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42.85% The Sage of Six Paths / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Branwen

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3: Branwen

Chapter 3: The Branwen

Note: alright my doods! Here is another story for y'all and now Jaune has begun to tap into his power which is through the sharingan eyes.

Show this story some love because me and unlimited work hard to bring you guys content that you love.

Now a few people are asking if this is a crossover and I'll say the same answer I've given to others concerning my other stories.

By technicality; it is a crossover but in actuality; it's a rwby story with heavy Naruto elements.

Much like my discontinued Arc Solutions Story which carries heavy crossover elements but it is viewed in a single category.

"Normal Talking"

'Normal Thinking'

<b>"Bijuu Talking"</b>

<b>'Bijuu Thinking'</b>

<span><u>"Jutsu's Used"</u></span>

<u>'Written Content' </u>

A set of eyes opened revealing two bright blue eyes gazing into what looked like the blonde haired man was standing on top of a lone mountain gazing into an endless void.

The kid looked down to find his sweatshirt was gone and replaced with an extremely muscular, slightly lean body with an 8-Pack Abs.

What was different was the mysterious spiral tattoo with numerous other lines 'W-What?' Jaune Arc thought to himself as he grazed his left hand over the black pigmented tattoo, trying to see what was going on with it until getting startled by a sudden booming voice.

<b>"Child, what you are touching is the 'Phantom Touch seal. One of which I had created for you to access my limitless power, you can also think of it as the gateway of communications between you, the host. and me, the tenant."</b> The voice had said, causing Jaune to look around, slightly fearful as he didn't know where the voice was talking.

"Juubi? Where are you? Where are we?" The Blonde Jinchuriki asked as he turned his whole body around to see where he was, already determining that he was located on a mountain summit that is surrounded by an endless void.

<b>"We are in your soul, the reason why you don't see me is because i haven't revealed myself to you. Unlike my nine parts during the Era of Shinobi, your soul doesn't reveal a caged seal.</b>

<b>"But now, this is my true form. Gaze upon me Jaune-Child, for I am your partner and ally" </b>the creature named Juubi exclaimed which it's form has now been revealed,

The creature had a deep beige colored skin with a massive glowing lone crimson eye with nine tomoes and a massive jawline which was partly opened exposing massive rows of teeth, it's form was similar to a hermit crab with a similar colored 'shell' and a set of ten tails waving in the background that looked like extended variations of hands.

<b>"Greetings Jaune-Child, gaze upon the form of the Ten Tails, the One Eyed God of Chakra. The Original Tailed Beast. You may proceed to make your horror and fear clear now"</b> the creature said even when it's mouth hasn't open, it's voice boomed in the voidless dimension that is now named Jaune Arcs 'Soul'

Jaune merely blinked at the sudden appearance and was fascinated by its form and size rather than gaze in horror "Woah! So cool! Are these 'Nine Parts' like smaller hermit crabs?" He said with a growing smile.

Juubi blinks its massive lone eye, obviously shocked that a human saw it as 'Cool' and not screaming in horror, a massive change but very welcome. It chuckles while it's eye narrowed slightly. <b>"I'm glad you view my form as a pleasant sight rather than gazing upon me in horror, a welcome change oh so long ago. But alas no, Hagoromo Otsutsuki didn't desire my return upon the world and utilized the Yin-Yang Release, The Dark-Light Style, to split me into nine equal parts to prevent my return.</b>

<b>"Shukaku the Sand Tanuki, was my first tail.</b>

<b>"Matatabi the Ghost Fire Cat, was my second tail.</b>

<b>"Isobu the Armored Turtle, was my Third Tail.</b>

<b>"Son Goku the Lava Monkey, was my Fourth Tail.</b>

<b>"Kukuo the Dolphin Horse, was my Fifth Tail.</b>

<b>"Saiken the Acidic Slug, was my Sixth Tail.</b>

<b>"Chomei the Flying Beetle, was my Seventh Tail.</b>

<b>"Gyuki the Octopus Ox, was my Eighth Tail.</b>

<b>"Lastly, Kurama the Chakra Fox was my Ninth and Final Tail. These nine were my former parts and one of the abilities I discovered once I was reformed was that I obtained the memories of all of them, including from all of their former hosts." </b>Juubi exclaimed it's former selves while also informing its current host that it fully remembers all memories of all of its host, which includes experiences and all information they obtained which is a fuck ton.

"Woah" The Blonde Kid said as he sat down on a rock obviously interested in the creature's words.

<b>"Indeed, you would find this intriguing child but however we do not have much time since your body, with the passive regeneration effect of the Yang Release, will be well enough for you to regain consciousness. So ask me anything"</b> the creature said as the boy would be very curious about his experiences and would want answers, and answers that the one eyed demon will not deny.

Jaune looked down slightly trying to think up anything which landed on three questions "Ok 1: What happened to me after I lost consciousness"

<b>"I kept an eye out in case any enemies had taken advantage of the horned creature's destruction, in which mysteriously a man with a large sword on his belt had appeared and led you to safety. So I saw no reason, unless your safety was in danger, to take over and destroy him. You had been unconscious for exactly 4 hours."</b> The creature had answered truthfully.

Jaune nodded as he had hoped the man was actually friendly and didn't just save him for a 'Reward', a common trope for those who operate outside the walls. They didn't do much unless there was something in it for them. Bandits used this method all the time to extort many travelers.

Now with the answer of the first question, led Jaune to his second "Ok, during my fight with the grimm. Do I have access to this 'Sharingan' and 'Susanoo'?"

The sand colored hermit crab did a small nod at the question <b>"Technically yes however you must train with them to gain any control and further enhance your skills with them"</b>

That was the truth especially since any idiot can claim power of a chakra physical construct but one with experience over such power or greater combat skills and experiences will always win.

"Ok last question, would I be able to call upon the powers specifically given to one of your former parts?" Jaune asked, looking up to the sand-colored crab whose singular eye widened slightly, then it's toothy mouth curled upwards to what looked like a smile.

<b>"Yes, once you have obtained great chakra control, you can forcibly conjure forth tailed beast chakra for you to use and depending on the specific tail. Can utilize the abilities of that specific tail. I wait for the day you become that powerful."</b> It said though singular eye shifted upwards towards the endless sky as if it was gazing something up above <b>"It's time for you to wake up, while you have been asleep, I took the liberty to circulate your chakra properly so if something like the horned creature comes around then you'll be prepared, given enough training in the shinobi arts"</b>

Jaune raised an eyebrow at the subject of 'shinobi art' only for the mountain and the sand-colored hermit creature to disappear entirely.





The Blonde Kid gasped as his eyes widened intensely though instead of his genetic ocean blue, it was replaced with a deep blood crimson with three black drop tomoe located at three fixed points in the red iris that mimics a hypnotic spiral motion.

The Red Eyed Shinobi glanced around as his caution increased immediately until his sharingan eyes landed onto the back of a grey shirted man with a tattered red cape, the man's weapon held the form of an inactive single edged greatsword lying helplessly on a rock next to the man yet close enough for said caped man to grab it at a moments notice.

The man had short wavy black hair which slowly swayed as he sat in front of a controlled fire pit, stirring unknown contents of a black pot that was located above the controlled fire.

Jaune soon slowly got up using his elbows to look at his own body feeling immense pain that was left over from a major brawl against a powerful horned monster and his own chakra, upon gazing his own body saw major bandaging over a good portion of his toned body while his jeans remained on his legs, luckily for the blonde man as he didn't have much confidence in his own looks regardless of his own power.

"You know kiddo, I'm unsure how you managed to stay alive after all that punishment that the Nuckelavee gave you along with that aura construct you somehow controlled" the unknown man spoke up as he turned his head around giving the blonde jinchuriki a good look of his face.

It was rugged handsome face with a lightly trimmed beard on his jawline and chin, his eyes held a deeply powerful crimson much like Jaune new eyes yet it didn't have the black tomoe in them though the blonde mans enhanced perception that allowed him to see visible chakra, could see the man's eyes exuding a passive amount of chakra for whatever reason.

"Didn't get a good look but now that I can see clearly, those were the same eyes I saw. Except they were a six bladed whirlpool not three drops. Wanna explain kiddo?" The man said in his deep and gruff voice which caused a slight shiver to the blonde kid's spine.

Jaune opened and closed his mouth several times trying to think of something only for the creature inside his head to speak up <b>"Say that your 'Semblance' is called chakra, an energy force that replaced your 'Aura' and therefore you are still discovering the exact capabilities"</b>

'Good Idea!' Jaune exclaimed as during his research, semblances were unique and new variants of semblances are still being discovered even to the modern age "My semblance is called 'Chakra' I discovered it last week and I'm still figuring out the exact abilities to it. It's an energy source that replaced my own traditional aura reserves" Jaune exclaimed as seriously as he could muster so this obviously real huntsmen couldn't tell that he was lying through his ass.

The red eyed huntsmen narrowed his eyes before nodding as to accept the explanation then his gaze returned to the pot of unknown contents from where Jaune is at "That would make sense, so your 'Chakra' replaced your aura huh, that would explain the lack of the auras passive shield. So what's with the eyes then? Some side mutation?" He asked curiously.

"You can say that" Jaune said as he slowly got up with some strained grunting as even with his strengthened regeneration, it still hurt like a bitch until he managed to sit up criss cross to get a better look at the man "Names Jaune, Jaune Arc" Jaune introduced himself to the unknown caped man.

The Rugged Man seemed to nod at the introduction then gave his own "Names Qrow Branwen, as you may already have guessed. I'm a huntsmen, specifically a huntsmen that works for beacon academy"

Jaune nodded until the info about beacon settled and that caused his mind to spark, why was a huntsmen operating in the Anima Continent anyway, especially with the beacons school year just around the corner so most huntsmen who was employed as instructors would be recalled to help situate incoming year of new students.

Qrow looked at the boy who was thinking way too hard then gave a soft chuckle "Don't hurt yourself thinking kid, while I did say I worked for beacon. I specifically meant for its headmaster so I'm not typically on the beacon's traditional staff list" the rogue fully explained his situation.

Jaune nodded once again then he stared at the fire for a few minutes though narrowing his eyes at the inferno as if he was annoyed, he felt he had forgotten something.

Something had happened that really nagged on his mind and it was very important that he remembered what the blonde man had forgotten at the time, then in a flash of lightning, Jaune Arc remembered what he had forgotten.

"SHIT! MY BAG!" Jaune yelled so loudly that Qrow dropped the metal spoon he was using to stir the contents in the metal pot and swiftly moved his right hand onto his inactive sword, the man's red eyes landed on jaunes own crimson obviously cautious "Shit kid! Don't do that! The fuck did you shout for?!"

"My bag! It had my transcripts for Beacon Academy!" Jaune exclaimed, getting up swiftly before growling and falling back onto his right knee as he was swiftly overwhelmed with pain.

Qrow sighed as he let go of his inactive greatsword to get up to walk towards the blonde kid "Don't get up either, you just suffered enough damage that would cripple even an aura user, How you are still walking is a miracle on its own. Now what about Beacon?" Qrow asked as he forced Jaune back onto his ass again.

"I had my transcripts in my bag before that grimm attacked me, and all my money was in it too" Jaune exclaimed groaning deeply while slightly bonking his own head as if to punish himself for not saving the one that was meant to start his journey of being a huntsmen.

Qrow sighed again as he pulled out a stainless steel flask from his pants knowing this was one of few occasions that he actually needed a drink, so he took a small swig from the liquid which burned his throat.

Qrow looked at his camping companion then extended the flask towards the kid which he looked up curiously "Take some, heavens know you need a stiff drink after the type of hell you went through only to forgot the keys to your metaphorical future" Jaune seemed to nod at the rugged huntsmen so he grabbed the flask and took a deep swig which he ignored the burning sensation from the liquid and focused on the taste which wasn't as bad that Jaune thought alcohol would be.

The Jinchuriki returned the steel flask back to the owner who took a swig as well "You handled your first drink well, anyway. I think I know a way for you to get into beacon but I have one question first before I can tell you this new way" Qrow had said as he sat down to face Jaune, seeing the boy's obviously curious look meant he was willing to listen.

"The question is, why do you want to go to Beacon Academy." This simple question could determine the blonde man's path from this point forward.

Jaune groaned slightly as he began to think why he wanted to go though his original purpose was to continue his families historic lineage of heroism and warriors dating back a few hundred years prior, but now after a near death experience at the hands of an abnormally strong horseman grimm.

Jaune Arc's purpose had morphed from that moment.

"I…wanted to be a huntsman to be a hero. To protect people so they would never have to face that monster I was nearly killed by, I want to be the innocents first line of defense" Jaune said with complete honesty as his previous desire had been molded into his current hopes and dreams.

Qrow took a silent chug from his flask while listening intently on the boys words which he gave a slight smile as this kid had a more noble goal then most kids who attend the academy, he lowers his flask to stare at Jaune deep in his equal crimson and black eyes.

"Nice goal kid, very noble, and do you truly mean what you say?" The Red Eyed Hunter said and pressed forward which the blonde kid gave an affirmative nod without having the need to answer at all prompting the huntsmen to smile a bit more "Good, now you don't need to worry about the transcripts" Qrow said as he got up while grabbing the metal pot to take it off the fire then moved towards his small carrying backpack.

Upon digging something out which seemed to be a piece of paper and pen, the rogue began to write something on it "Listen kiddo, I know Ozzy pretty well since I worked for him for the past decade so if you submit this with your application. You'll accept you"

Jaune raised an eyebrow as the man finished writing then handed it to him so the kid got a good look of what was written, it was essentially a good reference letter to the headmaster.

<u>'Dear Ozzy,</u>

<u>'Surprised that I'm submitting a reference aye? So was I but the kid I'm referring to is perhaps the strongest you'll come across at beacon. You'd probably want to know what makes this kid better? Well you'll see.</u>

<u>'Btw Ozzy, I'm cashing in one of the favors you owe me so get this kid into your roster or otherwise I'll inform Glynda who really started the coffee riptide event.</u>

<u>'Sincerely, Qrow Branwen.</u>

<u>'Ps: Just know I'll be around Beacon and Vale much earlier than anticipated due to a slight complication'</u>

Jaune looked up from the reference letter then raised an eyebrow at the black haired man who seemed to be chugging the remaining contents of the steel flask as a way to not answer the kid.

The Kid however just snorted in amusement before slowly getting up feeling that his healing had rebuilt his muscle strands "Thanks but I need to hurry up to Argus. The sooner I get to vale then the sooner i can submit my application to the academy"

Qrow dropped his head back down from chugging the remaining contents of his flask even tipping it upside down then returning his gaze back to Jaune "Huh? Yeah sure, though you'll need money for the bullhead and for a hotel room. But don't you want some nutritious stew? I was making it for dinner" Qrow said as he took out his wallet and gave the kid what looked like a golden lien card which was a 100 Lien Card.

Jaune was about to decline saying he needed to leave immediately only for his stomach to growl in response, the kid chuckles embarrassingly then agreed for the meal.

An hour had passed by after several bowls of hot creamy veggie stew then left the obviously drunken huntsman back at the campsite black out drunk given just how much the man was drinking.

Jaune found his pumpkin pete's hoodie just before he left then wore it to cover his heavily bandaged torso so as to not be hounded by people saying if he was alright or if he needed to go to the hospital.

The man continued his brisk walk which turned into a fast near run as the pain in the blonde man's body had dissipated swiftly to the point where he no longer felt it.

Jaune sees the metallic wall that surrounded the city of Argus and he sighed in relief that he finally made it, he didn't need to raise his defenses any longer nor did he have to keep his perception enhanced crimson eyes active.

The Jinchuriki reached towards the entrance where a man in a black like jumpsuit and white upper body armor and a helmet exposing his mouth was sitting up straight "Welcome to Argus sir, I just need your legal kingdom ID and 20 Lien Entrance Fee" he said automatically almost like he was a robot in human skin, Jaune gave an internal chuckle believing androids could never exist especially since they aren't that advanced.

Jaune placed his Valean Kingdom Citizens ID onto the metal tray with a golden lien card underneath it prompting the tray to retract into the building allowing the armored soldier to grab the ID and the money "Vale huh, interesting. Returning home I assume?" The soldier said as he began to tap into the dust top computer to see if the ID was legitimate.

Jaune gave a nod though not saying much because tiredness and excitement were not a good combination to have with a conversation with an unknown toll man who has the capacity to bar him from entering the city itself.

The soldier continued on then nodding at the result which the tray opened up revealing his ID once more but instead of the golden card that accompanied it, it was four red cards which were 20 Lien Cards "You're cleared sir, just follow the rules and laws of the city and we'll have no problem"

Jaune nodded again just as he grabbed his stuff then walking towards the laser closed door, it deactivated as to not fry the blonde man with an energy source, walking through with the door resealing behind him giving Jaune access to the kingdom controlled city.

Walking down the street as his sense of caution hasn't left, especially since he hasn't been around town at night when he stayed with his eldest sisters, quite obviously he didn't much care for the darkness of the night, especially not after being almost killed by the horned Nuckelavee.

Jaune continued to walk as he began to think financially as the average cross continental ride was 60 Lien and that was in coach, 120 for first class which was double the regular amount and hardly anyone with a decent job could afford a few hours of slight luxury.

Which meant he had 20 Lien left over and he needed to conserve that for a REALLY cheap hotel and some meals that can also be cheap otherwise he'd be screwed before he even got a chance to get to vale and would wish that the horned monster had really killed him.

Jaune continued to walk the streets while bypassing a couple of people who stared at him as if they didn't see him before, the gazes however didn't bother the blonde man as he didn't care for it and chose to remain focused on his overall goal.

Jaune arrived at the bullhead docks of the city after a 20 minute brisk walk to find himself walking towards a digital machine that was located next to the doors to the docks, he activated it to begin paying for a coach ticket to a bullhead ride to vale 'Ok, got the ticket but now the rest of lien I need to ration extremely carefully otherwise I may be forced to live on the streets until beacons school year starts. Though without Juubi, I'd given this pipe dream up and worked on building my own brand of coffee. Mom always thought I'd make a good barista'.

<b>"Coffee? In the mound of memories, several of my former jinchuriki seemed to heavily depend on that substance. Is it as good as they claimed it to be?" </b>The chakra demon spoke up for the past couple hours.

'Yeah, it's a good caffeine booster if you got things to do for the day and it's all natural from coffee beans. A lot better than the artificial caffeine boosters they push out to the public' Jaune thought, answering his tenant just as he grabbed the bullhead ticket coming from the machine just as he pushed in 60 Lien, he looked at the time '8:30am'.

The Blonde Man sighed in relief as he finally got his way into vale which coupled with the for sure 'reference letter' that the drunken huntsman gave him a while ago, Jaune Arc has a guaranteed entry into the top huntsmen school in the Valean Kingdom and a shot to his modified dream.

<b>"Now the next point of this journey is where will we sleep? Unless you plan to take a nap in a tree which would be a perfect time to begin the chakra exercise tree walking"</b> the demon gave its thoughts on where to sleep which it sounded like they should do the tree.

'Tree walking?' Jaune asked as he walked away from the pay machine as he kept thinking about his arrangement for the night.

<b>"Yes, one of the few exercises derived by shinobi to perfect one's control over their chakra. Hagoromo's offspring, Indra and Ashura Otsutsuki formed these control exercises that are passed down to modern day shinobi.</b>

<b>"The reason why you passed out after your fight with the horned grimm was because you were forcibly pulling chakra into your susanoo and way too much of it. If you start training yourself to pull just the right amount of chakra to maintain your Susanoo then you can keep it active for an extended time, hours perhaps even days of continuous combat.</b>

<b>"Not just combat but you can focus your mastery of chakra control to any shinobi art you desire to learn. Such as Genjutsu which requires excellent control or even Fuinjutsu which again requires excellent control but unlike other shinobi arts. You mess up with fuinjutsu then the consequences will be dire" </b>Juubi explained the full need for chakra control.

Jaune seemed to nod fully as the tree idea became appealing more and more, the thoughts of dabbling in other shinobi arts to enhance his own power base was something Jaune needed as he didn't want to be knocked out every time he fought the nuckelavee or creatures like it.

'Fine, the tree it is but I want to know all the 'Jutsu' you can teach me because if I learn more then I will have more skills to fall on if my enemy ends up being stronger than I originally anticipated' Jaune thought as he ended up at one of the few greenery parks in Argus.

He looks up and down a particularly tall tree that felt good enough to use for his first lesson of chakra control then looking around to see if people were going to watch and luckily no one was around except for him <b>"Good, now push a fixed amount of chakra onto the soles of your feet or shoes then start walking on the vertical face of the tree. However you need the right amount to walk safely and concentrate because if you use too little chakra then it won't stick or if you use too much then it will blow you off the surface. Then when I feel satisfied at any point I'll start explaining the various types of jutsu you can learn" </b>The creature explained the finer points of the exercise and added a bit of incentive to try.

Jaune nodded as he began to consciously push the energy down to his feet while trying to find a right amount, he placed his right foot onto the trees trunk to push the chakra onto it to find a perfect amount while steadily moving it, moving the amount of chakra from a little to higher as to see how much he needed to stick until he found the magic amount upon getting to the magic amount, Jaune tried to pull his feet off it but was stuck as if he was magnetically connected to it.

<b>"Hm. Interesting, you're the first to use this method. The rest were idiots and tried to run up the tree. Like Indra and Asuras' Final Reincarnation."</b> The creature exclaimed with a chuckle, watching Jaune as he slowly began to walk up the tree.

Jaune panted as he looked around while slowly walking up keeping a constant stream of chakra onto the tree because otherwise it's going to be a steep fall to the ground.

When the blonde man looked around he felt the world was on its side when he was walking further up the tree along with the fear of really getting himself banged up even more then he already was.

In a span of 10 minutes, Jaune managed to reach the top of the tree while panting slightly 'Ok, i think I got the hang of this but just walking up a tree doesn't speak of mastery so I need to keep this going until it's ingrained into my muscle memory' He thought to himself as he starts walking back down though slightly more casually as his initial fear had subsided for the meantime.

The tree walking became easier and easier to do so the amount of chakra needed started to become a side thought just as Jaune began to think of things to do when he arrived in vale especially with having 20 Lien to his name so that meant he would need to go hungry for a few days, perhaps the whole week if need be to keep the money to be used for a hotel room.

Just as Jaune started to get worried about his own living situation, he nearly slipped up as he was returning back to the top of the tree when the monstrous chakra creature spoke up.

<b>"I've grown satisfied with your performance, you have great talent in chakra manipulation much more than most. So while you continue going up and down until your chakra coils starts to strain, I'll begin to explain one of the shinobi arts you'll be undertaking"</b>

Jaune nodded at the creature which was a breath of fresh air from him thinking of the future while continuing to go up and down the trunk.

<b>"Firstly; this art is tied into your sharingan, it's called Genjutsu or known as the Art of Illusions. Genjutsu for it to be casted the user must have incredible chakra control.</b>

<b>"Genjutsu is illusion techniques so you can use Genjutsu to force an enemy or an ally to see what you desired them to see, this is the mental category and it usually expands to 75% of all known Genjutsu techniques however the other 25% is given the physical category as that particular Genjutsu can cast an illusion on the very surroundings to affect not just one person.</b>

<b>"The finer points of genjutsu that it affects the targets nervous system and chakra tunnels which is connected to the human body's five senses, also take note that the genjutsu frequently disrupts a specific portion of the brain called 'The Prosencephalon Structure' this is the The forebrain which controls the body temperature, reproductive functions, eating, sleeping, and the display of emotions."</b>

Jaune was flabbergasted that he always fell off the tree several times, that the illusionary arts were incredibly complex but at the same versatile give a more creative mind. If one was advanced enough, they could mentally cripple someone with genjutsu or perhaps even induce death.

"Woah, that's crazy…and the sharingan is better suited to cast genjutsu?" The Blonde Jinchuriki said as he slowly slumped onto a branch just as his chakra coils started to strain a bit and he felt he made enough progress for the night.

<b>"Yes, Indra Otsutsuki was naturally gifted in the Yin Release which was due to his inheritance of the sharingan itself from Hagoromo. While Asura was granted the Wood Release due to his gift in Yang Release.</b>

<b>"Anyway, off track..The Sharingan and therefore its wielder become naturally gifted because some genjutsu takes time and specific requirements. The Sharingan however only requires eyesight for it to be casted which you'll need to learn to do if you plan to shift the tides of battle into your favor"</b>

Jaune continued to listen until yawning when the lecture descended into story time on genjutsu use as well as sharingan use by Indra Otsutsuki.

Juubi stopped as he tried to get Jaune to pay attention only for the blonde kid to snore lightly causing the chakra demon to remain silent for the time 'Should've expected this, but he has had a long day and even longer days ahead. But at least he has an expert handle on tree walking. Just need to find water for him to work on water walking before I deem him capable of utilizing ninjutsu and genjutsu'

Now it was morning.

Jaune yawns as he slowly stretches as to release some tension in his muscles and chakra coils after a long night of training in chakra control while simultaneously listening to a lecture on his power from a shinobi art called Genjutsu, the art of Illusions which required good chakra control.

Juubi added a bit of side information saying that his sharingan allowed the user to be a good proficient for genjutsu so Jaune decided to mentally go over Genjutsu Theory to replace the counting sheep method to go to sleep so that way, the blonde kid gets some training in the art while also attempting to sleep.

'What time is it?' Jaune mentally asks as he jumps down from the major branch of the tall, landing on the ground with ease continuing to stretch fully.

<b>"8:05"</b> The creature said.

"Good, enough time to get to the bullhead and have a cheap meal" The Jinchuriki said as he starts making his way towards the bullhead only to blink as he sensed something in the air then looking around curiously, feeling someone was watching him so looking from behind he saw a mysterious black feathered bird on top of a building staring right down at him almost like it was watching the blonde man.

'That's weird, it's almost like it's watching me' Jaune thought to himself just as the bird flaps away towards the northern part of the city, the kid shrugs to himself then continues his trek towards the bullhead docks.

Meanwhile the mysterious bird flaps towards a tower where a strangely recognizable man with a grey shirt and a slightly tattered red cape was sitting in one of the balconies staring in a particular direction which was towards the bullhead docks.

The slightly bearded huntsman raised his steel flask to take a deep swig from it and spoke out just as the bird flaps towards him "What did I say Rae? The Kid is different from anyone in Ozzy's roster, you obviously have a better eye for talent then I do." the man said to the bird.

The bird shapeshifted into a woman with a large black mane as well as piercing red eyes equal shaded as the rogue looking huntsman.

Her outfit consisted of a red and black shirt weaved to sustain combat along with an equal shaded combat skirt, she also black stockings with black combat heels. Overall the girl looked like an equally terrifying huntress.

"Yes, one glance at that boy and he radiates power. I can see why you'd stretch your neck out and give him to Ozpin, why not take him under your wing? Or better yet point him to me and I can train him to be remnants apex predator" the woman exclaimed leaning on the wall while her gaze peered at the drunken huntsman.

Qrow seemed to swish his metallic colored drink container for a few minutes thinking about the girl's question "I looked in his eyes, trust me Rae, he's not some kid you can manipulate but someone you don't want to fight against, I saw him fight against the Nuckelavee. He made an aura construct to fight as a second layer of armor then conjured black colored water from thin air."

Rae had opened her mouth to interject the huntsman only for him to raise his left finger as to stop her just so he can continue "If I hadn't already seen the kids quite impress undercarriage then I would've immediately assumed he was the spring maiden"

Rae seemed to push her lips together to form a thin line as if she was hiding some valuable information before shaking her head along with her long mane of hair "Ok, but that doesn't explain how he has that power. So far only Ozpin, Salem and the four seasonal maidens would have the capability to do what you've described"

"Neither have I, and I've been up all night digging into any known record of a man wielding magical powers since Ozpin's time and no record of it has been recorded at all. And I can guarantee the kid is hiding something"

The Bird Girl grunted in anger before slamming her left fist onto the wall cracking it from intense physical pressure "Oh fantastic idea Qrow! You just sent a kid with power we have no record of to a man who has no morals of using child soldiers against Salem! You're going to make Ozpin think we just sent some talent he can mold into-!"

"Raven! Enough, you think I haven't already known that!? You think I want to send someone that bright and strong to a bastard like him! After what he did with Summer!?" Qrow shouted, causing Raven to flinch as the man never yelled unless it was an enemy.

Qrow Branwen groaned as he runs his left hand over his face as to calm himself "I'm sorry Rae, it's just…Salem had played her hand, Amber got attacked and half of her power was forcibly taken plus the White Fang operating in Vale is starting to get more courageous along with nearly every dust ship in Vale getting hit prompting dust sales to skyrocket. Everything happening this close to each other is too much of a coincidence to not be intentional"

Raven slowly cooled herself as while she herself often adopted the mantra of 'survival of the fittest' she never gave up her connection to her younger brother and often called him for updates on her daughter, Rae only ran away from her child was because Ozpin and his sticky fingers grasping at anything that could be of use to him.

She sighs to herself along with shaking her head "There's another reason why you snapped, spit it out already"

"You know Ruby right?" He asked looking over as he took another swig from his flask only to nearly chuckle to see an annoyed look from his elder twin.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know her considering you always drunk call me every Sunday to gloat about her progress at Signal" She asked though narrowed her eyes as she wondered what her unofficial niece had to do with oz-

Realization dawned on the bird shifter as her eyes widened to near saucer plates "Ozpin is going after Ruby for her eyes…isn't he?"

Qrow growled slightly as he gripped the flask he was holding causing it to dent slightly from his enhanced strength "Yeah…The Bastard manipulated his own rules just to get Ruby into Beacon, I swear he thinks everyone in this world is just pawns for him to use."

"Then why do you still work for him?" The older woman exclaimed, obviously unsure why her younger brother was still associated with the headmaster of Beacon Academy.

"Because Raven, Ozpin may be a manipulative bastard throughout history but he has a lot of information and a LOT of connections in Vale and the other kingdoms. So I have to keep close to him to know where he sent Summer" Qrow exclaimed just as he swiftly got up from his lounge chair.

Throughout the past ten years which a woman named Summer Rose, former leader of Team STRQ had suddenly vanished after accepting a specific mission from the mentioned headmaster however Summer Rose's was never found and yet Ozpin didn't seem all that concerned when questioned by the top huntsman of the kingdom which was Qrow.

Both Qrow and Raven fully believed that Summer disappeared rather than killed as literally nothing pointed towards her death, which had prompted Rae to focus her tribe's efforts to locate one of three people that the bird woman would proudly call friends while also digging deeper into Ozpin as well.

Taiyang wouldn't have been much help since he had two daughters to look after plus having left the headmasters inner circle long ago when he desired to start a family so the two kept an open eye and mind to any information concerning their missing team leader.

Raven sighed again as he got from the wall to lean on the railing next to her little brother "Now, this kid you asked me to look at. Are you sure he can knock Ozpin down several pegs?"

The Drunken Man gave a slight nod "Ozzy and Jimmy needs to learn that there are people in this world who're not going to sit back and get manipulated to dance their tune, I've seen the look in the boy's eye. He's far too concentrated on his goal."

"Fine, I'll take a trip to Vale to keep a closer eye on the kid…anything else unreasonable you want to ask before I return to our tribe?" The bird woman asked

"Give the boy some training, he may have the power of an aura construct and corrosive black water but at some point he's going to run out of aura. So give him some sword and stamina training so he has something to fall on" Qrow said, looking over to find the long black haired woman gone instead a black feathered raven flying in the distance.

Qrow seemed to smile at her 'Sorry that I can't tell you the reason for Jaune's strength, because I fear Ozpin may discover him far earlier than intended. And besides you'd like the kid.'

Here you go my doods! Another chapter for this story consecutively! And I apologize if this story seemed more dialogue heavy than before.

Now you're probably wondering why I went with qrow instead of raven and it's because to me, I can't tell the difference between Crows and Ravens, and any normal person who doesn't know shit about birds, like me, would mistake the two.

Also on the note on raven, while I do think she is a bitch but in this story, she's going to have a reason why she left and would be a slightly better mother than a known alcoholic.

Anyway! Show this story some love because we work hard to bring you guys content.

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