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47.29% Highschool DxD: A New Satan / Chapter 31: Ch. 31 One Surprise After Another (R-18)

Capítulo 31: Ch. 31 One Surprise After Another (R-18)

Having Scáthach join my peerage was probably the best decision I could have made.

Her being by my side has helped increase my efficiency so much that instead of half my day being taken up by my duties as a lord, only a quarter of it was now taken.

It had only taken about a week and a half of her learning the ropes and she took off running like a pro, which I guess I should expect from a former queen.

As a result I had more free time to engage in a few side projects I wanted to begin, while Scáthach followed her passion of teaching and put my other peerage members through the wringer.

Musashi was positively thrilled about it, Da Vinci less so, but at least she was learning a lot about magic and runes which helped motivate her.

Mana and Jeanne were quite happy over feeling their progress, with Jeanne saying she might reach Satan-class soon and Mana undergoing a rapid boost in strength as her energy and youkai bloodline evolved, giving her a great increase in potential.

And Scáthach herself was undergoing a thorough re-training like Musashi and making liberal use of the libraries all over my territory as she consumed magical knowledge with my blessing.

There was also a celebration in the city in honor of her joining my peerage which made her smile quite a lot, even if it was small ones.

I found that I quite enjoyed going out for some quiet drinks with her and Jeanne from time to time, since these two enjoyed a nice glass of wine. Musashi gets way too plastered, Da Vinci tends to become too open when drunk and has frequently stripped while under the influence, Yasaka gets a bit too handsy, Tamamo gets very flirty with women and Serafall gets very giggly and clingy. So yes, Scáthach and Jeanne are my drinking buddies when I don't want complete chaos.

And speaking of Serafall, she has been getting to know my new right hand and I wasn't surprised when she managed to basically turn her into a big sister as Scáthach tends to spoil her unconsciously. It was becoming a common sight to see the two out on the town with Tamamo in tow. The two also share many insights on magic, with Ice magic as a particular focus.

I've also made sure to spend some time helping Scáthach herself training by sparring with her. Mana could put up a fight now that she became Satan-class and unlocked a balance breaker, but only against me could Scáthach truly go all out and temper herself against a superior foe.

Outside of just my new Queen, Ereshkigal has officially moved into my castle.

And after discussing things with her a Scáthach, it was decided that I would be merging Kur and the Land of Shadows and placing it in the joint custody of the two women.

Ereshkigal will be the primary manager as a true goddess of the underworld and Scáthach would be an enforcer if a divine spirit became too rowdy and needing a culling. This allowed Ereshkigal to gain a significant power boost as her realm was essentially upgraded, while still permitting access to Scáthach as she felt some guilt simply abandoning her former duties.

We have also redone this new realm and renamed it Remnant. It may change in the future, but for now it works fine.

We've also created a few divisions similar to many pantheons. The Land of Shadows would essentially remain the same as an equivalent to limbo as souls who were not truly vile or great sinners would wander there. The leftover of Kur would essentially be where the souls on the neutral beings would reside, with minor adjustments to add things like water and food so they may have a simple but easy going afterlife. We then developed a level of torment for those deserving of it, which involved constructing some psychological tortures inspired by the Lucifer tv show instead of going fire and pitchforks on people. And finally a place of recompense for the Good which involves a lot of indulgence, and even a special place for 'heroes' and worthy warriors in the vain of the Elysian Fields mixed with Valhalla since I doubted warriors would be happy without at least a good fight or drink once in a while.

With the help of Di Vinci, Scáthach and Ereshkigal herself, we also created artificial servants to oversee most of the tasks required to keep things running.

We even took stock of the leftover divine and semi-divine spirits which Scáthach had been the warden of. I had quite a few ideas for them, but it would have to wait until I lay down the ground work properly.

For now we were testing to see if we could actually tie either my people or at least the devils on my land to this new afterlife. Because if it succeeded I would actually help my people believe in and fight for my name much more if they knew something came after it. The thought of simply ending after death is a rather scary one even if most of us never think about it due to our great lifespans.

Beyond that we were having Ereshkigal go to agricultural and mining related places in my territories to see if we could have the belief of others that she is associated with these things increase her powers like fusing the two realms did. This being a more long term project, but Ereshkigal has been enjoying herself a lot as she helps others and enjoys the freedom to roam these lands.

It might not be the human world, but it's already a lot a better than the dreary Kur. And it helps that she doesn't always have to be in the new Remnant now that I've modified her link to the realm and Scáthach was also there.

I still haven't heard anything about Enkidu, but I was sure it was somewhere either observing me or my lands.

Beyond our two newest members living in my castle, I was also starting a more independent project with Da Vinci regarding the creation of a true homunculi race which could serve as both agents in the human world and population here.

It was based on her research when she was creating her own body and mixed with various pieces about the soul and mind.

In the end we decided that we simply didn't have the time to devote ourselves completely to it and looked for someone suitable to run such a long term project.

Unfortunately no one suited our criteria, well who wouldn't need intensive brainwashing and not bringing a bunch of eyes on us from others anyways, so we began looking at humans involved in the supernatural world.

Only after carefully searching, and some 'polite questioning', did we find an old magician family which had an obsession with creating new life by the name of Einzbern in what would later be Germany.

The Einzbern family was an old one in Europeans circles, but one which was dying as not many members were left as they either never focused on their own personal power, had no alliances to help support them or generally had no backers from the humans or devils. The humans either saw this pursuit as a waste of time when they could attempt to become the next Merlin or gain more power, and if the church caught wind of them they would be hunted down as heretics of the highest order for playing God or performing some manner of sacrilege, while the devils couldn't see the use in human like puppets when there were perfectly useable humans aplenty.

So when Da Vinci and I approached the old family head by the name of Jubstacheit von Einzbern, offering him quite the devil's contract, he jumped at the chance.

He became even more certain about his decision when he heard about the Ultimate-class Devil who would ensure his family's safety and of his squad of high-classes. It also helped that I had somehow become rather infamous amongst humans for some reason, appearing as an enigmatic Devil who killed a Satan, married another and was simply rarely heard from or seen.

Apparently other devils avoid mentioning me unless necessary and other factions couldn't spy on me due to my counter-intelligence precautions and security measures.

Now as for the Einzberns, in exchange for research notes, materials and their security, they would aim to produce a true artificial life form as the first goal.

Should they succeed, their contract would then be extended to aim a step further.

But should they betray their contract, their blood would be removed from this earth and everything they have would become ours. Their very souls would be sent to Remnant as they suffered not under God's punishment, but mine.

This would be Da Vinci's contract as she would be the main supervisor for this project.

Our initial timeline was success in around 25 years judging from how far they had reached based on their own efforts. And it would take that long mainly because Jubstacheit would be crafting an unknowingly inferior version of Da Vinci's new body in his own image to live longer. This version had limited strength and was difficult to produce, hence we weren't afraid of anyone trying to mass produce them to make a quick army. Plus there was a few hidden kill switches.

I was not stupid enough to forget the short-sightedness of basically any intelligent race, especially humans. So a tight leash would be held on the Einzbern family as they work on this project.

We give them the path to their family's long desired goal and in return they are our researchers. An exchange I would make sure they do not forget should they grow complacent.

While things we going quite well overall with the arrivals of Scáthach and Ereshkigal, it was unfortunately time to say goodbye to two long time residents as they would embark on their journey: Yasaka and Tamamo.

The two had prepared everything they would need and had reached an impressive level of strength. In all honesty, I believe that they would trample on most youkai and if some could offer the two a suitable battle, they would reach Satan-class without a doubt. These two are nine-tailed foxes blessed by gods, aided by great devils and trained from their teenage years, they will not fail.

I have absolute trust these two would succeed.

So tonight we decided to hold a celebration in their honor and to express our well wishes and some of the sadness of separation.

Even I was feeling reluctant to send these two off.

Tamamo was like a naughty sister to me and Serafall's closest friend. She tended to liven any place she was present in and brought much joy.

While Yasaka was one of my dearest friends as we would always enjoy a moments peace together, as if the world couldn't intrude on us when we enjoyed some tea together or gazed at gardens. She also helped the girls in my peerage and was a great friend to them as well as a mediating figure at times.

"Waaah! Why do you have to go Mamo-chan?! I still have so many inventions to prank people!" The plastered Da Vinci cried as she clung dramatically to Tamamo.

'So that's where she's been getting those things.' I briefly thought as I could never find anyone who could make them and they simply weren't in Da Vinci's style nor had anything indicating it was her work.

Not like I really investigated since it was all harmless and brought smiles instead of tears.

"I have to go Vinci-chan! I can't let my baby sister go alone, but I will always treasure our bond as fellow pranksters!" The fox girl replied as she hugged the inventor.

Those two drinking together never ended well as Da Vinci likes to strip and Tamamo likes to grope.

"Kyaaa~ Mamo-chan~ how bold~" Da Vinci called out playfully as she… *sigh* she already had her tits out.

"Mana, if you could." I said to the best little sister.

"Of course Nii-sama." She dutifully replied as electricity crackled between her fingers.


The two comically jumped as Mana zapper Tamamo's tail and Da Vinci's nipple.

"Mou, Mana-chan, why the tail?" Tamamo complained as she tenderly brushed her static filled tail.

"Because we would all like to enjoy this party without nudity." Mana cooly answered as she turned away.

"To think such stimulation could come from an electric shock… how wonderful." Da Vinci muttered until she jumped off the ground. "Mana-chan! Shock me again!"

Most of us just deadpanned at the request and ignored her until Scáthach mercilessly bonked her unconscious with a single hit from her spear.

"Much appreciated Scáthach nee-sama." Mana said as she gestured with her drink.

"Fufu, no problem Mana-chan." My Queen responded as they clinked glasses and enjoyed their drinks.

"Is it alright to leave Vinci-chan on the floor like that?" Serafall asked as Da Vinci lay on the ground with her tits out.

"Meh, not like she would stop if she was awake." I answered with a shrug as I knew her curiosity could get the better at times.

"Then I guess I'll go help Mamo-chan deal with her tail." She said as she made a brush appear from her storage ring.

'She does enjoy brushing Tamamo's tail. Didn't think it was enough for her to have her own brush for it.' I thought as the two sat down so Tamamo could enjoy getting brushed and Sera hummed as she did the brushing.

"Yasaka-dono!" A plastered Musashi suddenly yelled out as she stumbled by me with some saké in hand.

"What is it Musashi-chan?" A slightly startled Yasaka asked as she wasn't used to dealing with this Musashi.

Although Yasaka enjoys a drink once in a while, she doesn't go out for one often. Most time simply having a bottle of saké in the open air bath she had requested be built or on the anniversary of her and Tamamo's parents death.

"Why must you leave? I have only gotten to know you. *hic*" Musashi drunkenly asked.

"Although I wish to spend more time here amongst all you wonderful people and Lith-sama, I must fulfill my own duties and uphold promises." Yasaka answered with a bit of a sad smile.

"But I still had so much to learn from you! Your elegance and strength are to be admired! *Hic*" The sword user bemoaned.

Musashi wasn't wrong to admire her over those around me, especially due to Yasaka's Japanese sensibilities and roots.

Although she came in as a cute teenager, Yasaka has bloomed the most out of all those in my house over the years, looking a lot more like her canon counterpart now.

Her face changed into an elegant beauty's as her shining golden eyes displayed warmth and acceptance to those she cared for, her hair did not have the ornaments she later had but was tied in a loose ponytail as some of her blonde hair framed her face. Her body had become nearly as bodacious as canon, but with less of a mature feel and more of a seductress as she hadn't fully matured without Kunou bringing a motherly attribute to her. Yasaka wore a bit of a different outfit than canon as she still chose a yellow kimono, but with magatama patterns, while her breasts weren't nearly as close to popping out and she dressed much more modestly. She also kept her ears and nine tails out with pride, but generally gave off the feeling of a young housewife or noblewoman as her face usually bore a gentle smile.

"Thank you Musashi-chan. I will miss enjoying talking to you as well. Now come here and give me a hug." Yasaka replied as she brought Musashi into her bosom.

They weren't about to pop out like canon, but they were still too big to really hide away so Musashi's face was buried in a rather wonderful place as Yasaka calmed her down.

"How are you feeling Jeanne? I know you have been rather close to Yasaka." I asked the silent woman as she drank a bit glumly.

"I'm a bit sad, but it's not like it's goodbye forever. We can always go to visit since it's not like you have a bad relationship with the Shinto gods and once Yasaka has all those Youkai under her thumb I doubt she will permit anyone from speaking badly of you or us." Jeanne answered rather logically even if she felt a bit bad that she won't be seeing her friend as often.

"True, but I'd prefer not making any trouble for her." I replied as I thought about the general reception of devils.

"Some trouble from time to time keeps things interesting." Jeanne responded with a shrug.

"Depends on the trouble." I quietly said as I took a sip from my drink.

"True, but trouble from weaklings just lets you know which ones to keep an eye on." Jeanne replied with a bit of a sadistic smile.

"Heh, you learnt well from those lessons you hate." I said to her as my own slightly sinister smile broke out for a moment.

"I had a good teacher." Jeanne casually shrugged.

We clinked our own glasses with knowing smiles and enjoyed the rest of the night as Yasaka and Tamamo's favorites were all rolled out tonight.

When the night came to an end, Serafall asked for a walk through the gardens before turning in, which I would never turn down as I did my best to make sure my wife knew I still cared and loved her after so long.

We then returned to our room in a bit of a rush once Serafall began dragging me in a hurry. I thought it was because she suddenly became excited to have some fun.

But imagine my surprise when someone was waiting in our room.

"Yasaka." I said aloud as the deeply blushing woman stared at us with wide eyes. "What are you doing?"

Unlike when I saw her earlier, this time she was on my marital bed wearing only a thin white Yukata which hung loosely on her body and her hair was loose and still slightly damp.

"Well you see Lith-sama, I, I mean Serafall-sama and I, um-" Yasaka was a blushing mess as she tried to explain until Serafall cut in.

"Don't be made at her honey, I planned this." She admitted as she looked up at me with expectant eyes.

"But why? You know what I think about this." I asked her out of confusion. "I don't want to hurt either of you."

"Because I don't want to watch you two hurt." Serafall answered emotionally as I looked at her with even greater confusion.

"Lith, I love you, more than I've ever loved anyone, and you don't know how happy I've been having you in my life and you being faithful even though very few nobles don't have harems and much less a few lovers.

But Yasaka is my friend and she loves you and I know the reason you don't love her back is because of me and whatever excuse you're making, and I don't want her to lose the person she loved for so long when we could all be happy." Serafall quickly explained as she basically pleaded me with her eyes.

"But Sera." I tried to say.

"No buts! I want all of us to be happy and I know you can make both me and Yasaka the happiest!" She stubbornly said.

"Please Lith-sama. Am I so unworthy?" A tearful Yasaka asked as she placed her hands over her heart.

"No, it's the opposite. I didn't want you to suffer by loving someone who couldn't be by your side everyday like you deserved." I truthfully answered as Sera hugged me tightly.

"I don't care about that! I just want to know I have a place in Lith-sama's heart! So please, don't reject the feelings I've held for so long!" Yasaka almost desperately replied as she stood up and hugged me as well, with tears running down her face.

"Please make her happy like you did for me Lith. Yasaka is already like a sister to me, so I am fine with this as long as you don't forget me." Serafall followed up as I had two beauties looking at me expectantly.

"I would never forget you Sera." I emotionally said, "And as long as you are aware of the sacrifices which will come with it, I can accept you as well Yasa."

"As long as I know I am in your heart, I will be able to withstand anything with just that." Yasaka answered with great determination and relief.

I first gave Serafall a soft but meaningful kiss of appreciation before turning to a very emotional Yasaka.

"Then from now, you are mine Yasaka." I declared as I took her full lips.

The kiss was intense as some flavors from saké and saltiness from her shed tears mixed with the light fruity taste she had.

It grew passionate as she wrapped her arms around my neck and we pulled each other closer. Only separating after a few minutes, leaving the golden fox breathing heavily in excitement and looking dazed as she touched her lips.

"Me too!" Serafall declared as she came in for her own kiss, letting Yasaka recover from the experience. "How tasty you are Yasa-chan."

That last line was something which comes from a Serafall who's switch had been flipped.

See I never knew what Sin Serafall really fell under until we started having a real sexual relationship, but it turned out that it was lust. It might also explain why she became such a big sis-con in canon as her Sin influenced the only strong love she had ever really experienced and slightly blurred the lines of familial love.

But after her first time Serafall became rather enamored with sex, to the point that even after so long we have at least one round in the morning and one at night. She even pops in sometimes, or asks me to pop in, during the day to have a quickie. To the point that we've had sex pretty much everywhere in the castle and her work, while having a couple outings in the city, some in the sky, one time in an actual church, a few times at her parent's place, and more than a few in various public spaces as I use my powers to have no one see us.

She has an exhibitionist fetish and mild masochist tendencies, while I enjoy being in control so being the Sadist in the relationship works well for me.

"Let's find out how tasty." I said as we both turned to the rather nervous fox whose tails were swishing behind her.

I then approached before she could reply and picked her as I kissed her passionately, carrying her to the master bed as she unconsciously wrapped her well trained but still soft legs around my waist.

Serafall quickly followed as she stripped of her clothing with haste and helped me get rid of mine as I saw to Yasaka.

The fox woman quickly started moaning during our heated kiss as our tongues danced around each other's, her's losing against a much more experienced one as my hands felt her well developed body. I gently but firmly groped her rather massive breasts, causing her to moan loudly in my mouth as she squirmed in pleasure. I felt her soft stomach, her full ass which had my fingers sink in even with all the power i knew she could muster out of it, her smooth thighs and back up to her bountiful breasts.

Only once I separated from her did I saw the completely out of it Yasaka laying on my marital bed as her yukata was almost completely off, barely covering her heaving mountains or her bare garden as I noticed she wasn't wearing any panties either.

Meanwhile Serafall was furiously playing with herself at the sight of the usually elegant and proper Yasaka looking so lewd and my own chiseled body and massive erection after this bit of fun.

I gave her a fierce kiss of appreciation, which caused the naughty girl to arch her back before she looked at me and said: "Focus on her for now. It's her first time."

With a nod and loving look, I turned to the still dazed Yasaka.

I then gently grasped the small piece of fabric still holding her yukata together and pulled it off, then slowly undressing her fully as those massive tits came into view, displaying the peach colored peaks standing in attention, next was the smooth garden down bellow, hidden between those soft thighs as a clear flow of her honey poured out in excitement.

With a quick kiss, I made my way downward, causing her to moan out loud as I took her nipple out my mouth and began to tease one with my tongue and the other with my hand, causing her to squeeze my head into them further as I was enveloppes in pure softness.

"How enviable." I heard Serafall mutter as she squeezed her own perky breasts and compared herself to the incredibly well endowed Yasaka.

She wasn't small, having very nice and perky breasts, but Yasaka was simply too powerful a foe for her to compare to in this field.

I decided to reward the girl by using my [Space] to open a portal and allow my hand appear above her needy pussy, which began my fingering as I started to gently ease Yasaka's virgin hole with my other one, causing both beautiful women to begin moaning incredibly seductively as the pleasure grew.

Serafall was fully intending on enjoying this without shame as she moaned loudly, but Yasaka was both a virgin and had been taught Japanese values hence tried to keep as quiet as possible.

"Let it all out Yasa. Let me hear your beautiful voice." I heatedly told her as my ministrations increased in intensity.

"Mmn, But it's, ahhn, embarrassing. Mmm!" She said as she did her best to hold her moans in, which really tickled my sadistic side, but I held that back to make this about her tonight.

"But I love your moans Yasa. Let me hear how good I am making feel. Let yourself enjoy all of this. You deserve it all after all." I passionately told her as I targeted her G-spot and made her breath hitch as she came then and there as I felt her insides tighten around my fingers and her back lifted off the bed as she clenched her teeth to hold her moans in.

"Cummiinnng!" Serafall declared as she squirted wildly at the sight before and my own hand pushing her hard enough.

'She might have a slight cuckquean inclinations. That orgasm was stronger than that time during mass in England.' I thought as I remembered that particular 'holy water' being tainted.

Not waiting for Yasaka to focus, I spread open her legs and decided to see if there was a taste difference.

"Aah!" Yasaka exclaimed as she felt my tongue caress her folds and her full thighs squeezed my head on instinct.

"Just let me take care of it." I gently told her as I have a small lick.

'A bit less sweet than Serafall's.' I thought.

"But it's dirty." Yasaka weakly said in embrassement.

"Then how about you reciprocate?" I thought as I shifted my position and hers so that we were on our sides, but now my groin was in front her face, with my erect dick displayed in full glory.

"Kya! So-so big." She slightly fearfully said as she looked at my tool in a trance.

"Don't be scared Yasa-chan. That is the thing that will make you a woman. Lith's woman. You have to love it." Serafall said to her as she appeared behind her and grasped my cock.

I didn't wait for them and started to eat out the foxy lady in front of me.

"W-what am I supposed to do?" Yasaka asked the more experienced woman.

"First gently use you hand and start to stroke it up and down like this." Serafall demonstrated, "then gather some saliva in your mouth and bring the tip to your lips as you bring it in at your own pace as you coat it with your saliva. Then as you move up and down, keeping your lips closed and breathing through your nose, you start using your tongue to play with it inside your mouth."

"*Groan* As good as always Sera." I said without looking, knowing that naughty little mouth far too well.

Too bad she wasn't demonstrating her deep throat due to this being Yasaka's first time. Now that is suction.

"*Pop* And be careful about your teeth." Serafall said as she passed the baton over with a piece of advice.

"O-ok." Yasaka said as she did her best to mimic the more experienced woman.

I could feel her much clumsier attempts as Yasaka did her best to take my rather daunting cock into her mouth.

It was a nostalgic experience as I recalled Serafall's first encounter with oral sex, but Yasaka's mouth was bigger as she had less difficulty getting the first few inches in as she tried her find her rhythm.

Serafall not wanting to be excluded, decided that she was on ball duty as she began to lather my nuts with her tongue, aiding Yasaka in her efforts.

I redoubled my own efforts as I extended my tongue to hit all of Yasaka's sweet spots, causing her to moan wildly around my cock, while I played with both of Sera's holes with enlarged and extended bendy fingers.

'[Space] for the win.' I thought with a grin before focusing again.

By the time Yasaka was nearing another Orgasm, the two had brought me to the edge of my own as I heard Serafall tell her partner to not give up and to speed up as Yasaka bobbed her head on my cock furiously until I twitched and erupted, causing her to be caught by surprise over her first experience with cum.

It didn't help that as soon as some of it landed on her face due to having pulled back, she came as well.

Serafall took up the slack as she gulped down everything else with relish. She even began lapping up whatever was on the tranced Yasaka's face before she did something incredibly erotic, she kissed Yasaka deeply as she shared her bounty with the girl who went with it out of confusion.

The fox only realized what had happened after they separated and she had swallowed my cum, blushing fiercely as she looked between Serafall and I, but i didn't let her think too much as I pushed her down and gave her a kiss.

"Are you ready Yasa?" I asked her as those words made her completely focus on me.

With a look of realization as my cock hovered above her soaking wet pussy, she shyly nodded as I brought her closer and finally took her for my own.

"Ngh!" Was the only thing which escaped the newly crowned woman as she officially lost her virginity.

She didn't bleed much due to her tearing her hymen during training, but she was incredibly tight and her arms and legs wrapped around me in nervousness and slight pain as my girth made its way into her.

I kissed her warmly as Serafall did her best to help by going for Yasaka's nipples, helping the fox woman to get through her deflowering pains much quicker as I received a look to signal I could start moving.

Taking things slowly as I gently but deeply thrusted into her, Yasaka gradually became more accustomed to my cock as her body relaxed and she began to enjoy the pleasure sex could bring.

"Mmm, ahh ahhh, yes." She began to moan erotically as being double teamed on her first time broke her out of her shell from the pleasure.

She turned out to have a very different pussy than Serafall as she had a deeper one which softly pulled me in while my wife had a very energetic pussy which squirmed around my cock as it attempted to milk me constantly.

Now seeing Yasaka feeling pleasured, I picked up the pace as I began knocking on her womb, causing my fox to moan out loudly from the new pleasure.

"So deep! Sooo Good!" She exclaimed lewdly.

Seeing how much she loved it, I took her into my arms and stood up, now using her own weight to hammer against her depth as she began moan like an animal.

I felt both of us getting closer and closer as the minutes passed, until she was right a the edge and suddenly bit my shoulder her channeled her energy through it and took some of mine as the both of us came.

I filled her womb with everything I had while her entire body squeezed me tightly as if she wanted everything.

Once her orgasm stopped she also stopped biting me, and as I lay down the heavily breathing fox woman I heard Serafall gasp a bit as she looked at my collarbone.

I turned around and faced a mirror to find a little golden magatama.

"Hehe, my mate." Yasaka said as Serafall and I turned to see her lovingly stroking a similar mark above her heart but in a shifting purple and black.

"No fair! I want one too!" Serafall complained as she understood what the symbol was.

"You have a ring, so it's only fair I have this." Yasaka replied as she snapped out of her admiration for the new crest.

"Then I get to fuck Lith now! And the first baby!" My spoiled wife declared as she hurriedly mounted my still very hard cock.

That started a new round as a surprisingly energetic Yasaka began to heatedly compete against Serafall, only for us to quickly discover she was using senjutsu to recover from her rounds.

The rest of the night continued as I even extended our time so the two would be able to get their fill and still sleep as much as they wanted afterward.

Yasaka was trying to get nearly 100 years worth and then some since she won't be able to get much until she unified the youkai, while Serafall was just a lot hornier than usual due to us having a third.

In the end we went for about 25h before the two passed out and I quickly cleaned the sheets, air and their bodies with some magic before laying down between them and enjoying the two beauties in my arms.

And for whoever wonders how one can stay active so long, well we are all incredibly powerful even if Yasaka hasn't broken through Satan-class yet, and she isn't the only one who can use Senjutsu.

When morning actually came, Serafall woke up with a pep in her step since it had been a while since we had a marathon like that, not needing her morning ride as she headed for the bathroom for a shower. While Yasaka woke up and blushed as soon as she remembered everything that happened last night, then smiled warmly as she noticed our magatama.

"Morning Yasa. How are you feeling? We went a bit wild for your first time?" I asked gently as I took her hand.

"Good morning Shujin! Although I feel a bit embarrassed, I am very happy." Yasaka responded with a radiant smile as she looked at me sweetly. (Shujin is an older form for husband which has the same meaning/root for the word master. Patriarchal society is the reason for the common root.)

"That's good. Now let me help you to the bath then we can go have a meal to fill you up." I said to her as I got up.

"Fufufu. I think you filled me up enough last night shujin." She mischievously replied as her fox nature came out.

She might be the most elegant of those around me, but she also likes to tease as her nature as a fox hasn't changed.

But she soon discovered why I was trying to help her get to the bathroom as she attempted to stand up from the bed but her legs nearly collapsed from under her.

"I can still fill you up plenty Okusan (wife)." I heatedly replied which made her blush. "But for now a nice bath."

I picked her up in a princess carry and brought her to the bathroom where Serafall was already enjoying as she hummed.

I then pampered Yasaka as I washed her voluptuous body with my own hands, something which she reciprocated when she spoke her desire to do the same.

Let's just say I can kind of understand those Soap Lands once I felt those soap covered mounds against my back. And even more so when Serafall joined out of curiosity and her own soapy body began rubbing against me.

It did lead to a few more rounds before we hoped into the tub, but [Time] is a useful thing.

We finally reached the dinning room where everyone gave knowing smiles as a lightly limping Yasaka with a newfound radiance came in hanging off my left arm as Serafall was on my right.

The blushing Yasaka was quickly accosted by her sister and even Jeanne as they began asking questions while a bashful Yasaka answered. Tamamo even squealed in happiness as she noticed her sister's magatama. While this happened, most ladies had an ear out using their superhuman senses to hear the conversation out of curiosity, except for Da Vinci who was openly taking notes and Musashi who preferred to stuff herself.

All good things had to come to an end however as Tamamo and Yasaka prepared to depart.

I would send them to Amaterasu, and from there the two would first gather youkai clans still loyal to the Nine-tails and then work their way up from their.

I was going to be subtly supporting them as I had very generous 'contracts' ready to give medicine and arms should they need it, as well as any supplies. It was basically the lowest price I could give without them becoming upset about me giving them too much or youkais later becoming suspicious.

"I will miss you Shujin." Yasaka emotionally said as we shared a kiss.

"So will I. But I am only a thought away for you my little sun." I fondly replied as I used a little nickname I often used when she was a teenager.

With a blush she nodded in understanding and the two of us separated with some reluctance.

Just getting together and separating wasn't a great feeling. So I would definitely visit her sneakily now that she was mine. No way was I going to wait months or years while she feels lonely.

With one last look, she walked through the portal and joined her sister, with me closing it behind her.

"I hope we can visit soon." Serafall said with a sad look on her face.

"I think we all do." I replied as the girls nodded before each went out to do their own thing, while Scáthach joined me so I could do today's work.

It would take some time, but we would have to get used to their absence.

During the following week the absence of our resident foxes was still obviously felt, but at least thanks to the rings I had given to them before their departure we could all still talk relatively often. That helped the girls a lot.

Meanwhile Serafall was beginning to prepare a place for that northern elemental spirit village she had talked to me about and said she might get her first peerage member out of it. That was rather exciting news.

But what really came as a surprise after this week was that I suddenly felt a weak being with an extremely high affinity for [Space/time] attempt to pass the initial barrier I had set up around my lands while its signature was being tracked by other slightly stronger beings who only had one amongst them with a limited connection to [Space].

Out of curiosity towards these weak beings capable of traveling between space enough to visit a world/reality not their own, since I could immediately tell they didn't come from this universe and weren't nearly strong enough to make me think about that ExE nonsense, and the fact that nothing else stopped them from coming here which meant they were intended to be here, were too weak to do shit, somehow could hide from beings like Great Red which I doubted since I felt them, or because someone like that Golden concept of Death wanted them here, I allowed them to appear in the training yard.

It was a toss up between probabilities 1 & 2, with 4 as a hopeful no since I don't really want to be involved in beings of that level anytime soon.

But as I appeared in the training yard, the 'guests' opened a greenish wormhole as a unicorn came out with an adolescent girl with ashen-Grey hair on its back. The unicorn had quite an interesting connection to [space] and possibly some aspects of time, but it was almost hyper focused into world travelling and sight, near useless in combat. The girl on the other hand incredible potential which would likely match my children or maybe my unfree self after freeing her talents in it.

The unicorn's eyes widened in great surprise as it looked at me while the girl was desperately clinging to its mane and only noticed my presence after the two passed me.

"Run!" She desperately yelled out as she turned her eyes in fear to the wormhole.

'Seems she's from a universe with English. How convenient.' I thought with some amusement.

Then come out a multitude of ice covered quadrupedal beasts bringing with them a magical frost and snow, galloping riders wearing skull themed armor following after them as these things suddenly made something click in my brain as I turn towards the girl riding a unicorn and then back at these fools charging towards me with murderous intent clear for all to feel.

'Is that Ciri from the Witcher?' I thought I complete surprise as I absentmindedly crushed the entire space those bugs inhabited, closed the portal and then reinforced space.

My peerage members appeared almost instantly, ready for battle but only finding a girl on a unicorn and the leftover spatial disturbances from my attack due to the ones I assume were the Wild Hunt not actually using their real bodies since they suck too much in Space magic and are fucking cowards in my eyes.

'Bunch of fucking highborn Marauders who look down on others and feel big from attacking and enslaving defenseless people in surprise attacks.' I thought as I remembered their M.O.

"Nii-sama. Who is she?" Mana questioned as she beside the Unicorn with one of her guns pointed at its head.

The poor beast could feel death around itself instinctively right now.

"What caused you to act Lith?" Scáthach asked out of curiosity as she clearly felt how weak the girl before us was, even if she had quite the connection to some magic energies.

"Mostly curiosity, and the ones I attacked were actually a band of multiverse wondering slavers who think far too highly about themselves just because no one has bothered to put them in check.

They came for her due to a special ability she inherited and wanting to either use her a breeding mare to make babies which could allow for them to travel to different worlds to pillage or to make her do it for them." I explained nonchalantly as a young Ciri looked at me with great caution and was trying to look secretive as she tried to find a way to escape.

"What what kind of power would allow that?" Da Vinci asked as her curiosity was peaked and she looked at the girl.

"My powers, only much weaker due to no one in her world or theirs having any idea how to actually train them to their full potential or even understand them properly." I derisively answered, "It astounds me how they think having an innate gift in [Space/time] only allows someone to travel between worlds, teleport or reverse time a bit. We can craft entire universes."

"You can travel between worlds!?" A nearly twinkling Da Vinci asked as she now focused on me.

"Yes but I have no desire to mess with beings who would not look too kindly in my interference without cause." I seriously as Da Vinci gulped when she saw the look in my eyes. "There are beings far more powerful than Great Red, and the only reason this girl, that species of unicorn and those slavers aren't simply taken out of existence is because they are far too weak, because they were permitted to travel between those worlds, or because they were fated to do so. Maybe some combination of the three."

Da Vinci was smart enough to understand the underlying words of 'not traveling between unless strong enough.'

"' How could you possibly know this? We know nothing of what you speak of.'" The apparently insulted unicorn spoke out through its mind.

"Because I've spoken to one and it talked about playing with universes like it was a easy and traded them around like their were cards." I seriously answered, shutting it up very quickly.

"We cannot do anything more about it now than we could before we knew, so let us forget about these beings and focus on the girl." Scáthach declared as she brought back everyone's focus to our guests.

"Is she going to be a problem?" Jeanne asked as she glared a bit.

"No. Honestly they are only here because I allowed them to be and neither would be able to leave unless I allowed it." I answered with a shrug.

"Why did you allow them entry Lith?" Scáthach asked out of curiosity.

"They were the first beings from a different universe which had made it here and they were weak, so I grew curious. Turns out they were from a universe I knew of." I answered my queen.

"I am not weak!" The young Ciri angrily spoke out as she glared at me intensely.

"Girl, beyond your ability to run away and teleport, your fighting skills put you above ordinary people and a good amount of soldiers, but you are now in a world where gods still walk the lands and stand amongst beings who could kill them." I responded with some amusement at just how far out of her depth she is right now.

"Too bad Ereshkigal isn't here at the moment." Da Vinci commented.

"It would have been interesting." Mana admitted.

"Grr. So what are you going to do to me then?" She asked defiantly as she looked ready to fight to the death.

"Nothing." I simply answered.

"Nothing!? But you know I have the Elder Blood!" She exclaimed out in disbelief.

"And I also have better." I replied as I opened dozens of portals to various worlds and dimensions I know for a fact I could go to without any sort of backlash.

I might have slightly lied to Da Vinci, but that was so she won't constantly annoy me to take her to different worlds when she hasn't even come close to finishing learning about this one. I also don't want Musashi to ask me find places for her to fight people.

The show made my peerage members look rather curious, but Ciri and the Unicorn were in shock and awe.

I then closed the portals and looked at her with a slightly smug smile and a raised eyebrow.

"You can't even control your own power while I can and stand above almost all in this world. And honestly, I have seen multiple timelines of your world and none of them have shown me you having even the actual basics of your abilities learnt, much less mastered." I told her as she looked at me with a lot less hostility even if she felt challenged and had stubbornness in her eyes instead, "So I was wondering what would happen if I taught you what all those so called sorceresses and sages thought they could?"

"Are you offering to teach me?" An uncertain Ciri asked as she blinked in surprise.

"I guess I am. It'll be interesting to see how far someone other than me can reach and it'll help give me some experience teaching this stuff before my kids are born." I answered casually as I thought about some benefits.

"What do you want in return?" She guardedly asked.

"Not sure. At the moment I am thinking it would be fun to watch you beat those Wild Hunt fools to the ground though. You have nothing to offer me and your world is depressing and has far less to offer than this one, so I can't even think of a way for you to actually repay me. But think of it as a whim.

I will live for thousands of years, so spending a few on you won't be a big deal and it's not like i cannot waste a bit of money on housing someone. Especially after two of our longtime residents left recently." I responded honestly to the girl.

"What happened to them?" She asked as if we did something horrible to them.

"The two had some duties to fulfill now that they became strong enough to face their foes, so in essence they are kind of like you." I answered with a smile at how similar their circumstances can be considered.

She took some time thinking as she discussed thing telepathically with the unicorn.

We could all intercept that conversation, but we all just waited.

"If Ihuarraquax can stay then I'll give you a chance." Ciri carefully answered.

From what I knew about her she had a tendency to be impulsive, headstrong, rather angry due to her life so far and her being a teenager, and not trusting easily. So she was definitely planing to run away if trouble was brewing and she found a chance.

Not that she had any chance of succeeding if I didn't allow her, but that wouldn't exactly stop her even if she knew.

"No problem. I actually already have a Unicorn by the name of Sigil in my castle grounds. He's a lot stronger than this one but has an honest character." I replied easily.

Ihuarraquax seemed insulted again, but I don't really care. The only reason I'm even caring about Ciri is because she really stuck to me as a character as I played the games and she came to me.

"Alright then girls, we have a new guest." I declared as all the girls put away any sort of weapon or aura they were unleashing.

"A pleasure to have you child. But introductions are necessary for those of us who can't see other universes." Scáthach calmly said as she approached Ciri and offered her a hand getting down from the unicorn.

"Ciri. Just Ciri." She answered as she jumped down.

"Well then Ciri, welcome to Azure, capital of House Azaroth of the Underworld." Mana said as she approached the girl.

"The Underworld!?" Ciri loudly exclaimed.



Yes I brought in Ciri for the Witcher. And no I'm not going multiverse on this as this is the only other world I am planing on bringing anyone from, and even then probably only Geralt, Yen and Triss since those are pretty much the only people Ciri cares about.

She is not going to join the peerage… yet. Kinda spoiling, but you don't bring Ciri in to not have her become a peerage member. And yes that means Witcher 3 events are going to be a bit fucked, but we won't really see much of it.

Now as for the general timeline for her. At the moment she is around 15-16, this being after Geralt and Yen technically died due to an event called a Pogrom, racist mob killing everything not basic human, but Ciri brought them back using a time aspect of her powers when under extreme emotional distress.

There's about two years in her world until Geralt is forced to become part of the Wild Hunt and Ciri has to get him out, Starting Witcher 2, with another two-three years after that to start Witcher 3 if my understanding of things isn't completely wrong.

I will be modifying things here and there to fit this Ciri better, but it will generally be the same Ciri.

As for Yasaka, yes she is now a lover and has chosen her mate.

She won't get pregnant for a while, meaning Canon or maybe even a bit ahead of it.

She is going to go do her own thing, which will allow Lith to do some more stuff in the human world due to having a good relationship with both the Youkai and Shinto, thus not having to really care about the 5 clans in Japan.

And yes I brought in the Einzbern family as bit of extra Fate thrown in since they matched an idea I had for the artificial humans. There won't be any Grail wars, but I might be able to swing a few more heroes with fate style using this, but it will be from a limited stock and they will be modified to fit DxD.

I have a few other plans for little bits of fun here and there, but mostly in Japan since Lith will have strong roots there.

Hope you enjoyed my two surprises.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

I keep making these really long chapters somehow, but they’re also every two days so it kinda balances.

Anyway, we have the sexy and badass Ciri joining in.

I thought it would interesting to have someone else who has similar powers to Lith joining up and having him teach them.

Ciri then came to mind since her powers were never fully explored and it would be fun to have one of my favorite characters.

So her being here is mostly for me. Hence why this is a fanfiction.


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