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64.86% Highschool DxD: A New Satan / Chapter 44: Ch. 44 Ciri’s Path pt. 2

Capítulo 44: Ch. 44 Ciri’s Path pt. 2

After saying good luck to everyone, Triss portal'd us into an abandoned building in Oxenfurt, a place she used when one of her jobs was over there. It had long been left to rot by the city and not even the roof was left, so the guards never came to check for squatters or criminals unless there was a search for a recent one. I passed her a concealment tool to make doubly sure no one would recognize her and made my way towards the Oxenfurt jail to get a proper feel for the place and locate the strongest sources of magic.

It wasn't exactly difficult to scout the place and not look suspicious since I was never technically close to the prison, just visiting some shops not too far from it. So I eventually managed to locate a few magical presences, but they were muffled, meaning dimeritium in all likelihood, and also weak from what I can predict was because of torture and the likes. There were some presences without any magic near them, which were the guards, but since I was going to be using my magic they weren't going to be a problem. I just hoped the keys were near the cells or on the guards if some of the things Lith, Sera and Da Vinci had given me don't work because of the dimeritium.

So with my plan of approach ready, I drew Swallow and teleported into the prison, mid swing, behind the first guard, cutting his head off, blinked to the second and slashed his throat, and beheaded the third so quick none even had the time to make a sound beyond their slumping bodies.

I felt around just to make sure no guards were missed and no one was alerted before turning my attention to the stunned mages and Sorceress looking at me.

Margarita immediately realized who I was and began asking questions before I shushed her. I then took out a universal lock pick Da Vinci had made for 'in case of emergencies or fun', and it opened the gate with ease while the sorceress kept saying I needed the warden's key. She became rather quiet when her cell door swung open, but then asked to quickly get Sìle help due to her injuries being really bad, likely infected from being captured even before herself and never getting any sort of treatment. I unlocked her shackles and Sìle's quickly, then told her to get the rest of the mages still alive before focusing on the badly beaten sorceress.

Lith had more than just taught me how to teleport, imbue [Space] into my blade and mess with my own time, he also heavily focused on things which could save my own or another's life using [Time], and now was the time to do so.

I used a combination of rewinding to make the infected wounds fresh before sterilizing them and accelerating the healing process. I then took out some potion for the lost blood, fever, and her head injuries to properly stabilize her. For broken or cracked bones I placed them properly before accelerating their healing. And the rest would have to come from a better healer, another mage/sorceress or time. But now that she was stable, I picked her up gently and joined the half dozen beaten and wounded magicals Margarita had freed.

I simply opened a proper portal to Triss and walked through as they followed along. Triss herself was surprised to see Sìle and the others, but knew questions came later, opening her her own portals to the Putrid Grove, the Chameleon and a few other safe houses where members of the mage underground would be waiting in order to make tracking my location even more difficult.

The escapees didn't doubt us as they followed her instructions before myself and the Sorceresses walked through our own portal and found ourselves in the Chameleon's basement.

We led Margarita to a room she could share with Sìle. The two needed rest, proper food and a bath. Triss had to go take care of the underground and their new members before something stupid happened, but I could handle things here with Avallac'h. The potions and healing items I had were much better than anything we could find in this world anyway, and if things got really bad I had a dozen Phoenix tears. They do still work on me, so I would assume it would for them as well.

Sera is a worrywart and Lith doesn't care how expensive things are if it keeps those he cares for safe.

Damn… now I can't stop thinking that he cares for me.

Stop thinking about the dark skinned hunk hugging you. His smile isn't dreamy. His strong hands don't make you… *hot sigh with a shiver*

Luckily for me Margarita was enjoying a warm bath and Sìle was resting when I snapped out of it or I don't know what I would have done.

After our successful prison break, there wasn't exactly much for me to do except help the two sorceresses, the awake one being curious as to how I had learnt to use my abilities and the tool Da Vinci had given me, something I didn't see much harm in answering since both answers were about a different world.

Good news soon followed as Sìle actually woke a few hours later, surprised that she was both free and feeling a lot better. The two sorceresses hugged each other in relief and even with a few tears, rather unsurprising that suffering through an ordeal such as being at the mercy of the hunters forged a closer bond between the two.

I then told the two that Triss would be taking them to Kovir soon where they could recover in safety. I also asked them for their help in taking down the Wild Hunt while I made sure the world didn't end. Both agreed that they owed this much and that sorceresses visibly confronting an apocalypse would be a rather good way to convince everyone that hunting down everyone with a bit of magic wasn't the best thing. That was enough for me.

But to my surprise Margarita also gave me a lead on the location of Philippa Eilhart. The former leader of the Lodge of Sorceresses had desired to regrow the eyes Radovid had taken from her with the help of her former mage lover, Arthur de Vleester, and then restart the lodge itself. Unfortunately, Margarita hadn't heard anymore news from Philippa, but news of Arthur's capture and execution by Witch Hunters did. Everything the man owned was then sold or auctioned off, including an owl with a dimeritium band, which clued in Margarita that Philippa had not exactly received aid, but had somehow been tricked. Unfortunately for both women, Margarita was then captured and could not help Philippa free herself.

At least I had a lead to work with. But boy was Yen smug about the fact that Philippa had been stuck in her owl form when I informed her and Geralt about this new information.

Two days later I helped Triss get her people aboard their ship with Margarita and Sìle, hugging her goodbye for now before returning to the Chameleon, beginning my wait for the others and my Hunt for clues on who could have bought Phillipa.

I started by finding out where they sold things taken from burnt mages and sorceresses using the magic of coins. There was no way the zealous members of the Witch Hunters and the Eternal Fire wouldn't keep track of who bought things once owned by magicals, so I was aiming to find a possible ledger and then Phillipa's current owner.

Turns out that there were two sites where things were sold. The first was a high-class auction house in Oxenfurt and the second was a public venue in Novigrad so the general public could participate. But surprisingly the second would be more difficult to get the ledger for due to one copy being kept by an official of the Eternal Fire and the other being in the Witch Hunter headquarter.

Good news though was that there didn't seem to have been an owl sold at the public venue, but this meant I would need to go to Oxenfurt and that wasn't exactly an option for me right now. The prison break had obviously been noticed by now and I couldn't risk using my powers again after such a short period of time, so all I could do for now was notify Geralt and Yen about what I found and leave the rest to them.

But then fate seemed to smile on me a few days later.

Zoltan, who had been going around to gather some old friends and supplies for the coming conflict, came back from one of his gambling buddies with an owl with a dimeritium band. The dwarf had no idea we were actually looking for said owl and just brought it in.

He was mighty disappointed that he wouldn't be able to keep it and teach it how to speak or play gwent, which his a pretty fun game. But knowing who this owl actually was, he decided that he wouldn't risk an irate sorceress like Philippa.

The owl sorceress herself was pleased over the fact that someone who knew of her and could free had found her, but peeved that said freedom would be delayed until Yen and Geralt returned. The on-again-off-again duo were quite surprised at the turn of event regarding the acquisition of Philippa, but it did help things. Yen did loudly gloat so Philippa could hear her, which ruffled her feathers and made her squawk a lot.

And now that I had done what I could, i spent most of my time helping those prosecuted by the Eternal Fire. Even more so now that the Witch Hunters realized that anyone remotely magical had fled and they couldn't even find a rumor of any anymore, so they decided to attack the non-humans they could.

Sometime later Yen came back with confirmation about Fringilla and Emhyr's support.

We then released a huffy Philippa who already understood what the general plans and goals from being around us, all which she was fine going along with, only wanting to have a sort of leadership position. That led to argument between the two sorceresses, which was resolved with some compromises and help growing a new pair of eyes for the blinded sorceress.

Those two then managed to finally lift Avallac'h's curse with some help from another lodge member whom was not going to help with the Wild Hunt. But at least we currently had a good number of powerful sorceresses and an elven sage on our side, with news from Geralt that Keira Metz had agreed to join our efforts and that he was returning with the wolf school and some other friends.

During our wait, Avallac'h, with the help of Philippa, believed to have found the likeliest location of the Sunstone. This was an ancient crypt on Arg Skellig, which the elf also revealed would be near where they would need to trap the Wild Hunt. So this not only set our destination, but also meant we would go see my old friends and their father at clan An Craite.

By the time, time Geralt had returned, I had already booked us all passage to Skellige, but I did give time for everyone to rest and recover from their travels and also celebrate seeing each other again.

It was wonderful to see Vesemir, Eskal and Lambert. It was like seeing my own grandfather and annoying older brothers.

Geralt also introduced Vernon Roche and Ves from a Temerian guerrilla force currently fighting to free themselves from Radovid's destruction of what they stand for. He had helped them during his travels and was a comrade-in-arms during the last war as well. The man cared deeply for Temeria, but he understood that without stopping the coming White Frost and the Wild Hunt, there wouldn't be a Temeria left so he joined our cause with his second-in-command Ves.

The problem was that Geralt also brought a Witcher from the Viper School by the name of Letho, who had essentially killed the northern kings alongside his comrades and the Scoia'tael, thus many were not too fond of him even if some of his actions had been requested by Lodge members. Vernon and Ves were the ones with the most problems against him, but they could tolerate him to save the world.

And so after a night drinking merriment in the Chameleon, and catching up with the Wolf school, we took a day to relax and have everyone ready themselves for the trip to Skellige before setting off.

The trip itself was uneventful, but our arrival was met with some surprises. The King, Bran of Clan Tuirseach, had just died and we arrived in time for his wake. Seeing this, Geralt and myself headed to find the An Craites due to needing to warn them of the coming battle and to ask for support.

Although our welcome was a warm one and it was great seeing Crach again, he informed us that even though it would be near the duty of every Skelliger to fight alongside us, they couldn't do so until a new king was chosen. Any military action on their part would trigger the other clans to believe Clan An Craite was trying to pull something and retaliate, likely causing a civil war. We understood completely, and honestly speaking, since Avallac'h's curse was taken care of and we had a proper plan in the making, we could afford to let things take their course here and then resquest aid from the new king.

It did help that I knew all those who were planning on becoming candidates from my childhood time on the isles, and if needed I knew I would be allowed to help either Cerys or Hjalmar who would definitely help us. Technically speaking I think I could actually run for the position, but that was never going to happen even if I would vastly prefer being the Queen of Skellige over Empress of Nilfgaard.

Turns out Yen had some ideas about joining the party going on before the candidates officially announced themselves, dragging Geralt away so he could 'dress appropriately', sending a look my way as well which I challenged because there was no way I was allowing her to put me in a dress. We had a silent conversation before I agreed to clean up, do my hair a bit, add some makeup and put on a different outfit I had in my storage seal, which happened to be a rose tattoo on my inner thigh. Convenient and tasteful, plus no one would think that it's magical even if they somehow see it.

Once the three of us were done changing and informed our group about the current situation, each member decided on working on different projects. Vernon and Vex went to scout the location where we would trap the Hunt and our estimates regarding the conjunction. Eskel and Letho would go out to do some Witcher work around the island. Avallac'h, Philippa, Kiera and Lambert would go obtain the Sunstone. And Vesemir would begin crafting potions and grenades using ingredients he could purchase in the city.

So with that decided, Geralt, Yen and I headed to the party, looking like a proper family as we all wore black and/or white as is Yen's preference. I just wore stylish black leather boots, with a nice pair of matching pants with silver detailing of a flying swallow up my thigh, a white undershirt with black leather jacket, a nice silver and emerald rose necklace Sera and Lith gifted me on my birthday, and let down my hair plus some light make up. Everything was enchanted for protection and comfort while being made of the best and toughest material too, while I could summon Swallow with just a thought, so I was gorgeous and deadly.

The walk to the party itself however, kinda made me feel warm inside that we were having a sort of outing together. It just doesn't happen, so I couldn't stop smiling.

Geralt and Yen were kind of awkward, with Yen clearly showing signs of wanting some commitment or confirmation regarding Geralt's feelings towards her and their weird relationship, and Geralt not being the best with emotions or words, was doing his best to compliment her dress and looks while looking at me for some kind of help.

He was on his own for this though.

Fortunately he was saved by reaching the party itself. Yen introduced us using our 'fame' which made us welcomed since she is a famous sorceress, Geralt is a renowned warrior and I am well connected to Skellige through blood. Yen then dragged Geralt around the place to get a feel for the situation and meet important people, while I spotted who I could only assume was Cerys going by her red hair and her loud clashing against sons of other Jarls.

I could hardly recognize them all from when we were children, but Cerys seemed to recognize me well enough. My hair and eyes can be rather memorable. She joyously welcomed me at their table while the boys boisterously exclaimed their disbelief at my presence and immediately began to reminisce about our childhood days. I couldn't help notice Hjalmar wasn't actually here, and him being the leader of our little band back in the day and this being an important event, I didn't think he would miss it, but Cerys only said he had already chosen his path.

Regardless, we talked, ate and drank as they spoke of their desires for the crown, the raids they had taken part of and how each one is better than all the others, standard Skellige stuff really. Then we all saw Madman Lugos start fighting Geralt somehow as Yen rolled her eyes. Why he believed fighting an enhanced human with a century of experience is beyond me, and it ended with the Jarl on his arse.

Soon after Crach an Craite began the ceremony for claimants to come forward, with all the boys doing so, Crach placing an axe in Hjalmar's stead due to him already working on his deed to slay an actual giant which answered my questions about his whereabouts, and finally Cerys stepped forward in front of her father's disapproving gaze to place her dagger.

With that the important part of the party finished, so Yen and Geralt followed Crach to talk to him about everything while I chose to follow Cerys who was quickly making her way out of the keep to avoid being stopped by her father.

Knowing she needed to perform a great deed to top Hjalmar trying to slay a giant and returning the island to the people who had to flee it, I asked her what her plan was since I didn't want one of my childhood friends dying doing something stupider than that. She revealed her belief that Jarl Udalryk, who most thought as mad and hence was heavily impacting his Jarldom, wasn't mad at all but possessed. Cerys thought that freeing him of his curse and helping his people and lands prosper again would be a worthy deed to crown her as Queen.

Honestly speaking, I couldn't tell if the man was truly cursed from just what she had told me, but I knew what kind of people Hjalmar and the others were, I also knew that although they would make fine warriors and raiders they could not make Skellige a better place than Cerys could, so I decided to help her. And to do so I decided to ask for help from the most knowledgable person I knew, Vesemir, who just so happens to be on the island.

The news of the of the centuries old Witcher being available was quite welcomed by Cerys and the two of us headed for him.

Vesemir was a bit reluctant to set down his potion brewing, but thanks to a bit of convincing he agreed to come help us and to see if the Jarl was truly cursed.

But before we could leave Geralt and Yen caught up to us, confronting Cerys and myself about her plans, but they too ultimately decided that letting us at least investigate things with Vesemir was worthwhile. Geralt on the other hand would go find Hjalmar to make sure he was still alive and assist him on the off chance it was a truly an ice giant, something even Witchers have not been recorded ever seeing, much less fought.

So Cerys, Vesemir and myself set sail for Spikeroog while Geralt left for Undvik. Yen decided start working on the things she and the other Sorceresses would need to properly trap the Wild Hunt instead of following Geralt on his possible giant hunt.

Reaching Spikeroog wasn't hard. But after starting our investigation I could see why people said the Jarl was mad. Self-harming because he believes the gods are telling him to repent for not saving his brother's life was not exactly normal, but Vesemir grew suspicious after questioning the man for some time, recommendeding we visit the old home of the Jarls which was now considered haunted as it seemed to be a link and where the curse was centered, instead of the sea where the Jarl's brother's body truly lies.

The place was definitely wrong. I could feel a sort of parasitic magic working below us. Vesemir grew more serious after hearing my words and the three of us went to the basement. Said basement was absolutely the center of the magic I was feeling, and in it was a sword Cerys recognized as the Clan sword of the Jarl's, which had been the initial spark which resulted in the Jarl later losing his brother. When we took it though, my senses tingled and I drew and swung my sword in an incredibly smooth and swift motion, slicing part of the wall behind us as I felt around for what I had sensed. There had been something with us in the room for a brief moment as Cerys took that sword.

Vesemir said he knew of the likely cause of this curse and left with Cerys, asking that I keep track of the place while they go speak with the Jarl. The Witcher soon came back and started a fire for the oven due to 'his old bones feeling cold', which made me chuckle a bit since said old man still hunted griffins and wyverns.

Once he warmed up he went down to check on the basement again, and then Cerys suddenly burst in holding something in her arms, handed it to me asking to trust her, opened the oven door and then asked me to throw what looked like a baby wrapped in blankets into it as the Jarl desperately burst into the room with two guards yelling for his son. I looked between the two in shock as Cerys asked me to trust her and the Jarl wanted his son, I ultimately decided to trust that my childhood friend was not betraying me and threw the bundle in the oven, watching Cerys slam its door as the Jarl lounged to save his son while the guards tried to detain me as I started to feel guilty for killing a babe in front of its father.

But then suddenly Vesemir returned to reveal that what I had thrown into the oven was a fake, signaling the Jarl's aid to enter the house with the real babe, making me feel immense relief. It was then that Vesemir pointed out the now screaching shadowy figure behind me and the true culprit behind the Jarl's curse: A Hym. A dangerous parasitic spirit which feeds on the pain and guilt of its targets. What they had done was trick the Hym, using the fake babe and my own guilt, into changing hosts only for it to have nothing to latch onto due to my guilt vanishing upon the reveal of the babe being safe.

I wasn't exactly happy about not being told the plan, but that was apparently the only way it would work. The only other option was risking the Jarl's life by bringing him into the Hym's lair to drag it into the open and killing it.

Not having it in me to really stay mad since it worked and no one was hurt, I did forgive the two of them.

The Jarl was also thankful even though he was a bit miffed over the trickery as well, while not really wanting his son to be around me due to my apparent willingness to throw him in an oven. I blame Cerys for that.

But with our task successful, we all returned to Ard Skellig for well deserved rest and to announce Cerys' success. Even her father was proud, revealing he wasn't against he participation but her choice of deed, having believed that Jarl hadn't been possessed but truly mad.

A few days after our return, Hjalmar came back victorious as well, but only accompanied by Geralt and one Vigi the Loon. The rest of the claimants either failed in their deeds or weren't exactly great like curing a cursed Jarl or Giant-slaying, so they were sulking with some drinks while the an Craite siblings decided arguing about who should become ruler and the Jarls themselves had split up to cool their heads after so many arguments on who would be chosen to rule. It didn't help that no one was really allowed to come or go either.

Geralt gave me a nod before leaving, probably to talk to Crach about Hjalmar's adventure and the fact that he was technically hired to go pull his arse out of the Fire, or ice in this case since he was facing an actual Frost giant.

Hjalmar himself was in a boasting mood until he noticed my presence and that put him in a hugging and drinking mood as he set about starting a one man celebration for our reunion.

Well that was until some fighting started happening and he went over to it, laughing in excitement all the way while Cerys and I rolled our eyes in amusement over his actions.

Everything was going well until young Lugos decided to participate in a drinking contest and started chugging. That's when a few of the party goers suddenly turned into berserk bears, attacking and killing any near them ferociously.

I called Swallow to my hand and attacked the nearest bear with surgical precision, cutting off its paw before it could kill Blueboy Lugos and slashing its throat open. The beast slumped down as Lugos was staring wide-eyed at it and his near brush with death. Not sparing a moment a ran to the second bear, feeling sad when one of my friends was knocked backwards by a swipe of its great paw, but I managed to reach it before it could take a bite out of another, stabbing Swallow through the side of its head and killing it instantly.

I turned to head in the direction of the other bears, but I found Geralt and Crach taking care of them.

The two asked what happened as the survivors rushed to take care of the many wounded or dying. I quickly explained what I had witnessed which made Crache shocked and Geralt suspicious.

Crache then went to the Jarls in the hall who had survived and gathered around the dying Hjalborn, as his father Jarl Blackhand desperately attempted to keep him alive. It was painful that even now I couldn't exert enough controlled power to save him. He was my friend and now I had to watch him die. I could heal some wounds, but Hjalborn's entire body would need to be rewound through time and I couldn't do so without killing him and maybe everyone in the room.

I could only find solace in the fact that he was my only friend to die today and that I had save two others while Cerys and Hjalmar saved themselves.

The Jarls then turned to Crach regarding this tragic turn of events, saying it was his and his family's responsibility to find the traitor or they would suffer under a great curse for their failure to do so.

Hjalmar decided that he would go around like a bull to find the culprit while Cerys argued for a proper investigation, causing the two to split as Crach went to organize help for the wounded and notices for the dead.

Geralt decided to join Cerys in investigating, this being rather up a Witcher's alley as far as work goes. I decided to help the wounded using some of the admittedly overboard supplies Lith and Sera gave me.

It is honestly far too much. But then I felt guilt over the fact that I had forgotten about the Phoenix tears I had, which could have saved Hjalborn. In the moment I could only think about my powers and what I couldn't do over what I could do, and now it was too late.


Everyone told me to not limit myself in my thinking and I did just that and it cost me an old friend.

Now all I could do was go around helping those I could.

By the time Cerys and Geralt returned and called for the Jarls I at least managed to save a good number of lives.

Front their investigation it turns out that Birna Bran, the deceased king's widow and mother to the only claimant who had not been present in the hall when the slaughter happened, had gotten a trusted servant of clan an Craite to spike some mead with blood and hallucinogenic mushrooms to trigger a berserker transformation in those present to kill all the claimants beside her son.

She cause so much death, all so Skellige could begin a true lineage of kings with her likely controlling her son as he attempted to do so.

And now thanks to this, the Jarls decided that since Cerys had not only done a worthy deed but also discovered the traitor in their midst, she was the most worthy of the crown, thus becoming Queen of Skellige.

So with another celebration, Skellige welcomed its new ruler.

The next few days had Cerys undergo a few more necessities and traditions, but we eventually managed to speak to her about the Wild Hunt, White Frost and our plans.

She was a bit hesitant, which is understandable, but she saw the value of the opportunity to have all the clans fighting under her banner for such a 'glorious' battle and knew that not stopping the White Frost would end us all, so in the end she agreed to help. Although she wasn't looking forward to informing the Jarls about the Nilfgaardian support which should also come.

With her support we could finally begin our proper preparations and start gathering our forces.

Hjalmar was sent as Cerys' representative in our own meetings while she handled the Jarls and also the druids who would undoubtably be useful in the coming battle. He was a bit down over not being king, but decided on supporting his sister and that if he wasn't king he would be her best warrior.

Things started rolling when Vernon and Vex returned and strayed discussing proper ambush points, with Hjalmar pitching in to tell everyone about things they missed and how the waters were. After the Sunstone group had returned with success, they began working with Yen to prepare things on their end while also meeting with Skellige Druids to hopefully coordinate with them.

I then learnt that Druids and Sorceresses don't really get along.

On the side Lambert was asking Geralt about advice on getting together with a sorceress. Apparently he had been getting along with Keira.

Soon enough Eskel and Letho returned from their work, having secured some favors on the island to help with preparations.

Everything began coming together as the conjunction of spheres approached.

Geralt and Yen even took the chance to go out somewhere together for some time and came back… a bit different. Like they were closer again. I was curious about what actually happened, but they were mum about details. I did find a stuffed unicorn I wasn't going to mention to Sigil or Ihuarraquax in Yen's room though.

Now, as for the plan, the Skelligers and Nilgaardians would strike at the trapped ennemies from opposite sides in order to not get in each other's way, meanwhile the druids would keep the encroaching White Frost at bay and the Sorceresses would ensure the Wild Hunt cannot flee while providing support. The Witchers will be split between both direct assaulting forces to maximize the chances of reaching Eredin and his commanders, while Vesemir would guard Ciri alongsidea few elites from both sides.

This plan was a bit vague, but it was the best we could do while having to manage two hostile militaries.

I did take the chance to pass out some amulets which should protect key people from the White Frost and their space magic. Lith made them specifically to 'fuck with those stuck up weaklings' after he learnt about their methods and the White Frost itself.

The amulets fascinated the Sorceresses and made Avallac'h pale at the threat they represented. And when they all heard the reason behind their existence most became amused, approving or curious about Lith, while none rejected something created by someone who vastly surpassed me in a field I am supposed to essentially unmatched in by this world's standards.

And now we had done all we could. It was time to begin.

I went to my own position and prepared myself. An old elven tower where I could properly deal with the White Frost and the conjunction of spheres.

From this distance I could see the operation begin as the druids fought the encroaching Frost and the ships charged forward.

I trusted everyone would be fine as I began my own duty, unleashing my full strength as I tuned myself to the dimensional forces brought by the multiple realms aligning themselves to this one. The conjunction in itself isn't a directly dangerous event, it had happened multiple times in the past, bringing magic to the world and other races/species, the real problem is that this time a few of the realms had already fallen to the White Frost and it would do the same here as the magical ice would spread throughout the world if not stoped.

It took the vast majority of my focus to manage all the different forces I was engulfed in, but Lith taught me many things regarding dimensional forces, believing this facet of our powers was both one of our greatest sources of strength but also one of the riskiest. Thus he drilled me in how to access dimensions and how to close them properly.

But as I was gradually closing each connection to the dangerous worlds and dimensions, it made my heart drop when Carenthir appeared in front of Vesemir and the other guards.

They tried challenging the elven sage, but even the experienced Witcher could barely keep up, so the normal humans were helpless as the elf shifted around and demolished them. Vesemir fought him very intelligently, using dimeritium bombs to disrupt his ability to teleport and use magic, even managing to break his staff, but breaking it had the consequence of causing a magic explosion which blasted Vesemir backward.

I wanted to help, but I was stuck and if I suddenly left all the dimensions I was connected to would lash out and result in a much bigger cataclysm.

As I could do nothing but watch, Caranthir neared the downed Vesemir, looked towards me as if he enjoyed the desperate look in my eyes as I wanted someone to help the man I saw as my grandfather. But no one came and Caranthir blasted Vesemir with his magic.

And right before my eyes, I saw his now lifeless eyes.

"No. No. No no no no. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I cried out as my powers started running wild, destabilizing the entire tower as they resonated with the multiple dimensions around me.

Caranthir tried to approach me but everything was ripping apart.

All I felt was anger, sorrow and helplessness.

I could feel myself starting to be pressured by the dimensions, but suddenly things seemed to calm and a pair of warm arms surrounded and supported me.

"It's ok Ciri. I am here now." A familiar deep and smooth voice told me as I snapped out of my near trance to realize Lith was here and hugging me.

I couldn't even enjoy it as I started to cry in his arm without shame.

"Please. Can you save him? Turn him into a Devil?" I asked out of desperation.

I didn't want to lose him.

"This isn't my world Ciri. I can't mess with life and death here." He softly answered with a regretful expression. "I'm sorry."

"Waaaaahh!" I broke down and wept at his words and Lith took the burden of the conjunction from me.

I clung to him as I cried into his chest.

"I am sorry my little student. Sorry for fate's cruelty. But I know this man you love so much wouldn't want you to break from this. Make his sacrifice and belief in you worth it. Finish this and leave the rest to me." Lith encouraged as I just felt safe in his arms, slowly calming myself.

I could only look up at him to see a warm and caring look in his eyes, making me a blush a bit before i wiped my tears and nodded at his words.

With an approving smile, he slowly untangled himself from me as i felt the returning pressure of the conjunction, letting me gradually take up the burden again.

Once I was in control again, I noticed that Caranthir was still there, but he was unmoving as he floated before us.

"You know…" Lith said as he approached the trapped elven sage. "The only reason I let you annoying insects live after trying to barge into my domain, constantly tried to harm my precious student and her loved ones, and raided other worlds, is because I knew she would succeed in shutting you in that doomed world of yours.

I believed in Ciri's ability to ruin your dreams and trap you in your own little world as the fate you brought to so many others, befell you as well.

But now, now you made her cry. So I shall move personally."

Hearing his words made it impossible for my heart not to beat quicker as I blushed. I mean, he came because he heard me cry. How sweet is that?

But what followed brought me out of those thoughts as Caranthir let out gurgling noises while he was getting compacted into a single point, rapidly being crushed alive. I could also feel Lith's magic spread out much further than just here, making me realize he wasn't just killing Caranthir, but every other member of the Wild Hunt still alive.

"I believe in you Ciri. And don't forget that you and yours will always have a home in Azura." He said before disappearing.

I felt a bit disappointed that he left so soon, but I did understand the fact that this wasn't his world and he was too powerful to stay here without something wrong happening. He explained things about various rules he had regarding other worlds and dimensions, with one of them being that the vast majority had beings of power managing them, and someone as strong as him couldn't do much without said beings getting upset, especially if he came uninvited. I did ask why I was allowed in his world when he told me that and he answered that the strongest beings had let me through, so did he, mostly because I wasn't nearly powerful enough to affect anything important and that they could make me leave whenever even if I somehow messed things up. He did say that if I joined certain 'systems' like his peerage, that I would essentially become an official part of his world instead of just a permitted visitor.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I focused on my task to not let him down or let Vesemir's sacrifice be in vain.

-Lith POV, Aen Elle world.

'I've had enough of these pricks. It's time for my own version of Exterminatus.' I thought as I appeared before the 'great' city of Tir ná Lia.

This world was already dying as the White Frost had been trying to encroach upon it and the Elves had slaughtered or driven out any other races, only living in excess as they plundered other worlds.

'Please…' a soft voice whispered as I raised my eyebrow.

Before me appeared an interesting sight. An ethereal eleven woman with straight raven black hair reaching her feet, immaculate skin, all-encompassing grey eyes, but a rather emaciated looking body. The interesting thing however, was that she felt like this realm, or more specifically, like this world beneath me.

"Are you here to try and stop me world spirit?" I asked in a neutral voice.

I said try because I could tell she couldn't do a thing to stop me. Incredibly weak would be an understatement for something like her. She should be much more powerful due to not having to share her power with any sort of 'Gods', which is in line with my theory regarding the absence of any deity which truly represents 'Earth' back in my world.

Sure we had people who hold 'Creation' or powers related to 'Earth' as an element, but no true god/goddess being the real manifestation of the planet itself like Gaea. So my theory is that Divinity, is a piece of power the planet grants to 'gods' and said divinity becomes more powerful depending on the the Earth's main race's beliefs. And due to my world having so many gods, it does not have enough power to have a manifestation of itself.

This theory also explains why no Earth gods are anywhere close to Ophis and Great Red's power level, because those two were born from/in the Dimensional Gap instead of receiving a part of Earth's power. It even extends to a possible explanation as to why the 'gods' of ExE, were so much more powerful than the ones here and why they could 'kill' Great Red. The evil ones had killed and taken over enough that they gained a bigger piece of the pie and the surviving good ones got some too.

(This is pretty much my theory regarding how divinities are even a thing and why ExE is so much stronger based on what I could research. Completely OC. Probably has a dozen holes. Possible hole filling can be appreciated since this is basically what I am going to go with.)

But she didn't seem to have the power something like her should and my guess as to why lays with the Aen Elle.

'No… they took… my chosen. Corrupted… me. Infected…me. Chained… me. Stagnated me. Drowned me… in innocent blood and wailing souls… which do not belong. So please… do as you aim to do.' She answered with a shake of her head and without opening her mouth.

"Then why have you come before me?" I curiously asked her.

'I desire… salvation.' She said while I saw something which peeked my curiosity. I saw hope in those eyes.

"I came to destroy you and yet you believe I can offer you salvation." I responded with a raised eyebrow.

'Destruction and Creation… a cycle. Necessary. But… I feel… a desire. My world… my self… did not receive a chance to flourish… to become a true world… filled with life… to see my chosen prosper. My… dream… to watch my… children grow… left unfulfilled.

So I ask you… powerful traveler… for a boon.' She replied as she held a sort of silver seed before me. 'Will you… plant 'me' in a new world? Give 'me'… a second chance instead of purely ending 'my' life?'

Now that was quite an offer.

Some many possibilities, but also so many possible dangers.

My mind raced as I even used my mind magic and [Time] to think through everything.

And while only a moment had passed, days of internal debate had passed for me.

"I will make you a deal." I began carefully, "I had plans to transform a dead world into one of life for my people and to help them grow and prosper under my rule. This would likely have given birth to a being such as you.

In exchange for letting you take the place of this spirit and helping create new races to inhabit this world alongside my people, I desire an equal share of the world itself.

We shall be equals, essentially me becoming the 'Father' and you the 'Mother'.

I will pledge myself to the prosperity of the planet and 'our' people to the best of my abilities, while I ask for your support.

What do you say?"

'Your words are… sweat. But require… a promise. A vow.' She replied, approaching.

I felt no ill intent, so I curiously looked at her.

"Oh? And what kind of vow?" I asked as she reached out towards my face with her dainty hands.

'You desire to be the Father… thus… you shall be my Husband.' She answered as she brought her face closer to mine with clear intentions.

But I stopped her with a finger.

'Are you… refusing?' She asked with quite a few emotions flashing through her eyes.

"It's more like I should inform you that I am already married, with a mate and two other lovers as well as a fiancé. They all know of each other and get along very well while also knowing about what is now my harem. So I wished to warn you about such things in advance to not be struck by your ire in the future." I replied as hell hath no fury like woman scorned.

The spirit looked at me with a bit of a deadpanned expression.

'You are… surprising lustful. Will you also… lust after my manifestation?' She responded with a neutral expression.

"If anyone is lustful it is my wife. She keeps bringing more people into our relationship when I tried to stop things from developing. Now I am sort of going along with it while planning to ensure each woman who gives her heart to me has the happiest life I can give her while satisfying whatever needs they hold." I said a bit of a wry smile.

'…Then I shall… hold you to such a standard… Husband.' She finally said as she kissed me, gradually entering the seed now resting within me as our accord was struck.

It was a bit of a surprise, but I was fine with it.

'I just hope Sera won't be too made. We can build up our relationships properly later since it will take some time to ready Mars for terraforming.

I will need to build a fake surface dimension so no one notices anything wrong and when the humans start exploring other planets they'll still get the red dustball. Then accelerate time after getting everything ready so life can bloom there and a proper atmosphere can form.

Only then can I actually start settling the place and the spirit can actually form a proper manifestation, so I do have time.' I thought as I went through the general steps necessary for my biggest project for the next century.

I started the colonization of Mars in my last life, but this time I will make it my own planet.

{Your soul is quite strong and comfortable. Like a sturdy tree offering shelter and shade.} the spirit suddenly said from within me. {But what is this crown-like object and these chains?}

{Well this is surprising. To think you would retain your consciousness within my astral realm. And to answer your questions, the crown is something called a Sacred Gear, a tool or weapon system unique to my own world that I shall explain later, and the chains are my partner Enkidu.} I answered briefly.

{Good day oh great world spirit. Like Lith said, I am Enkidu, also known as the Chains of Heaven. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.} The androgynous one said as he too formed.

Ever since Enkidu became my official 'Sacred Gear', he has been able to rest within my astral realm, which i did shape to be a great forest with my home in the center, or stay out in the world. And he had decided to come with me today.

{Interesting. It would seem I shall not lack company. And I can only stay awake due to the strength of your soul, if you were not so powerful I would have had to hibernate until the world you spoke of bloomed.} The spirit replied seemingly pleased with the current situation.

{Then I shall leave things here to you Enkidu.} I said, to which he nods as I pulled my focus out of my self and back to my purpose.


I even had the permission of the planet itself. They doomed many worlds with their ways and even the one they treat as their 'homeworld'. Slaughtered countless innocents while living in excess and sin.

'I guess when gods are not there to punish the mortals it is time for devils to do their work.' I thought as I changed into my [True Form].

I unleashed a massive formation around the planet itself to serve as a net for what I was about to do.

I then focused my [Space], forming an incredibly concentrated point before pushing it into the planet's core.

"Collapse." I simply said, but the entire planet heard my voice, not understanding why and what was about to happen.

They would not feel a thing as the planet exploded for within before space started collapsing on itself, erasing every trace that a planet was ever before me.

It wasn't hard for me to destroy it with my understanding of space to be honest.

But I wasn't done.

Never being the wasteful kind, I used my substantial abilities regarding souls to create my 'net', specifically created to catch the souls of the Aen Elle.

Not only was I not wasteful, I also wasn't going to let this parasitic race get off easy. Of course the good ones weren't going to suffer. They would be placed in their proper level of Remnant, but the other would be very useful in my future projects.

So with even more accomplished than I had thought, I left place and returned home to continue my life and projects, while hopefully hearing about my cute little students success soon.



I have finished my labor!

Self imposed as it was, i finished writing Ciri's speed run of the Witcher 3.

It was a mix of her being more skilled but also having some bits to show her lack of experience since she isn't perfect.

Also if anyone tells me that's not how the Conjunction of Spheres works or the White Frost or that the Aen Elle weren't that bad, well too bad. This is what I've got. The Witcher stuff will pretty much not pop up anymore after Ciri comes back properly and probably brings people along.

Now, I think having Lith blow up a planet was justified.

My justification is because I can.

See above for reasons on why Lith would also take their souls. But I also have some plans for those.

Some saw an Aen Elle genocide or slaughter coming and tadaa.

He basically caused the core of the planet to burst before forming a short term black hole when he made a super heavy point in space.

As for the world spirit and my thoughts on how divinities work, why Great Red and Ophis are so powerful and the power level of ExE gods, this is all personal.

Also before anyone asks why Issei can get that strong too, well for now I would be going with Earth giving him access to power it would have stored from dead gods to give him a sufficient boost to defend the planet, hence itself. Something like that.

And yes, I will be terraforming Mars since I did hint at the free real-estate Lith saw for expansion and even if no one remembered he did colonize Mars in his most life, so I think it works. And then I added a modified Negima Mars idea so that instead of a grand illusionary world it's a concealed one. I will probably go for the negima aesthetics in general for Lith's world since they have a cool mix of tech, magic and nature, then add some Da Vinci flare.

As for the world spirit Wife, well those terms were the best way i could think about to define their future relationship. I am open for names and her main appearance will be of a black hair elven beauty, pic suggestions are also good.

So yeah, hope it was still somewhat enjoyable and a new take on things.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

I can finally move things along and start the final rounds of peerage recruitments before canon events begin.

I am still working on the actual extent Lith’s presence will influence things since he has stayed away from the rest of the Underworld and Earth for the large part. The biggest things he’s done are the secret village, Founding Tōtsuki and the Kure clan, while he married Serafall and took people deemed less important or troublesome in the Underworld.

So I’ll see.


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