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17.56% Highschool DxD: A New Satan / Chapter 9: Ch. 9 Joining the Anti-Satan faction

Capítulo 9: Ch. 9 Joining the Anti-Satan faction

A calm had swept through the Underworld in the days following the attempt against House Phenex for supporting the Anti-Satan faction.

All notable members of this conflict were doing their best to figure just who Lith Azaroth is and from where did his apparent House with an actual military force appear.

And most pressingly: How strong is he truly?

In the span of a few hours he had caused massives waves in the Underworld by taking only two actions: Instantly killing a Beelzebub descendant without two high ranking Lords even understanding how, and creating a portal from who knows where big enough to bring his army through.

That second one was something most lords were much more concerned about than the first.

But only Ajuka Astaroth realized that Lith Azaroth had apparently managed to harm a strong devil from a distance, without the use of a magic circle. He had made sure to question the two lords about this and their answers confirmed that what this new Lord Azaroth had shown so far was most likely the tip of the ice.

Unfortunately he had no true proof of this, hence he kept quiet and began trying to figure the young man out.

-Capital of the Underworld Lucifaad, Castle of Satans, Meeting Hall of the four.

Inside this oppressive meeting room stood a semi-circular table with four intricately carved thrones representing each of the four Satans. This place is used for official meetings between Satans and as a place for them to hold audiences with other devils.

But like it had basically been for the last hundred years, only three of the four seats had been filled as the Lucifer title has always been rejected by its heir.

"So you mean to tell me some unknown trash killed a member of my family and those disgusting muscle-heads betrayed us?" A furious Bidleid Beelzebub said towards the Fleurety commander who had led the assault on the Phenex.

He had done everything he could, but when one faces three armies suddenly attacking you and the arrival of two ultimate-class threats, it becomes hard for a single high-class devil with an already tired army to do anything.

Not that the Satans really cared about the army itself, only the lost of a 'true devil' and their face in the matter due to an unknown devil actually challenging their people. A random being lower than a tool had the gall to challenge the authority of the Satans.

"Now now Bidleid, it's the not man's fault that those rock men betrayed us and he lost. Although pathetic, numbers can still overwhelm true devils after all or else the so-called pillars would have served us no purpose." Tsufaame Leviathan said as she turned her attention to the very fearful man before them, "But what do you have to say about this new toy?"

"We do not know Lady Leviathan. I've asked the other Houses if they had ever seen the crest they used, but no one had an answer. The only clue was that he, or most likely his people, had the means to create a large enough portal to bring an entire army through." The Fleurety commander hurriedly explained as he very much wished to not anger the Satans and die.

"Is it the Abaddon?" A slightly curious Damaidosu Asmodeus asked since their clan trait was [Hole] after all.

"No my Lord Asmodeus. We checked and they do not possess such a powerful ability to create portals nor such an army.

In fact, they actually stated to be ready to pledge their loyalty to the great Satans." The Fleurety commander answered quickly.

He had in fact looked into things in the hopes of finding anything which could help his chances of receiving mercy.

"Hmph. As if those weaklings had any other option." Satan Beelzebub said as he was calling down.

"Yes. But for now, if you don't want to lose your head, find out everything about this new toy. I will take care of it afterward. We can't have such an attack go unanswered after all." Satan Leviathan said to the Fleurety commander as she dismissed him.

The man didn't hesitate for a moment before hurrying out of the room, thankful for still being alive.

"You will move personally Tsufaame? For an insect like this?" A mildly surprised Satan Asmodeus said as he looked at the woman he has known for most of his life.

"Dear Lilith no. I will send a few armies I command to exterminate whoever these pests are." She responded dismissively. "I don't have the desire to squash every vermin in front of me after all. That's why we have our little servants."

"Then it seems we shall be leaving this matter in your hands Tsufaame. But make sure to leave me that mongrel who killed my family member." Satan Beelzebub said as this concluded the biggest item on their agenda for the day.

-Castle Bael

"In this meeting I would like to officially welcome Lord Balam, who we had assumed had joined the Satans, but as we have discovered was being held prisoner while the Satans strong-armed his house." Lord Agares said as he begun the meeting for the now named Anti-Satan faction in a pleasant mood over the recent development.

They had a victory, gained another house to their cause, caused some damages to the armies of the Satans, their own preparations were on schedule and now there was the possibility for another if unproven ally.

Present were many lords, but also the aces of the Anti-Satan faction.

"Aye, thanks for the welcome even though my son acted like that." The Lord Balam said as he waved his only arm in thanks.

"How are you feeling Mister Torock? I know I asked father's people to have help you, but you don't look any better." Serafall asked in a slightly childish manner, but also compassionately.

"I'll be fine lass. Thanks for caring for this old man." Lord Balam gently replied since it felt nice for a girl like her to treat him well. Made him want a daughter or maybe a granddaughter if his good for nothing son could actually get a wife. Even a mistress would be do

As Lord Balam thought about trying for a daughter with his wife or making his son get him a grandchild, the meeting continued.

"Let us not forget that it has been fortunate that Lord Phenex can be with us safe and sound as well." Sirzechs said as he did feel slightly guilty for not being able to assist the man in his time of need.

"Thank you Sir Gremory. And although it became unneeded, I am still grateful to know that an army was still sent to assist." Lord Phenex responded diplomatically.

What he said was the truth, but it did also annoy him that they couldn't have sent a single Ultimate ahead to at least contain the Fleurety commander who wrecked havoc while he had to deal with the Balams. But he was a merchant by nature and knew when it was appropriate to act.

"Speaking of our unneeded assistance, why are we to do regarding this helper of yours." Lord Agares said as he brought up one of the scheduled topics for the meeting.

"I honestly cannot tell you Lord Agares. He clearly holds no love for the Satans as he directly stated them to be arrogant fools, but except for his young age and uncertain strength, I could find nothing regarding this Lith Azaroth. It is like he and his house appeared out of thin air." A slightly frustrated Lord Phenex replied.

The fact that he couldn't find anything regarding this new house frustrated him to no end. Even using his great network of connections and his massive wealth, he couldn't find anything. This actually impressed and scared him because the young man managed to accomplish much under everyone's noses and still remains hidden.

"Say Mister Rizel, how strong is he really? And how old? You said he was really young." Questioned a rather curious Serafall.

It is not often that such a strong youth remained unknown until now. And from what she heard, he was said to be even younger than she and her new friends were.

"I cannot truly say lady Serafall. Both myself and Lord Balam believe he should be somewhere in his twenties, while our lowest estimate for his strength would be high Ultimate-Class." Lord Phenex truthfully answered the lively girl as he took no offense to her form of address.

It is hard to get mad at the girl who brightens up these drab meetings and is usually very caring and honest. It also helps that her overwhelming power makes people think twice before taking anything she does personally.

"Oooh, really!? You think he's gonna join us? It would be nice to not be the youngest anymore." The now excited Serafall asked before her father managed to make her sit down.

She blew her tongue out at him in response and pouted a bit as she remain seated. For now.

"A new ally would be welcomed. Especially one who has already acted against the Satans, which does reduce the possibility of this being a trap to insert a traitor in our midst.

But due to our failed attempts to even locate this Lord Azaroth, opening a dialogue as been rendered quite difficult if he does not approach us first." Ajuka Astaroth suddenly said as he grabbed the attention of those present.

"That's why I came." A smooth voice said from above everyone, making them instantly react to the intruder they had not sensed or detected this entire time.

Even the four said to surpass the original Satans were shocked that someone had gotten so close to them without them knowing.

"Now now, relax everyone. You wanted me, so here I am." The voice everyone could now see belonged to a handsome youth in fine black robes, matching the description Lords Balam and Phenex had given regarding this new Lord Azaroth.

The only problem was that he had somehow infiltrated their own headquarters and one of the most heavily protected places in the underworld undetected, and that he was, strangely enough, standing on the ceiling as if it was the floor. Even his clothes and hair acted like the ceiling was in fact the 'floor'.

"Ha! Good to see you young'un! Didn't tell us how to find you after you left last time." The energetic Lord Balam said since he actually had a very good impression of the young Lord.

"Yeah. Didn't want the spies in your group to know where I am based. Nothing personal old man, but my people suffered enough under the Satans and I can't really take them all on yet." The young Lord Azaroth said as he began walking towards one of the walls.

"Oh? And how would you know that we have spies in our faction?" A slightly amused Ajuka asked as he found the younger man interesting.

"Because I have spies in your Faction." He revealed casually as he began walking down a wall as if it was the floor, "Had to make sure I wasn't replacing one evil for another should I support you after all.

And if I managed to get some spies here, they definitely did. Some devils can be rather fanatical towards the Satans."

The explanation left the lords present feeling rather distressed.

"You need not concern yourself. We already identified most spies." The calm voice of Zekram Bael rung out for the first time this meeting as he carefully watched the young man who had successfully infiltrated his castle.

"Then as a sign of friendship…" Lith began saying as he took out a scroll from somewhere in his robes, "here's a list of all the spies I know about."

"May I see that scroll?" Ajuka asked since he was the smartest person here and one of the two strongest. If the scroll was a trap he would most likely be safe.

"Sure." Was the casual response as he threw it over to the Astaroth Heir.

Ajuka quickly and discreetly scanned it before carefully opening the scroll, while the rest waited in silence. Except Serafall who decided to take that opportunity to approach the young man while her father was distracted.

Of course Lith felt her approaching, he could feel everything in the room, but he felt curious about this younger Serafall.

She was certainly her own kind of youthful beauty with a body which still surprised him with how well developed she is. Not the biggest shown in the series, but respectable in their own rights.

"Hey." She said as she poked Lith's side like some kind of naughty child.

"Yes miss Serafall?" Lith curiously asked.

"Are you going to join us against those egomaniacs? How strong are you? Are you really only twenty? Where do you live? How'd you just appear like that? Can you show me how to walk on the ceiling? How about the wall? Can you really create giant portals?" She suddenly asked in rapid-fire without giving Lith a chance to properly answer, well until she noticed what she was doing and blushed in embarrassment. "Um, sorry. I got a bit excited. Father said I need to stop doing it."

Meanwhile a commotion was happening as Ajuka went through the scroll Lith had given them with the other Lords.

"*Chuckle* Well it was rather adorable for someone such as yourself to get so excited, but as for your questions: probably, very, 24, secret, magic, maybe, maybe and yes." Lith replied as he fondly ruffled her hair.

"Hey! I'm the older one! I'm the one who get to ruffle hair!" A playfully upset Serafall announced as she drew the attention of a few people once they realized they had left a potential ally/intruder to just wait there while one of their aces was with him.

"If you can even reach my head. What are you? 5'2 (160cm)? I'm 6'5 (196cm)." Lith teased as this rilled up the future magical girl.

"I'll show you who's short!" She said as she grabbed Lith's arm and pulled hard without realizing too late that she put too much strength into it.

But to her's and all those who were watching their interactions, surprise, the pull of someone like Serafall only made the large young man only stumble a bit, shocking them. That pull would have probably made an ultimate-class slam into the floor.

The reason for their shock is because for devils demonic power is considered everything for a reason. The stronger the demonic power and the more you have it, the strong the magical and physical you have. Now even though it might not give devils any sort of aesthetic change, one still gains incredible amounts of strength, speed, durability and endurance in correlation to their demonic power.

Thus, seeing someone resist an accidentally serious pull for Serafall Sitri, a girl with enough demonic power to be said to rival the original Satans, it shocked them.

"Looks like you're still the short one." Lith teased with a roguish smile as Serafall had fallen into a slight daze.

"Who's short!? You're just a giant!" She childishly countered as she regained her spunk, but with a small blush.

"Well then we match. I'm the handsome giant and you're the beautiful short girl." Lith heartily said as he took up his teasing a few notches.

Not often one gets to tease a future Satan this adorable after all.

"B-b-beautiful!?!" She stammered out as her blush completely covered her face now, almost letting smoke appear before her brain also processed the word short and pouted, "I-I'm not short meanie!"

'Looks like I might have teased a bit too much. Now her eyes are watering a bit as she pouts.' Lith thought as he decided to use one of the best tactics to placate emotional girls: offer sweets.

"There there. I'm sorry Serafall. Try these cookies my head chef made this morning, they're great." Lith gently said as a plate of shortbread cookies with various jams placed in their indentations appeared in his hands and he patted the girls head soothingly.

He had a lot of practice with head pats thanks to Sigil, Liora and surprisingly Fia.

The pouty Serafall hesitantly took a cookie and tried it before her eyes lit up and she started to eat those cookies with great relish, softly moaning and a little squeal depending on the cookie.

While this was happening, most of the lords were discussing the list of spies, some were looking at the scene where a young devil who infiltrated Bael castle and could resist the strength of one of their aces was just taming said ace, Lord Sitri was actually going through an internal crisis regarding his daughter and heir's behavior and letting a boy touch her so intimately, and Falbium was trying to sleep since he already knew what he would be doing with his responsibilities anyway.

"Fine, I forgive you." The Sitri princess said as her peppy attitude returned. "But can I have the recipe so the chefs back home can make them?"

"I can ask Liora. She's usually happy to share her recipes since it means more people can eat good food." He easily answered since Liora really was the nicest devil he'd met so far.

"Yay!" She happily cried out as she did a little hop and hugged Lith.

"Serafall!" Lord Sitri yelled out as his father side won out on his Lord side.

This was the first time Lith met the father of Serafall and later Sona, but he had the appearance of a strict middle aged man with short black hair and blue eyes behind a pair of glasses.

"Eep!" The startled Serafall cried out as she hid behind the nearest large object, which this time happened to be Lith himself. She did not want another scolding.

Even though she was technically over 60, that is almost insignificant for a devil and she had always been childish and free as a person, resulting in many scoldings. And although she is much stronger than her father, she never thought of running away or arguing with him because she knew he scolded her out of love. If he didn't care he wouldn't even bother.

Meanwhile Lith was stuck between a little troublemaker and a surprisingly protective father.

"It's good to meet you Lord Sitri. I respect you a lot for your efforts as Lord to ensure everyone is able to receive the medical care they need. I also believe your creation of the Healer's Academy to be of vital importance to the Underworld as a whole." Lith said politely as he honestly praised the man.

"Ahem. Thank you Lord Azaroth. It is always good to hear your work being appreciated even though most of the credit would go to the healers." Lord Sitri replied humbly as he regained his bearings.

"More than appreciate Lord Sitri. A number of the healers currently in my employ actually learned in your Academy and were instrumental in helping many of those who came to me for a better life. Living in the territories of the Satans or some of the Lucifer Six can be unforgiving after all." Praised Lith as he thought about some of the refugees in his lands.

"Although they have chosen to work outside our lands, it is good to hear those men and women doing good for others." Lord Sitri said with a trace of pride in his voice.

Meanwhile Serafall was peeking from behind Lith large frame as he completely made her father forget about her, becoming engrossed in the conversation regarding possible cooperations between Sitri and the newly emerged Azaroth, who no one actually knew where it was or what it contained.

She was kind of impressed by how the younger man could make her father forget about her admittedly inappropriate behavior. Yes she knew that the way she acted wasn't proper, but it never felt right to stop herself from doing so and she liked how Lith treated her like a normal person. It didn't feel like she had to be Lady Serafall Sitri, the heir of House Sitri, one of the Aces of the Anti-Satan faction, or anything else other than Serafall.

'Plus his head pats did feel nice.' Serafall absentmindedly thought as she remembered how big and warm his hand felt.

"So you've been taking in refugees. That is quite admirable Lord Azaroth." One Sirzechs Gremory suddenly said as he approached the trio with a calm smile. "Is there any way I can help. I saw first hand how the Satans treat other devils and i would like to help."

"Hmmm. I've heard that your land produces many products sold across the Underworld: how much clothing could you sell?" Lith asked in response.

He knew the offer was genuine because that was the type of man Sirzechs was, so he answered truthfully.

There has been a larger influx of refugees and settlers, but because he had to prioritize war preparations, the production of day-to-day things had started to fall behind. This was simply because he did not have enough people working on producing such things.

Once the refugees could actually start working then he could fix the problem, but by the time he settled a group, another would have arrived.

So although it doesn't fix things yet, having warm and clean clothes could go a long way.

"We should have ample. But if you are handling refugees I believe tents and blanks would also be useful." The Gremory heir answered as he began to think about what he could do to help.

"Shelter we can handle for now, but blankets would be good." Lith replied.

"Has there been any sort of outbreaks amongst refugees? Curses even?" A serious Lord Sitri asked as he knew that even devils had their sicknesses.

"Luckily our preventative measures have been enough to stop anything from spreading." The young lord answered which relieved lord Sitri.

"I'll talk to my father about sending the clothes and blankets." Sirzechs then said as he grew committed to take action.

"That will be helpful. We can discuss prices later." Lith acknowledged.

"I can't possibly charge you for this." Sirzechs said as his kind heart reared its head.

"You can and will. If you wish you can use the money to help others afterwards." I sternly replied, to which he was mildly surprised but accepted.

"Do let me know if House Phenex can also provide any services. We are well connected after all. And if you're willing to pay, all the better." Lord Phenex suddenly said as he approached the little group alongside the hoping Lord Balam.

"Hey there Young'un! Quite the way to make an entrance." A happy Lord Balam said as he shook hands with Lith.

"I live to impress old man." He responded as he turned to Lord Phenex, "While I appreciate the offer, some of my high level troops would benefit from some Phoenix Tears, but I know supplies are stretched due to the war."

"I'm certain I could find some to spare for pulling me out of the fire." Lord Phenex said with a slightly smug smile.

"Then I can thank you on their behalf." Lith politely replied as this would be good news for when he would have to fight Satan-classes.

The group involving three of the most powerful individuals in the Underworld and some of the most influential, continued until Zekram Bael, Ajuka and the others finished going over the information I had handed over to them, as well as confirmed some of it by ordering some subordinates around.

"It would seem at least some of this information is accurate young Lord Azaroth.

But what do you seek to gain from this little show?" A serious Zekram asked as all eyes focused on the young devil who proclaimed himself a lord and had shown at least some proof that he deserved the title.

"A safe place for the weak, hurt, rejected and betrayed. Under my rule and protection.

The Satans would have us all die in pursuit of an unattainable goal which is not even their own, i will not have it.

Give me this and fight against their genocidal ways and I will be your ally." Lith declared as he answered the old devil.

"You wish for a hybrid like yourself to become a lord?" Zekram questioned not out of malice, but genuine curiosity.

He might be a traditionalist, but he knew the young man could be a powerful tool and ally.

But many Lords instinctively felt antagonistic towards the idea, only keeping quiet because of some of the power he had displayed assuring his strength.

"Yes. My people accept me already as their lord and I will continue leading them whether any of you like it or not." Lith stated confidently as he stated down a room full of Lords.

"I think it's ok." The sole female present calmly stated from behind the young man. "He's strong enough and can do things no one else can like his walking on the wall and ceiling like he did, plus his ability to bring entire armies from afar is already a technique which probably surpasses House Abaddon.

I have never heard of anyone achieving this with existing magics, so he at least has something unique to pass down. He surpasses any Lord here in strength. He has his own army, land and people. So all he's really missing is the official rank which he can earn by fighting with us."

The calm break down coming from Serafall was surprising for pretty much anyone who wasn't Lord Sitri and Lith. They had only known the happy and bubbly side of the girl, but they forget that an enormous amount of work had to be put in to reach where she had through pure magic.

Sure she had a great advantage thanks to her familial affinity with water, but to be able to match people like Falbium who was born with his absolute defense, Sirzechs who at birth held more power than any other holders of the power of destruction, Ajuka who underwent an awakening in his calculating abilities which was so ridiculous that he created his Kankara Formula, and the Satans born with incredible power, she had to work, study and train very hard.

"I agree. His birth was not in his control, but his achievements are." Sirzechhs added quite nobly.

"Bah! Look at you cunts judging the kid. He's more of a devil than all of you." Lord Balam said as he jumped in.

"Do you happen to have some things you can sell outside your territory?" Lord Phenex asked suddenly.

"Yes. We actually received a great number of House Satanicha's smiths and a clan of Nordic dwarves came under my banner as well." Lith answered with the only industries which would actually be ready immediately after the war.

The rest would need time and work.

"Excellent! Then I believe you'll be quite alright as a Lord. Most have less than what you have even after a few centuries." Lord Phenex said as he jabbed at those not particularly pleased with Lith wanting to be a lord.

"This young devil certainly seems to know what he has been doing already, and if my daughter would stand up for him then I believe I shall as well." Lord Sitri calmly stated.

"Although my son can be too kind, he does have a remarkable eye for talent just like his mother. I believe we can permit this should he prove worthy during the coming campaign." Zeoticus Gremory diplomatically said as he did add the 'possibility' of this not happening to ease the more traditional devils.

He himself was quite traditional regarding ideas of pure blood, but when someone who is so young and has already surpassed some ultimate-class devils already, then it is wise to take make positive connections with such a person. At least he is a devil and it's not like they are talking about a fallen angel or anything.

"The Sitri Heiress claims your techniques could be passed on to future generations, would this be accurate?" Zekram Bael questioned as he faced a surprising number of supporters for a young devil most had just met.

"Yes. My abilities will be passed onto my children." Lith answered with certainty.

Even if they didn't immediately awaken [Space], he could always free the ability from within them.

"Then I will make you this deal as the head of this faction:

You will be permitted to become Lord of the lands you hold in exchange for your active support and participation during our fight against the Satans.

In addition, you will be required to marry a pure-blooded devil to ensure your ability is passed down properly.

Do you agree?" The old Bael said as he spoke in a tone stating this was his only and final offer.

"I agree." Lith replied with certainty.

"Then I welcome you to the Anti-Satan faction Lord Lith Azaroth." Zekram declared as he let none question his decision.

-Somewhere in the Capital of Lucifaad.

"How interesting must it be to be a trail blazer." A man said as he sat in a barely lit room, reading some news on the appearance of a new house.

"I wish I had purpose like this, but I guess life will continue to be dull." The man continued as peered out of his window.

"Time to leave this boring place."



Regarding Serafall.

She's a good girl who works really hard, even in the series. She deserves head pats and cookies.

On an other note, I do genuinely believe Serafall might be the Satan who had to work the most to reach her level of power. She used the Sitri houses talent in water magic to push herself far further than any other Sitri before her and became a boss bitch.

As for how the Lords treated Lith.

Balam actually likes him because he rescued him, got his house out from under the Satans and gets along well with him. He also appreciates the very well developed body Lith has which shows off a dedication to train himself physically.

Phenex sees this as possibly mutually beneficial as he gains access to a supplier for expertly made metal goods and at least a decent relationship with a strong Lord. It also helps repay the debt of being rescued.

Sitri supports his daughter since he knows that under her upbeat personality and compassion, she is an incredibly intelligent and empathetic girl who can understand people very well. He also likes that someone had similar views as himself regarding his work to improve the qualities of healers.

Gremory believes that Lith has great potential and that they won't actually lose anything by letting him keep what he already has while letting him fight for them. And should he manage to significantly contribute, Lith will become a strong figure in what comes after the overthrowing of the Satans.

Zekram is said to be a very traditionally minded devil with great respect for the original Satans, but he is also open minded and intelligent. If he saw someone with powers estimated to be between ultimates and Satans while very young, I believe he would compromise while also getting a way to have a positive relationship with him for the future. He did it with Issei when suggested he become a Satan, he can do it for someone who just wants to be recognized as an official lord.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

Well here’s the first interaction between Lith and the future Satans.

I kinda somehow ended up making an interesting mix of Ruby (RWBY), Nejire (MHA) and so future Serafall to create this version of the future magical girl. Makes it a bit fun.

I also thought it was interesting to have Lith show up like he did as a flex on everyone since that castle was said to have never been taken down and he just popped in.

But yeah, current goal is to officially be recognized as a lord.


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