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27.02% Borderlands: Conquest / Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Rotten

Capítulo 10: Chapter 10: Rotten

Time had passed and two figures emerged bustling within the dark. The sun had taken its long-awaited rest and what was left was the shimmering cold of the night. Alexander sitting across from the betrayer remained paused within his thoughts. To torture a man was crude and brutal.

To leave a man to his lowest was inhumane, yet those voices dimmed when left to simmer. As rage welt more deeply, its hands clawing against his skin, a deep chant for revenge roaring for satisfaction.

'Destroy him and leave no evil.'

'Do not falter and Do not yield.'

'Do only what must be done.'

Closing his eyes and re-opening them. His answer was given, a hint of satisfaction at his truth coming. The rage now quenched with an even deeper hate. One that simmered and grew with unprecedented force. 

"You ain't getting shit from me, freak. You've got better chances shagging a skag than getting me to spill." Marcus shouted - the veins from his head bursting with ferocity.

"A pity..." Alexander voiced, his hands firmly grasped on Marcus' skull. The ominous atmosphere causes Joshua to slowly back away.

"What are you planning..."

Within seconds his head was clasped with a firm force, power surging within Alexander as he violated the man's mind. His every secret was revealed to his lexicon, and the plethora of information seamlessly whirled into his mind. When the process was done, the man was left shaking violently. His mouth bubbling from the encounter, what Joshua saw was a husk of his former self - a living corpse.

"What... was that..." Joshua asked agape, his breath lost at the scene. 

Alexander taking a moment to adjust merely felt the night breeze flutter against his skin. His eyes merely wander within the sky adjusting his thoughts. The touch of his fingers twitching with a slight brickle.

"We've got to move. Arm the gates I've got a vault to visit." Alexander having reviewed visions of Marcus's memory saw the crimson raiders. Marcus' conversations with commandant Steele revealed.

"Alright, try not to get yourself killed..." Joshua sighed before dragging the dead man's 'corpse' away. Alexander's companions taking over assisted him before roaming around the premises once more.

With his departure, time passed and the sun which laid its rest returned. Its warmth now washed against Pandora burning those who dared to explore its surface. Returning from their adventure Brick, Mordecai, Roland and Lilith arrived back at Fyerstone. The atmosphere in contrast to their initial visit was welcoming, the eccentric Claptrap being the first person to meet the crew. 

"Hi, Vault Hunters!" Claptrap greeted exasperated, his hands waving vividly at the site of the squad. Dashing towards them he quickly inquired about their exploits.

"Any clues on the vault good chums?" Claptrap quickly paced.

"I'm not in the mood to be talking to this thing..." Mordecai voiced, looking ahead. 

"Same." Brick accepted walking past him.

"Sorry Claptrap but we've got business to attend to. I'll make sure to let you know another time." Lilith accepted. 

"Okay! Just leave me - like they always do..." 

Walking away from the strange and award robot the four found themselves approaching one of the nearby guards. Their presence slightly startled him who gripped his rifle a little tighter. His eyes locked with Brick whose aura seeped with ferocity. 

"We've gotta talk to your boss," Lilith spoke up.

"Alexander? I'm not sure if he's expecting visitors today." The guardsmen spoke, his friends watching afar from the towers locked in. The glare of their scopes shimmering from afar, Mordecai slightly agitated at the response. 

"Ahem... we're not here to do any harm. We're here to help." Roland voiced, the unsure response from the guards alerting his senses, the atmosphere growing tense with no sight of conclusion. 

"That's yet to be seen grinder." The guard voiced.

"Tell him that Lilith wanted to see him." She hurried. 

"Unfortunately, Alexander will not be present. He's already left." Joshua spoke, the man emerging from behind them. His sudden presence staggered the vaulter hunters his raspy voice now pulling them back in, "Speak your peace."

"We've got some intel. It's related to Atlas. I'd tell you more but I don't think this place is the best to talk about it." Lilith voiced cautiously, her eyes darting to the surrounding guards.

"Fine." Joshua accepted, his eyes gesturing to move to Alexander's office.

As the vault hunters and Joshua gathered in Alexander's office, the atmosphere was tense, with an undercurrent of uncertainty among the group. They exchanged cautious glances, still adjusting to their recent partnership.

Mordecai broke the silence with a dry quip, his sharp wit cutting through the tension. "Well, this is one way to make new friends, huh?"

Lilith smirked in agreement, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Nothing like a life-threatening situation to bring people together."

Brick nodded silently, his towering presence adding weight to the room. He didn't say much, but his expression spoke volumes, a silent assurance of his readiness for whatever lay ahead.

Roland cleared his throat, his voice steady but reserved. "Let's focus on the task at hand. We need to deal with Steel and Steve before they cause any more trouble."

Joshua nodded in agreement, his demeanour serious as he listened to Roland's brief words. "Agreed. We'll need to be smart about this."

Mordecai smirked a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Smart, huh? That's a new one for us."

Lilith chuckled softly, a small smile playing on her lips. "Well, we'll just have to fake it 'til we make it."

Passing the people they surprisingly saw Marcus one of the guards slanted on the floor shaking. His eyes rolled back with his body spasming.

"Fuck... what happened to him?" Lilith voiced.

"looks like he drank a bit too much. Damn, his slobs on my shoe now!" Mordecai exasperated.

Roland peaking at the man's reaction merely glared alongside Brick who mentally braced for the response.

"Just an Atlas spy. He's been dealt with." Joshua answered before sitting at the desk," Now tell me what you know..."

The vault hunters exchanged glances, silently communicating the gravity of the situation before Brick stepped forward, his voice carrying the weight of their discovery. "Commandant Steel, leader of the Crimson Lance, has formed an unholy alliance with local bandit leaders, spearheaded by the intelligent yet insane Steve."

Joshua's brows furrowed in concern as he absorbed the information. "Steve... that's trouble. He's a calculated one, despite his insanity."

Roland's expression darkened memories of Steve flooding, scenes of his handy work arriving, "Steve is notorious. He's caused more havoc on Pandora than most. We can't underestimate him."

Lilith nodded in agreement, her expression grave. "We intercepted communications detailing their plans. They're after the vault key, and they'll stop at nothing to get it."

As the vault hunters and Joshua prepared to mobilize, the sudden sound of gunfire shattered the tense atmosphere. Bandits alerted to their presence, descended upon Fyrestone with ruthless aggression.

"Get 'em, boys!"

"I'm gonna feast on your eyeballs!"

"Time to play!"

Brick's muscles tensed as he roared into action, his massive fists slamming into bandits with bone-crushing force. "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!" he bellowed, his voice drowned out by the chaos of battle as blood sprayed and bodies flew through the air. 

Roland, cool and collected, took command of the chaos. "Keep it together, people! Focus on the targets, not the noise," he called out, his voice cutting through the din of gunfire as he dropped bandits with deadly accuracy from his vantage point.

Lilith's powers surged forth in a blaze of elemental fury. "Let's turn up the heat, shall we?" she smirked, unleashing torrents of fire and lightning upon the attackers. The screams of the bandits mingled with the crackling of flames as they were consumed by the inferno.

Mordecai's keen eyes scanned the battlefield from his perch, his sniper rifle singing its deadly song. "Just like shooting skegs back home," he muttered to himself, his lips curling into a grim smile as bandits fell like dominos to his precise shots.

Joshua fought alongside them, his blade a blur of steel in the chaos. "Stay close and watch each other's backs!" he shouted over the din, his voice commanding respect as he carved through the enemy ranks with swift and decisive strikes. Slicing with one hand and blasting with another he made his presence known.

Elsewhere Alexander was spotted hiding amongst the dunes, slight radio frequencies being picked up. The voice of an unhinged individual speaking blurbs of random knowledge. The target location was New Haven, a hotspot for the Lance's new attack.

Deciphering the voice, it seemed to belong to a young female scientist perhaps, the knowledge conceptualised of Eridian artefacts. Alexander piecing the information together deduced the female was most likely a Dahl archaeologist.

While she could be an Atlas scientist it wouldn't make sense for her to be spotted so near the attack zone. Piecing together a plan, he knew that wherever the last piece of the key was, it was most likely in the hands of this unknown female archaeologist.

The bustling streets of New Haven were alive with activity, but an undercurrent of tension pulsed through the air like a silent warning. In the wake of rampant bandit attacks and Atlas incursions, the once vibrant city had become a fortress, its citizens huddling behind barricades and armed guards standing watch on every corner.

Alexander navigated the bustling streets with ease, his youthful demeanour belying the gravity of his mission. The city was on high alert, but he knew that now, more than ever was the time to act.

As he approached the city gates, Alexander couldn't help but notice the wary glances of the guards, their eyes flicking nervously between him and the horizon, where the threat of danger loomed like a dark cloud on the horizon.

"Morning, fellas," Alexander greeted the guards with a casual wave, his cheerful demeanour a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere surrounding them. "Busy day ahead?"

The guards exchanged uneasy glances, their expressions hardened by the weight of their duty. "You could say that," one of them replied gruffly, his hand tightening around the grip of his weapon. "We're on high alert, kid. Can't be too careful these days."

Alexander nodded in understanding, his gaze sweeping over the fortified walls and watchtowers that loomed overhead. The city was a fortress, its defences bolstered by the constant threat of attack from all sides.

Navigating the tense streets of New Haven, Alexander sought out the elusive scientist. His confident approach was slightly off-putting to the wary citizens, who cautiously kept their distance.

"Excuse me," he began, addressing a group of townsfolk gathered near the market square

"I'm searching for a scientist who specializes in Eridian technology. Can you point me in the right direction?"

The townsfolk exchanged uneasy glances, hesitant to discuss Tannis openly. Finally, a weathered old man stepped forward, his voice rough with age.

"You're after Tannis, eh?" he grunted. "She's the one for Eridian tech, but she's a bit... unconventional. You'll find her out in the junkyard, tinkering away, with who knows what."

Grateful for the information, Alexander nodded his thanks. "Any idea where I can find this junkyard?" he inquired.

The old man pointed towards the city's outskirts, where the towering walls of the junkyard loomed. "Just head that way," he replied gruffly. "But watch your back—bandits and Atlas goons are always lurking."

With a determined nod, Alexander set off towards the junkyard, his heart pounding with anticipation. He knew that finding Tannis wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to uncover the mysteries of Eridian technology, no matter the obstacles in his path.

Further, within the bustling settlement of New Haven, Dr Patricia Tannis stood within the clutter of her makeshift research station, surrounded by the remnants of ancient Eridian artifacts. Meanwhile, Commandant Steele's voice crackled through the radio transmitter from an undisclosed location.

"Dr. Tannis, I trust you have made progress in deciphering the Eridian writings?" Steele's voice echoed through the small confines of Tannis's laboratory, carrying a tone of authority even from a distance.

Tannis glanced up from her work, her brow furrowing at the sound of Steele's voice. "Commandant Steele," she responded, her voice tinged with a mixture of respect and wariness. "Progress is being made, albeit slowly. The Eridian language is proving to be more complex than anticipated."

Steele's impatience was evident in her tone as she replied, "Time is of the essence, Doctor. We need actionable intelligence, not excuses. The Crimson Lance cannot afford delays in our pursuit of the Vault."

Tannis's gaze hardened slightly, a hint of defiance creeping into her expression. "I understand the urgency of our mission, Commandant. However, rushing the process could lead to inaccuracies. We must proceed with caution."

Steele's frustration was palpable, her voice crackling with irritation. "Caution will not lead us to the Vault, Tannis. We need results, and we need them now. Hurry up, or you'll find yourself facing execution for insubordination."

Tannis bristled at the threat, her voice firm as she responded, "My loyalty lies with the pursuit of knowledge and the truth, Commandant. I will not compromise my principles for expediency."

With a curt nod, Tannis terminated the communication, her attention returning to the artifacts before her. As the static-filled silence descended upon her laboratory once more, the tension between Commandant Steele and Dr Tannis lingered in the air, a silent battle of wills playing out within the chaos of Pandora.

As Alexander ventured into Tannis's makeshift laboratory within the junkyard, he was met with an atmosphere of cold indifference. Tannis, the renowned scientist known for her reclusive nature and disdain for social niceties, glanced up from her workbench with a look of thinly veiled annoyance.

"What do you want?" she snapped, her voice sharp and cutting. "I'm in the middle of something important, and I don't have time to entertain idle curiosity."

Alexander, maintaining his facade of naivety, approached cautiously, his youthful demeanour contrasting sharply with Tannis's austere presence. "Um, hi there," he began tentatively, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I, uh, heard you're the one to talk to about Eridian technology."

Tannis's lip curled in a disdainful sneer as she regarded Alexander with a critical eye. "And what makes you think I would share my knowledge with someone like you?" she retorted, her tone dripping with contempt.

Undeterred, Alexander pressed on, determined to win Tannis's cooperation. "I, uh, came across something," he said vaguely, reaching into his pocket and producing a small, shimmering object. "I think it might be of interest to you."

Tannis's eyes narrowed as she took the object from Alexander's outstretched hand, her expression shifting from disdain to curiosity. She turned it over in her palm, examining it closely with a critical eye.

"What is this?" she demanded, her tone less sharp now, tinged with a hint of begrudging interest.

"It's... um, I'm not exactly sure," Alexander admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I think it might be part of something important. Something... Eridian."

Tannis's gaze flicked up to meet Alexander's, her eyes narrowing as she assessed him anew. Despite her initial scepticism, there was no denying the genuine intrigue that flickered in her eyes.

"Well, well," she murmured, her tone less dismissive now. "Perhaps you're not as clueless as you appear, after all."

As they continued to examine the mysterious object, Alexander couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Despite Tannis's snobbish demeanour, he had managed to pique her interest, and that was no small feat. And as they delved deeper into the mysteries of the Vault, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was on the cusp of uncovering something truly extraordinary.

As Alexander and Tannis examined the mysterious object, the tension in the air seemed to thicken with each passing moment. Tannis turned the object over in her hand, her expression unreadable as she scrutinized it.

"So, what do you make of it?" Alexander ventured, trying to break the uneasy silence that hung between them.

Tannis glanced up at him with a haughty expression, her lips pursed in disdain. "It's of Eridian origin, obviously," she replied curtly, her tone dripping with condescension. "But without more information, it's impossible to discern its true purpose."

Alexander bit back a sigh, feeling a pang of frustration at Tannis's dismissive attitude. He had hoped that they could work together to unravel the mysteries of the Vault, but it seemed that Tannis had other ideas.

"Do you think it could be part of the Vault Key?" he pressed, trying to hide his disappointment.

Tannis scoffed, rolling her eyes at his naivety. "Please, don't be absurd," she retorted, her tone laced with scorn. "The Vault Key is far beyond the comprehension of someone like you."

Alexander bristled at Tannis's arrogant dismissal, but he knew better than to argue with her. Instead, he forced himself to remain calm, determined to prove her wrong.

"Well, what do you suggest we do, then?" he asked, his voice tinged with frustration.

Tannis regarded him with thinly veiled disdain, her gaze cold and calculating. "I suggest you leave the thinking to those of us who are qualified," she replied icily.

Alexander's jaw clenched at Tannis's cutting remark, but he refused to let her get the better of him. He had come too far to back down now, and he wasn't about to let Tannis's arrogance stand in his way.

"Fine," he muttered, his tone defiant. "But don't expect me to sit back and let you hog all the glory."

Alexander leaving the key in Tannis's hands decided to call Joshua to ensure that Fyerstone remained intact. Commandant Steele was a bloody thirsty and ambitious woman who was actively blazing throughout Pandora in search of the vault key. With one part in his core and the other in Tannis, it was a no-brainer that the last would be within her hands. 

It seemed that the only way to open the vault was to lure her to the vault and Tannis was the key to encroaching her. Alexander had already figured that Tannis wouldn't easily trust him, he was far too naive and 'unworthy' of her attention. She would betray him and inform her of his presence. 

It wouldn't be long though before they came and removed the citizens of New Haven alongside them all. Tannis was too trusting of her new overlords. It seems the vault hunters were also the best tools for this plot. Racking his brain back and forth a blueprint was outlined one which ensured maximum benefits. 


Dusk settled into Pandora, and likewise, like the night sky, I made my way towards the local tavern. Holed up in the stink hole numerous figures darted about, with voices of cheer frequent. With Rumours bustling about my ears remained geared to the noise, my eyes locked to the bar side. 

"You seem new round ere' partner?" A cloaked figure emerged, his eyes gazing up and down at me. A somewhat devilish snicker emerged from the corner of his lips.

This man was trouble

Sitting down, he remained passive, his hand signalling the women behind him. 

"I could say the same to you." I voiced, gazing at the metallic steel cap boots and shiny watch he branded around his wrist. 

"Sharp eye... Tell me what's a strange-looking fella like you doing hanging around Tannis?" He smiled, his teeth gleaming with parlance. A foreigner for sure, a rich one at that. 

"I'd prefer not to say to be quite honest," I answered, my hand already under the table aimed at his crotch. 

Smiling he pointed to the table amused, "Listen ere' matey, it isn't my first rodeo. I ain't here for your head much less your capture. Why don't cha chat to an old-timer like me? I'm interested in what you have to say." 

"I'm not in the mood to talk to a stranger," I continued. 

"Well, the name's Zane. Not so much of a stranger now, eh? How about we converse over a pint? Come on, don't be such a hassle, it's on me. You look like you could do a good break and enjoy yourself." Zane explains pulling down his hood.

The man appeared to be in his thirties, with slick back hair and a light goatee, he seemed to carry a. Cold like ice and more frosty than Arctic air. 

"You look like an assassin," I answered honestly with my hands still clenched to the weapon. 

"Well, you're not wrong." He answered.

Choosing to remain silent we both sat in an awkward silence, my mind digesting his words slowly.

"Here you go lads, one pint and one cider." The barwomen voiced before leaving. 

"I'm quite taken aback by your honesty," I replied.

"Well I'm quite offended, not all assassins are liars you know. I've met quite a few you know. Not that they lasted as long as me though." He rebutted.

Surely assassins didn't talk this much? 

"So you new to the trade or is this some gimmick to throw me off guard," I replied.

"No, I wouldn't say I'm new to the trade been doing this for nearly half my life. Since I was a twee little youngling. What about you killer, any blood on your hands?" He asked looking down at my hands. 

"I've got a few bodies." 

"I guess that was a bit lowbrow of me... Pandora's not for the weak. But something tells me you've got a story." 

"What makes you say that?" 

"I've never seen a kid do what you've done." He smiled.

"So you know who I am?" 

"I wouldn't say that, but the bodies you leave behind are quite the shocker if I do say so myself. If I didn't know you were behind it, I would've thought that they were all killed by a scorcher." 


"Been tracking you down, to be honest. Wasn't too hard when you factor in how far you went out and what abilities you showed. You a Siren?" He inquired.


"Oh you know, the weird superpower chicks of legend. I've never met one much less a male one but who knows the universe is large. It wouldn't be impossible to rule them out. So spill the beans, I'm dying to know." 

"Well to be quite truthful I wouldn't be too sure. Though I doubt it, don't sirens have flashy tattoos? I don't have any." 

"Yeah, but you have no Irsis's and you glow purple like a matchstick when fighting. So you some sort of alien hybrid from some lab?" He asked further.

"I wouldn't be too sure," I answered, the day I awoke I only remember being chained to Baron Flynt's prison. Not much was known before that day. I only know that my ancestral heritage is beyond that of humans much less those of Sirenage. 

"Vault hunters? Your crew?" Flynt questioned peering past me, his eyes locking into the troublesome four. 

"Nah I fly solo, lad. Not a fan of being in the spotlight even if they got a few uses. Crews speaking of course - not sure about vault hunters." 

"They seem a tad too serious." 

"Almost as if they got a stick up their arses?"

"Heh, you can almost say that." 

"So it seems you can take a joke..." He smiled, his voice coming from behind. 

Taking a moment to consolidate the information in front of me or this particular situation behind me I murmured, "You were never in front of me." 

Lifting my hand up I waved my hand only to see the space distort with a light blue hue, the image of the man in front of me glitching. 

"Bingo... I couldn't risk it even if I wanted to kiddo. You're too dangerous. I wasn't too sure if I would have made it alive with my head attached much less balls If I sat next to you." He answered.

"I'll tell you what for tricking yah, I'll leave my business card with you. If you need something dead, I'll be of service. The first kills on me, the next few? Might take a couple of dollars, but I have a feeling you'll be making waves. Don't let me down, lad. I usually have a knack for this kind of thing." He smiled walking away, the bolstering crowds swimming to fill his once empty presence and just like that he was gone. 

Acknowledging his skill I swore to find countermeasures, the man had bamboozled me and left with an open favour. The world had much to offer and it went to show the level of technology present. For all I knew he probably wasn't even here at all, the holograms could've been mere fabrications from his entry to even his exit. 

Suddenly a booming voice with a heavy thick accent fluttered from outside the tavern, the shadow of the masculine figure walking past the door. 

"I wonder what's inside the vault.

Do you ever wonder what's inside? I feel like it's a treasure trove of riches or guns.

Lots of guns. Anyway, I will check on my vending machines - Money never stops." Marcus voiced to the vault hunters before leaving. 

"You think that voice is telling the truth?" Mordecai murmured to the three.

"She hasn't been wrong so far," Lilith replied.

"She could be partnered with Alexander. Could be the reason why we're playing tag looking for these pieces." Mordecai replied sceptically. 

"Let's find Tannis first and we'll move from there. Could take some time before we even know what we're doing." Roland acknowledged, that his temperament tested at the gate. Some could tell the soldier had a story, but few cared to press except Lilith. 

"Hmm." Brick stoic as his name implied remained passive in their conversations. 

Overhearing their conversation took some fine-tuning, Lilith the siren seemed to be far occupied talking to Roland who appeared nearly as stoic as Brick. Their casual conversations of that voice alerted me. Was there more to this simple goose chase than meet the eye here? Was the voice, the true employer of there's? 

"Yo, you good?" Mordecai voiced towards me, his eyes catching my gaze. Seems I underestimated his perception. I needed to back away, attempting to step out Brick blocked my exit as well. That was bizarre. 

"What's your deal bud? Felt your eyes on us ever since we got here." Mordecai voiced towards me.

"I'm just a simple fellow enjoying his own company." I voiced drinking the cider, it tasted sweet yet tangy, leaving a slight burn on the way down. 

"Got six sense for bullshit and I can smell it. You know something about the vault don't you?" Lilith voiced, the squad now surrounding my small table. Was I tipped off? 

"Fine, I do know a thing or two but I don't think this is the right spot. Go find Tannis first and come back and see me. You'll find out more from her than me." I answered.

"I'll go with Roland, can you two keep an eye on him?" Lilith ordered Brick and Mordecai who merely nodded. Watching their figures disappear out of the tavern, the two looked at each other with a smile. 

"Seems she's got a thing for him." I voiced towards the two earning Mordecai a bigger grin.

"I'm guessing you four are vault hunters? What's the reason?" I inquired about the two. 

"We're not buddies, yet. We're here to do a job." Mordecai answered.

"Heh, everyone's got a job to do, besides take it easy will yah? Feel like you're talking to me as if I killed ten babies or stole your sweet role." I responded.

Regardless of whether I spied on them or not, their sudden hostility was unwarranted. Signalling a waitress over she seemed uncomfortable by the fearsome duo who staunched me alongside the poor women. Ordering the duo a couple of beers, the action slightly warranted suspicion and unease. 

"You think a couple of beers gonna lighten the mood?" Mordecai snickered.

Ignoring Mordecai's remark, I leaned back in my chair, trying to appear nonchalant despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins - the crew had managed to run a quick one on me, "Hey, a couple of beers never hurt anyone. Besides, it's on me."

Brick grunted in acknowledgment, reaching for the beer and taking a long swig, while Mordecai eyed me suspiciously before finally relenting and taking a sip.

As they drank in silence, I decided to break the ice. 

Wouldn't hurt would it? 

Glancing at Mordecai's shoulder where a few feathers clung to his outfit, I rummaged to find a few ideas to piece together. "You know, I've always admired hunters and their birds. Saw a hawk once in action – pure poetry in motion. You got a bird, don't you?"

Mordecai's eyes flickered with interest, the suspicion momentarily lifting. "Yeah, Bloodwing. She's not just any bird; she's the best damn partner I've ever had."

Leaning forward, genuinely intrigued, I began cooking, "Bloodwing, huh? What kind of bird is she?"

Mordecai's face softened as he spoke about his companion. "She's a Bloodhawk, incredibly rare. Fast, sharp, and loyal. We've been through a lot together."

Brick, silent until now, gave a rare smile. "Bird's got a bite too. Seen her take down more bandits than most men could."

I chuckled, sensing the easing tension. "Sounds like she could handle herself in a fight better than most folks. Must be quite the sight."

Mordecai's guard lowered further as he recounted a tale. "There was this one time, we were ambushed by a bandit clan. Bloodwing took out their leader before they even knew what hit 'em. Saved my hide."

"That's impressive," I voiced, impressed. "How did you train her to be so skilled?"

"Patience and trust," Mordecai replied. "She's smart, probably smarter than half the people I've met on Pandora."

As the conversation flowed, the duo's previous hostility began to fade. I felt a small victory in diverting their suspicion. 

Just as the mood lightened, the door swung open, and Roland and Lilith returned, their conversation interrupted by the sight of the trio at the table.

"Everything alright here?" Roland asked, his gaze shifting between his companions and me.

"Just getting to know each other," Alexander replied smoothly, offering a disarming smile.

Lilith's eyes narrowed, but she didn't press further. "We've got a lead on Tannis. Let's move out."

As they left the tavern, I couldn't shake the feeling of being under scrutiny. Whatever their mission was, it was far more dangerous than he had anticipated. But he was determined to see it through, even if it meant dancing on the edge of a blade with Brick, Mordecai, and the rest of the Vault Hunters. 

The trek back to New Haven was relatively uneventful, giving me time to think. Brick and Mordecai flanked me, their eyes scanning the horizon, while I strolled along, hands in my pockets and a lazy smile on my face. They had no idea what went on in my mind, and that was just the way I liked it.

When we finally arrived at Tannis' hideout, she was hunched over her workbench, surrounded by a mess of gadgets and papers. Typical Tannis. She didn't even glance up as we entered. 

"Tannis," Roland called out, his voice steady but respectful. "We need your help."

Tannis glanced up sharply, her eyes flicking from one person to the next, lingering on me for a moment before returning to her work. "Roland, Lilith, Brick, Mordecai," she said, her voice clipped. When her gaze landed on me again, her lips twitched slightly. "And... you. Alexander, right?"

I gave her my trademark shrug and a lazy grin. "That's me. Good to see you again, Tannis."

Her eyes narrowed slightly, her attention returning to her work. "What do you want?"

"We're looking for pieces of the Vault Key," Roland said, getting straight to the point. "We were told you might have information."

Tannis sighed, the sound harsh and grating. She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose with a jerky motion. "The Vault Key. Always the Vault Key. Why is it that every fool on Pandora is obsessed with it?" Her eyes darted back to me. "And you? What's your angle this time?"

I met her gaze evenly, my expression bored but my eyes sharp. "Same as always. I'm looking for answers. And maybe a bit of adventure."

Her eyes flickered with something unreadable before she turned abruptly to a map on the wall, her movements sharp and precise. "These are the known pieces," she said, tapping the map with a finger that lingered just a bit too long on each spot. "Each one guarded by its own set of challenges."

Lilith stepped forward, but Tannis's gaze was already elsewhere, darting to the corners of the room as if expecting an attack. "And what about the Eridians? We heard they might have something to do with the Key."

"The Eridians were the original creators of the Vaults," Tannis said, her voice almost a hiss. "Their technology is far beyond anything we understand. Any piece of the Vault Key you find will likely be protected by their defences." Her eyes flitted back to me, cold and calculating.

Brick grunted, his massive arms crossing over his chest. "More fighting. Good."

Mordecai nodded in agreement. "So, what's our next move?"

Tannis's gaze snapped to Mordecai, her fingers drumming an erratic pattern on the table. "You move fast and quiet. Or you die. It's simple."

She turned to me, her eyes boring into mine. "You said you have knowledge of artifacts. Prove it. Help them find the first piece."

I yawned, stretching my arms before looking at the map. "Alright. Where do we start?"

Tannis pointed to a location on the map, her hand trembling slightly. "There. An old Eridian site. Be careful. It's swarming with bandits and Eridian guardians." Her eyes darted around the room again, as if expecting someone to leap out of the shadows.

Roland nodded, taking note of the location. "We'll head out at first light. Thank you, Tannis."

As the group turned to leave, Tannis called out to me, her voice unnervingly calm. "And Alexander... if you cause any trouble, you'll regret it."

I paused, glancing back with a lazy grin. "Understood, Tannis. No trouble from me."

With that, we exited the hideout. No sooner had we stepped outside than a loud explosion rocked the air, followed by the unmistakable sounds of chaos and gunfire. Well, that didn't take long.

Our ECHO devices crackled to life, Helena Pierce's voice filled with urgency. "This is Helena Pierce. New Haven is under attack by Commandant Steele and her Crimson Lance! They're massacring the townspeople outside the perimeter. The internal defences are holding, but I need you to protect the generator at all costs!"

Roland responded quickly, "We're on it, Helena. What's our reward?"

Helena's voice softened slightly, tinged with desperation. "I promise you information on an old route to the Eridian site you're seeking. But please, hurry!"

Lilith smirked, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Alright, Pierce. You've got a deal."

We hurried towards the centre of town, where a shimmering electrical shield dome protected the heart of New Haven. Outside its perimeter, we could see the Crimson Lance troops methodically slaughtering the townspeople, their red armour gleaming ominously in the dim light.

I couldn't resist a quip, "Well, nothing like a good massacre to get the blood pumping, right?"

Brick grunted in agreement, his fists clenched and muscles rippling with barely contained fury. "Let's smash these bastards."

Mordecai, his eyes sharp and focused, notched an arrow in his bow. "Time to make some noise."

I kept my lazy smile, but my eyes were cold as I assessed the situation. "Let's show them why picking a fight with us is a career-ending move."

These words were corny no doubt, often from a typical action scene but I had to do it if it meant getting closer to the vault hunters. Perhaps the childish guise would work until it didn't. 

As we approached the shield, Roland quickly formulated a plan. "Lilith, use your Phasewalk to get behind their lines and create a distraction. Brick, you and I will take the front, and draw their fire. Mordecai, find a good vantage point and pick them off. Alexander, support us with whatever tricks you've got up your sleeve."

Lilith nodded, her body shimmering as she activated her Phasewalk, vanishing from sight. Brick and Roland moved forward, weapons ready, while Mordecai slipped into the shadows, searching for a high point.

The battle was fierce and chaotic. Lilith reappeared behind the enemy lines, unleashing a wave of fiery energy that threw the Crimson Lance into disarray. Brick and Roland charged the front, their combined strength and firepower cutting through the enemy ranks.

From his vantage point, Mordecai's arrows flew with deadly precision, each shot taking down a soldier with lethal efficiency. I moved through the battlefield with a detached grace, my weapon spitting death with cold accuracy.

"I'm going to touch you, boy! Prepare that ho-"

I casually shot the Lance trooper mid-sentence. "Sorry bud, we gotta keep it PG for a while." 

As the last of the Crimson Lance fell, Helena's voice crackled through our ECHO devices once more. "Thank you, all of you. The town is safe for now. As promised, I'll send you the information on the old route to the Eridian site."

Lilith, catching her breath, wiped the sweat from her brow. "Good. Now let's get what we came for."

I leaned against a wall, casually cleaning my weapon. "Ah, nothing like a bit of morning exercise. So, where to next, fearless leader?" I said, glancing at Roland with a smirk.

Helena's information soon came through, detailing a hidden path that would take us to the Eridian site with minimal resistance. The Vault Hunters regrouped, our focus now solely on the next leg of our journey, ready to uncover the secrets that lay ahead.

The attack had only strengthened our resolve. I chuckled, looking at the others. "Well, folks, let's go find this ancient treasure. I've got a feeling things are just getting interesting."

"Say... Have we met before?" Roland asked his eyes seemly lost at discerning my schiloute. His soldier senses were tingling apparently. 



As Jack anxiously awaited Angel's response, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at him. The holographic map of Pandora flickered before him, its colours distorted by his restless pacing.

"Angel baby, how's your analysis going? You know Daddy's gotta get that vault open," he said into his ECHO device, his voice betraying a hint of desperation.

Meanwhile, in the dimly lit confines of her family home vault, Angel sat strapped to a chair, her eyes fixed on the blinking lights of the control panel in front of her. Her fingers tapped nervously against the armrests as she worked, her mind racing with thoughts of freedom.

"Dad," she spoke into her ECHO device, her voice tinged with apprehension, "when will I be allowed to leave this place? I can help you more if I'm out there."

Jack's expression softened momentarily, his heart aching at his daughter's plea. He hesitated before responding, the weight of their shared history heavy on his shoulders.

"Sweetheart, I wish I could let you go," he replied, his voice tinged with regret, "but you know it's not safe. Not after what happened..."

Angel's heart sank at his words, the memory of the accident flooding back with painful clarity. She knew she couldn't undo the past, couldn't erase the mistakes she had made.

"I know, Dad," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper, "but I just want to make things right."

Meanwhile, in Jack's office aboard the Hyperion station, Mr. Tassiter's voice cut through the air like a knife. "John, where's that report I requested? Have you completed it?" the CEO's voice boomed, his disapproval palpable.

Jack's frustration boiled over as he heard Mr. Tassiter's reprimand. "Fucking asshole..." he muttered under his breath, his resentment clear.

"What was that?" Mr. Tassiter demanded, his voice sharp with irritation.

"Nothing, sir," Jack stammered, his eyes downcast as he hastily resumed his work.

With a heavy sigh, Jack bid farewell to Angel, his heart heavy with worry. "I've got to go now, sweetheart... I love you," he said, his voice tinged with sadness.

In her family home vault, Angel's eyes welled with tears as she silently sobbed, her emotions raw. "Love you too," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the hum of the station.

TheDarkDark TheDarkDark


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