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8.19% Crimson Destiny (Fantastic Beasts Fanfic) [Temp Hiatus] / Chapter 3: The Wand of Destiny

Capítulo 3: The Wand of Destiny

Destiny shot up from the bed as she hysterically looked around. 'Do I really have someone who I can call my family now?' Destiny questioned herself as she kept checking herself. There wasn't anything different about her but she could feel that something had changed.

'Was everything a dream?' Once again Destiny questioned herself but nobody answered her. Destiny placed her hand on the arm and found that she still had her Wand. All of a sudden the door opened and her saviour, her teacher, and hopefully her family walked in.

"How are you feeling, Destiny?" Gellert asked in a soft tone and Destiny couldn't stop herself as she started to tear up. She flung herself into Gellert's arms without a second thought as she started to sob. Gellert started to pat Destiny's back with an unsure look on his face.

After about 10 minutes of continuous sobbing, Destiny finally calmed down. She separated herself from Gellert's arms as she stared into his eyes. Destiny's crimson eyes were glittering due to all of her crying and her cheeks were puffed up.

"Yes, I am feeling fine, Gellert… should I keep calling you Gellert or something else?" Destiny asked cutely and Gellert simply smiled.

"I have no problems if you want to keep calling me Gellert…" Gellert trailed off and Destiny nodded her head. 

"Gellert, even though I am completely fine. I feel slightly different, is that normal?" Destiny asked and Gellert seemed to contemplate her question and immediately cast a few diagnostic charms on her. The results were completely normal… 

'It is probably the residual magic from the ritual or she might be feeling different due to my Family Magick' Gellert concluded. Gellert took out his own shrunken trunk from his pocket and enlarged it. Grindelwald was an ancient magical family and there were a lot of things Destiny could learn from the family magic books.

The trunk wasn't anything fancy. It was a magically expanded trunk and nothing else. Gellert took out an ancient-looking book from the trunk and kept staring at the book in his hands for a few moments. While Gellert has been reminiscing about the book Destiny kept carefully watching him. 

Gellert finally released a sigh and placed the book in Destiny's little hands. She curiously looked at the book in her hands and opened it. She had seen Gellert reading this book multiple times. She had been curious about it but never asked. Before Destiny could start reading Gellert stopped her. 

"Destiny, this is the Grindelwald family Grimoire, no one other than a Grindelwald could or should read this book. The contents are only for the eyes of a Grindelwald, no matter what, never reveal the contents to anyone" Gellert said in a serious tone. 

Destiny nodded her head. She didn't completely understand the whole situation but she understood that the contents should not be revealed to anyone outside the family and Gellert was the only family she had. "I promise" Destiny said in a determined tone and a small smile appeared on Gellert's face. 

Destiny started to read the Grimoire and she was amazed by the Spells she found inside the book. Most of the Spells she found at the beginning were for daily purposes but Destiny found that all of them were way better than the Spells she had been using. 

Destiny knew that Gellert had made her a part of his family. She was an abandoned orphan who didn't even have a name. She was about to be burned alive but Gellert had saved her. He gave her food, taught her Magic, showed her kindness, gave her a name, and finally, he had given her a family. 

Destiny silently vowed that she would never disappoint Gellert. She would work even harder from now on… she would never bring shame to Gellert… 

<Line Break>

A week had passed since Gellert had blood adopted the little girl and given her a name, 'Destiny Grindelwald'. It was quite an impactful name and Gellert was pretty sure that one day, she was going to be one of the strongest Witches in the World, if not the strongest. 

Throughout this week he has been closely watching Destiny to see if there was anything different about her or not. Gellert wasn't disappointed, there was a huge difference. Destiny had started to double her effort. At first, Gellert was worried about her thinking that she would burn herself out. 

All of his worries were for nought!! Destiny was showing huge progress and even though she pushed herself so hard, there weren't any negative signs as of yet. That was all due to Destiny's efforts but there was something else too. 

Previously, Destiny has been slightly above average with Curses. But all of a sudden she started to show a huge improvement in that department and as of now, she could be considered a prodigy in Curses. Gellert knew that it was quite impossible for someone to improve so much overnight. 

Destiny had started to show improvements in that department after he had blood adopted her. Grindelwald family wasn't good in Curses, they didn't even have any Curse prodigies in the recorded history of the Grindelwald family until him. He was the only one who was good at Curses from the Grindelwald family. 

'Is it possible that she somehow gained my talent due to the blood adoption ritual?' That was the first thing Gellert had considered so he had checked the book if there was a mention of such a thing but there were no such things mentioned in the book. 

Gellert wasn't jealous or angry at Destiny but wanted to know how Destiny was able to gain his talent for Curses and if the process could be replicated with getting blood adopted by someone else. Destiny was progressing way faster than he had predicted and he was sure now that Destiny will play a huge role in the future. 

"Destiny! Take a break, there is something I need to talk about" Gellert called out and Destiny was instantly standing in front of him. Her Wand tucked away in her Wand holster. Gellert was amused at the display. 

"Tell me, Destiny, what do you know about your Magical Core?" Gellert asked and Destiny scrunched her face in concentration, trying to remember what she had read. 

"The Magical Strength of a Witch and Wizard are determined by the density of their Magical Cores. There are three states of Cores. Gaseous, Liquid, and Solid" Destiny recited but she didn't know what those words meant. Gellert gave her an appreciative nod. 

"You are right… except for a few parts. There are four states of a Magical Cores and it is said that there are two more states but those two aren't important right now" Gellert said and Destiny paid rapt attention to whatever Gellert was saying. 

"The Magical Core states you mentioned are for normal Witches and Wizards. The fourth one is special… Only a handful of Witches and Wizards have been able to reach that state of Magical Cores. It is called the Crystalized State" Gellert said with a grin. 

"Do you have a Crystalized Magical Core?" Destiny asked curiously as she cutely tilted her head. Gellert started to chuckle. 

"No. I think I am close to the breakthrough but I still have a Solid Magical Core" Gellert finished with a grin. 

"Now, Magical Core states are important but there is another thing which should be important but most Witches and Wizards tend to ignore them. It is the size of the Magical Core" Gellert said and waved his Wand to create two orbs. One was small while one was bigger. 

"If you have a bigger Core then you will be able to store more magic, having a bigger Magical Core means you can keep casting Magic for longer times. Using strong magic wouldn't leave you exhausted and someone could use stronger Spells continuously if their Magical Core is big enough"

"Other than that, having a bigger Magical Core doesn't have any advantages. A Witch or Wizard having a small Liquid Magical Core could easily defeat someone with a huge Gaseous Magical Core" Gellert said and dispersed the orbs he had created. 

"Destiny, do you know what type of advantages a person can gain after their Magical Core turns from Gaseous to Liquid?" Gellert questioned and Destiny tilted her head as she started to think about the answer. 

"They would have a better grasp of their magic. Their magic would react faster so the casting speed would increase. Their Spells would also become more powerful"

Their Spells will also consume less magic but still have the same effect… their ability to Transfigure and Conjure might increase if they have any talent since the beginning" Destiny answered and Gellert gave her a satisfied nod. 

"You are right about that. That is why a person with a smaller but denser Core could easily defeat someone with a bigger Core but less dense Core. Now, most Witches and Wizards seem to have the same size of Magical Cores" Gellert said and took a small pause. 

"There is a reason for that… Most Witches and Wizards start practising magic when they are around 11 years old. Even if someone starts early, I can pretty much guarantee that there is no one in your age group that works as hard as you" 

"This presents you a unique opportunity. You could increase the size of your Magical Core to unmatched levels. This is an obscure piece of knowledge. Only someone below the age of 10 can increase the size of their Magical Core by magically exhausting themselves"

"If an adult does the same then he can only densify his Magical Core, the size of his Magical Core won't increase. I learned this when I could no longer enlarge my Magical Core by exhausting myself" Gellert said and decided to take a small pause so that Destiny could digest all the information he had given her. 

"So, I can enlarge my Magical Core indefinitely?" Destiny asked and Gellert shook his head. 

"There is a limit to how much you can enlarge your Magical Core, after that your Magical Core will start to densify if you magically exhaust yourself" Gellert said and Destiny nodded her head in understanding. 

"Can I check the size of your Magical Core?" Gellert asked and Destiny immediately nodded her head giving him permission. 

Gellert cast the Spell and he was quite surprised to find that Destiny's Magical Core was 1.5 times bigger than his own Magical Core. But even though her Magical Core was bigger than his, Gellert could still easily outlast her as his Spells consumed a lot less Magic than hers. 

"So, how big is my Core? Is it small?" Destiny asked with a small level of fear in her voice. Gellert chuckled and shook his head. 

"No… in fact, your Magical Core is 1.5 times bigger than mine" Gellert stated and Destiny's eyes grew wide in surprise. 

"But you can cast magic for hours without getting tired" Destiny questioned and once again, Gellert chuckled and shook his head. 

"You said yourself, having a denser Core will consume less Magic even though the effects of your Spells are normal or better than normal" Gellert said and Destiny oohed in understanding as she cutely nodded her head. 

"Now, get back your practice" Gellert said and Destiny didn't need to be told twice. Destiny decided to use more magic consuming Spells as they would exhaust her Magical Core quicker. 

Gellert simply smiled as he kept watching Destiny for a minute and then he started to practice on his own. He wondered how strong Destiny would become if she is able to reach the Crystallized Magical Core state or possibly higher. He shuddered at the thought but at the same time, he felt proud too. 

Gellert started to work on his own spell work. 'Maybe I should start participating in Duels. I won't be able to use a lot of my usual Spells but I will be able to practice against strong opponents. This way I won't lose my edge' Gellert mused and decided to start participating in the Duelling Tournaments… 

<Line Break>

"Sir, there are obvious signs of Magic but they are way too old for us to do anything with it" a young Auror reported to his superior who had a deep frown marring his face. 

"How long has this village been empty?" The man asked and the junior seemed to look embarrassed. 

"It has been nearly a year" the junior Auror muttered in a low tone. The group's leader growled in anger. 

"Then how the hell didn't we notice this?" The leader snapped but somehow the junior Auror managed not to cower in fear. 

"...Sir, with the current tension in the Muggle world, we thought that the disappearance of a village wasn't a big deal. There have been other cases like this…" the junior Auror said and the leader seemed to scowl after hearing the answer. 

"Record everything… I don't want anything missing" the leader barked out as he started to rub his temples. This is going to be a huge pain in his ass… he could already see trouble heading his way. 

Magical Governments don't appreciate incidents like this. They didn't like the fact that magic was being used to harm muggles as it was putting the Statute of Secrecy at risk and none of the Magical Governments liked that. 

Well… he was going to inform his superiors about what he had found here. There were around 80 villagers in this town except for the children who had shown up in a nearby village with blank looks on their faces and they didn't remember anything. 

He was pretty sure that a group of Witches or Wizards were involved. There were no survivors… It meant that the attackers were able to subdue or kill all the villagers without raising an alarm. That was not possible without a group…

<Line Break>

"Why are we going to France?" Destiny asked curiously when Gellert informed her that they were going to visit France the day after tomorrow.

"I want to participate in the Duelling Tournament" Gellert said and Destiny bobbed her head up and down. 

"Can I also participate?" Destiny asked and Gellert smiled but shook his head. 

"No, you are too young. There are under 13 Duelling Tournaments but they only allow children above 11 year old to participate" Gellert explained and Destiny started to pout but she didn't say anything else for now. 

"What are you reading?" Gellert questioned when he noticed that Destiny was reading the Grindelwald family Grimoire. 

"I am reading about Blood Magic… I find it interesting" Destiny said without looking up from the Grimoire. 

Gellert quirked his brows. 'Blood Magic? Damn!' Gellert thought as he made his way towards Destiny. Blood Magic was a very dangerous form of Magic and obviously illegal in most countries. 

Not much was mentioned about Blood Magic in the Grindelwald family Grimoire except for some Curses involving blood. Gellert himself knew a few, like the blood boiling curse, blood expelling curse, blood corrosion curse, etc. 

There were mentions of some other Curses involving blood too but no Spells were mentioned for those Curses in his family Grimoire. Gellert didn't want to dissuade her but he wanted to give her a fair warning. 

"You know, blood magic is very dangerous" Gellert said softly and Destiny finally looked up from the book. 

"Yes, I have read the warning. That was the first thing I read before I started reading but I find Blood Magic interesting. I feel that the Grimoire itself is telling me to read it" Destiny said and Gellert cocked his head sideways in confusion. 

This is not something that should happen. He has never heard any feature like that. Yes, he knew that family Grimoire was not new and it is possible that it might have a hidden feature like that but it hasn't happened with anyone he knew. 

All of a sudden a theory seemed to appear inside Gellert's mind and he decided to test it out. "Destiny, it has been some time since you have practised your Spells on a live subject… Do you want to test them?" Gellert asked and Destiny excitedly nodded her head. 

Minutes later, the two of them left the small shed they had been living in, Gellert Appariting away with Destiny. The two of them appeared outside a small Muggle Settlement. It was probably a village or small town. 

It has been only two years since the Republic of China was formed on the Muggle side. The Qing Dynasty has ruled China for more than 2000 years under the name of Imperial Rule. The Magical side of China was left completely untouched by this struggle. 

Gellert found a group of unsuspecting Muggles in the middle of a field. They were boisterously laughing and having fun while drinking sake. "There… we are going to use them as your subjects" Gellert said and Destiny beamed at him. 

"But you need to subdue them on your own" Gellert said and Destiny flinched. Her small hand wrapped around her Wand tightly. 

'I could do this… I won't disappoint Gellert' Destiny said inside her mind as she intently stared at the group of unsuspecting Muggles. 'I know the spells… I can't use the Stunning Charm, but I know the Petrifying Charm' Destiny thought trying to find a way to subdue the group of Muggles. 

'I can't Petrify them at once but they are drinking sake so their actions will be sluggish. But what if they screamed? I can't have them calling for help. Then I need to cast a Silencing Charm around them before attacking' Destiny thought as she nodded her head with a determined look on her face. 

Destiny took a deep breath as she started to head towards the group. She already had her Wand in her hand, but the grip on her Wand became tighter as she approached the group. Her knuckles turned white due to the force she was applying. It was a surprise that she didn't snap her own Wand. 

Destiny jabbed her Wand towards the group as she cast the Silencing Charm around the group. The group also noticed Destiny when she jabbed the Wand in their direction.

"Little girl, what are you doing out here?" One of the men asked Destiny in Mandarin with an odd look on his face. Destiny had never seen such an expression on anyone's face. 

"Bastard! She is a little girl. The sake has gone into your head, you fool" another man seemed to scold the first man but Destiny didn't have the time to think about what they were talking about. 

Destiny twisted her Wand while pointing towards the first man. A white light shot out of her Wand and hit the man on his chest. A white glow surrounded the man as he dropped to the ground completely unresponsive. 

The second man's eyes grew wide but before he could even utter anything, he met the previous man's fate and dropped on the ground, completely unresponsive. Destiny's eyes focused on the remaining three and her eyes grew wide in fear. 

She lunged sideways to protect her chest but the stone still smashed on her left shoulder. Apparently one of the guys wasn't as drunk as she had thought, apparently, he was sober enough to throw a stone at her. 

Pain shot throughout her shoulder but she didn't have the time to be bothered by it. With an oomph, she slammed on the ground. Once again pain shot throughout her body and she saw the man who had thrown the stone standing above her. 

Destiny rolled around to dodge the kick. She pointed her Wand in his direction and she saw the man's eyes grow wide. Destiny immediately understood that the man knew what she was holding. She could investigate that later with Gellert's help. 

A white light originating from her Wand's tip smashed on the man's head and the man dropped on the ground, completely unresponsive. Destiny sat up with a lot of difficulties and saw that the last two men were still standing where they were with dumb looks on their faces.

The two of them quickly joined the rest of the group and Destiny put her Wand back in the holster as she caressed her shoulder where the stone had landed. She should have paid more attention… she should have been faster. 

"Let me see that" Gellert finally appeared beside her and cast a diagnostic charm. "Nothing broken, it will be completely fine after a Pain Relief Potion" Gellert said with a smile. 

Destiny wanted to complain that potions were yucky but she was able to hold back her tongue. "I should have noticed that he was sober" Destiny muttered in a disappointed tone but Gellert simply ruffled his hair. 

"He was sloshed! But he was able to recognize what you were holding so he attacked you" Gellert said as he stared at the man who had attacked Destiny. "Legilimens" Gellert muttered as he entered the man's mind. The man silently screamed as Gellert rummaged through his mind. 

After a few moments, Gellert cracked his neck. Destiny knew that Gellert must have finished rummaging through his mind. "A stupid Witch forgot to Obliviate him after he witnessed magic" Gellert said and pointed his Wand towards the lying man. 

"Crucio" Gellert cast the Cruciatus Curse, one of the three Unforgivables on the man lying on the ground. The man's body started to shudder as he continued screaming with his mouth closed. After about 30 seconds, Gellert lifted the Curse. 

"That was for attacking Destiny" Gellert said coldly as he walked away from the downed man. Destiny slowly got up from her ground and rolled her left shoulder to relieve some of the pain she was feeling. 

"Why don't you try the Blood Boiling Curse? If you want I can show you" Gellert said while twirling his Wand and moments later, he cast a strong Notice-Me-Not Charm around them. Destiny knew what it was but didn't know how to cast it. 

"Yes" Destiny immediately accepted the offer. Gellert jabbed his Wand towards the first Muggle Destiny had downed. For a few seconds, nothing happened but the man started to scream with his mouth closed and smoke started to rise from his body. 

His skin started to burn off and moments later, the man was dead. Gellert knowingly didn't use any Wand movements or the incantation. He wanted to see if Destiny could pick up the spell like this or not. After all, she had learned all the spells from him in this manner. 

Destiny scrunched her face in concentration as she jabbed her Wand towards the second guy. For a few seconds, nothing happened but moments later, the man started to scream but he stopped and Destiny frowned. 

'My Spell has worked but it dropped due to some reason… I didn't lose my concentration, maybe my intent wasn't strong enough' Destiny thought and once again she jabbed her Wand towards the man trying to cast the Blood Boiling Curse. 

Destiny's Wand shuddered and she was immediately disarmed by Gellert who was keeping an eye on her. The Wand flew into Gellert's hand and this time Destiny understood what had happened. 

"Was that the Wand's limit?" Destiny asked in a saddened tone and Gellert only nodded his head with a sad smile on his face. Such a talent, she had picked up the Spell just after seeing it for once. She had also cast the Spell silently without any Wand movements. 

Gellert's eyes trailed towards his own Wand. Could he trust her with that? He was damn sure that the Wand would work perfectly for Destiny but he had worked so hard for this Wand… can he simply hand over the Wand to her? 

While Gellert was going through an internal debate, Destiny bit her lip in frustration as she kept staring at the ground. She was being limited by her own Wand. How could she even grow? She was sure that Gellert was disappointed in her now and she didn't like that. 

Gellert looked towards Destiny and once again his eyes focused on his Wand in his hand. He finally decided to take the risk… a risk he would have never taken in the past. Only in a year, Gellert had started to see Destiny as his own daughter but he would never say that to her. 

All of a sudden Gellert gasped in surprise when he started to have a vision. The whole vision seemed to be revolving around a Crimson-haired woman and Crimson eyes… he immediately recognized the woman as Destiny Grindelwald. He wasn't able to see anyone else other than himself. 

Once again, he found himself back in the real world. He knew that he had Seer abilities, but could he trust a vision? The answer was yes, he could. Magic worked in mysterious ways. Many would call Divination a sham but he knew better. 

His past self would have called him an utter fool for making such a foolish decision but he wanted to nurture the talent of Destiny. Once again he saw the look on Destiny's face and decided to go forward with it. 

"Here take this" Gellert said and handed Destiny her Wand. She accepted the Wand and muttered a thank you. 

"Destiny, disarm me" Gellert called out and Destiny almost froze. She looked up so that she could look into Gellert's eyes. Gellert was holding out his Wand, she scrutinized him for a few seconds. 

She finally decided to go ahead with it. She didn't know what Gellert was planning but she was going to find out. She slowly pointed her Wand towards Gellert and twisted it. A crimson beam shot out of Destiny's Wand tip and slammed on Gellert's torso.

Gellert stood his ground but his Wand sailed through the air and landed on Destiny's open hand. Destiny's eyes grew wide when she saw that Gellert didn't even try to defend himself. She simply caught the Wand out of reflex. 

"Why didn't you…" That was all Destiny could say before she felt the magic coursing through her body. She knew that Gellert's Wand was responsible for it but why? 

'Looks like my theory is right. You can gain the Elder Wand's allegiance by simply disarming' Gellert thought as he could feel that he was no longer the Elder Wand's owner. Surprisingly, he didn't feel bad for losing the Elder Wand. 

Destiny waved the Elder Wand with an awed look in her eyes. She jabbed the Wand towards the nearest man… he started to scream with his mouth closed and his skin started to smoke… moments later, the man's skin started to melt off and he died. 

She immediately turned towards Gellert who was fiddling with his old Wand with a melancholic look on his face. "Gellert, what happened? How can your Wand fit so perfectly for me?" Destiny asked curiously. 

Gellert smiled and decided to tell her the truth about the Wand. From now on, she was the one who was going to have the Elder Wand, so he wanted her to know all the facts. He has discovered that the Wand's allegiance could change if disarmed so if Destiny didn't want to use it then he could always disarm her. 

"That's because it is a special Wand. This Wand is known by various names. The Elder Wand, the Death Stick, or the Wand of Destiny, quite a fitting name, don't you think?" Gellert asked in an amused tone as Destiny stared at the Wand she had in her hand. 

(Image Here) 

'The Wand of Destiny' Destiny repeated inside her mind. She liked that name. She could feel the power of the Wand. She had never felt such a connection with her Magic until now. 

"According to the legends, there were three brothers- Antioch, Cadmus, and Ignotus Peverell. They were out travelling when they came across a treacherous river that had been known to claim the lives of many that had attempted to cross it" 

Gellert began to tell her about the Legends of the origin of the Deathly Hallows. Destiny gripped the Wand tightly as she paid rapt attention to everything Gellert was saying. 

"Taking no chances, the three brothers pulled out their wands and conjured a bridge out of thin air. However, as they began to cross it, they found a hooded figure blocking their path"

"It was Death himself, dressed in a simple long black cloak. Death felt cheated that the three brothers have outsmarted him but he offered each brother their choice of gift as a reward for outsmarting him"

"The eldest went first, and being a belligerent man he asked for a wand that would defeat all others. Death went to a nearby elder tree and created a wand from its wood, which he handed to the eldest brother"

"The second brother, who wanted to humiliate Death even further, asked for an object that would recall the dead and was given the Resurrection Stone"

"The youngest was wiser than his brothers and was sceptical of Death's intentions. He asked for an object that would allow him to live his life without the fear of Death following him"

"Reluctantly, Death handed over his own Cloak of Invisibility" Gellert finally finished his tale and Destiny looked at the Wand with slight fear in her eyes and gulped loudly. 

"Do you really believe that this Wand was created by Death?" Destiny asked and Gellert smiled as he ruffled her hair. 

"Yes, I do but in case this Wand wasn't created by Death then it must have been created by probably the best Wandcrafter in history" Gellert said Destiny cutely nodded her head in understanding but then a frown appeared on her face. 

"...Then why are you giving me this Wand? Wouldn't it be better if you had it?" Destiny asked and Gellert shook his head. 

"Yes but as I said. I am going to participate in the Duelling Tournaments… Everyone's Wands are checked and recorded. I can't show up with such a legendary artefact" Gellert said and once again Destiny found herself staring at the Wand of Destiny with awe in her eyes. 

After a few moments, Destiny finally came to a decision and she nodded her head with a determined look on her face. "Then I will only use this Wand until I turn 11" Destiny said her voice filled with conviction and Gellert tilted his head in confusion. 

"Do you want to tell me why you decided that?" Gellert asked curiously. 

"Yes, I know what I can do but I feel this Wand is boosting my ability to cast Magic and I think you should have it… I can't take away something so priceless from you" Destiny said while staring into Gellert's eyes. 

Gellert understood that he had made the right choice by giving her the Wand. He had already decided that he would allow Destiny to follow her own path so he would respect his decision. Gellert could only nod his head after seeing the determination and conviction in her eyes. 

"...Did you ever find the other artefacts? I mean the Resurrection Stone and the Cloak of Invisibility?" Destiny asked after a few moments of silence. 

"...I have been looking for them. According to the legend, gathering all three Hallows would make you Master of Death. Even if that isn't true, I could use the Resurrection Stone to create an army of Inferi" Gellert gushed out looking really excited. 

"Inferi?" Destiny asked as she tilted her head. 

"It's a type of undead. You won't understand unless you read about them on your own" Gellert said and Destiny nodded her head and decided to drop the matter. 

"You have verified that you can use that Wand to cast Magic… Now, why don't you try the other Spells?" Gellert asked with a grin and Destiny nodded her head with a determined look on her face. 

She decided to leave the man who had attacked her for the last. She knew that she could cast the Blood Boiling Curse so this time she decided to cast the Blood Expelling Curse. Destiny simply pointed her Wand towards her subject and the man silently screamed as he started to bleed from all of his orifices. 

His eyes popped out as blood gushed out from his eye sockets. Moments later, the man was dead. Destiny's eyes focused on the 2nd last man and this time she wanted to test the Blood Corrosion Curse. 

The Wand of Destiny twitched in her hand and blue veins started to appear on the man's skin. For a few seconds, his body shook until he went completely still, signifying his death. 

Gellert kept watching Destiny from the side and he was more than shocked by what he saw. He could understand the Blood Boiling Curse, as he had demonstrated that Spell but she cast the Blood Expelling Curse and the Blood Corrosion Curse on her own. 

Not only did she cast a completely new spell on her first try. She did it silently and without any silly Wand movements as she liked to call them. This was beyond the prodigy level. Now, Gellert was damn sure that Destiny was really attuned towards Blood Magic but nothing could have prepared him for what he saw next. 

'I have already used the Blood Boiling Curse, the Blood Expelling Curse, and the Blood Corrosion Curse. What should I use next?' Destiny wondered as she rubbed her chin with a thoughtful look on her face. 

She wanted this one to be special as her shoulder was still aching. 'Should I use the Blood Acid Curse? But I don't know the incantation or the Wand movements' Destiny snorted when she thought about Wand movements. They were silly. 

'Gellert had said that Magic is all about intent. I know that the Blood Acid Curse turns your blood into acid… hmm… let's give it a try' Destiny thought as she jabbed the Wand of Destiny towards the last man. He was barely alive as Gellert had Crucio'd him previously. 

The man started to silently scream as his body started to melt. It was a gruesome sight but Destiny enjoyed each moment of it. Not only did she successfully cast a new Spell on her first try, but she also did it while not knowing the incantation. 

Gellert's eyes grew wide in shock and surprise. Destiny had used a completely new Spell which he had never seen but its effects were eerily similar to the Blood Acid Curse. But that Curse didn't have an incantation… 'Did Destiny cast the magic with just her intent?' 

"Destiny, what was that Spell?" Gellert asked softly. Destiny beamed at him with a bright smile on her face. 

"The Blood Acid Curse" Destiny beamed. 

"Absolutely brilliant!! I have never seen a talent like yours. Do you know how you did it?" Gellert praised Destiny, his voice filled with pride. He was genuinely feeling proud of her and a feat like that should be praised. 

"...Um… I knew the effects of the Spell, I simply wanted the end result and the rest was done by my Magic" Destiny said with a thoughtful look on her face. 

'Just like I had thought. She cast the Spell with pure intent. She wanted the result and her Magic provided' Gellert thought inside his mind as he started to pat Destiny's head. He needed to get her more books related to Blood Magic. It was banned in most countries but Black Markets existed for a reason. 

Gellert was really glad that a year ago he had decided to take the scenic route or he would have never met such an amazingly talented Witch… 

<Line Break>

"I don't like France… everyone seems to have a stick shoved up their arses" Destiny grumbled in Mandarin as she walked through the streets of Magical France with Gellert. 

Gellert didn't bother to scold her for her foul language. In fact, he also felt the same inside his mind and he never considered himself to be a responsible parent. No responsible parent would ever teach their seven-year-old children how to murder Muggles. 

Nor would they buy their children books related to Blood Magic. Murdering Muggles was still a debatable topic but everyone kept their children away from something like Blood Magic and he was actively buying her books related to that particular branch of Magic. 

Yesterday was their last day in China. So, Gellert had spent his whole day looking for books related to Blood Magic and his excursion was successful as he was able to get more than two dozen different types of books related to Blood Magic. 

"As a matter of fact, I also don't like them" Gellert deadpanned and Destiny nodded her head in understanding. 

Since yesterday, she has been busy with the Blood Magic books Gellert has bought for her. She was excited but that didn't mean that she would skim through the content of the books. She wanted to read them slowly and carefully, not wanting to miss anything. So, she was still stuck on her 1st book. 

But now she was having another problem. Everyone around her was giving her weird looks even though all of them were Wizards or Witches. She didn't mind those weird looks but she hated those whispers and the looks of pity. 

'Most of the Magical Societies are prejudiced against anything which isn't normal to their perspective' that is what Gellert had told her. 

Destiny released a defeated sigh as she couldn't change their view right now, but one day she would. Destiny thought as she clenched her little fists tightly. 

"This is the biggest Magical mainstream bookstore of France" Gellert said as the two of them stood in front of Magillard: Plumes et Tome. 

Destiny and Gellert have arrived in Place Cachée, the Magical side of Paris, France. Gellert had already learned French from the French Potion he had bought from the Potion shop a year ago. So this time he didn't need to use the Imperius or the Obliviation Charm. 

Since then the two of them have been looking around as the tournament wasn't going to start until next month. Both of them entered the book store and Destiny immediately started to look around. 

Destiny picked up the newspaper and snorted in disdain when she read the mention of the World War. It has been a few months since the war broke out and as of now, the Magical side was mostly unaffected. 

'They should probably kill each other. That would save our kind' Destiny thought as she put down the paper and started to look for the books she wanted to buy. After an hour, she left the shop with Gellert and 21 brand new books. 

After that, the two of them quickly made their way to the nearest cafe as the two of them were really hungry. Gellert cast a Silencing Charm around them so that no one could eavesdrop on their conversation. 

It has been some time since Gellert has been wanting to tell her about his dream, his ambition. Today he saw Destiny reading the newspaper in the bookstore and he decided to reveal his ambition to her. He already knew that Destiny hated Muggles with passion. 

He was pretty sure what her decision was going to be at the end but that didn't mean that wouldn't give her a choice. So, he decided to start explaining in a roundabout way. He decided to start with the topic of war. 

He understood that she was probably far too young to understand things like this but she already hated Muggles, she had also murdered Muggles and even if she didn't understand everything, he wanted to make his standing clear. 

"Tell me, Destiny, what do you think about the Muggle War?" Gellert questioned and Destiny frowned. 

"I think they should kill each other off. The only good Muggle is a dead Muggle" Destiny said in a bland tone and Gellert couldn't agree any more. 

"You know, there is a thing about Muggles. They are extremely good at killing… they don't have Magic but throughout history, they have been finding news ways of killing each other…" Gellert said and Destiny slowly nodded her head. She was unsure where the conversation was going. 

"They also have strength in numbers. What do you think would happen if they found out about Magic's existence?" Gellert questioned. 

"Witch hunts" Destiny muttered and Gellert solemnly nodded his head. 

"One day they are definitely going to find out about us and that day the Muggles would band together against the common enemy, us" Gellert said and paused when the waitress finally arrived to take their order. 

The waitress left after taking the order but not before sneering towards Destiny and giving a flirtatious wink towards Gellert. "In the past, the Witches and Wizards were facing a similar problem. That is why the Statute of Secrecy was enacted" Gellert said and looked outside the window. 

"But the Statute is faulty, as instead of protecting Wizards and Witches, it is made to protect Filthy Muggles. We have lived in the shadows for far too long and I refuse to continue anymore" Gellert said with a hardened look on his face. Destiny felt herself entranced with the speech. 

"Destiny, I won't ask you to follow me. I won't make you follow me, you are free to choose your own path but this is something I must do for the Greater Good. I must erase this threat known as Muggles" Gellert said and Destiny lowered her eyes, deep in thought. 

Gellert patiently waited for Destiny. He didn't want to force an answer out of her. The waitress finally returned with the order and Gellert gave her a small smile as he cursed her when she started to return. 

"...Yes, we must save our kind from the Muggles. We will change the world for the Greater Good" Destiny said, her eyes burning with determination. Her fingers wrapped tightly around the Wand of Destiny. 

Gellert smiled brightly after hearing her answer. "You aren't strong yet, but you will be, in the future…" Gellert said with a mysterious smile on his face… 

InGlorious InGlorious

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