If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:
The link is also in the synopsis
[Advanced regeneration: A passive ability that increases the natural regeneration of the host by a factor of 30 | Cost stamina or mana to supply the energy needed for healing]
Yuki's jaw almost dropped to the floor… '3-30 times? Doesn't that mean that If I break a hand, It would recover in half a day or at most a day… this is a little bit too broken isn't it…?' thought Yuki… But what he didn't realize however is that this ability is far broken than he initially thought because it naturally scales with his vitality attributes which affect his 'natural regeneration'…
After calming himself slightly from the excitement, he began checking the description of his other skills which appeared to be his second spell!
[Frozen snare (1/10): An active skill that creates ice hands that sprout from the host's target (or targets) and the ground beneath them and completely locks them in place for 2 seconds (Can be reduced depending on the target's resistance to Ice) | Consume 200 mana | Cooldown 20 second]
'Not bad, I actually got a crowd control spell and it's an AOE spell, amazing' thought Yuki delighted by his reward, especially the fact that he could use it on multiple enemies at the same time, this was also an overpowered skill! The rewards from the system truly never disappoints despite how hateful it is sometimes…
After settling his rewards, Yuki finally noticed the tense air in the room and he couldn't help but ask Yurei "What's going on?"
Yurei stared at him like an idiot and said in a low voice "well, now that the danger from that ghoul is gone, Emi-san has no reason to stay here…"
But Emilia seemed to have somehow overheard him as she sent the two of them a glare and Yurei blamed his luck for getting involved in Yuki's matters…
'Hmmm, this is indeed an issue, having Emilia around is like having a free amulet of protection, plus she helps me take care of Mashiro which's something I can't deal with on my own since there somethings a man can't help with…' After finding the most logical solutions to keep her around and not admitting that he just wanted her around, Yuki finally approached the slightly agitated Emilia and said
"Yo, Emilia, you know the matter with the ghoul is now over and you also recovered some of your strength…" Emilia's ears dropped slightly like a sad kitten when she heard this and immediately jumped to conclusions as she replied "I see, I understand, you don't have to say anything…"
'Yuki you idiot' she thought as her eyes watered slightly while Yuki's eyes were the exact opposite as he said "Really you do? That's great, and here I was thinking it's awkward to ask you to stay with us, thanks Emi!"
"Eh?" Emilia had a startled look on her face and she didn't know how to compute what Yuki just said …' He's not asking me to leave? He wants me to stay?' once she reached this point in thought, her face reddened to dangerous levels and some steam started escaping her head as she responded shyly "Y-Yes, that's what I thought…"
'Nah, Not to mention being on different pages, you two are on completely different books!' Thought Yurei as he watched this weird interaction before they heard Yuki say "However, it's tough staying like this in one room, and I thought a lot about it recently… Emi, how about you rent room 203, I believe it's still empty, and you and Mashiro can have some privacy and stay nears us at the same time"
'This bastard, he just wants me to take care of Mashiro-chan' thought Emilia as she glared at him hatefully but they would still be near each other and she could keep an eye on the demons so it wasn't a bad idea… And she also found it cramped here, especially with the addition of Yurei…Although no one noticed him most of the time!
"Fine, I will talk to Shiba-san later…" responded Emilia and Yuki simply nodded at her with a smile when suddenly, someone knocked on the door of his room…
"I will see who it is" Said Emilia as she went to open the door and to her surprise, it was a dark-haired guy she didn't recognize and he had a few scratches on his face as well as the jacket he wore was torn in many places, but he still had an annoying smirk on his face.
"How can I help you?" Asked Emilia with a neutral look on her face and Izaya replied with the same smirk still on his face
"Oh, you must be Yuki's girlfriend, is he inside, I have something to talk to him and he keeps hanging up on me when I call him…" Explained Izaya with a pout but Emilia naturally zoned out everything he said after the world girlfriend was uttered
"G-g-girlfriend, of course not!" she stuttered while a voice soon sounded from inside the room "Emi, tell him I'm not here"
Izaya smirked slightly and poked his head past the embarrassed Emilia and stared at Yuki "Yuki-kun, you really owe me a talk after all the trouble you caused me…"
Emilia who regained her calm easily shoved his head out of the room while saying "Yuki, do you know this guy?" and Izaya was surprised by her strength 'This woman isn't normal as well…'
After smirking slightly, Yuki said "Yea, he's an acquaintance of mine…"
Hearing this, Izaya immediately walked in with a pout and said "How could you call me just an acquaintance, after all we've been through…"
Yuki's face turned blue after hearing this, especially when Emilia shot him a weird look and he almost killed Izaya for it on the spot "Stop talking nonsense you bastard, anyways what happened to you?"
"Well, I'm sure you already know, you delivered me quite a deadly gift" said Izaya with a smile, to which Yuki simply put on a dumb look and said "I don't know what you are talking about"
"Yuki, what did you do to this poor soul" Asked Yurei all of a sudden but Izaya suddenly jumped away after hearing him "JEEZ, where the hell did you appear from" He didn't notice that someone else was in the room despite him checking it out when he snuck his head by Emilia for any traces of his dear assassin… And yet now, a dark-haired boy was sitting beside Yuki calmly so close to him and he didn't notice him at all!
'Is this kid a ghost?' thought Izaya and he wasn't far off from the truth of Yurei's unholy existence…
"Don't be rude Izaya" said Yuki before he glared at Yurei for ratting him out and said "Did you have some fun with Ryushi?"
"Fun? Do you think avoiding 65 assassination attempts is fun?" said Izaya with a serious face surprising Emilia and Yurei but Yuki simply chuckled at him "For you, yes. Not to mention that 4 more and you will reach a lucky number…"
Emilia's face turned red after Yuki said this and she knocked him in the head while Izaya smirked suddenly and said "Indeed, it was a good change to have since I was starting to get bored from Shizuo throwing cars at me…"
Emilia and Yurei's eyes widened at this 'What kind of monsters he's dealing with… And what kind of strength does he have to deal with them?'
They suddenly became on guard and felt like Izaya's harmless appearance was tricky and made it easy to misjudge him…
"Anyways, what are you here for? I'm sure you wouldn't visit for nothing?" asked Yuki and Izaya simply shrugged and said
"Well, Mr. Assassin came close to killing me many times, and he's getting closer and closer to achieving his goal…" Said Izaya while showing Yuki the scars on his face that were him barely dodging a sniper bullet before he suddenly said "Right Mr. Assassin?"
The room went instantly silent as Emi and Yurei started looking around the room cautiously but Yuki simply stared at Izaya and asked "You bastard actually let Ryushi put some kind of tracking device on you haven't you?"
Izaya's smile widened slightly and soon, a knock followed from the door of Yuki's room prompting him to let out a long sigh as Izaya shamelessly hid behind Emilia…
After opening the door, Yuki was faced with none other than Ryushi who was smiling warmly at him before he turned to Izaya who was arguing with Emi and said "Hi there Yuki-kun, it has been a while…"
"Are you here to pay for my food again?" said Yuki suddenly with an excited look on his face prompting Ryushi to take a step back with his smile twitching slightly as he said "Maybe... another time…"
"Tch" Snorted Yuki in disappointment before he invited him in and said "Are you here for that annoying guy?" while pointing at Izaya.
Ryushi stared at Izaya for a while and the latter waved at him from behind Emilia with a smirk "Yo, mister assassin"
"Tch, freaking monsters" Muttered Ryushi who realized how terrifying Izaya is after attacking him the past few days, although he was just using him to vent some steam after getting robbed by Yuki and wasn't really trying to kill him otherwise, the situation would have been different and Izaya wouldn't end up with mere scratches on his face…
"I'm just here to say goodbye since I will be leaving for a mission that my student recommended for me" said Ryushi and Yuki was surprised slightly before he suddenly asked "You have a student?"
Ryushi sent a knife at Yuki's head that barely passed by his cheek and went to stab Izaya in the head but he caught it in the air and said "Nice knife… can I keep it?" While already putting it in his pocket with a shameless smile while Ryushi said to Yuki "Do you have any problem with me having a student?"
Yuki's smiled awkwardly and said "N-no, not at all" which gained a satisfied smile from Ryushi but Yuki suddenly took out a vial filled with a dark substance and said "Can you not throw knives at me at random?"
Ryushi's face suddenly turned pale as he took a step back and to Izaya's surprise, he quickly apologized "Sorry about that, my hand just slipped and it won't happen again... Please put away that unholy object"
Yuki smiled at him warmly before he said "Oh, that's fine, just know that my hands also tend to slip sometimes" And everyone in the room couldn't help but feel a chill as they stared at the dark vial warily before Yurei suddenly spoke "Yuki, care to explain who these people are?"
"JEEEZ" Ryushi suddenly jumped away and was ready to strike at any moment 'How's it possible for me to not discover someone so close by!'
"Yurei, how about you first stop scaring our guests" said Yuki, and this brought a weird look from everyone in the room as they all thought 'Who's scaring the guests here?' Before Yuki started explaining to them how he met Izaya and Ryushi with a happy smile that hid something deep inside it, a knowledge he wasn't expecting…
After they enjoyed some small talk, Ryushi promised to not attack Izaya for the time being and the latter left happily and when it was time for Ryushi to leave, he suddenly stared deeply at Yuki's eyes and said out of nowhere "Thank you for wearing that mask for me today…" before he smiled and left…
Yuki didn't move at all, and stood frozen in place after closing the door behind Ryushi with an unreadable expression on his face…
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