Once finished eating, the pups' eyes started closing against their will. Nate paid the bill when he noticed the second yawn in a row, and he ordered takeaway coffee for the journey. He needed to stay awake, and, as much as he wanted to talk with Lara, he didn't want her to stay awake all night after they arrived. For her, he ordered bubble tea.
Seeing her broad smile, he felt happy.
«Thank you,» she said, wrapping her fingers around the hot beverage. «It's so good after eating all those fries...»
«Yes,» Nate chuckled. «That's what I thought. But I need to stay awake, so coffee for me.»
«How do you drink it? Sweet or bitter?»
«The coffee?»
«Yes,» Lara said.
His lips curled up in front of her curiosity. It was so nice to be scrutinised by her eyes, to be asked questions about his preferences.
«If I need to be awake, I drink it bitter. But when I'm relaxing I add a little sugar.»
«Oh, is that so? How odd.»