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74.73% A Nascent Kaleidoscope. / Chapter 417: Chapter 378

Capítulo 417: Chapter 378

Ozpin was silent.

There was a look on his face, like his understanding of the world had suddenly changed and he didn't know what to say about what he'd been told.

[Gee, I wonder why.] Ddraig snarked in the back of my head. [Telling a guy who thought there were only a handful of people capable of magic that suddenly there was this whole 'Mage Association' out there with no further explanation. I'm sure he's taking the news swimmingly.]

When you say it like that, it did make me feel a little bad.

I can be petty sometimes, but it's usually to people who I feel earned that kind of response. I supposed I had a small amount of respect for Ozpin, he did care about the world and was trying to fight the perceived evil in his eyes.

Failings aside, he obviously had good intentions. Objectively, even if I cared about Salem, she was not on the side of good in this chess game. I was trying hard to change that, but that didn't wipe away the past.

I guessed I could throw him a bone.

"Look, I'll be candid." I broke the silence, the stupor of the man snapping back to reality as his gaze intensified. "I know about the Brother Gods. I know about Salem. I know about the Relics. And I know about you, Ozma."

Again, there was a brief widening of his eyes in realization. It looked like he was about to sputter out some quick response, but I held my hand up to stop him.

"I don't like people trying to manipulate me." I looked him dead in the eyes. "It's one of the few ways that someone can really piss me off. I would rather someone tell me to my face that they want to use me for some reason, and I would be extraordinarily more receptive to whatever they want to ask." I let out a tired sigh at the quiet room. "The whole 'mysterious and vague' act while you tried to entice and lead me to believe certain things while withholding vital information is not something I appreciate."

Which was pretty much why I did it right back and wasn't going to elaborate on the whole 'Mage's Association' thing I blurted out.

I'm not getting upset that he withheld secrets, I do that all the time. I'm annoyed because he did it while obviously trying to pull me to his side without everything that would entail. He never once mentioned that he was cursed by his 'Gods' or that the Relics were their creations. Hell, the Gods were never mentioned even in passing.

I would have accepted it if he plainly said that the origin was not something he would divulge until he trusted me or some other nonsense. Instead, he just came off as manipulative, and that really got under my skin more than anything. If I was some kid that somehow managed to get my hands on Magic, I would have eaten that bullshit up, only to find out that things were significantly different than what he had originally implied.

'Oh by the way, Gods are real and they're the source of all our suffering. Oh, and the woman who I propped up as our mortal enemy is in fact immortal and we have no idea how to kill her, and she can kill us at her whim. Which is also the fault of the Gods.'

Maybe I was being childish, but when I was already predisposed to not like him due to being close to Salem, his spiel just grated even more than it probably should have. However, I can freely admit that outright revealing certain things could also potentially backfire.

I don't know, maybe I'm just looking for a reason to dislike him due to Salem? It just came off as extremely disingenuous when I knew the particulars while he was trying to weave a story to entice me.

"Now." I clapped my hands to grab their attention once more from whatever thoughts they were having. "I'm not saying I'm your enemy, but at this particular moment in time I'm not pleased with you, so I believe this is where I will end this discussion. That being said, I do agree with your overall actions and do respect the fact that you're trying to make Remnant a better place." I got up from my seat, their wary eyes watching me.

"Mister Schweinorg –" I held my hand up, about to open a portal, but paused once Ozpin opened his mouth. "It appears we've gotten off on the wrong foot. I have very many things I wish to ask you, but it seems I won't be getting any answers in the foreseeable future and I'm not blind enough to know that pushing is not going to end in my favor."

Right, that was another thing I got annoyed at, his sort of assumption that he was privy to any answers I had for him.

Well, color me surprised, he was sounding genuine so my opinion on him was slightly better.

"I do, however, have just one question that is just a curiosity of mine. I don't believe it would be remiss of you to answer even after what you said."

Well, he was being polite. "Ask." I said dismissively.

"I was not aware of any records of my original name still existing. Would it be too much for you to tell me the context?" He sounded almost nostalgic.

Did he think there were books or stuff about him that he didn't know about?

"Oh that…." I coughed, clearing my throat. "I only learned it because I'm dating your Ex-Wife."

I didn't elaborate, and quickly walked through one of my portals.


Raikou POV

"You have a wonderful home"

"Oh thank you. I can't take credit though, it was Zeo's parents and he inherited it when they retired." Venelana led us through the front door.

"Oh, these Magic Defenses are interesting too." Jinn curiously looked at everything just as I was. "Some of them look really old."

"We've added some over the years, but the original ones are thousands of years old." She replied.

"Are all Devil homes so…."

"Ostentatious?" Venelana finished for me with a chuckle.

"I didn't mean to offend." I quickly apologized.

"Oh no, it's not a problem. They're intentionally built this way. Devils are a vain people; they need to show off their wealth."

"I like it!" Jinn happily replied.

"Thank you~" Venelana giggled, leading us past the threshold.

"Lady Gremory, you've returned." An older man greeted us with a polite bow. Slicked back white hair and a well-kept beard with a few visible scars, but he carried an elegant aura to him.

"Good afternoon, Ernaal." Venelana smiled brightly upon seeing him. "I brought guests with me. Can you please prepare some snacks? We're going to be in my room."

"As you command, Lady Gremory." He bowed, pivoting and heading deep into the building away from our eyes.

"He is strong." I commented.

"As he should be. He was the butler of Zeo's father and helped raise him. If Zeo's parents were still around, he would most likely have taken the Queen Piece of the peerage." Venelana explained.

"Are all your servants that strong?" Jinn asked.

"If only for the fact that we only have a handful of servants." She hummed. "When Rias was still crawling around, we had an incident where some of the Old Satan faction snuck into our home under the guise of Servants. Since then we've….downsized."

"I can understand, it's hard to trust after such a thing." I nodded in understanding. "I don't know how I would react if I found out that enemies snuck in around my child."

No, that's not quite accurate. I'm sure it would involve my sword and plenty of blood, preferably theirs.

"It's not all bad, I suppose. After the incident, our little family became much more tight knit. Rias still calls him Grandpa Ernaal, much to his chagrin. He always tries to chastise her about 'proper decorum' and how a Gremory should treat a servant below her station, but he fizzles out almost immediately once she begins pouting. She learned how to wrap him around her little finger at a very young age."

"It sounds like you have a very pleasant family." Despite my reservations, it was heartwarming to hear how close they are to each other.

"That's….very kind of you to say." Her expression softened as she took the compliment. "Follow me, and I'll –"

"Vene, is that you?" Someone called out from another room.

"Zeo, we're in the living room." Venelana called back.

"Oh?" A red-haired man walked into the room. "And who are these lovely ladies?"

She was right, he certainly does look like an older Master. His features differed slightly, perhaps due to Master's human side, but the resemblance is unmistakable.

"Reel it in, Casanova." Venelana chuckled. "These are Jinn and Raikou, two of Wilhelm's Harem."

"It's nice to meet you, Lord Gremory." Jinn was the first to speak up.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Lord Gremory." It was ideal to keep a respectful distance for now. Despite Venelana being among us, Master didn't have good feelings towards this family and we did not wish to step too far in that direction.

"I can certainly see why my grandson has been taken by you two." He looked us over, but there was a lack of lustfulness in his eyes that I would expect when finding another man's eyes roaming my body. Or at the very least, he did not show it on the surface. "Please take care of Vene for me. She's a good woman and deserves all the happiness she can get."

I was surprised by his words.

Venelana had been upfront about her marriage situation, that they were separated and merely married on 'paper' for now, but I was skeptical to the slightest degree. But there was no ill will in his tone, nor any kind of anger or frustration.

His words felt completely genuine.

"Everyone loves her." Jinn smiled happily. "You don't need to worry."

"That makes me feel at ease." Venelana's former husband smiled back warmly. "I won't keep you ladies too long, this probably already feels awkward due to the whole situation with my grandson. But please pass on my words that he's welcome to come visit whenever he wishes."

He nodded to us once and left the room, disappearing to who knew where.

"Come, I'll show you my private room." Venelana gestured for us to follow. We moved through a hallway, and down a couple corridors before she opened a door and had us follow her inside. "Welcome to my bar." She waved her arm, revealing a fully built bar along with all manner of drinks and an accompanying counter with stools. "Please take a seat, I'll whip something up."

"Oooh, this is cool!" Jinn squealed, hopping onto a seat quickly.

"This is an impressive room." I agreed with her.

"I had it built once I got my mixology degree in the human world. One of my favorite hobbies is creating drinks and brewing all sorts of tasty concoctions."

"That sounds like fun, what's your favorite?" Jinn asked.

"I made an alcoholic apple cider a few years back using a rare type of Magical Apple, but I haven't been able to get my hands on any since." She hummed. "It was probably my best so far, which is why it went so fast."

"Master also has a Peach given to him by Sun Wukong. He expressed a desire to turn it into wine, has he not approached you?" I asked as well.

"A peach?" Venelana blinked. "As in a Peach of Immortality?"

"It is a lesser one, but that is corrected." I nodded.

"He hasn't."

"Ugh, he's probably being silly again." Jinn huffed. "He probably feels like he'd be taking advantage of you if he asked something like that this early. Or he just hasn't thought of it with everything else going on, with him it could be either."

Venelana giggled, covering her mouth. "He's such a sweetheart. But I would happily make him something out of that. I'd be more than happy, actually, I'd be thrilled to use such a valuable ingredient."

We silently watched as she moved around her space, taking things out and combining certain things together before pouring us equal glasses.

"It's yummy!" Jinn's eyes lit up.

"I'm glad you like it." Venelana smiled at her..

I looked down at my own, a similar shade of orange liquid sat in my glass. I took a sip myself, admiring the taste. "It is quite good, thank you. I'm not used to the flavor compared to Sake, but I enjoy it."

"There's an idea. I don't think I've made Sake yet. I remember Okita dropping a couple hints some years ago, but I had completely forgotten." She said absentmindedly. "I've been meaning to ask – "

All of us simultaneously received a message on the devices that Master gave us to keep in contact. As if an unspoken agreement we all took them out to take a look.

We had a 'secret group chat' as Jinn called it.

Surprisingly it was Scáthach who sent a message to everyone. She rarely used the device to send anything back and forth, however in this case, there was a single picture provided with little explanation.

It was Master, but he looked different. He had horns curling backwards on his forehead. He had a tail poking out behind him, and other features that stood out, like his hands being more dangerous claws and a look in his eyes that appeared aggressive at first glance.

"Is that normal for Devils?" Jinn asked. "Can you do that too, Venelana?"

"I do not know why Master looks like this. He shouldn't be able to become like that?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Oh my." Venelana stared at the picture, a noticeable red appearing on her cheeks.

"Are you blushing?" Jinn cooed.

"I don't…." She bit her lip. "I don't know what came over me." She said quietly. "Just seeing him like that made me a little warm all over."

"Are you okay?" Jinn asked, slightly concerned.

"….I may need to change my panties."

Oh my.

"Master will be in for a treat when you see him next." I giggled.

"I apologize, I don't know what's gotten into me." The Mature Devil quickly regained her composure. "And I don't know why he looks like that either...." She continued to stare at her device. "….but I like it." She added on with a whisper and a faint flush still.

"I called dibs first when he got back, but seeing you get all hot and bothered, I think I can go second." Jinn laughed.

Venelana looked up, a seductive smile appearing on her face. "Or we can go together~"

"You two are so open about it." I covered my face to hide my own embarrassment.

"Ara ara, let's make it us three instead." Venelana giggled.

"Kyah~" Jinn made a cute noise that further made me hide behind my hands.

"But why does he look like that?" Venelana continued to stare at the picture. "It reminds me of the old Satans and even Mother Lilith?"

"Send Scáthach a message! She can't just give everyone a picture like that and give no explanation!" Jinn demanded.

I watched with a smile as Jinn ushered Venelana to respond. I'm glad that Venelana invited us to her home to spend time together, she was a nice woman whom I can foresee a long friendship with.

Ever since Master summoned me, I've had nothing but happy days fill my life.

I hope that this continued forever.


Wilhelm POV

"I'm sorry, this wasn't how I wanted things to go." Pyrrha whispered as we stood on the rooftop of her school.

"Pyrrha, seriously, it's fine."

"No, you came here and I wasted your time because –"

I yanked on her ponytail, making her yelp. "Next is a spanking."

"Y-you bully." She puffed up.

"Stop apologizing. You're acting like it's the end of the world, if anything your Headmaster should apologize for wasting so much of my time when I came to see you." I stepped up on the ledge to overlook the school campus.

It really was a marvelous sight. Their school was well designed and had a beauty to it.

"But your friend and girlfriend, they –"

"They were just hanging out, don't worry about it. They only came because they were curious about you because you're my friend. They're on a sort of vacation, so It's all good." I reassured her again.

I was annoyed that it was long enough that Artoria and Rin went back, but it's not like I wanted them to feel neglected and forced to socialize with people they didn't know.

He hadn't come to try to find me, which was good after I left the meeting. He should be more than aware that I wouldn't be receptive after the approach he initially took.

"I still feel bad." She looked down.

"Then make it up to me the next time I come." I said Gently pulling on her pony tail again. "And stop worrying!"

"Fine!" She huffed.

"I'm glad you got some good teammates and friends now." I changed the subject, otherwise she would probably start apologizing again.

"….even Weiss?" She hesitantly asked.

"She needs to lighten up, but I can understand her point of view. I am kind of infamous at this point." I pointed out.

"She was very rude to you, yet you're defending her."

"Wow, is this what it's like to be a grown up?" I suddenly realized. "Yeah, I guess I am defending her. Maybe give her some time to grind out those rough edges? You never know what kind of baggage some people have."

Pyrrha let out a drawn out sigh. "She wasn't...well, she was less angry when she came back with that friend of yours. I think they had a talk or something because Weiss was much more relaxed. Or it might have been because you weren't around."

"Maybe getting her ass kicked did her good?"

"Oh brothers! I can't believe how easily Weiss got beaten. She's pretty strong for our age group, you know? If she fought in the same tournament she would probably make it to the semifinals at least. And your friend just…..Weiss was barely able to use her Semblance once or twice."

"Rin has a lot more experience in real fights."

"And you're stronger than her....?"

"Yeah." I didn't hide it.

"What about your Girlfriend? She never said anything, but she made a few comments about the fight. Is she just as strong as Rin is or you?"

"That's a difficult question to answer. In pure skill and no powers/semblance, Artoria would beat me. If we were to spar seriously, I would win. If we were fighting to the death, it's possible for her to kill me, but I would most likely win there too."

I had no confidence in taking an Excalibur to the face.

The only reason I did so previously was because I had Avalon with me. And in that case, Artoria would be the one with the absolute defense and the magical nuke on a stick.

I felt my scroll buzz with a message.

'Salem: I am ready to speak. Return when possible'.

"Something wrong?" Pyrrha asked.

I must have been making a face. "Nope, just something I'm both dreading and looking forward to."

Anxiety, my old friend.

"Does that mean you're leaving?" She sounded sad.

"I think the pass I was given is going to run its course here soon. And as much as I'd like to be on the receiving end of a certain teacher's riding crop, it's probably best I head out here in a minute."

And it would be awkward after everything that happened. And I don't want a second round of interrogation so soon.


"Hey, none of that, hugs." I held my arms open, pulling her into a quick hug. "By the way, how about you take me to meet your mom next time."

"Absolutely not!" She immediately denied.

"Rude." I flicked her nose after separating. "I would behave."

"You would flirt with my mom, I know it."

"Yeah, you're probably right. If she's a mature version of you, I don't think I could hold myself back."

"D-don't say it like that!" She stomped, looking away. "Jeez, you always do this!"

"Compliment you?"

"You give the most embarrassing compliments!'

"Because it's fun the way you react." I smiled.

"You're horrible." She crossed her arms with a pout. "You promise you'll come visit? The Vytal festival is being hosted by Vale and Beacon this year. You have to at least be here for that."

"I promise I'll keep stopping by."

"Thank you, Wilhelm." She smiled warmly in return.

"But seriously, your mom –"

She made a strange noise and started hitting my shoulder.


Non-Canon Omake: A Pro Gamer Move

Michael, The Archangel POV

"Father, you called us?" Every Angel was present upon Father's request. Rare of it that he was to call every single one of us away from our duties.

"Yes, Michael." Father's voice boomed around us, yet still remained the gentle and soothing sound that we all adored. "My children, I bring sad tidings. As you all know – "


"We – "



Crunch crunch.

Everyone looked confused, and I followed father's gaze, landing on a face…I did not recognize. I did not recognize a twelve winged Angel standing in the back, and I know that Father did not create any new Angels recently!

And that Red Hair was not common amongst our numbers, I would certainly remember one such as him with that powerful Holy Energy swirling around!

Wait….is that Father's spear on his back?

….is he even an Angel?

And what was that in his hands? Some kind of strange bag-like container and he was taking out some manner of foodstuffs that made a loud noise as he chewed on it.

"I – "


"Must you do that now?" Father looked at the stranger in….exasperation. Father wasn't raising the alarms so he must know who this person is. "Why are you even here?"

"You're omnipotent, you tell me, Gramps."

T-the Audacity! "Father, allow me to –"

"It's alright, Michael." Father held his hand up to stop me. "Why – "


"Get out of here." Father sighed, waiving his hand and the person – angel – outsider fell down from the Heavens "'And go back to your time period!"

"Make me!" The stranger's voice was barely audible, perhaps only those of my higher-winged kin and Father could gear.

"…Challenge accepted." Father replied.

"Father….what's going on?" I hesitantly asked.

"Don't worry about it, just a little brat from the future. He's no danger." Father was seemingly dismissive despite the shocking revelation that was his words. "Prepare to Smite him, Michael."

"F-father? But you said he was not a danger?"

"Don't worry, he'll survive."

"…I will do as you command, Father." I would always follow Father's commands. I called upon the Heavenly System, and aimed its power at the stranger who was for all intents and purposes, falling like many of my brethren. I glanced back at father who created a projection of the stranger and he looked…calm as his descent brought him closer and closer to the earth.

"Smite." Father's single word caused the world to tremble. He did not need me to facilitate the action, but did so anyways.

A pillar of light descended from the highest Heaven, colliding with the stranger. All my brother's and sisters stared at father's projection of the stranger, the scene obscured by the collision of various energies.

Though the lack of vision lasted merely a moment until the figure was revealed once more. The same stranger looked wholly unharmed, continuing his descent. "Why don't you put your back into it next time, Old man!" He shouted, with a rude gesture to accompany it.

I looked back at father, expecting retaliation or some sort of response, but instead….his face seemed to be twitching in annoyance, something I don't think I've ever seen from father before.

"I will take the banner and smite him, father. Please, give the order."

"No need." Father quickly returned to his gentle appearance. He swiped at the projection to on the ground, a group of Trolls were sitting around a campfire. "That should be where he lands….let's see." Father paused, looking up. "Uriel, would you be so kind as to tell me if we still have one of Cupid's Arrows in the armory?"

"Yes, Father. We still have a quiver of Cupid's arrows available." Uriel bowed his head.

Why would father use a weapon that can't harm the intruder? Cupid's arrow merely facilitates a desire between the ones struck and it's not even permanent. They were locked away because most mortals mistake the initial feelings as lust over love and lose themselves to lust and depravity for the duration.

"Thank you, son." Father hummed, gesturing with his hand, calling forth both Cupid's Bow and a single arrow. "Watch carefully, children." Father said, taking aim down to the mortal world below with the bow and arrow pulled back.

"Father, why are you aiming at the Trolls where the intruder is going to land?"

"I'm about to do what's called a 'pro gamer move' in the future."



Sorry for the delay, been preparing for a move into my new apartment so this week is a bit chaotic.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

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