Before Williams could stop her, she hurried towards them. Alvin sighted her from his end and followed suit to stop her, but her distance was shorter, which meant she would get to them first.
She was curious to know how far they had gone in putting things together. She was too far into this now, so she needed to know all the clues they were trying to gather. And seeing how Harvey was involved with them, she wanted to know what he had with them.
As soon as Harold saw her, he excused himself from Alicia and Harvey before looking in Alvin's direction, stopping him from trying to get to her.
Alvin was a little bit hesitant, but he bowed before turning around. At the same time, Harold met Susan halfway and stood in front of her.
"Do you trust Harvey more than me because I am related to the Queen?" Susan asked as soon as she got to him. For some reason, she could tell he didn't want her to know what they were talking about.
A girl is determined.
Thank you for the support. You all are dear to me.
I've been having a hectic day at work so it's not been easy to follow the update schedule.
Thanks for still sticking around.