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24.59% Crimson Destiny (Fantastic Beasts Fanfic) [Temp Hiatus] / Chapter 13: The Leader & A Follower

Capítulo 13: The Leader & A Follower

Two days have passed since Destiny had parted an enlightening lesson to her Crimson Knights. Since then, she has spent most of her time curled inside her room. She has only left her room for food and other regular necessities. Her Lieutenants could manage the helm of the Crimson Knights for a couple of weeks without any problems. 

Currently, Destiny's head was buried inside a pretty old looking tome. The Grindelwald Grimoire casually resting on her lap. She had acquired the tome from Egypt and she also had to spend quite a bit of Galleon to put her hands on the tome, but the tome was worth all the gold she had spent on it. 

The tome was filled with various types of Ancient Magiks. The tome was so ancient that it even predated 'Herpo the Foul' and that was saying something. The Wizard who wrote this book was able to reach the Crystalized Core State and he was also able to create a consciousness for Magic. 

The Wizard had written down the whole process in explicit detail. The tome was practically priceless and a treasure trove, but it was so old that it was written in an ancient Egyptian Language known as Hieroglyphs. The Witches and Wizards who had liberated the tome had no idea how to read the tome, but they knew it was valuable. 

That is also why Destiny was able to get the tome or it would have been shipped to the ICW Archives as they couldn't allow someone random to have access to such arcane knowledge. Destiny had bought the book on a whim, she could see that the tome was ancient, so it must contain some ancient knowledge too. 

Destiny also had no idea how to translate Hieroglyphics into something understandable, so she decided to track down someone who could. It took her a week to locate that said person, unfortunately, that man was a Muggle. After a few hours of the liberal use of Legilimency, she also became an expert in Hieroglyphics. 

It still took her a lot of time to translate, but it was steadily progressing. After translating a page, she would write down everything in the Grindelwald Grimoire for easier access. Destiny had single-handedly bolstered more knowledge inside the Grindelwald Grimoire than all the Grindelwalds combined. 

Yes, she had also increased the number of securities on the Grimoire using Blood Magic. Gellert would be proud and pleased of her even though he hadn't seen the Grindelwald Grimoire for several years. Destiny finally closed the tome as she finally finished translating another page. 

With a wave of her hand, she summoned the ink bottle and the Quill. She gently opened her family Grimoire and moments later, she was diligently writing down the translated version of Hieroglyphics. Thankfully, the Grindelwald Grimoire was charmed with unlimited pages, so Destiny wasn't worried about running out of pages. 

Destiny had no idea about Grimoires belonging to other families. She knew that most Pureblood families owned a Family Grimoire, but she couldn't ask someone about their Family Grimoire. It was a very personal thing and trying to gain access to someone else Family Grimoire using underhanded means was a heinous crime. 

After a few minutes, Destiny was finally done noting down the translation. She was about to open the tome, but she froze when someone knocked on the door. Destiny closed the Family Grimoire and with a flick of her hand, she opened the door to find Quinton Moor standing on the other side of the door. 

"Milady" Quinton greeted Destiny with a respectful bow. Destiny smiled and gave a small nod of appreciation. 

"What is up Quinton?" Destiny asked as she put away the Quill and the ink bottle. 

"Milady, it is already time for dinner. I knew you would be engrossed in your research, so I decided to give you a reminder" Quinton said in a respectful tone. 

Destiny's eyes grew up in surprise, but her surprise didn't last for long as this wasn't the first time she had lost track of time and at the same time this wasn't going to be the last time. With a flick of her hand, Destiny put away the Grindelwald Grimoire along with ancient tome inside her trunk. 

"Let's go" Destiny said and Quinton immediately started to lead the way, not that he needed to as Destiny was quite familiar with the whole place. 

The two of them finally arrived inside a small dining space. Only Destiny and her Lieutenants dined in this place while the other members of the Crimson Knights would dine in the hall near the backyard of the property. After arriving in the Netherlands, Donovan and his team were able to discover this place. 

It used to be a farm, but the land lost its fertility with time, so the family decided to sell the land and move away. The property was dirt cheap as nobody wanted to buy it… there was a rumour that the land had been cursed. Everyone thought that was probably why the land lost its fertility. 

Anyways, Donovan was able to buy the property with ease and he didn't even have to spend a lot of money. After that, Destiny erected the unplottable wards while other warders erected the other wards. With Magic, they easily fixed the house and at the same time, they also expanded the house physically before expanding it Magically from the inside. 

Destiny nodded towards Donovan and Ambika. Vladimir was in Yemen along with his team for the Dueling Tournament. Destiny approached the head position of the table and pulled back the seat. The others quickly took their seats. When the others were finally seated Destiny finally took her seat. 

Destiny took her seat last to demonstrate that she was the protector of the table and that any threat that would interrupt their dining would be dealt with by her. It was an old tradition forgotten by a lot, but most Pureblood families still favoured the tradition. Destiny was taught by Gellert, so she still followed the practice. Ambika and Quinton were closest to Destiny, signifying their higher standing among the Lieutenants. Donovan knew that Ambika and Quinton were more favoured by Destiny but he didn't have any problems with that. Right now, he was dining with Destiny meant that she trusted him and that was enough for him. 

Donovan was a Pureblood Wizard. While he wasn't from a prominent family, he knew how their Societies worked. Some Wizards might laugh at him for following a young woman, but he knew better. Destiny Grindelwald was unfathomably strong and to be honest, he wasn't bothered by following her. 

The food finally appeared on the table, courtesy of House-Elves, of course. The four of them started to eat in silence. After finishing the dessert, Destiny wiped her face and decided to wait for the others to finish. After a couple of minutes, the others were done too. The plates disappeared leaving behind only wine glasses. 

"Milady, when will you be leaving?" Quinton asked in a respectful tone. He was the first one to speak up after dinner. 

"Ah… I think I will be leaving tomorrow. Quinton, can you inform the Knights who have infiltrated MACUSA about my arrival?" Destiny questioned as she leaned back in her chair. 

"It will be done, milady" Quinton nodded his head in understanding. After that, Destiny gaze focused on Donovan. 

"Donovan, how is the recruitment going on?" Destiny asked as she took a small sip from her glass. 

"Everything is going on smoothly, but I think that we might have some problems in the future" Donovan answered and everyone's gaze was now focused on Donovan. Destiny raised her brows due to curiosity. 

"What sort of problem?" Destiny asked curiously. 

"Milady, I think the Ministry has been notified about our presence, my team and I have seen quite a few Aurors lurking around our recruitment centre" Donovan explained and Destiny tapped her fingers on the table with a thoughtful look on her face. 

"Quinton, I want you and your team to look through the Knights to see if we have a traitor among us or not" Destiny said with a serious look on her face. Quinton's team was bound by the strongest oaths as they were the assassins. Whenever Destiny needed to get rid of someone silently she would give the responsibility to Quinton and his team. 

Destiny wasn't worried about her identity being revealed as everyone among the Knights had taken oaths during their initiation to keep her identity secret. Destiny had worked really hard on that particular oath, as she needed to get rid of all the loopholes. At this stage getting her identity revealed would ruin a lot of her future plans. 

"It will be done, milady" Quinton said with a small bow. 

"Donovan, I need you to remove all the incriminating stuff. If Aurors raid your office then it must seem like any other freelance offices" Destiny said with a pointed look. "If you think that the risk is too high then remove the stop recruiting and abandon everything" Destiny added and Donovan immediately nodded his head in understanding. 

Then Destiny's gaze finally focused on Ambika. "Is there anything you have to report, Ambika?" Destiny asked with a straight look on her face. In front of the others, she was Ambika's superior, so she had to act like that. 

It wasn't like Destiny was ashamed of her relationship or anything, all the Lieutenants knew about her relationship, even some of the Knights also knew about it. Ambika also agreed with Destiny, she didn't want to be treated favourably in front of the others. 

"No, milady. Everything is perfectly fine right now" Ambika answered the question with a small shake of her head. 

"Good" Destiny said with a stiff nod of her head. "That will be all for today, good night!" Destiny said as she slowly stood up from her seat. The others followed her lead and stood up too. After giving everyone another look, Destiny directly Apparated inside her room. 

After a few moments, Ambika also Apparated inside the room. Destiny raised some Wards in the room so that nobody else could enter her room and after that, she slowly climbed into the bed after stripping out of her clothes. With a wave of her hand, Destiny summoned her Family Grimoire and the ancient tome. 

"I am going to take a shower" Ambika muttered in a tired tone as she entered the bathroom. She didn't bother to close the door as she started to shower. Destiny looked in that direction and decided to put away the old books and join her lover. 

Destiny Apparated inside the bathroom and started to hungrily kiss Ambika. The older woman happily submitted herself. "We are going to have a wild night, my love" Destiny whispered huskily into Ambika's ear and her whole body shivered in anticipation. Destiny didn't disappoint the older girl, as moments later, she pushed Ambika up against the wall… 

<Line Break>

The next day Destiny's kiddie Wand hexed her awake. Destiny's eyes snapped open and she immediately noticed Ambika's soft snores. A smile appeared on her face as she slowly crawled out of Ambika's arms. Destiny leaned back on the bedpost and she started to gently run her fingers through Ambika's hair. 

It was still dark outside, but a soft light was illuminating the room. Destiny gently crawled out of the bed and after that, she cast a heating Charm to keep Ambika warm. Without bothering about anything else, Destiny made her way towards the bathroom. She activated the water heating Rune and turned on the shower…

After a nice and relaxing bath, Destiny finally walked out of the bathroom after drying herself. Ambika was still fast asleep and it was understandable as last night was pretty wild. Destiny quickly got dressed and started to pack for a small trip. Destiny finally called Bibly and asked her to make her some nice breakfast. 

"Good morning, love" Ambika said softly as she slowly sat up on the bed. 

The sun was already coming up, so there was a lot of light inside the room. Destiny immediately noticed the hickeys around Ambika's neck and she was also sporting a couple of hickeys on her body. She noticed them when she looked at herself in the mirror during the shower. 

"Good morning" Destiny said and she quickly approached Ambika. Destiny leaned down and pecked the older girl on her lips. 

"Were you going to leave without telling me?" Ambika asked in a teasing tone. 

Destiny gasped in mock horror. "I would have never done that… or maybe I would have" Destiny finished with a grin on her face and Ambika gave her an annoyed glare and tossed a pillow towards Destiny. Destiny grabbed the pillow and placed it on the bed. 

"Do you want something to eat?" Destiny asked and Ambika shook her head in denial after thinking for a moment. 

"No, I am not feeling hungry right now" Ambika said and Destiny simply shrugged as she resumed her packing. Ambika decided to lie down and watch Destiny. 

"When are you going to return?" All of a sudden Ambika questioned. 

"...I don't know, but I don't think that it will be anything more than a week" Destiny said after a few moments of silent pondering. Bibly finally arrived with the food, so Destiny hurriedly finished her packing. 

Destiny quickly finished her breakfast and looked towards Ambika. "I am gonna miss waking up with you in my bed" Destiny said with a grin and Ambika simply rolled her eyes, but she couldn't stop herself from smiling after hearing Destiny's words. 

After that, Destiny quickly Charmed a spoon as an International Portkey and shoved her trunk inside her pocket after shrinking it. "By the way, stay safe and take care" Destiny said and once again pecked Ambika on the lips. After that, Destiny activated the Portkey and she was whisked away with a familiar pull around her navel… 

Destiny gracefully landed on her feet, but she still decided to take a moment before moving. International Portkeys would always end up messing with your balance. Destiny had appeared near the port. After a few moments, Destiny took a deep breath and Apparated away with a soft pop. 

Moments later, she appeared in a dark alley near the Woolworth Building, the current Headquarters of the Magical Congress of the United States of America or MACUSA for short. Sun was yet to rise in this country, so it was still dark and as expected in the early morning, the streets were completely empty. 

"My lady" a feminine voice was heard and a middle-aged Witch came into view. Destiny had noticed the woman as soon as she had arrived inside the dark alley even though the other Witch was under Disillusionment Charm. Destiny gave the woman an appreciative nod. 

"It is nice to see you, Moira" Destiny said with a small smile on her face as she kept staring at the Headquarters of MACUSA. 

"I have been fine, milady" Moira answered in a respectful tone. 

"That is good to hear. So, you aren't being suspected by anyone, right?" Destiny questioned softly and Moira immediately shook her head in denial. 

"No, milady. Most of the time, I am completely ignored by everyone. Nobody bothers about me until they need to find an old book of records or something" Moira explained and Destiny nodded her head in understanding. 

Moira Calvert worked in the Department of Records, and just like the name, all Magical events or incidents were recorded and all those records were stored and managed by the Department of Records. 

That was a brilliant place to look for new recruitments as all Magical incidents were recorded by her Department. Like Birth or Death of someone Magical or bursts accidental Magic, even if someone came to age then that was also recorded. 

And Moira was privy to all of that information and nobody would give a fuck if anybody noticed Moira looking through some books. Destiny was really giddy when she heard that one of her Knights was able to infiltrate the Department of Records. 

America was still under the Rappaport's Law, so MACUSA avoided all sorts of contact and communication with the No-Maj Community. That is why most of the Magical Children born from No-Maj parents were severely abused. Recruiting them to her side would be easy as hell. 

"So, I guess I can't enter the building right now without raising the alarm, can I?" Destiny questioned as she turned around to look at Moira. 

"I would be delighted to host you at my apartment, for the time being, milady" Moira said in a nervous tone. It was the exact answer to Destiny's question, but she understood what Moira wanted to say. 

"Sure, lead the way" Destiny said with a smile and Moira extended her hand. Destiny accepted the offered limb and moments later, both of them disappeared with a somewhat loud pop. 

Destiny and Moira appeared inside a small and cosy flat. Destiny looked around and curiously and she was slightly impressed, the apartment felt kind of homey. While Destiny was checking out the flat, Moira was nervously staring towards Destiny. 

"Welcome to my humble apartment, milady. I hope I didn't displease you" Moira said in an apologetic tone and Destiny simply waved her hand in a dismissive manner. 

"It is no big deal… This is perfectly fine. You live here?" Destiny questioned as she turned Moira. 

"...Um, yes. I rented this apartment after getting my job" Moira answered and Destiny started to hum. Moira internally released a sigh. Moira was one of those Knights who had seen Destiny's Magical might, so she truly feared and respected Destiny. 

"This place is certainly nice…" Destiny hummed as she walked towards the window. She looked down towards the street and she found that Moira's apartment was in a Muggle residential area. Destiny had also noticed a couple of Wards around the apartment, nothing too serious, of course. 

"Milady, would you like some tea or coffee?" Moira asked as she started to make her way towards the kitchen. 

"Coffee, please and for the time being, you should call me Destiny" Destiny said softly, she was still staring out of the window. Moira froze for a moment after hearing Destiny's words. 

Destiny turned around and quickly made her way towards the table. The living room was attached to the kitchen. Destiny pulled back a seat and sat down, only after a couple of minutes, Moira placed the coffee mug in front of Destiny and she only took her seat after Destiny gestured her to sit down. 

"This is your house Moira, you shouldn't wait for my permission" Destiny deadpanned. 

"But that won't be appropriate" Moira argued back and Destiny simply released a sigh. 

"If that is what you wish, by the way, the coffee is brilliant" Destiny said with a smile as she took a small sip from her mug. 

"Thank you, mila… Destiny" Moira froze in fear when Destiny gave her a pointed glare. So she instinctively used Destiny's name, even though she didn't want to. Once again Destiny's feature softened as she continued to sip her coffee. 

'She is insanely scary when she wants to be and I am sure that her eyes flashed for a moment!!" Moira screamed inside her mind. She decided to be more careful from now on and she also decided that she was going to treat Destiny as her guest. After all, that is what Destiny wanted. 

"So, what can tell me about where Gellert is being kept?" Destiny asked and Moira instinctively straightened herself. 

"I know where he is being kept and I also know what type of securities there are, but I haven't seen or been there myself" Moira answered and Destiny nodded her head in understanding. 

"Tell me, Moira, have you heard about Legilimency?" Destiny asked and Moira nervously nodded her head. 

"...Legilimency is mind-reading, right?" Moira asked, but she didn't give any time for Destiny to answer and decided to continue. "I don't know it myself, but I heard about it" Moira added and Destiny smiled. 

"Basically it is mind-reading, but it is much more than that. Do you know Occlumency?" Destiny asked and she finally put down her coffee mug as she was done with it. 

"...Ah… yes. I do have some basic shields, but they are nothing special" Moira answered, she finally understood where this conversation was going. 

"Would you mind if I use Legilimency on you? I just want to see some memories so I can follow your work habits and I also want to see the information regarding Gellert's prison cell" Destiny requested and even though Moira was nervous, she agreed without a second thought. 

"I don't mind. What am I supposed to do?" Moira asked and Destiny smiled brightly after hearing the question. 

"Just think about your work and the time you heard about Gellert's cell" Destiny answered and Moira nodded her head with a determined look on her face. 

Moments later, Moira felt a presence enter her mind but she didn't falter, she continued to stare into Destiny's eyes. Destiny easily slipped through Moira's mental shields like they weren't even there in the first place… she finally came across Moira's job life. Her work wasn't anything complicated… 

Even if Moira spent her whole day sitting around doing nothing, nobody was going to say a thing and that is what Destiny was going to do. She was also going to sit around doing nothing… maybe read a few records if she was bored. Finally, Destiny started to look for the memories related to Gellert's Cell… 

Memories started to flash through Moira's mind as she relived the memory for the second time. Destiny finally pulled out of Moira's mind with a contemplative look on her face. To be honest, she wasn't happy with how Gellert was being kept, but he was being considered as a Dark Lord, so you can't expect anything else. 

Moira hissed in pain as she felt a small throbbing pain in her head. "Don't worry, the pain will go away in a few minutes, I was being very careful" Destiny said and Moira nodded her head in understanding. 

'So, Gellert is being kept inside a solitary cell and at the same time, it is the most secure cell. If I want I could break him out, but I can't do it without raising an alarm… the Wards around Gellert are also very dangerous and it would take me some time to break them without harming Gellert' Destiny mused as she leaned back in her seat. 

Gellert's Magic was being suppressed by the Magic Suppressing Cuffs and the rest of his Magic was being used to power the Wards surrounding him. The Wards were very lethal, only air could pass through the Wards they were using. Anything living would be fried to death, there were also several listening Charms placed around the room. 

"Destiny, are you okay?" Moira asked in a worried tone when she saw that Destiny wasn't saying anything. 

"I am fine, I was just wondering about the Wards inside Gellert's Cell" Destiny said with a pondering look on her face, dismissing all of Moira's concerns. After a few moments Destiny released a huge sigh… "Do you mind if I take a nap before heading to MACUSA?" Destiny questioned curiously. 

"No, of course not. I have a small secondary bedroom…" Moira began to speak, but Destiny cut her off before she could finish what she was trying to say. 

"Lead me to your secondary bedroom, I won't have a problem with a small room" Destiny said as she slowly got up from the seat. Moira excitedly nodded her head and led Destiny towards the secondary bedroom. The room was only big enough to fit a double-sized bed, but it was completely fine with Destiny. 

"Oh… thanks for the hospitality, Moira" Destiny turned around and said with a bright smile on her face. Moira slightly blushed and nodded her head before walking away as she didn't want to impose Lady Grindelwald any longer… 

<Line Break>

After a few hours, Destiny once again found herself standing outside the Woolworth Building. She easily noticed the Wizards and Witches entering the building and Muggles mostly avoiding them, it was pretty understandable as the building had been surrounded by Muggle Repelling Wards. 

Destiny snorted and slowly her whole visage started to transform and then her whole body started to transform. Moments later, Destiny finally finished transforming into Moira Calvert. She cracked her neck and started to walk towards the building. 

Woolworth Building is a 60-story skyscraper located on Broadway in the borough of Manhattan in the city of New York. It was built in 1913, and that is when the MACUSA decided to move into this building. Right now, the Woolworth Building is the tallest structure in the World. 

Destiny entered the building after waving her kiddie Wand. From Moira's memories, she knew how the entrance worked, so she wasn't worried. The secret entrance to the government headquarters was through an ultra fast-spinning revolving door that led into a brilliantly lit grand lobby with a cathedral-like ceiling that reached nearly 700 feet. 

Destiny wasn't going to lie, she was somewhat awed by the sight in front of her. She had seen everything in Moira's memories, but seeing all of this in person felt really awesome. A large and elaborate monument graced the MACUSA entrance, paying homage to those who died during the Salem Witch Trials. Destiny stopped in front of the monument to pay her respects. 

The building housed both No-Majs and Magical Population. The only outer mark of the MACUSA's new secret location was the owl carved over the entrance, any Witch or Wizard would need to wave their Wands when they walked by the owl carving to gain access to the Magical side of the building. 

That really irked Destiny to no end. 'Hypocritical Bastards!! You are paying respect to the people who died during the Salem Witch Trials and you are sharing the building with the same filth who were responsible for the Witch Trials. Pathetic' Destiny thought disdainfully. 

Destiny shook her head to clear her mind and she slowly made her way towards the lifts. After a few minutes, Destiny found herself inside the Department of Records, she gave polite nods towards all of her colleagues as she made her way towards her own booth. Moira has been polite to everyone in her Department, so Destiny also had to act like that to avoid any suspicion. 

Destiny finally plopped down in Moira's seat and released a sigh… she flexed her hands snuggled into the chair. Destiny decided to wait for half an hour before doing anything else. After finally confirming that everything was okay, Destiny activated the Astral Projection Spell… 

Just like the name of the Spell, the Spell creates an Astral Projection of the user, but the Spell has no uses except for illusion purposes as you can't speak while in your Astral form, but Destiny has discovered something completely outrageous about the Spell, even the person who had invented the Spell had no idea about this. 

You could use Wandless Magic when you are in your Astral form. Your Spells are going to be more than significantly weaker, but you could still cast Spells Wandlessly if you have enough power. Destiny had a lot of power to spare, so she wasn't going to have any problems. 

Destiny had previously experimented with this Spell and she knew that she would cast weak Legilimency probes while in this form. So, she could easily enter Gellert's mind. She wouldn't be able to do anything after that, but she was sure that she wouldn't need to. 

There was another limitation about the Spell, your astral form can only travel upto 1-kilometre radius… that was more than enough for Destiny. Destiny's astral form quickly passed through the floors as she kept heading towards the Prison. Right now, Destiny was completely invisible, in this form, she could even control her transparency. 

After a couple of minutes, Destiny finally entered the prison. She quickly made her way towards the most secure cell, after all, that is where Gellert was being kept. Destiny finally found the room and she noticed several guards were positioned outside the cell, she sneered in their direction before entering a cell. 

As soon as Destiny's gaze landed on Gellert, she felt a pang inside her chest. Anger and rage bubbled inside her after she saw Gellert's condition, but she forcefully controlled herself by using Occlumency. Gellert had a gaunt look on his face and his hair and bread were dishevelled. Gellert was basically wearing rags and Gellert looked slightly skinny too. 

'They must be starving him. He also seems to be sleep deprived' Destiny concluded and released a huge sigh. Before anything else, she needed to speak with him. Destiny decided to remain invisible, she stared into his eyes and then she slowly entered his mind… she didn't want to cause him any type of distress. 

Gellert slightly flinched as soon as he felt a foreign presence inside his mind… but only after a moment, a small smile graced his face as recognized the familiar presence inside his mind. He had no idea how Destiny was able to enter his mind, but he quickly calmed himself. Destiny knew a lot more Spells than him. 

As soon as Destiny entered Gellert's mind, she found herself staring at Gellert's mental shields. As expected, Gellert's shields were still standing strong. Moments later, her surroundings changed and Destiny found herself inside a regal high-class room and Gellert was sitting on the opposite side of the room. 

Neither Destiny nor Gellert said anything, both of them simply kept staring at each other in complete silence. "You got caught" Destiny deadpanned and moments later, her lips started to twitch. "Bwahaha!!" Destiny burst out laughing. 

Gellert threw her a filthy look. "Yeah… yeah… laugh it up" Gellert said in an annoyed tone as he sagged in his chair. Destiny continued to laugh as she slowly sat down on the other chair in the room. Destiny finally stopped laughing and took a deep breath to gather her bearings. 

"I would have asked you how you were, but I have already seen your condition" Destiny said as she crossed her legs. Gellert simply shrugged. 

"They have been trying to get information out of me but nothing has been working for them" Gellert answered with a small grin and Destiny simply cocked her head sideways. "Since Veritaserum can't make you forcefully answer something, they are trying to break my shields" once again Gellert shrugged. 

Destiny knew how Veritaserum worked. It compelled you to tell the truth, but it wasn't absolute as you could keep your mouth shut and refuse to answer. Veritaserum can't make you answer something, and someone very good at Occlumency can also fake answers while he or she is under Veritaserum's influence. 

"And they won't learn anything from you, I will be taking you out of here" Destiny said in a firm tone, but Gellert started to chuckle while shaking his head. 

"No. You don't need to… I already have a plan" Gellert said and Destiny decided to relent. 

"So, how did you get caught?" Destiny asked curiously, her eyes were filled with amusement. Gellert gave her another filthy look and a window appeared inside the room. Moments later, a memory started to play out and Gellert could be seen fighting multiple Aurors and winning. 

But all of a sudden, he was pulled back and at the same time, he was also relieved of his Wand. Gellert dropped to his knees and the man who had incapacitated him using a Magical Beast used the Revealing Charm to reveal his real face. After that, Gellert was carried out by the Aurors and Destiny easily noticed something surprising in the memories. 

Gellert wasn't using the Wand of Destiny, in fact, he was using his original Blackthorn Wand. "Why weren't you using the Elder Wand?" Destiny questioned as soon as the memory finished playing and the window disappeared. 

"It has been a year since I stopped using the Elder Wand… I want to give it to you, so I was getting used to my own Wand" Gellert explained and Destiny gave him an annoyed glare. 

"I have told you before, I don't want the Wand. You can keep it…" Destiny said dismissively and Gellert shot out of his seat. Another window appeared inside the room, but this time it wasn't a memory… outside the window, a serene grass field could be seen. 

"...Have you ever wondered why I always stopped you from swearing loyalty to me?" Gellert questioned and Destiny immediately nodded her head. She had thought about it a couple of times, but she could never make out anything of it. 

"Because, it was never meant to be" Gellert said and Destiny tilted her head in confusion. "I am simply meant to be a diversion" Gellert said and he slowly turned around. Destiny stood up from her seat with a confused look on her face. She had no idea what Gellert was trying to say. 

"What do you mean?" Destiny asked in a confused tone, but an absurd thought was slowly creeping through her mind. Gellert smiled softly and dropped to one of his knees and lowered his head. Destiny immediately gasped in surprise. 

"I, Gellert Grindelwald, swear on my Magic, Body, and Soul that I would be completely loyal to Destiny Grindelwald and I also swear to serve her loyally throughout the rest of my life. From today onwards, I swear to follow you, milady!" Gellert finished loudly and Magic flashed around both Destiny and Gellert, signifying that the oath was active and legit. 

"Morgana's tits!! What the fuck were you thinking??!!" Destiny shrieked with a scowl on her face. She was way too shocked to stop Gellert and when she was able to gather her bearings, Gellert was already halfway done and stopping an Oath halfway could have severe consequences. Gellert simply raised his head and smiled. 

"It was always meant to be like this, milady" Gellert said and Destiny started to venomously glare at the man kneeling in front of her. Destiny wanted to scream and rage at the man, but she took a deep breath to calm herself. She needed to centre herself before doing anything else. 

"First order, never call me milady, call me Destiny" Destiny said as she kept glaring at Gellert. "And for fuck's sake, stand up!" Destiny snapped and Gellert simply smiled and stood up on his feet. 

"Hah… Now, are you going to tell me what you meant by those cryptic words? Please don't tell me that you had seen a vision of me leading us" Destiny said as she started to rub her temples and Gellert looked slightly uncomfortable. 

"Uh… Yes" Gellert said and Destiny's intense glare returned, but Gellert stood straight looking too proud of himself. "If you want to know the details then you can…" Gellert began to speak but Destiny cut him off before he could even finish. 

"Nah… I don't want to hear shit and gospel. It is better if you don't tell me anything" Destiny groaned as she plopped down in her seat. "Goddammit, Gellert! What the fuck am I supposed to do now?" Destiny questioned in a frustrated tone and rubbed her face. 

"Do what you have been doing and I will do what I was doing… everything remains the same except the fact that now, I am following you. At least, secretly" Gellert pointed out softly as he didn't want to earn any more of Destiny's ire…

Destiny didn't say anything for a couple of minutes as she was still trying to wrap her head around everything. She released a defeated sigh and leaned back in her chair. She didn't glare at Gellert any longer, but Gellert could see that Destiny's eyes were burning with determination. 

"Fine… I can work with that, but for now, I still need your guidance. What should I do now?" Destiny asked and Gellert's eyebrows twitched in irritation. He wasn't expecting Destiny to turn the tables so quickly, since Destiny had ordered him, he needed to follow the order. 

"I think you should head over to Britain" Gellert said after thinking for a minute. 

"Britain, why?" Destiny asked with a confused look on her face. Destiny knew that Gellert had ignored Britain until now due to Dumbledore because he still had some lingering feeling about him, but why ask her now?? 

"Because we have no support base in Britain, a lot of people want to support us, but they don't know how to reach us and Britain has already put me on their hit list. Britain is still untouched by our agenda" Gellert explained and Destiny simply rolled her eyes. 

"You could have simply said that you want me to take care of your ex-lover" Destiny deadpanned and Gellert started to chuckle. Destiny already knew about the Blood Oath, so neither Gellert nor Albus Dumbledore could face each other in active combat. Gellert needed someone's help to take care of Albus Dumbledore and Albus Dumbledore would also need to do the same. 

"You are wrong… you see, I will be out of here in two months and after that, Dumbledore will be plotting against me. He can't face me in direct combat, but that doesn't mean that he won't oppose me… his power base will be based in Britain, that is why I want you to go there and weaken his power base… if you can"

"And simply recruiting new members would also work. It would be like killing two birds with one Spell" Gellert elaborated and Destiny agreed with Gellert on this matter. She also knew that they needed to spread their influence in Britain or they were going to face severe opposition from that country when they finally tried to take over. 

Destiny already had a couple of Knights in the British Ministry of Magic, but they weren't enough. "Ok… I will be heading to Britain" Destiny said and then her face hardened. "Though I will kill Dumbledore if he tries to oppose me" Destiny said in a serious tone and Gellert grimaced, but he didn't say anything. 

He knew for sure that Albus was going to die by Destiny's hands, he didn't see it in a vision or anything, but he knew that it was going to happen in the future. They wanted to enslave Muggles and Albus was opposed to that idea, he was bound to cross Wands with Destiny someday and he knew Destiny would come out victorious for sure. 

"I won't ask you to show mercy" Gellert said with a straight face. 

"Ok, do you know the name of the guy who caught you?" Destiny questioned imperiously. 

"Yes, his name is Newton Artemis Fido Scamander or Newt Scamander, he is a Magizoologist or that is what he calls himself. He is a Dumbledore supporter… and I believe Dumbledore was the one who sent him here" Gellert explained and Destiny tapped her knee with a pondering look on her face. 

"I was never good with Magical Beasts…" Destiny muttered and shrugged. "Good… if that is all then I am leaving" Destiny said as she got up from her seat and Gellert nodded his head. 

"Good… take care of yourself and remember Albus is very manipulative, so he might send someone to infiltrate your army as a spy" Gellert said and Destiny wanted to roll her eyes, but she gave him a stiff nod. Destiny wasn't stupid, that is why she was still hidden in the shadows even though, she was actively recruiting new members in her army. 

"You also take care and don't forget to send me a message after escaping. I will be in Britain" Destiny said and her presence disappeared from Gellert's mind. Gellert plopped into his chair, but moments later, a kind and a caring smile appeared on his face. 

'Destiny Grindelwald savi…' Gellert mused in amusement as his thoughts drifted towards the distant future… 

<Line Break>

Destiny finally returned to her body and she was glad that nobody had bothered her while her mind was drifting somewhere else. Destiny took a deep breath and started to wonder about the future… she never expected that Gellert would swear loyalty to her. That was pretty absurd!!

But he had sworn loyalty to her and there was no going back now… Destiny slammed her head on the table and a frustrated groan escaped her lips. She really wished that Ambika was here right now. She badly needed a shag. Another pitiful groan escaped Destiny's lips. 

Only after a few hours, Destiny was bored out of her mind… 'How the fuck can anyone sane can work in a place like this and remain sane?!' Destiny screamed inside her mind. She was utterly bored. She had gone to the cafeteria for lunch and found that everyone in Moira's department were complete loners. 

So, Destiny finally decided to start looking through Record books as she didn't have anything else to do. Destiny finally walked out of MACUSA looking really disgruntled. Destiny directly Apparated into Moira's apartment and she found the other woman sitting near the window while reading a book. 

"How do you even work in that place? Don't you find it boring?" Destiny questioned and Moira shot out of her chair. She was so engrossed in reading that she didn't even notice Destiny's arrival. 

"Um… sorry, mil… Destiny" Moira remembered Destiny's order. "I didn't notice your arrival" Moira added and Destiny waved her hand in a dismissive manner. 

"It is fine…" Destiny said and moments later, her stomach growled followed by Moira's stomach. Moira immediately blushed while Destiny's eyebrows started to twitch. 

"Is there a nice restaurant around here?" Destiny questioned and Moira nervously nodded her head. 

"But it is owned by No-Majs" Moira said nervously and Destiny simply shrugged. 

"I don't care and additionally, Muggle food is cheap" Destiny said and nodded her head like a sage. Moira agreed with Destiny and only after a few minutes, both of them walked out of the apartment, making their way towards the restaurant… 


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