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97.29% Highschool DxD: A New Satan / Chapter 68: Ch. 68 Changing Pasts pt.4

Capítulo 68: Ch. 68 Changing Pasts pt.4


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Thanks a lot to all those who've already supported me. You guys are great, here's the proper chapter.


-Underworld, Unclaimed Lands, Forest of the Fallen

"I won't fall here." A rather cute boy with dark silver hair and icy blue eyes growled as he trudged through the forest he was in.

He was wearing a tattered, black sleeveless jacket over a white shirt, blue jeans, a pair of running white shoes and a red scarf.

"I did warn you about having a proper plan Vali." A much deeper voice said in a slightly mechanical voice said as a pair of projection-like Dragon wings appeared in the boy's back.

"Shut up Albion. I couldn't stay there any more." Vali spat out as he continued to trudge along.

"Be that as it may, be careful Vali. This should be near the nest of those annoying crows." The wings warned its young wielder.

"Right you are, White Dragon of Supremacy." A laidback man's voice said from above.

"Who?!" Vali shouted as he quickly turned and looked up the tree he heard the voice to find tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee, wearing a black button up shirt, lab coat and grey pants, looking down on him with a confident smirk and interest in his eyes.

"Azazel." Albion stated as he easily recognized the Governor-General of the Fallen angels.

"Who's that?" Vali asked as he kept his guard up as best he could.

"The leader of the crows." Albion answered, causing his wielder to tense up even more.

"Would you look at that." Azazel said as he appeared behind the pair with ease, causing the child to spin around with wide eyes. "Here is was, enjoying some lab time with my lady friend, then my systems tell me a powerful devil signature was near our borders. So I come here to not only find that said devil is a kid, but said kid as also a Lucifer, a half-human one at that, and has Divine Dividing too. Must be my lucky day."

"How do you?!" A stunned and sweating Vali asked before his expression hardened and he charged forward.

"Whoa there." The Fallen said as he casually dodged the attempt.

"Vali, just run! You can't beat him!" Albion urgently urged his host.

"Not like I can!" Vali shot back as he continued to try and get his hands on Azazel.

"Well don't you have a lot of energy." Teased Azazel as he kept playing around with the child before him, keeping a very close eye on him as he analyzed everything before him.

This situation kept going, with a progressively more frustrated and annoyed Vali continuously trying to reach his target to hopefully touch and activate Divine Dividing's ability to halve something's power with a touch, every ten seconds, but failing miserably as Azazel dodged and teased the kid to oblivion, making him stumble, fall and face slam into nearby trees.

"Graaaah! Stay still you Fallen bastard!!" Vali roared as he blindly charged again.

"Olé." The smirking Fallen said as he twirled out of the way, but then he received a magic circle beside his ear. "Hm? Hello? Uh huh. Yeah. Got it. Be back soon my muse~. Gah! Sorry, sorry. Ok. Bye~."

"Aaaaaahh!!" Vali shouted again as he flew by Azazel, only to be dodged again, chopped on the neck, faint, get caught, then for the Fallen to slap a metal bracelet on his arm and catching him.

"Welp, at least I have a present to calm her down~." Azazel said with a wry smile as he carried the young half-devil like a kitten and teleported away.

-Grigori HQ, Azazel's Workshop

"Honey, I'm home~." Azazel playful said as he appeared with the silver haired boy in his hands to the beautiful woman black haired woman who was currently working on a shared project.

"*Sigh* This is why I didn't want to do a shared project." The woman murmured even as she kept working without much care over Azazel's behavior. "What was it this time?"

"Please don't be mad." The Fallen pleaded as he did his best to appear lovable.

"Stop it you idiot. *Bonk*" The woman responded as she bonked him properly with her quickly materialized staff. "We both know that kind of stuff doesn't work on either of us."

"Doesn't mean we can't have some fun with it. We also both know how fun it is to just be whimsical." Azazel countered with a suave smile before putting forward the unconscious child in his hands. "Besides, I brought presents for my lovely Da Vinci~."

"He looks a bit young, even for your tastes." Commented the blue eyed beauty with a teasing look. "I mean, I enjoy a cute shota as much as the next onee-san, but I didn't think you partook in this particular priestly habit."

"Gah! Nononono! He's a Longinus user and a half-Lucifer!" Azazel desperately responded with wide eyed terror. "I thought data on Divine Dividing would help the project and the kid has the only bloodline from those four you guys don't have, so double whammy."

"Fufu~ How thoughtful of you Azzy~." Da Vinci said as she quickly changed her vibe to partially predatory as she eyed the boy with great interest.

The look of pride and puffed out chest was evidence enough of how the fallen felt from those few words.

"I would prefer if my host wasn't dissected." Albion suddenly said as he self manifested.

"No worries mister White Dragon Emperor. We wouldn't actually harm the child, unless maybe if he was being trained or if Milim found him interesting." Da Vinci casually responded.

"Milim!!! Do not tell that bastard's demon of an offspring where I am! Vali will die or get crippled in moments with his attitude!" Albion desperately begged as the obviously traumatized dragon heard a most feared name.

"Oh calm yourself. Milim lost most of her interest in both of you last century. So unless this little host of yours becomes strong enough, she won't do anything, especially after Tiamat finally let her grudge against both of you for the most part." The polymath replied as she waved away the Heavenly Dragon's concerns.

"He probably has the potential to reach pretty high with the power he has at his age and the fact that he already awakened Divine Dividing." Commented Azazel as he began scanning Vali and the Longinus without any shame.

"True. I wonder what Lith would think of this? Maybe a new military asset." Pondered Da Vinci before shrugging.

She and her 'fellow peerage members' were generally far stronger than the two Heavenly Dragons were in life anyway, so she didn't care as much as those from Earth did. Da Vinci simply thought about the Asmodeus and Beelzebub members in the Guard forces and of Ingvild, thinking about how her 'king' would handle the boy.

"Oh no! I found him, I get to keep him!" Azazel possessively said.

"You wish to raise a child?" Da Vinci asked with an amused expression. "You? 'Porn_Master_General'?"

"Hey! Don't use that against me. I'm just providing an essential service to the world. I'm still waiting on technology to advance a bit before making some proper websites for everything." The Fallen responded defensively. "Doesn't mean I can't take care of him properly. Grigori has been helping Sacred Gear users for a long time too."

"True. Our systems focus more on learnable or innate abilities over things like Sacred Gears. The Nephilim Institute would be better in this aspect, especially for a Longinus host and one like Divine Dividing." Da Vinci admitted as she pondered a few things. "But, this does not change the fact that you have no experience properly raising a child mister Governor-General, much less a traumatized one like this."

"Ahem." Albion sounded to get the attention of the duo. "I would prefer if this was to be Vali's decision."

"He's an abused shota though." Da Vinci replied with a displeased pout.

"Yeah, one who wants power too. We can't exactly leave someone like and with you, alone. Far too much of a risk." Azazel added with a more serious tone.

"True, a power focused man with me would be dangerous, but the fact that you are the best options he has to gain said strength at least narrows his choices." Albion calmly countered, knowing full well that the two beings before his host could offer.

He is an old being who has been, on average, a powerful presence even while being a Longinus, hence he knew of Azazel and who exactly stood behind Da Vinci.

"Then let's wake the tyke up." Azazel cheerfully responded with a chop to the child's head, causing him to cry out and hold it in pain.

"What the hell you damn fallen?!" He shouted angrily as he clutched his new head bump.

"Haha! Hey kid, we were just talking about what to do with you and the White Dragon here thought you should have a say in matters." The Governor-General explained with little obvious care, but to those who knew him, they could tell his eyes were taking in everything regarding the young Lucifer.

"What?" Vali asked in confusion as he cautiously looked at the one who pissed him off and the woman who was looking at him with curiosity.

"Don't do anything reckless." Albion warned his young wielder. "We're in Grigori, that cunning crow's headquarters, while the woman is strong enough on her own, but she's also backed by the strongest devil."

"I forgot that Lith really has that title. Hehe~ Those old idiots probably grit their teeth every time they think about it." Da Vinci said in amusement.

"The strongest." Vali repeated with great interest as he looked at the mildly ditzy looking Da Vinci.

"Don't underestimate her." Albion quickly warned. "She might look careless, but she is a lot stronger than the crow."

"That's not fair. Not everyone gets to just progress all the time." Whined Azazel in protest. "I have to run an entire faction."

"So? I'm still in charge of the research for Azaroth and hold a few key positions in the guilds." Da Vinci challenged with a smirk. "Plus, you drop everything on your two aids most of the time."

"Like you don't do that for the guild stuff too." Azazel countered as the two devolved into a bit of a childish argument.

"Can I just leave Albion?" Vali asked his companion as he watched the bickering.

"*Sigh* I wouldn't recommend it. Just tough it out. Geniuses usually have their quirks like this." Albion answered with a drop of sweat somehow appearing on his wing form.

*Beep Beep*

"Huh?" Vali snapped towards the sudden noise.

"Who's calling at this time?" Azazel asked himself while scratching his head and answering the video call, making sure whoever it was wouldn't accidentally see Vali.

As soon as he clicked to accept the call, an cute and energetic woman with long black hair tied in twin tails, pale blue eyes filled with excitement, wearing a pink, beret-like hat appeared.

"Hey Azzy-chan~. Is Da Vinci-chan still there? We have a special to film tonight and she needs to be here soon." She asked cheerfully.

"Oh my. I forgot the time with this interesting development." Da Vinci said with a little gasp. "Sorry about that Sera-chan~, met someone fun."

"Ooh! Who? Who?" Serafall excitedly asked with starry eyes.

"Sera-chan, meet Vali-kun~" Da Vinci introduced as she brought the now wide eyed child who didn't even realize he had been taken. "He's a half Lucifer and has the White Dragon Emperor! Isn't that the best?"

"Oooooh! I gotta tell Lith!" The excitable Satan declare as she ran off screaming with the device she called with.

"No fair. Now the kid definitely won't want to stay." Complained Azazel.

"All's fair in love and war." The polymath countered by sticking her tongue out.

"Oh? So is this love?" The fallen suavely asked as he switched gears in mere moments.

"More like war." Was his answer as the woman casually swept her staff upward with a twirl, forcing the man to hurriedly dodge the sudden threat against his groin.

"Hey! Careful with that! I still need those. We haven't had children yet." Azazel said with sweat on his brow.

"*Chuckle* Still at it I see Azazel." A deep and smooth man's voice said with clear amusement, causing the trio, or quartet if one counts Albion, to pay attention to the said man.

"Lith Azaroth." Albion simply said in an even tone at the sight of the dark skinned devil lord with wavy, shoulder length plum colored hair and green-gold eyes which pulsed and flowed with discernable power.

"Of course I'm still trying!" Azazel replied with a prideful look. "Can't let my soul mate get away now can I?"

"No man should. Good luck with that though." Lith said with a small smile before looking at the small, silver haired child in the room. "And what's your name young man?"

"Vali…Lucifer." He answered with obvious distaste for his last name.

"Well Vali, my name is Lith Azaroth." The older halfbreed replied with a calm smile before he stepped forward and appeared in the flesh and held out his hand in greeting. "Nice to meet another half-blood with potential."

"Y-yeah." A mildly stunned Vali replied as he took the much bigger hand and shook it.

"So…" Lith began saying as he looked at the two geniuses in front of him with a mischievous smile. "who gets custody?"

"Hard to decide. The White Dragon said we should let the kid decide though." Azazel answered with a shrug.

"Nephilim offers better sacred gear development, but we have better training." Da Vinci summarized for Vali's benefits.

"Why even chose?" Lith asked with a raised eyebrow. "Not like Azaroth and Grigori can't share students. Just work out a proper schedule for the kid and get joint custody. Think of it as a glimpse into having to raise your future child."

"I second that!" The now fired up fallen said.

"Must you pit me like this Lith?" Da Vinci asked with an exaggerated sigh.

"Meh, mild payback for all those drunk stripping incidents and for messing up that orgy last month." Lith replied with a shrug. "The girls didn't appreciate suddenly bursting out into feathers."

"That was a good one. But be sure to punish mamo-chan as well~" Da Vinci shamelessly said as she gave up her co-conspirator.

"You assume Yasaka didn't. The woman was on a warpath at the interrupted attempt at having her own kit." Lith responded with a devil-like smile.

"Oh, so that's why she stayed out of Japan and only came out at night for while." Da Vinci then said with a look of realization.

"Still living the good life, heh kid? Even after having a few kids." The fallen said with a knowing smirk.

"As we should all, but let's move away from the subject when there's a child present." Lith answered with his own smirk before refocusing on Vali. "So kid, what do you want to do? Stay here to focus more on Divine Dividing, come over to Azaroth for more body and magic focused training, or try to balance both?"

"Both." Vali instantly answered with a great deal of fire in his eyes.

"Figures." Azazel commented as he saw this coming.

"Alright." Lith simply replied before his eyes flashed bright green and softened immediately afterwards. "I'll go get your mother so the two of you can have a proper life."

"W-what?" An utterly blindsided Vali responded.

"Power comes in many forms Vali. Lith Azaroth holds the strongest mastery of [Time] and [Space], meaning he can look through them at his leisure." Albion calmly explained with a hint of respect even.

"It's helps make sure new residents are clean and can have the best lives possible if they have families who actually care for them and the likes. You are still a child and would have had to have a parental guardian regardless of your beliefs, so better a mother who already loves you than someone like Azazel." I added with a supportive smile.

Vali might be a stubborn, power hungry child who's head was currently filled with revenge on his father and grandfather, but he was still a near closet momma's boy. Plus i have no doubt that having her in his life, properly this time, would lead to him being less of an ass and have other goals beyond 'be strong, fight strong people'.

"Hey! I resent that. I'd make an awesome dad." The fallen smugly countered as he somehow gave Da Vinci suggestive looks when talking about it, which she ignored.

"Rather certain you should be able to prove that with data thanks to your many pasts harems I overheard you bragging about, or that just proves Lith right by default." The woman directly countered, causing near fatal damage from her words alone as Azazel knelt on the floor, seemingly in pain.

"I've always wondered about that too. You sure you don't have any actual children from all that? I mean, human women have an easier conceiving with most supernatural races, so with everything you've said you've done in your life I wouldn't be surprised if at least one popped out. Just look at Baraquiel, took him less than a year to marry a Principal Clan Heiress and have little Akeno." I followed up out of pure curiosity.

In this world I'm actually surprised there weren't more actual demigods with all the perverts running around. Even those 'Heroes' were just descendants, and even then only some had divine blood. Especially for this coming era essentially defined by half breeds: Gasper, Valerie, Vali, Ingvild, Kuroka, Shirone, Issei should count as an odd mix of human/devil/dragon, Akeno, Bennia, Loup Garou, members of Sairaorg's peerage, my kids and myself.

"Nah. Even if I totally crushed it in the past, doesn't mean I was that irresponsible. I have total control." Azazel casually replied to us after he finished messing around.

"Makes sense. Anyway, gonna take the kid with us for now and then basically drop him off with you or at Nephilim later. We can talk details another time, after he and his mother are all settled." I said with a simple nod to the man before opening a portal. "Let's go Vali. I'm sure you'll like Azura. My city is great, I've got loads of strong people and kids your age with lots of potential."

Even though he was rather blown away by everything since the mom parts, the mention of strong people and possible rivals certainly worked to spark a fire in his eyes as he hurried to follow me through the portal.

I did mildly feel weird that this was an odd trend lately. Me luring kids with strength, safety and friends. Felt mildly like a shōnen version of 'I've got candy in my van.'

I did get reports of Jeanne having brought a small group of kids to her Sanctuary, two of which with Sacred Gears and quite the potential, with one being rather determined to become her apprentice and go burn down church stuff with her too. A little Isaiah. So she brought him down for training after we found out which sacred gear he had and his affinity with demonic blades, which is really ironic or maybe even poetic considering he was used in the holy sword project.

That particular ball of angst was also somehow pulled into the group of a certain pair of heiresses, resulting in him meeting the two strongest 'Knights', mine being the strongest in the world and Sirzechs' in the Underworld. So he was coming along.

Vali will probably like training with him… after he probably gets temporarily traumatized by the ladies around me when he challenges them, if I've got his number down.

Oh well.

For now I'll just give the future chuuni a nice place to live with his mommy and let fate handle the rest.

-Ajuka's Peerage Center

"So? How did it go?" I asked my little sister-in-law with some curiosity, sparring a look at my beaming first wife and rather proud looking in-laws.

We had all went along with Sona as a show of support for her finally getting her Evil Pieces, with Rias having done so a few months prior for her birthday. I chose to wait outside due to technically being someone from another faction/pantheon at this point and wanted to simply avoid having Sera being annoyed by old pricks for little reasons.

The two girls had been getting rather antsy about getting their pieces for a while now, especially since some young ones had already agreed to join their peerages, but nothing had been official without the pieces.

It caused a bit of a row when Rias bragged a bit too much regarding having already started her peerage, already having her second bff Akeno and Gasper to join.

It was amusing to see that Akeno and Rias managed to hit things off wonderfully after having organized gatherings for the young ones, resulting in the girl spending nearly as much time in the Gremory Household as at home. Funny thing is that Shuri and Venelana hit it off as well, enjoying using their daughters playing as a chance to have some tea and girl talk of their own, sometimes with some of my own women too.

Gasper was more of a surprise considering he had been doing rather well with Moka and Evangeline, the two having essentially adopted the poor child and helping him overcome his traumas towards the world and himself. It seems that he came to believe that being in a peerage like both of them could help him grow and find others to support and be supported by, something which none of us could deny. The person he joined being Rias did help the two ladies of the night feel relieved about this, but they did insist the boy continued his training with themselves and me to properly control his abilities.

"It went great! Look Nii-sama, I received a mutated Rook and Bishop!" Little Sona proudly revealed with twinkling eyes as she showed me the two blue pieces with purple veins.

"That will be good for you Sona. A powerful tank and mage will certainly be very helpful." I commented with a warm smile as I gave her a head pat.

"Hehe!" Sona giggled as she very much enjoyed it with a pure and bright smile.

"No fair! Why can't So-tan make those smiles with me?" Serafall whined at the adorable sight of our little sister.

"Because I am the most loved older sibling!" I proudly answered as I picked up Sona, who squealed a bit before she nodded in supported as she tried to stop herself from laughing.

"Nooooooooooo!!!!" My wife cried out in despair as she fell to her knees.

"Mwahahahaha!" I triumphantly laughed as the in-laws shook their heads in mild exasperation at our playing and Sona began feeling a bit bad for her sister after giggling.

So I let her down to go cheer up everyone favorite magical girl.

"There there Onee-san, I love you too." She said as she patted her older sister's head.

"So-tan!" Sera cried out before glomping the girl as best she could.

"Looks like you two are still close as ever." The calm voice of one Ajuka Beelzebub said as he came over.

"We try to have fun when we can. You should try it, get a woman, or man, I don't judge." I playfully replied. "Or maybe a person who's been both."

"I'm perfectly happy with my inventions." The Satan shot back a bit defensively.

"Sure sure. I'm pretty sure none of those inventions just so happens to be very useful for when Da Vinci uploads her videos for Nude Modeling, female anatomy and Doctor Sin." I responded, heavily teasing the man for his own crush on my Bishop.

It's just too amusing for me and many around me that two of the biggest geniuses in the world have crushes on a third one. And yes, Da Vinci thinks as herself as true perfection for the female form, hence uses herself to demonstrate how a nude model should behave and pose and uses her own body as the best example when looking at a woman for medical reasons. As for the Doctor Sin outfit, well it's pretty skimpy to go along with all the panty flashing and borderline fetishistic nature of magical girls at times.

"I have no idea what your talking about." Ajuka said as he did his best to keep a straight face, but after a lifetime without experiencing something like love, well he was rather weak against it, hence the light blushing.

"Nii-sama, let's go! I really want to give Val-chan and Mash-chan their pieces." Sona cried out impatiently from near the door with the rest of our little group.

She hadn't yet grown all serious thanks to less pressure from the engagement stuff and although I did mess around her or pampered her like Sera, I wasn't as bad and did help teach her many things while helping her enjoy her childhood more. Same thing with Rias, but to a much lower extent, allowing her to have more fun and at least reducing her hatred towards Riser thanks to having them both talk things out a bit when that particular engagement went through.

Rias is still very much against it, but at least doesn't hate Riser, who even if he is still a harem enthusiast, is a dutiful teen who cares for his lovers and family quite a bit even if he still has a bit of arrogance to him.

I didn't stop it since it was actually a good deal for both families while helping me get more influence in the Underworld without any knowing, having it be something to pressure Rias to try and grow more since she really doesn't like training much, and there being little risks since I could just have the entire thing called off whenever.

"Coming So-chan." I called back with a small smile at her bright a cheery self. "Later Ajuka."

"Goodbye Lith. I hope next time you can take some time to see what I've been working on." The green haired Satan said with a nod of acknowledgement.

"Sure I'll even bring Da Vinci." I replied with a smirk as he tensed a bit from momentary excitement.

"Bye Aju-chan~!" Sera cheerfully waved as we all left.

"So So-chan, who's getting their piece first when we get home?" I asked out of curiosity as we all left.

Considering she currently had two people lined up, it was a valid little question.

The first being Valerie, who was a bit older but still very close to Sona as the two enjoyed playing chess together and cute things, fitting quite well as support thanks to her innate abilities and Longinus.

The second was actually a success from my Einzbern Facilities, using the blood and spirit of Galahad of the Knights of the Round Table, they formed a rather tough girl now named Mash Kyrielight. She was a similar age to the younger ones and her natural abilities and temperament went well with them, so I brought her over to help them have more friends, resulting in little Mash taking a liking to Sona and agreeing to become her Rook.

I am not ashamed to admit that this is my doing to introduce people with better talents and potential than Sona's original peerage. I have nothing against those kids, but they were very lackluster and didn't have the right potential to really reach the top, needing a lot of support to even relatively keep up.

Even now I'm looking into more talented individuals for Sona. She is my little sister and I can pamper her however I want. The only worry is if she comes to believe I'm trying to control her life, hence I would actually be keeping further recruitment to be less direct by having both Sona and Rias visit various Azaroth lands and letting fate decide a few things.

Each territory is full of people with potential, either directly under Azaroth or our protection, including many half-breeds, sacred gear holders, rejected or fleeing beings from every pantheon and faction, and most importantly people from the original timeline. As such, i am curious as to how things will go.

"Mash-chan isn't visiting today, so Val-chan!" Sona brightly answered as I finished thinking through things.

"Oh? And what piece is Val-chan getting?" I asked her with an encouraging smile.

"My mutated Bishop. It'll be perfect for her." She seriously said with a bit of thought.

And I couldn't exactly disagree.

Valerie was born with an innate affinity towards the concepts of life and death, even more so due to technically being born of a race so close to death like vampires. She is perfectly suited to learning about these concepts on top of soul related matters, making her someone with an incredible amount of potential as a healer. A mutated Bishop would help her along that path.

She could technically have the potential to be a Queen, but her personality and interests just don't align properly to be a 'second-in-command', more like a friendly big sister. Pretty close to Da Vinci at times really since my own Bishop is very well regarded but isn't a leader.

"I'm sure she'll be thrilled about it. After that we can go see Mash-chan and then I can start taking you around to see if you can find a few more friends." I encouraged with a warm smile as I opened a portal and we returned to Sitri Manor for Sona's party.

It's a big day after all.

-Azaroth Lands, Capital city of Azura, Castle Azaroth, Lith's office


"We need to talk." A rather angry black kitten coldly said as she stared at my intrigued form.

I shared a look with my ever wonderful and lovely Queen, as we easily guessed the reason for today's guest, then she nodded and went out for privacy, closing the door behind her.

"Nee-san, stop!" The white kitten shouted as she came through the door held by Scáthach who gave me a 'tell me everything later' look before closing the door again.

"No Shirone! I won't let you do it." Kuroka replied with a glare, hoping to cow her sister.

"But it's my choice! You get to do it with Oji-san, so why can't I be with Rias-neesan?" The very pouty white neko-girl asked.

"You have no idea what it really means! You're far too young!" My own black Nekoshou answered.

"But you were even younger than me when you started!" Shirone shouted back.

"That was because I didn't have a choice! I would never have done it if mom hadn't went off to die with that asshole!" The emotional Kuroka yelled angrily.

"But it's not the same! Rias-neesan is my friend!" The younger sister countered stubbornly.

With the two sister being rather stubborn and emotional regarding something I am certain I've figured out by now, I decided it was time to step in before someone said something very harmful.

"*Ahem*" I cleared my throat, getting their attention as they remembered where they were and turned to me with 'dear in the headlights' look as they froze. "Hello girls. While I do like being visited, I would like to know why the two of you are fighting. As calmly as possible please. Both take a few breaths."

Being their official guardian due to Kuroka being too young to assume this role and the only actual male familial/authoritative figure in their lives for the last few months, the two girls had at least enough respect and understanding to know I wasn't going to be bias or angry about this situation. I just wanted them to calmly articulate their thoughts.

Seeing that they had at least centered themselves, I took control.

"Good, now since this is apparently about Shirone I would like her to tell me what this is about." I calmly said as I gave the floor to the white Nekoshou loli.

"Oji-san, Rias-neesan asked me if I would like to join and be her Rook." Shirone answered a bit shyly as she didn't look directly into my eyes.

"I see. And from your reaction I'm guessing you want to do so?" I responded as I guided her.

"Mmhmm." She nodded her little head.

"And from your reaction Kuroka, I can see you are staunchly opposed to such a decision, mainly due to your past experience." I then said as I shifted to Kuroka.

"I won't let Shirone put herself in danger by going back into the devils. Not when we're finally safe." Kuroka said quietly, but also emotionally and with determination.

"But it's not like that man, it's Rias-neechan and Venelana-obasan!" Shirone countered strongly.

"It doesn't matter who it is! If you go back in their system then they can target you because of me!" The elder sister replied with a hint of desperation.

"Girls." I softly, but sternly, said to snap them both out of their escalating emotions. "I believe I understand the main issue here.

Shirone, the reason Kuroka does not want you to join a Rias' peerage is not out of hypocrisy, she simply fears that because of her killing the Lord Naberius, powerful devils, who could very well be holding a grudge, could try and harm you when outside of Azaroth."

"But isn't Rias-neesan's family really strong? I heard her say her big brother is the strongest Satan." A mildly confused Shirone asked with a head tilt.

"He is strong and her family is as well, but the problem is that her big brother wouldn't be able to help in a situation like this or he could be in trouble too." I answered her, resulting in Shirone to look downwards with flattened cat ears while Kuroka looks satisfied that her worries were getting through. "But," that got the little white neko loli to look up hopefully, "you are my charge, and any who think they can harm you or those around you for something a small as your sister removing those insects from the living, well they will have to hear from me.

No one will stop my people from living the lives they desire."

"Really?! Does that mean I can join Rias-neechan?" A bright eyed and hopeful Shirone asked.

"If that is truly what you want." I answered with a nod, continuing before Kuroka could interrupt. "And should you ever desire to leave, I can easily remove the Evil Piece."

That made the older sister snap her mouth shut with a difficult expression as she thought through everything.

"ThankyouThankyouThankyouthankyou!!!" The white kitten cried out cheerfully as she jumped over my desk to hug and nuzzle me.

"You're welcome Shirone." I warmly replied as I patted her. "But don't forget that even if you become part of Rias-chan's peerage, you are still part of Azaroth, no matter what devil laws say, and that means you can find a home and support hear whenever you need."

"Yes oji-san!" The happy kitten purred.

"*Chuckle* Now why don't you break the news to Rias-chan while I talk to your nee-san?" I gently said as I put her down.

"Ok!" Shirone readily agreed before rushing out, leaving me with a serious teenager.

"You said you'd keep her safe." Kuroka coldly said as she glared.

"And she will be. But you cannot imprison her and take her away from those who make her happy. Shirone needs to find her own way, without being smothered due to both your traumas." I calmly replied as I looked at this young girl essentially trying to be a mother for her sister.

"But she's too young!" Kuroka countered.

"That's why we are there for her." I firmly asserted before softening. "If she makes a mistake then we can be there for her to fix it.

Joining the peerage was a mistake? Then we can talk things out with a young lady we all know very well or exert pressure to the right places.

Becoming a devil has become completely detrimental? I can fix that.

Someone is trying to cause her issues due to your pasts? I'd like to see them try.

She needs help or training? No one can stop me from being there.

Too young? It's not like she's moving out, going away forever and cutting ties. The girl's home is still here, only she may sleep over at Rias' more often. Teleportation really makes things convenient.

All we have to do is be there for when she falls to pick her up and believe in her and her friends."

"But I don't want to lose my sister." The black Nekoshou sniffled with teary eyes.

"You won't." I softly said as I shifted to give her a supportive hug. "And if you want to be more involved in her life then you can start by trying to show her some tricks or magic to help her along her path. Some quality family training time, or maybe go fishing, go on a little vacation together or enjoy a relaxing/fun outing. Make memories together."

"Hehe. That sounds nice." Kuroka admitted as she calmed down. "Thank you."

"No problem Kuroka." I replied as I let her go. "And know that anytime you want to talk, or even if you don't, my door is always open to my people."

"Ok." She softly said with a nod before standing up. "I'll go talk to Shirone then.

'It will take time, but those two will be fine.' I inwardly sighed at the kittens.

"How was it beloved?" Scáthach asked as she returned, wrapping her hands around my neck and sharing a kiss.

"You already know my dear, but things will be fine." I answered her with a small smile.

"Our youngest member cares deeply for her family, something which meshes well with us. I am still rather curious as to how she will develop." My Queen admitted as her own face looked at the myriad possibilities thanks to her [Fate].

"Regardless of her path, i will help her walk as far as possible down its winding turns." I said as we shared another kiss.

"You mean We will help her walk it." Scáthach corrected before sporting a seductive smile. "Now let me relax you a bit before getting back to work."

"I'll go easy on you." I smugly replied with a hungry smile. "Wouldn't want my best aide out of commission after all."

"Those are fighting words." My lover declared as she pounced and we engaged in our 'spar'.



Hey y'all, this should be the last 'changing the past' bit since the major ones (canon related) things should have been handled for now. I think I'll skip ahead a bit to Slash/dog events, but it won't be too much involvement from Lith due to it being rather low level for him.

Anyway, so here we have Vali being taken in and having Azaroth being involved due to the connections between them and Grigori being rather deep in the upper echelons and the former being a good place for Vali to actually be safe. I've also decided to rescue his mom before she gets the mind wipe and just lives a new life without her ever knowing about her eldest son and Vali never having her remember.

I think this will help him not be so much of an ass and look for more things in life than 'kill grandpa'.

Sona gets her Evil Pieces, with two peerage members with actual potential and talent. I just thought Mash would be a good match while being a perfect Rook and Valerie was actually internally debated to maybe be Queen before settling on Bishop due to her personality.

I am thinking of keeping Tsubaki Shinra as Sona's Queen due to her talent in martial arts rivaling Kiba's and having a good deal of potential in magic plus a decent enough sacred gear. Her personality his also a major positive for a second in command. She would just need some more hands on training to get her up to par since her talents take proper time and ressources to pay off.

And finally I have said I'm keeping Rias' peerage the same but with different circumstances.

Akeno was easy since, but Gasper was a bit more roundabout. I think his more stubborn side regarding his beliefs was a good enough reason for him to join up.

Isaiah, or Kiba for those who don't know that this was his original name before Rias found him dying, is still angsty, but he know also looks up to Jeanne and got to know Rias through Azaroth.

Meanwhile Shirone would just be asked, but it caused a little fight due to past trauma in the Nekoshous. Lith just reassuring Kuroka and breaking down her reasons for Shirone not becoming a Rook should be enough. The neko girls know Rias well enough and the Gremory have a very good reputation in this matter as well, so that helped.

So yeah.

Hope you enjoyed.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

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Thanks a lot to all those who've already supported me. You guys are great, here's the proper chapter.


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