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95.33% A Nascent Kaleidoscope. / Chapter 531: Chapter 480

Capítulo 531: Chapter 480


Well, this was certainly an awkward turn of events.

"Got nothing to say? Hmph." Odin just huffed, walking up to Godou and smacked him with his walking stick. "Just a brat still. How did you manage to defeat Victory, hmm?"

"Uh….luck?" Godou scratched his head.

Odin ran a hand through his beard. "Don't knock a lucky victory. Verethragna would be insulted if you acted like that. A Victory is a Victory, brat!" He smacked Godou a few more times for good measure.

It was kind of surreal if I were to be honest. Oh his mannerisms were very normal to me having to deal with the Odin back home, but….well, he was a Heretic God. I had yet to meet one that wasn't immediately antagonistic.

"Who's the Geezer?" Mordred asked.

Odin turned his head towards Mordred and looked at her strangely. "You're a strange one." He hummed. "Not live, but Dead and yet…" Odin frowned. "I don't like it." He raised his hand up in front of her like he was about to do something.

"Watch yourself, Old Man." I narrowed my eyes, gripping Dawnbreaker I still had out.

Odin paused, looking at me with an expressionless look.

"Move yer hand if ya don't want to lose it." Mordred chimed in with a low growl.

Odin just let out a bark of laughter shaking his head.

"State thy business here." Athena broke through the awkwardness.

"You're hardly in a position to demand anything from me, Serpent." Odin scoffed. "Barely more than a Divine Ancestor. How much more will it take for you to fall to that level, hmm?"

"Once this one retrieves mine Gorgonian it will matter not!" Athena's nostrils flared.

"Unlikely to happen."

She whipped her head to me, glaring rather aggressively.

"Your pet – " Odin began to speak again.

"The All-Rabbit." I interjected.

"….." Odin stopped in his tracks, blinking.


"You really just can't help yourself can you?" Mordred looked at me.

Well in actuality, I was on guard.

Odin was the type of God that you had to respect, and I didn't know what his thoughts on us were just yet. If he suddenly up and decided we were an eyesore, well… would be a difficult fight.

"Don't try to hide it from me." Odin's one eye glowed. "I can feel it. The lingering traces, not just on your rodent but you as well, boy." His tone set a bit longer and firmer.

A reminder that this wasn't the Odin I knew.

"Maybe you're misremembering?" I offered casually.

"I never forget things."

I waved my hands. "It's just a figment of your imagination."

"Then I would question my whole existence." He snorted. "You're far from being able to give me an existential crisis." He turned to look at Athena. "Don't tell me you didn't notice anything, Serpent?"

"Do not presume to guess mine thoughts." Athena harrumphed, crossing her arms. I had the vaguest feeling that she didn't like Odin. "Why hath thou descended. Thou hath mocked those that descended in the past ruthlessly."

 "And I still do." Odin grunted. "Heretic Gods!" He spat out. "Ridiculous that they claim 'rebellion'. I have called it as I ever have, children throwing Tantrums! Let Pandora's bastards give them the slap upside the head they need."

"Thou speakest from thy high throne." Athena scoffed.

"Do not dare to say I did not earn my throne, serpent. Throw your tantrum that your history was rewritten, that your own throne was taken and you were regulated down as the men stood atop you as a Mother Earth Goddess, but it is nothing but the whining of the loser. The winner is King, the Loser is the servant."

Well, it certainly sounded like they had history there.

"Thy hypocrisy shines through thy mocking words. Thou presents thyself here and now." Athena pointed out.

"That's right, I'm here and now." Odin ran a hand through his beard. "And you know the difference between us?"

"You're not 'Rebelling'" I interjected. "You're a Heretic God, but even so, you're not….well, rampaging."

"Hmm." Odin turned back to me. "Well, you got a good head on your shoulders. I would have skewered you if you couldn't atleast see through that much as my brother."

"You don't have an iota of bloodlust or anything like that at the moment despite two Campione standing infront of you."

Heretic Gods and Campione were mortal enemies, it was inevitable that they fought. Something buried deep into their instincts. If a Heretic God saw a Campione, even if they weren't related or had any conflict previously, they would fight to the death. That was simply how it was from what Pandora talked to me about.

"To become a Heretic God, you have to 'rebel'." I added air quotes based on his previous opinion of the whole concept.

"That's right." Odin looked at me then jerked his thumb at Athena. "This one here is rebelling against the rewritten stories and legends where she was pulled down from her throne and the males stood atop here. Demoted to a mere Serpent, a daughter, a wife, a Monster. That's all she's known as to the Mortals. Did you know, she used to be the Queen of Gods."

I looked at Athena and had the smallest amount of pity for her. I suppose the legends of Zues and such were built after she was pulled down and the Myths around her changed? Metis, Gaia, Medusa, Athena, they all had connections and if you traced them back further to their roots, you would have a Queen of Gods it seems.

"You….dare to speak mine past so openly." Athena's eyes glowed.

"Do you want to fight?!" Odin's hard gaze met hers and she wordlessly snarled but backed down.

"Rebellion. You're rebelling against the idea of Rebellion. You're able to sustain this because of your Hooded One aspect because it's how you walked the mortal world hiding your identity in your myths." I connected the dots rather easily based on what I knew about Odin.

He's basically faking it.

He's faking his 'rebellion' against his own myth so he could descend to the Mortal World.

"Thou art ridiculous!" Athena quickly spoke. "Thy words are nonsense, such a conclusion is nothing but fanciful words."

"You may be a Goddess of Wisdom, but you lack shrewdness." Odin responded.

Yeah, that sounds about right. Odin is also a God of Wisdom, but he's much scarier than Athena would ever be in my opinion.

Athena's lips thinned, seemingly unable to retort. "Why hath thou appeared? Campione do not hold thy attention. Thou cares not for the rivalry."

"Normally you would be right. Unless I had a reason to do so." He was obviously staring at me. "Or if someone gave me a reason. If someone I knew came down and appeared, maybe drawing my attention perhaps. What say you, Loki?"

"Do….you think I'm Loki?" I blinked.

"It would fit." Odin rubbed his beard.

"I'm a Campione…."

"Aye and that would be something Loki would do for a lark. Something expected like tricking everyone into thinking he was a Campione." Odin stated.

That's…well, I could actually see that.

"I'm not that horse fucker." I deadpanned.

Odin looked at me before letting out a bark of laughter. "Yes, the likelihood lowers every moment. The former protector of these lands would have noticed I believe and he would not have willingly played along with Loki's schemes to hand over his Authority."

"Don't listen to him, he's Loki." Mordred spoke up. "He likes to fuck horses and all that."

Dammit Mordred…..

"Beat his ass, Old Man." Mordred continued.

[I really do like her. If I ever gave a human my bloodline willingly, well, I can't say I would be disappointed.] Ddraig chimed in as well.

"This one agrees, kill him." Athena said dryly.

You know, I just now noticed that the guy from the History Compilation place had disappeared. Those are some good survival instincts of his as the others….well Godou's budding harem were still around looking worried and confused by what was happening.

Odin seemed to ignore them. "I originally descended because I noticed the Tree you used against the protector. Not to mention I noticed my blessing. But that pales in comparison to what's infront of my eyes right now. Tell me boy, why is it that you're my blood brother?"

"Maybe it's a symbolic thing?" I offered. "Maybe we're just so much alike that you're mistaken."

"Oh, and how alike are we?" Odin asked sounding very much like he didn't believe me and was merely humoring me.

"Yer both idiots." Mordred offered.

"Thanks Mordred."

"No problem."

"Well, I'm handsome, charming…..hmm, wait I'm supposed to list the similarities. Well, I ate a lot of crayons when I was younger. That's something we might have in common."

"I liked the blue ones." Godou spoke up.

I think we all just paused and looked at him.

"What?" He looked around.

I gently pat Godou on the shoulder.

"This one is surrounded by idiots." Athena sighed.

"Let's set that to the side for now. What exactly did you do to Voban?" It was probably the most pertinent question because Voban was…well, I won't say I was scared, but I was cautious against him.

"His Authority is straight forward, I simply looped it upon itself so he could not immediately return." Odin stroked his beard. "You should be thanking me. Though the more time you waste, the more opportunity he has to overcome my little trick."

"Thou does not move from kindness." Athena scoffed.

"As a Heretic God, I believe I'm allowed to act selfishly and arrogantly, Serpent. Thus, I've made my own preparations. It would have been nice to simply learn everything I wanted, but I would be a poor tactician if I assumed that would work."

"Are you going to fight me?" I got serious.

"It would be a good fight, I can feel it in my bones." Odin grinned. "One of us would walk away through blood and steel after giving everything to the other." Despite still appearing as a frail old man, Odin's presence loomed above, the clouds began to circle overhead. "But I made other considerations." He hummed.

"….what did thou do." Athena's eyes widened.

"A simple transaction." Odin hummed, snapping his fingers. "Come out now, I held up my end of the bargain."

It was followed by the cry of a horse and the crackle of thunder as space tore open and a horse stepped through. Riding upon it was a cloaked woman, donned in armor and holding a lance. Behind her sat a smaller woman, blonde hair and wearing regal like clothing.

The one holding the Lance was a God, the woman…. lessened, was she a Divine Ancestor? A Mother Earth Goddess that had fallen?

Athena was the one to visibly react. "You despicable vile man!"

"As we agreed, you can have the Goddess if you do what I asked." Odin ignored her, though seemed to treat her as a tool for bargaining. "But if you try to take your prize before, I will show you why I'm Glad-o-War."

"A deal hath been struck." The Knight spoke.

"Is this your game then, Old Man?" I frowned, looking at Odin. "You don't even want to do your own dirty work?"

His one eye shined. "Why should an Old Man like myself make a move when these spirited youngsters are more than enough to satisfy my needs? I seek answers, the means does not matter."

"You best keep your words, All-Father." The royal looking woman on the back of the horse huffed.

"Mine enemy, bring forth your Authority, I will bestow the wisdom needed for you to slay this harlot!" Athena hissed.

"Ah." Odin raised his hand to cut her off. "If the youngster over there moves, I will join in. So, choose wisely."

Godou hesitated at Odin's words as did Athena.

"But don't worry, I have a little something to keep you occupied, Serpent." Odin put two fingers to his mouth and whistled.

Like a shooting star, a chromatic light shot through the air and slammed into the ground next to him. Platinum wings sprouted out behind the near figure as she knelt to him. "Valkyrie Brynhildr comes at your call, All-Father."

Odin looked at Athena and the others. "You're not allowed to Descend into the status of a Heretic God, Brynhildr otherwise go all out and keep the Goddess preoccupied. It should be about an even fight considering the circumstances."

I barely had time to blink before the Valkyrie shot at Athena. Athena's scythe from last time grinded against the Valkyrie's sword as they clashed quickly and violently.

"Godou, you can take him!" Erica blurted out.

"Hoh, maybe she's right. Want to try your luck, youngster?" Odin stared at Godou. "Of course, even if you managed to beat me, the other one would return rather quickly and I don't think he would be happy."

….he really just usurped the entire situation into his favor didn't he?

"Well played, Odin." I had to acknowledge it at least.

The Regal looking woman dismounted the horse and the Knight pointed her lance at me. "This one will be your opponent. Take up arms and fight with honor, Campione. For you Face Lancelot Du Lac."

Every response and thought I had came screeching to a halt.

Even Mordred stilled as I noticed her out of the corner of my eye.

"….you wanna repeat that?" I asked.

"I am Lancelot Du Lac." She introduced herself again. "Ready yourself."

"….just for my own peace of mind…..who is she?" I pointed at the blonde-haired girl.

Lancelot tilted her head. "You wish to know the name of my liege? You stand before the Witch Queen, Guinevere."

Well then.

"It seems you miscalculated, Old Man." I crossed my arms.

Odin's expression changed. He was good at reading people, I was only able to bullshit with him before because he was letting me basically. He knew I was just spouting nonsense, but he also knew that I wasn't going to just tell him what he wanted.

That being said, his expression changed because he could read me.

Before he could question what I meant by that, Red Lightning exploded outward from next to me and shot forward at the Knight or rather at Lancelot.

Lancelot's eyes widened as a silver blade slashed down on her and her horse groaned from the weight of the blow and the Knight herself was forced to put a decent amount of strength into blocking.

Mordred came to a screeching halt as their blows produced a burst of power and she had to land back on the ground to steady herself. Her armor donned, and her lightning arcing everywhere.

Lancelot stared at Mordred almost completely ignoring me. "I feel a foreignness in my heart. Why does your blade caution me so."

"What, don't you recognize me!?" Mordred laughed, her helmet clanked, and it came apart, sliding down so her face was fully visible and she had a wide and maniacal grin. "Both of you together, this is great!"

"I feel a connection to her, my Knight." Guinevere warned.

"Name yourself!" Lancelot demanded.

"I'm Mordred Pendragon, the rightful heir to Camelot."



It's Voban, wait, it's Odin, wait, it's actually Lancelot, or is it?

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

I also have a boosty if you can't use the above under the same name.


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