapped on them. There was a huge circular glass window running through the whole wall of the main deck giving perfect view of outside from all corners. John could already imagine the scenes from here when they would travel in space.
Everybody took their seats as they were ready to take off. Everyone was excited, including Bucky as he too had a face of anticipation. Though Tony was still angry that Bucky joined he didn't stop the whole thing. At times he was close to hitting him but he remembered like Bucky he too was responsible for deaths of many people.
He swallowed his anger for this and Bucky would leave Mars soon so he just had to tolerate his face for few days.
"Starscream. Let's say goodbye to Earth and say hello to 4 new astronauts who are going to revolutionize Earth forever." Tony said.
"Right away."
Soon Starscream switched on its huge thrusters and took off. The lift off was fast so everybody felt the impact of G force but since everybody were either fit or physically enhanced it didn't create any problem. Even Tony took lessons for this.
After almost half an hour they were finally in the exosphere, that is outside earth's gravitational influence whatsoever. In the meantime all the major space agencies in the world were having a panic. Many satellites caught images of Starscream. Soon the information reached the world council and they called up Wayne and Fury.
Fury who didn't know anything was panicking too internally. Finally it was Wayne who said that it was Tony's ship and they went to Mars for exploration. When the world council came to know they were shocked. Even Fury who expected this to happen someday after the emergence of the ships from Treasure Planet, but he couldn't imagine that it would be so fast.
Wayne was immediately summoned for the meeting with the world council. He went to the home of Tony in the Park to have the virtual meeting.
"Did you know about this from before?" one member asked.
"Yes I knew. I was the supervisor in this project. Tony and Captain America has left for Mars." Wayne said.
"Mars? Is the technology created by Tony so high tech that they can travel to Mars now? SHIELD would want a copy of that technology." another member said.
"The copy of that technology is already in the market. Haven't you seen the cars? He just improved on the solar harnessing technology that he had built. I am pretty sure many space agencies have started studying the solar panels that Umbrella have released in the market before." Wayne replied.
"Is the efficiency so high? Sigh. The world is changing very fast. We old people might not even have relevance now."
"Why are they going to Mars? Shouldn't they go to Oa to speak with the Guardians?" another members asked.
"They want to explore Mars and see if there is any thing in the planet for us to use. It's a exploratory mission. Going to Oa would be dangerous as we aren't sure how the Guardians would react." Wayne replied.
"The governments needs to be informed of this matter. It's too big of a matter to be kept secret."
"Sure. You can tell the public. Tony didn't want to speak of this as he knew the project might face hindrance due to bureaucracy. John and Tony pitched in money into it. Oh yes John had left too with them." Wayne replied.
"John Jameson too. What will happen if both of them dies in this mission. This wasn't a decision for you to take Secretary." a member retorted.
"It wasn't but do you think I or the governments would have been able to stop them. It's better to give them freedom. The ship is checked multiple times. It will be safe and fast journey."
The meeting ended and soon the information was passed on to all governments about the spaceship. As expected such a big news got leaked and even photos too leaked later of the spaceship. The world council decided to speak on this matter so as not to cause panic.
When people came to know that John, Tony and Captain America went into space for an exploratory mission they were surprised but they instantly rejoiced. Humanity has finally stepped it's foot on distant space travel. Even though it was just a nearby planet, at least it was a planet nonetheless.
Again there was a storm in the media about it and in forefront of the media on the story was Daily Bugle as Jameson had already known of this mission and he gave a more detailed story in the media. He was proud that his son has gone to space and has become an astronaut.
There will be double uploads tomorrow if there are more than 350 power stone donations by the end of the day. If the requirement is not met the next chapter would be out after 24 hours otherwise it would be out after 12 hours. Thank you.
Read 170+ chapters ahead at starting at $1. Thank you for the support. If you like the story please consider donating power stones.
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