The party was fighting hard when Jack suddenly felt the tree's aura change. It was hard to explain, but it felt sinisterly…happier?!
"Jump!!!!" Jack shouted.
He had no clue what was happening but he felt that something was off. His instincts were ringing alarm bells in his mind.
"Woo!" (Jumping!)
The little wolf instantly reacted as it lept far from its current location, glancing back as it landed. Out of nowhere, it saw its chicken brother getting shattered to pieces. What?!
"There's an invisible branch! It's just like the deer earlier, but you can hear it coming!" Jack had finally realized what had tipped him off: the sound!
It was the kind of low whistle that his subconscious mind would pick up. Still, his experience had been enough to save them from a catastrophe.
Once again, it was only he and Moon Moon versus the world. It was just like old times…well, recent old times.
The face a fairy makes when she realizes that her one area of expertise is not needed is hilarious. There is shock, disbelief and then they turn sullen. This is perhaps the best part of learning the language: mess with the locals.
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